software agents in the dynamical environment
defined on the basis of the Internet model (Kotenko,
Ulanov, 2006). Aggregated system behavior is
shown in local interactions of particular agents.
There are at least three different classes of agent
teams: teams of agents-malefactors, teams of
defense agents, teams of agents-users. Agents of
different teams can be in indifference ratio,
cooperate or compete up till explicit counteraction.
Agents of attack teams are divided, at least, into
two classes: “daemons” that realize the attack and
“master” that coordinates other system components.
The class of attack is defined by the following
parameters: a packet sending intensity and an IP-
address spoofing technique (no spoofing, constant,
random, random with real IP addresses).
According to the general DDoS defense
approach suggested the defense agents are classified
into the following classes: information processing
(“sampler”); attack detection (“detector”); filtering
(“filter”); investigation (“investigator”). Samplers
collect and process network data for anomaly and
misuse detection. Detector coordinates the team and
correlates data from samplers. Filters are responsible
for traffic filtering using the rules provided by
detector. Investigator tries to defeat attack agents.
Defense team jointly implements certain
investigated defense mechanism.
Defense teams can interact using various
schemes. Moreover, a new class of defense agent –
“limiter” – is introduced. It is intended for the
implementation of cooperative DDoS defense. Its
local goal is to limit the traffic according to the team
goal. It lowers the traffic to the attack target and
allows other agents to counteract the attack more
There are three types of limiting: by the IP-
address of attack target; by the IP-addresses of
attack sources; according to the packet marking.
Detector sets limiting mode using detection data.
The main attention in cooperative mechanisms is
given to the methods of distributed filtering and
rate-limiting. These methods help to trace the attack
sources and drop the malicious traffic as far from
attack target as possible.
DefCOM (Mirkovic, etc., 2005) works in the
following way. When “Alert generator” detects the
attack it sends the attack messages to the other
agents. “Rate limiter” agents will start to limit the
traffic destined to the attack target. “Classifier”
agents will start to classify and drop the attack
packets and to mark legitimate packets.
DefCOM is simulated as follows. “Alert
generator” agent is based on “detector”, “Rate
limiter” – on “limiter” agent, agent “Classifier” – on
COSSACK (Papadopoulos, etc., 2003)
consists two main agent classes: “snort” and
“watchdog”. “Snort” (IDS) prepares the statistics on
the transmitted packets for different traffic flows; the
flows are grouped by the address prefix. If one of the
flows exceeds the given threshold then its signature
is transmitted to “watchdog”. “Watchdog” receives
traffic data from “snort” and applies the filtering
rules on the routers. Agent “snort” is based on the
agent “sampler”, “watchdog” – on the agent
“detector”. It makes the decision about attack due to
data from “snort”. Agent “filter” is used to simulate
filtering on routers.
COSSACK cooperation is in the following: when
“watchdog” detects the attack it composes the attack
signature and sends it to the other known
“watchdogs”. “Watchdogs” try to trace in their
subnets the attack agents that send attack packets;
when they detect them the countermeasures are
Proposed approach. There are used the
following four classes of defense team agents:
“samplers”, “detectors”; “filters”; “investigators”.
Agent teams are able to interact using various
cooperation schemes: no cooperation; filter-level
cooperation; sampler-level cooperation; poor
cooperation; full cooperation. The main aspect of
full cooperation is that team which network is under
attack can receive traffic data from the samplers of
other teams and apply the filtering rules on filters of
other teams.
Figure 1 shows the full cooperation defense
system configuration proposed by the authors.
Figure 1: Proposed defense system configuration.