Intelligent Semantically Enhanced and Context-ware Multimedia Browsing
Oleksiy Khriyenko
Industrial Ontologies Group, Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35(Agora), FIN-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Semantic visual interface, multimedia searching and browsing, multimedia metadata, groupware interfaces,
integrated information visualization, context-aware GUI.
Abstract: Next generation of integration systems will utilize different methods and techniques to achieve the vision of
ubiquitous knowledge: Semantic Web and Web Services, Agent Technologies and Mobility. Unlimited
interoperability and collaboration are the important things for almost all the areas of people life.
Development of a Global Understanding eNvironment (GUN) (Kaykova et al., 2005), which would support
interoperation between all the resources and exchange of shared information, is a very profit-promising and
challenging task. And as usually, a graphical user interface is one of the important parts in a process
performing. Following the new technological trends, it is time to start a stage of semantic-based context-
dependent multidimensional resource visualization and semantic metadata based browsing across resources.
With a growing ubiquity of digital media content, whose management requires suitable annotation and
systems able to use that annotation, the ability to combine continuous media data with its own multimedia
specific content description into the one source brings the idea of a true multimedia semantic web one step
closer. Thus, 4I (FOR EYE) technology (Khriyenko, 2007) is a perfect basis for elaboration of intelligent
semantically enhanced and context-aware across multimedia content browsing.
In recent years, the amount of digital multimedia
information distributed over the Web has increased
extremely because everyone can follow the
production line of digital multimedia content. The
discovery of “Web as platform”, termed in some
quarters as Web 2.0 (O’Reilly, 2005), and
innovative websites like Flickr
, Wikipedia
, Google
, Wikimapia
and Yahoo Maps
social networking.
Accordingly to Lyndon J.B. Nixon work (Nixon,
2006), as the current trends develop we expect to
experience a future Web which will be media rich,
highly interactive and user oriented. The value of
this Web will lie not only in the massive amount of
information that will be stored within it, but the
ability of Web technologies to organize, interpret
and bring this information to the user. Media
presentation is a key challenge for the emerging
media-rich Web platforms.
The challenge of enabling computer systems to
make better use of Web data by making that data
machine-processable has been taken up by the
Semantic Web effort, which proposes formal
knowledge structures to represent concepts and their
relations in a domain. These structures are known as
ontologies and the World Wide Web Consortium
has recommended two standards, the
simpler Resource Description Framework (RDF)
and the more expressive Web Ontology Language
A number of vocabularies that deal at some level
with multimedia content currently exist (Geurts et
al., 2005): MPEG-7, Dublin Core Element Set,
VRA, Media Streams, Art and Architecture
Thesaurus (AAT), MIME, CSS, Composite
Capabilities/Preference Profiles (CC/PP), PREMO,
Khriyenko O. (2007).
4I (FOR EYE) MULTIMEDIA - Intelligent Semantically Enhanced and Context-ware Multimedia Browsing.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 229-236
DOI: 10.5220/0002133102290236
Modality Theory, Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines. Of course, it is very important to
develop appropriate format for semantic annotation
of multimedia content. But, from the other hand, it is
more natural to find the way to build-in full
semantics to the digital formants of multimedia
(image, video, audio). Nowadays, production houses
shoot high-quality video in digital format;
organizations that hold multimedia content (such as
TV channels, film archives, museums, and libraries)
digitize analog material and use digital formats.
Maybe it is a time to reach all the digital media
formats with a Semantic Track, which will contain
not just content structure, but full semantic content
annotation including: content structure, concepts,
objects, actions and etc.
Considering the main aspect of the discussions
around a multimedia, Human is a main customer of
multimedia services and an end-user of a multimedia
content. With a sustainable multimedia content
growing, Human/User needs new intelligent
techniques for multimedia content browsing,
search/retrieving and adapted representation. At the
same time, the stated goal of the Semantic Web
initiative is to enable machine understanding of web
resources. However, it is not at all evident that such
machine-readable semantic information will be clear
and effective for human interpretation. Hence, in
order to effectively harness the powers of the
semantic web, it needs a “conceptual interface”
(Naeve, 2005), that is more comprehensible for
humans. Such conceptual interface can improve
multimedia content retrieving process and together
with well elaborated Semantic Track of the
multimedia resources, can provide a unique
basement for semantically enhanced across
multimedia contents browsing.
The paper contains two main sections. Section #2
is related to the aspects of a browsing process across
multimedia contents. The second section #3
describes a 4I (FOR EYE) technology based vision
to groupware collaboration approach (Khriyenko,
2007), and a multimedia resource browsing case
based on it.
2.1 Resource Semantic Track
The sub-symbolic abstraction level covers the raw
multimedia information represented in well-known
formats for video, image, audio, text, metadata, and
etc., which are typically binary formats, optimized
for compression and streaming delivery. They aren’t
well suited for further processing that uses, for
example, the internal structure or other specific
features of the media stream. A structural (symbolic)
layer on top of the binary media stream provides this
information. The standards that operate in this
middle layer for the representation of multimedia
document descriptions are: Dublin Core, MPEG-7,
Visual Resource Association, and so on. The
problem with this structural approach is that the
semantics of the information encoded in the XML
are only specified within each standard’s framework.
MPEG-7 was not built specifically for web
applications and thus does not facilitate embedding
links to other resources and interoperability between
them. A possible solution to resolve the
interoperability conflict is to add a third layer (the
logical abstraction level) that provides the semantics
for the middle one, actually defining mappings
between the structured information sources and the
domain’s formal knowledge representation based on
semantically enriched languages (RDF and OWL).
RDF-based languages and technologies provided
by the W3C community is well suited to the formal,
semantic descriptions of the terms in a multimedia
document’s annotation. A combination of the
existing standards seems to be the most promising
path for multimedia document description in the
near future. For these reasons, the W3C has started a
Multimedia Annotation on the Semantic Web Task
as part of the Semantic Web Best Practices
and Deployment Working Group. The new task
force operates within the framework of the W3C
Semantic Web Activity group
. One goal is to
provide guidelines for using Semantic Web
languages and technologies to create, store,
manipulate, interchange, and process image
metadata. Another is to study interoperability issues
between multimedia annotation standardization and
RDF- and OWL-based approaches. Hopefully, this
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
effort will provide a unified framework of good
practices for constructing interoperable multimedia
Research towards a multimedia content and
content description bounding has been going during
the last several years. Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization have developed an
open source family of technologies ANNODEX
(Pfeiffer et al., 2003) for embedding annotations and
hyperlinks directly within digital audio and video
files. Such embedding allows the combined resource
to become just like any web document which has
content and content description bound into one.
Also, the idea of a media semantic track utilizing has
been elaborated in another research (Khriyenko,
2005), which concerns issues of multimedia smart
messaging in an environment of limited devices.
Semantic annotation of multimedia content is
performed by using appropriate domain specific
ontologies that model the multimedia content
domain. Ontologies typically represent concepts by
linguistic terms. However, also multimedia
ontologies can be created, that assign multimedia
objects to concepts. At the same time with semantic
content metadata annotation, annotation of the
concepts of: people (artist, owner, restorer, author,
producer, etc.), art objects and representations
(painting, sculptures, films, digital representations,
etc.), events and activities, places, methods and
techniques, and etc., we should provide a basis for
multimedia content features to be presented in
semantic annotation also. This gives a possibility for
better automatic annotation of the multimedia
content. Further we try to specify the features of the
multimedia content that can be detected and
presented in Semantic Track.
In (Bertini et al., 2005) authors present a list of
systems of automatic semantic annotation, most of
them in the application domain of sports video.
Among these, there is an approach, where MPEG
motion vectors, playfield shape and players position
have been used with Hidden Markov Models to
detect soccer highlights. Another approach has been
aimed to detect the principal soccer highlights, such
as shot on goal, placed kick, forward launch and
turnover, from a few visual cues. Additionally, the
ball trajectory also has been used in order to detect
the main actions like touching and passing and
compute ball possession by each team; a Kalman
filter is used to check whether a detected trajectory
can be recognized as a ball trajectory. But, in all
these approaches a model based event classification
is not associated with any ontology-based
representation of the domain. However, although
linguistic terms are appropriate to distinguish event
and object categories, they are inadequate when they
must describe specific patterns of events or video
entities. In this case, high level concepts, expressed
through linguistic terms, and pattern specifications
represented instead through visual concepts, can be
both organized into new extended ontologies, that
will be referred to as pictorially enriched ontologies.
Ontologies can be extended to multimedia enriched
ontologies where concepts that cannot be expressed
in linguistic terms are represented by
prototypes/patterns of different media like video,
audio, etc.
The audio features used to characterize the sound
signal and classify the sample by instrument. The
CUICADO project (Peeters, 2003), provided a set of
72 audio features, and research has shown that some
of the features are more important in capturing the
signal characteristics: temporal shape, temporal
feature, energy features, special shape features,
harmonic features, perceptual features and MPEG-7
Low Level Audio Descriptors (spectral flatness and
crest factors).
Now we can see how many multimedia-specific
features and properties can enrich a Semantic Track
of multimedia resources.
2.2 Across Content Browsing
in a Sense of Concept based
Semantic Search
With the reference to the research (Marcos et al.,
), there are a number of important criticisms that
can be made of Classical Model of information search.
On the one hand, this model does not adequately
distinguish between the needs of a user and what a user
must specify to get it. Very often, users may not know
how to specify a good search query, even in Natural
Language terms. Analyzing what is retrieved from the
first attempt is used not so much to select useful results,
as to find out what is there to be search over. A second
important criticism of the Classical Model is that any
knowledge generated during the process of formulation
a query is not used later on in the sequence of search
process steps, to influence the filtering step and
presenting step of the search results, or to select the
results. Finally, Classical Model provides an essentially
context-free process. There is no proper way in which
knowledge of the task context and situation, and user
profile can have an influence on the information search
address these criticisms, the WIDE Model of
information retrieval (
Marcos et al., 2005) treats the
general task of information finding as a kind of design
task, and not as a kind of search specification and
4I (FOR EYE) MULTIMEDIA - Intelligent Semantically Enhanced and Context-ware Multimedia Browsing
results selection tasks. Information retrieval is
understood as a kind of design task by first recognizing
the difference between users stating needs and forming
well specified requirements, and then properly
supporting the incremental development of a complete
and consistent requirements, and the re-use of the
generated in this (sub) process to
effectively support the subsequent steps in the process
that concludes in a useful set of search results.
There are several projects that are aimed to
somehow enhance the Classical Model of
information retrieval. For example, a problem of
search query uncertainty has been faced in one of the
projects of Industrial Ontologies Group
(IOG):”Semantic Facilitators for Web Information
. The main idea of the project is that
Semantic Search Assistant/Facilitator (SSA) uses
ontologically defined knowledge (WordNet
) about
words from Google search request and provides
possibility for user to specify right meaning of the
words from available set of them. Further, based on
description of a selected word meaning, SSA uses
embedded support of advanced Google-search query
features in order to construct more efficient queries
from formal textual description of searched
information (Kaykova et al., 2004).
Thus, we can see how much work is doing in the
area of enhancement of the classical information
retrieving model by adding some new useful
features. And this gives us basis for creation of a
fully ontology-based semantic query and search
mechanisms, mechanisms, where search query is
created based on ontological concepts specification.
Together with a Resource Semantic Track, this gives
us an opportunity to perform an across multimedia
contents browsing. It is a browsing process that
includes semi-automatic multimedia content based
semantic search query creation and semantic search
processes through Semantic Tracks of multimedia
3.1 A New Human-centric Resource
Visualization Techniques - 4i (FOR
EYE) Technology
Nowadays, unlimited interoperability and
collaboration are the important things for industry,
business, education and research, health and
wellness, and other areas of people life. In an
emergency planning situation different agencies
have to collaborate and share data as well as
information about the actions they are performing.
Thus, we need an open environment to allow
different heterogeneous resources (software, data,
devices, humans, organizations, processes and etc.)
communicate and interoperate with each other. And
as usually, graphical user interface, that helps to
perform these interoperation and collaboration
processes in handy and easy for human/expert way,
is one of the important things in performing and
creation of these processes.
Following new technological trends, it is time to
start a new stage in user visual interface
development – a stage of semantic-based resource
visualization. We have a need somehow to visualize
the resource properties (in specific way, different
from “directed arc (vector) between objects”
representation), various relations between the
resources, inter-resource communication process and
etc. And even more, we have a need to make
visualization context dependent, to be able to
represent information in handy and adequate to a
certain case (context) way. Thus, the main focus will
be directed to the resource visualization aspects.
Now, we have a challenging task of semantic-based
context-dependent multidimensional resource
Regarding to the core characteristics of Web 2.0,
a website is no longer a static page to be viewed in
the browser, but is a dynamic platform upon which
users can generate their own experience. The
richness of this experience is powered by the
implicit threads of knowledge that can be derived
from the content supplied by users and how they
interact with the site. Another aspect of this Web as
platform is sites which provide users with access to
their data through well defined APIs and hence
encourage new uses of that data, e.g. through its
integration with other data sources.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Now it has become evident that we cannot
separate the visual aspects of both data
representation and graphical interface from the
interaction mechanisms that help a user to browse
and query a data set through its visual
representation. Presented in (Khriyenko, 2007)
semantic-based context-dependent multidimensional
resource visualization approach provides an
opportunity to create intelligent visual interface that
presents relevant information in more suitable and
personalized for user form. It can be considered as a
new valuable extension of text-based Semantic
MediaWiki to Context-based Visual Semantic
MediaWiki with visual context-dependent
information representation, browsing and editing.
Context-awareness and intelligence of such interface
brings a new feature that gives a possibility for user
to get not just raw data, but required integrated
information based on a specified context. 4i (FOR
EYE) is a smart ensemble of Intelligent GUI-Shell
(smart middleware for context dependent use and
combination of a variety of different MetaProviders,
depending on the user needs) and MetaProviders as
graphical interfaces that visualise filtered integrated
information (see Figure 1). GUI Shell allows user
dynamic switching between MetaProviders for more
suitable information representation depending on a
context. From other side, MetaProvider provides
API to specify information filtering context. Such
switching and filtering process is a kind of semantic
browsing based on semantic description of the
context and resource properties.
3.2 Multimedia Semantic Browsing
We have to consider another developing trend on the
Web – a growth in multimedia content.
Technological progress has meant that we have
never had access to so much media content as now.
Future challenges for the Web will be the
meaningful organization of this huge amount of
online media content as well as its meaningful
delivery to the user. However, the present state of
the art of media and Web technologies prevents
richer integration.
A multimedia semantic browsing, as a sub-class
of general resources browsing is a complex process
that combines a set of sub-processes. This process
can be performed based on presented 4i (FOR EYE)
technology. Figure 2 shows us an example of an
across multimedia contents semantic browsing
architecture. In the left center of the figure, a GUI-
Shell is presented as a combination of the tools that
take parts in the process: multimedia content player,
Semantic Track visualization component, concept
browser and semantic search query builder/creator.
GUN Platform
GUN Platform
Register of
Context-dependent retrieving
of appropriate MetaProviders
Contextual properties
GUI Shell
GUI Shell
Search context
Wind direction
Request (physical condition)
Response (fire, forest work)
Request (weather condition)
Response (wind direction)
GUN Platform
- true
Forest work
- false
(physical damage)
Figure 1: Intelligent Interface of Integrated Information (Khriyenko, 2007).
4I (FOR EYE) MULTIMEDIA - Intelligent Semantically Enhanced and Context-ware Multimedia Browsing
Let us consider an example, where user is
watching an episode of a movie with some song
(soundtrack) at the background. User likes this
song/melody and would like to find more songs of
this author (or even more complex goal – find
similar songs to the initial one). To achieve the goal,
user should browse Semantic Track of this video
instance, which contains a structure of a video file,
objects, actions, soundtracks, etc.; and find a
reference to the searched song. Then, utilising a
concept browsing tool, which is connected to remote
ontology, user can specify a semantic query for a
needed multimedia resource (in our case - a song).
Such query specification can be considered as a
creation/construction of a resource semantic pattern
(virtual nested resource with specified properties).
As a result of the search process, appropriate audio
resource will be returned and even lyrics of the song
can be displayed based on its’ Semantic Track.
But it was just a simple case of semantic
search/browsing process. Multimedia Resource
Semantic Track usually contains just a structure of
content and descriptions of multimedia content
specific features (see the sub-chapter 2.1). And
because of this, very often we can not specify direct
linking between the contents of two Semantic Tracks
of the different resources. The “glue” for these two
semantic annotations is situated in Semantic
Knowledge Bases (for example semantically-
enhanced Wikipedia or different ontologies). It can
be useful in the next example. Now we are looking
for an image of the house of the first wife of some
actor from a movie that we are watching. Firstly, we
stop the movie on a scene where this actor is
presented and, based on Semantic Track, find a link
to this person. Then we browse a semantic
knowledge base via the concept browser and find a
link to his first wife and her house. After semantic
search query generation we get the searched image
on the browser.
At the same time, approach of instance based
search via MetaProviders can be beneficially utilized
in multimedia content searching/browsing. Let us
consider a case, when we would like to see other
houses, which are located nearby the house of the
mentioned wife. We can use some MetaProvider –
Wikimapia kind of service, which provide an access
to the registered resources via showing them on a
map. If the image is registered on this
service/platform, then we easily can find other
registered images in the same area (location),
especially if final visualization will be filtered in a
context that searched resource is an image of a
Resource 1 Resource 2 Reso urce 3
Concept Browser
Semantic Search Query
Multimedia Player
Semantic Track
Wikipedia, etc.…
Figure 2: Multimedia semantic browsing.
Accordingly to the GUN approach, all the parts
of searching/browsing process presented in GUI-
Shell can be developed as separate functional
modules (resource) and can be chosen by user to
allow personalization of a browsing interface. In this
particular use case of the OntoEnvironment, with
resources of the real world (people, objects and etc.)
we face new semantically-enhanced media-file
resources. As was mentioned, these resources
contain not just internal structure in their Semantic
Tracks, but also links to other resources. Thus, with
a purpose to be competitive in the open market of
the media resources and have big rank of use,
resources should be self-maintained and all the time
should have up-to-date links in Semantic Track.
Here we see the necessity of resource proactive
behaviour. Supplied with an agent-based GUN
Platform, behaviour of the resource can be
configured in a way that gives resource a possibility
to communicate with other resources and
change/update own Semantic Track in real time (see
Figure 3).
Presented 4i technology quite fits the demands of a
new generation of integration systems. It can be very
useful, especially if we have a deal with a Human-
Computer interaction process. Now, when human
becomes a very dynamic and proactive resource of a
large integration environment with a huge amount of
different heterogeneous data, it is quite necessary to
provide a technology and tools for easy and handy
human information access and manipulation.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 3: Semantically enhanced multimedia resource infrastructure.
Presented semantic-based context-dependent
multidimensional resource visualization approach
provides an opportunity to create intelligent visual
interface that presents relevant information in more
suitable and personalized for user form. Context-
awareness and intelligence of such interface brings a
new feature that gives a possibility for user to get
not just raw data, but required information based on
a specified context.
There are already some developed domain-
oriented software applications that try to visualize
the data in domain specific and suitable for human
way (one of the most popular is graphics software
from SmartDraw®
). But it is standalone
application without any functionality for
interoperability. Subscribing to an opinion of
(Nixon, 2006), bridging the gap between the
emerging folksonomies of Web 2.0 and the formal
semantics of Semantic Web ontologies would
benefit the Semantic Web community with being
able to leverage the content and knowledge that Web
2.0 is already generating from its users and making
SmartDraw® - www.smartdraw.com
available over standardized APIs. This applies even
more in the multimedia community, where e.g.
collaborative user-contributed media annotation on a
Web scale is an attractive (compromised) solution to
the problem of extracting knowledge out of large
multimedia data stores. In recognition of this, a Web
2.0 based scenario has been chosen for SWeMPs
ontology-based multimedia presentation system (one
of the related works in this area).
With the idea of the GUN we come to the
environment where all the resources are
semantically interoperable and have own semantic
description – Resource Semantic Track. With the
growing ubiquity of digital media content, ability to
combine continuous media data with its own
multimedia specific content description into the one
source brings the idea of a true multimedia semantic
web one step closer.
Now, when environments with unlimited
interoperability and collaboration demand data and
information sharing, we need more open semantic-
based applications that are able to interoperate and
Knowledge Base
3D & 2D model
Semantic Track
GUI Shell
GUI Shell
4I (FOR EYE) MULTIMEDIA - Intelligent Semantically Enhanced and Context-ware Multimedia Browsing
collaborate with each other. Ability of the system to
perform semantically enhanced resource
search/browsing based on Resource Semantic Track
brings a valuable benefit for today Web and for the
Web of the future with unlimited amount of the
resources. Proposed technology allows creation of a
Human-centric open environment for resource
collaboration with an enhanced semantic and
context-based instance resource browsing. This is a
good basis for the different business, production,
maintenance, healthcare, social process models
creation and multimedia content management as a
one of the fastest growing area of the Web.
This research has been performed as part of
UBIWARE (“Smart Semantic Middleware for
Ubiquitous Computing”) project in Agora Center
(University of Jyvaskyla, Finland) that is funded by
TEKES and industrial consortium. Also this research
partially has been funded by COMAS, as a part of
doctoral study. I am very grateful to the members of
“Industrial Ontologies Group” for fruitful
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications