Lei Xia, Hao Huang and Shuying Yu
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology,Nanjing University,22 Hankou Road, Nanjing, China 210093
Keywords: Multiple model views, access control model, security model, security framework.
Abstract: With increasing diversity and complexity of the computing environments, various security needs in one
system can no longer be met by single access control model at the same time. An operating system should
be able to enforce multiple access control models. A Multi-Model Views Security Framework is proposed,
which is able to enforce multiple access control model views in operating system flexibly.
Various security requirements are coming up with
the sharply increased diversity and complexity of the
computing environments (Rushby, 1992;
). To satisfy these security requirements, a vari-
ety of security models were proposed in last twenty
years. Currently widely-used security models in-
clude multilevel security model (BLP - Bell, 1975)
and its variants (Biba, 1977), Dion model (Dion,
1981), Domain and Type Enforcement (DTE)
(Walker, 1996; Badger, 1995), RBAC (Sandhu, 1996;
Sandhu, 1997), and etc. Each of these models aims
mainly at one or few security require- ments, such as
BLP aiming at the confidentiality assurance, Biba
aiming at integrity assurance, DTE aiming at con-
fining the information flow channels (
Rushby, 1992).
Previous operating system usually enforced only
one kind of access control model, for instance, Mul-
tics (Organick, 1972) implemented only BLP model
in it. However, as mentioned above,
the security
goals in different applications are various. These
different security requirements result in different
security models needed for them. How operating
system to support this kind of multiple security
model views needs?
As a policy neutral security model, RBAC pro-
vides a valuable level of permission abstraction.
However, using RBAC to simulate MLS or DAC
models (
Osborn, 2000) is over complex and therefore
unpractical in real-world operating system.
*This research is supported by National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China under grant 60473093.
The Multi-Model Views Security Framework
(MMVSF) is proposed. Several access control mod-
els are embodied in MMVSF, including BLP, Biba,
DTE and RBAC. These classical models can be eas-
ily enforced in MMVSF to implement multiple ac-
cess control model views in system.
The remainder is organized as follows. Section 2
formally describes the MMVSF. Section 3 gives the
examples of enforcing multiple access control model
views. And section 4 is the conclusion.
2.1 The Framework Overview
The architecture of the MMVSF is shown in figure 1.
MMVSF comprises of elements, relations and map-
pings. A user in the framework is a system user. A
role is a job function or job title within some associ-
ated authority. Subjects are active entities. Objects
are resource objects. Domain is a control access at-
tribute associated with each subject. And type is the
other control attribute associated with objects. Per-
mission is an approval of a particular mode of access
to object or interaction to subject. Security label
contains a confidentiality label and an integrity la-
There are several relations and mappings between
elements. user-role assignment relation, user-subject
relation, and subject-role mapping figure out the re-
lations between users, roles and subjects.
Xia L., Huang H. and Yu S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 98-101
DOI: 10.5220/0002126200980101
Figure 1: The MMVSF.
Permissions in system can be authorized to roles,
which are given in role-permission authorization re-
lation. Role-domain authorization relation gives the
authorized domains of each role. Each subject has
only one running domain, which is given in sub-
ject-domain mapping. Besides, each role has a secu-
rity label, and subject’s security label is determined
by its running role. Each object has a type and secu-
rity label.
The Final Permissions the subject gets are
based on three kinds of permissions correspond-
ing to that subject: MLS Permissions, Domain
Permissions, Role Permissions.
2.2 Formal Definitions
Table 1: Symbols of Elements Sets in MMVSF.
Set Name Symbol Set Name Symbol
Users U Subjects S
Objects O Domains D
Roles R Types T
z Security Labels: SL
z Access modes: M={read, write, execute, ...}.
z Domain transfer operation: transfer, denotes
subject transfer from one domain to another do-
z Permissions: CAP O×M. (o, m)AP denotes
permission to access object o in mode m.
Definition 2.2 US
U×S user-subject relation.
Many subjects can run on behalf of one user, but
each subject can only have one running user.
user: SU, mapping from subject to its
running user.user(s)=u if and only if u
(u, s) US.
Definition 2.3 UA
U×R, user-role assignment re-
lation. Each user can be assigned many roles and
each role can be assigned to many users.
UR: U2
, mapping from user to its assigned
role set: UR (u) = {r
R| (u, r)UA}.
SR: SR, subject-role mapping, from the
subject to its running role. Each subject’s run-
ning role be assigned to its running user: SR(s)
UR(user (s)).
Definition 2.4 RL: RSL, mapping from role to its
security label.
Ssl: SSL, mapping from subject to its secu-
rity label. Subject’s security label is equal to
its running role’s label: Ssl(s)=RL(SR(s)).
Definition 2.5 RD
R×D, role-domain authoriza-
tion relation, a many to many relation.
RDom: R2
, mapping from role to its au-
thorized domains set.
D|(r, d) RD}.
SDom: SD, mapping from subject to its
running domain. Subject’s running domain
must have been authorized to its running role,
which means: SDom (s)
Definition 2.6 object’s security attribute
z OT: OT, mapping from an object to its type.
z OL: OSL, from an object to its security label.
Definition 2.7 RCAP
R×CAP, role-permission
authorization relation. (r1, cap)
RCAP denotes
role r1 has the Role permission cap.
Rolecap: R2
, role’s authorized permissions
set. Rolecap(r)={cap| (r,cap) RCAP}.
Definition 2.8 Two control matrixes
z DTM: D×T2
, domain-type access control
matrix. mDTM(d, t) denotes subjects in domain
d can access objects with type t in mode p.
z DDI: D×D{Φ,{transfer}}, domain interaction
control matrix. transfer DDI(d
, d
) denotes
subjects in domain d
can transfer into domain d
Definition 2.9 Multilevel Security rule: Mls_rule:
, aMls_rule(l
, l
) implies subjects with
security label l
can access target objects or subjects
with security label l
in mode a. All of BLP and Biba
security rules are implemented in this mapping. As a
framework, the concrete implementing of this func-
tion is not given here.
2.3 Permissions
z MLS Permission: mp(s,o)={(o,p)|p MLS_rule
(Ssl(s), OL(o))}.
MLS perms
Role perms
Domain perms
Subject perms
z Domain Permission: dp(s,o)={(o,p)|p DTM
(SDom(s), OT(o)).
z Role Permission: rp(s,o)={(o,p)|(o,p) Rolecap
A subject’s Final Permissions on an object is deter-
mined as: fp(s,o)= rp(s,o)(mp(s,o)tp(s,o)).
3.1 Enforcing Multilevel Security
The way configuring MMVSF to enforce BLP
model is described as following:
(1) I={only_I}, there is only one integrity label in
system. |R|=|SL|, number of roles in the system
is the same as the number of the security labels.
Each role corresponds to one security label.
(2) D={gen_d}, T={gen_t}, only one domain and
type in system. RD={(r, gen_d)|rR}, all roles’
authorized domain is gen_d. all objects’ type is
gen_t: OT={(o, gen_t)| oO}.
(3) DTM={(d, t, p)|d D, t T, p OM}, domain
gen_d have all Domain Permissions to type
(4) Rolecap(r:R)=Φ, each role has no Role Permis-
We can use the similar way to enforce Biba model.
3.2 Enforcing DTE
(1) R={gen_r}, one role in system. UA={(u,
gen_r)|uU}, gen_r is assigned to every user.
(2) RD={(gen_r, d)|dD}, all domains in system are
authorized to the role gen_r.
(3) SL={only_sl)}, only one security label in system.
RL={(r,only_sl)|rR}. MLS_rule(only_sl, only_
sl)=M, subjects’ MLS Permissions contain all
permitted modes in the set M.
(4) Rolecap(r:R)=Φ.
3.3 Enforcing RBAC
(1) D={gen_d}, T={gen_t}, one domain and one
type in system. RD={(r, gen_d)| rR}, gen_d is
authorized to every role and all objects’ type is
gen_t, OT={(o, generic_t)| oO}.
(2) DTM(gen_d,gen_t)=Φ, subjects in domain
gen_d have no Domain Permissions to all ob-
jects in type gen_t.
(3) SL={only_sl)}, only one security label in system.
RL={(r,only_sl)|rR}. MLS_rule(only_sl, only_
sl)= Φ.
3.4 Enforcing Multi-model Views
Assume all users in system can be divided into three
groups: Grpa, Grpb and Grpc. Now we hope that
the model enforced on users in Grpa is MLS, on
Grpb is RBAC and on Grpc is DTE. The configura-
tion that enforces this multi-model views in one
system is given below.
(1) U=GrpaGrpbGrpc, three disjointed subsets.
(2) R=mls_rsrbac_rs{dte_r}. mts_rs is the roles
set corresponding to MLS model. rbac_rs cor-
responding to RBAC and dte_r to DTE.
(3) D= {mls_d}{rbac_d}dte_ds.
(4) (u,r) UA (u,r’)
UA, where u Grpa, r
mls_rs, r
mls_rs, roles in mls_rs are only per-
mitted to be assigned to users in Grpa. (u, r)
UA (u,r’)
UA, where uGrpb, r rbac_rs,
rbac_rs, roles in rbac_rs can only be as-
signed to users in Grpb. In the same way, (u,
dte_r) UA (u, r)
UA, where uGrpc, r
(5) |mls_rs|=|SL|, number of roles in set mls_rs is the
same as number of security labels in system.
Each role in mls_rs corresponds to one security
label. MLS_rule(Ssl(r),tsl)=Φ, r rbac_rs, tsl
SL, roles in rbac_rs have no MLS Permissions.
MLS_rule(Ssl(dte_r),tsl)=M, tslSL, role dte_r’s
has all of possible MLS permissions.
(6) (r,mls_d) RD (r,d)
RD, where rmls_rs,
d mls_d, roles in mls_rs are only authorized
domain mls_d. (dte_r,d) RD (r’,d)
r’dte_r, ddte_ds, all domains in dte_ds are
authorized to role dte_r. Simliarly, (r,rbac_d)
RD (r,d)
RD, where rrbac_rs, drbac_d,
roles in rbac_rs are only authorized domain
(7) (mls_d,t,m) DTM, tT, mM. DDI(mls_d, d)=
Φ, dD, subjects in domain mls_d can not trans-
fer to any other domains. Similarly, (rbac_d,
DTM, tT, mM. DDI(rbac_d,d)=Φ, dD.
(8) Rolecap(r)=Φ, rmls_rs{dte_r}. dte_r and all
roles in mls_rs have no Role Permissions.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The MMVSF security framework provides a way to
easily enforce multiple access control models in an
operating system to satisfy the diverse security re-
quirements in one system.
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