IMS Integration and Traffic Modelling
Christopher J. Reynolds, Martin J. Reed
University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, UK
Peter J. Hughes
Broadband Applications Research center, BT Group, Adastral Park, Ipswich, UK
Spatial audio, audio conferencing.
Existing monophonic multiparty VoIP conferencing applications are currently limited to supporting a single
conversation floor, with limited numbers of simultaneous speakers. We discuss the additional requirements
and benefits of delivering a spatially enhanced audio application via Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF)
filtering, which may support many conversation floors. Several network delivery architectures are presented,
including integration to the Next Generation Network (NGN) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The delivery
architectures are compared using traffic models, and implications for the scope of such an application are
Multiparty VoIP conferencing is among a range of ad-
vanced voice services to be offered by next generation
networks (NGN’s), with the IP multimedia subsys-
tem (IMS) providing native support both for media
delivery, and session management via Session Initi-
ation Protocol (SIP). We explore a proposal for the
delivery of a new headphone based VoIP multiparty
conferencing application, with Head Related Transfer
Function (HRTF)(Cheng and Wakefield, 2001) filter-
ing used to provide a spatially enhanced audio envi-
ronment. Existing monophonic conferencing systems
impose severe limits upon the participant’s ability to
naturally converse, particularly for large groups. Spa-
tialized audio conferencing allows for a much more
natural audio environment, and extends support for
larger groups by allowing overlapping speech to be
distinguished as separate perceptual streams (Breg-
man, 1994). Whilst the theoretical limit to the num-
ber of participants within a monophonic conference
may be large, users are typically limited to interact-
ing via a single conversation floor in which they align
their turns of speech, with a suggestion that the max-
imum number of simultaneous speakers be set at 3
(Venkatesha et al., 2003). As such, support for mul-
tiple conversation floors is restricted and indeed not
expected to occur, as many overlapping speakers pre-
sented monaurally are difficult to distinguish. How-
ever the addition of spatial cues can extend support
for multiple conversation floors. The ability to fo-
cus upon a particular talker in the presence of other
conversations is greatly enhanced when the sources
are spatially separated, a phenomenon well known as
the cocktail party effect (Cherry, 1953). It is known
that presenting multiple audio sources from differ-
ent spatial locations aids the perceptual organization
of sound streams (Bregman, 1994), and can enhance
memory, comprehension and intelligibility (Baldis,
2001). Conferences with spatial cues more closely re-
semble face to face meetings and conversations, and
represent a significant advance over existing mono-
phonic conferencing applications.
The audio mixing and filtering process may be
performed locally at a users terminal, or centrally via
a dedicated server, and whilst methods for mixing au-
dio using these models have been discussed (Singh
et al., 2001), spatialized audio conferences have not
yet been covered. We discuss the additional require-
ments for delivering such an application, the relative
merits of adding spatial cues, and how such an appli-
cation may be integrated within the NGN/IMS model.
We cover the limits imposed by both the psychoa-
coustic properties of such an audio environment, and
J. Reynolds C., J. Reed M. and J. Hughes P. (2007).
SPATIALIZED AUDIO CONFERENCES - IMS Integration and Traffic Modelling.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 243-248
DOI: 10.5220/0002134002430248
the network delivery architecture. Three network de-
livery architectures are then considered, Centralized,
Unicast Full Mesh, and a brief outline of a Hybrid
system. A traffic model is constructed with reference
to NGN core/access partitioning, and comparisons of
resulting traffic are made for each architecture.
Spatialized or 3D audio for virtual multiparty confer-
encing has been implemented by Kilgore et al (Kil-
gore et al., 2003), with simple manipulation of Inter
Aural Time Differences (ITD) and the Inter Aural In-
tensity Differences (IID) in accordance with duplex
theory (Cheng and Wakefield, 2001). HRTF based
systems are known to produce effective spatial repro-
duction (Crispien and Ehrenberg, 1995) (Evans et al.,
2000) and have been integrated into a conferencing
application under our development.
Using HRTF based spatial audio, a participant’s
mono voice stream may be convolved with a HRTF
to give a binaural audio stream that has temporal and
spectral effects that mimic a sound source from a
given point in space. Convolving each participant
with a different HRTF (relating to a different azimuth
and/or elevation), and then mixing the output for all
participants produces an audio space in which each
different speaker’s utterance will appear to emanate
from a different spatial location. As mentioned previ-
ously, this has many benefits for communication and
more importantly allows multiple conversation floors
to emerge through the process of schisming (Egbert,
1997), in which a large conversation floor involving
many participants may fragment into several smaller
floors. Users make use of the cocktail party effect
to ignore other conversations within the audio space,
and to align their speech turns to a conversation floor
of their choosing. As a result many floors may exist
within the space/conference. The floor control mech-
anism of limiting and choosing the number of simul-
taneous speakers is no longer required, as many par-
ticipants may speak simultaneously without masking
each other. Limits to the number of conferees are dis-
cussed later in relation to the delivery architecture.
Where the mixing and HRTF filtering is per-
formed has direct implications for both the scope of
such an audio space, and the resulting network traffic.
The next section introduces the possible architectures,
with a brief discussion on NGN partitioning.
User A
User B
Access Link
Server Mix Stream
User Stream
Core Link
Figure 1: Core/Access Network Division.
2.1 NGN and IMS: Centralized
The NGN architecture provides logical division be-
tween service functions and the underlying trans-
port technologies. The transport functions are fur-
ther divided into access and core network functions,
which perform a range of quality of service mech-
anisms including packet filtering, marking, shaping,
buffer management, scheduling and queuing (Knight-
son et al., 2005). The core transport network and its
associated control functions provide a platform to de-
liver traffic for services such as the IMS, and may
be logically separated by technology, ownership or
administrative boundaries. An IMS may be located
within a core network partition, and can provide sup-
port for media services such as audio conferencing.
An Application Server (AS) within the IMS can be
used for conference control, with SIP based session
control through call session control functions (CSCF).
In the NGN/IMS model, ASs have control over au-
dio mixing and filtering through the media resource
function controller (MRFC) that directly controls the
media resource function processor (MRFP) which is
responsible for audio processing. The AS and MRFP
may be physically separate, and thus it is the MRFP
location that is critical as the audio traffic dominates
the signalling traffic.
2.1.1 Mixing
The MRFP allows for a centralized audio conferenc-
ing model, under the control of an application server.
An outline for server based audio mixing for mono-
phonic conferencing is described in (Singh et al.,
2001), including a discussion of the decoding, jitter
buffering and mixing procedure, as well as some per-
formance statistics. Figure 2 shows the additional
filtering process within the MRFP required to pro-
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
vide a spatially enhanced audio scene for a set of 3
participants. The controllers may act upon SIP mes-
sages as users leave or join the conference, to signal
the MRFP to select the relevant HRTF and to deter-
mine the mixing configuration. The MRFP may con-
volve each stream with a different HRTF according
to some pre-defined spatial arrangement (some pre-
liminary suggestions have been made (Brungart and
Simpson, 2003)), and deliver a mix back to each par-
ticipant. As such, each participant will receive a cus-
tom mix consisting of all the other participants’ bin-
aural streams, with their own stream missing. As sug-
gested by (Singh et al., 2001) local removal of a par-
ticipant’s stream from a mix may be difficult, hence a
single (possibly multicast) stream for all participants
is not possible as the participant would hear their own
voice. As participants leave or join the conference,
the spatial arrangement may be altered by the server
by applying different HRTF’s to each stream. For ex-
ample a mix of x streams may be spatially arranged in
the frontal hemisphere with equal θ degrees of sepa-
ration. Should a participant leave, the angular separa-
tion θ may become 180/(x-1).
As mixing is performed by the MRFP, clients that
are not capable of mixing and spatializing audio such
as smart phones and PDAs, may still participate in
conferences. Each mix may then be encoded with an
arbitrary waveform codec and distributed to the ap-
propriate participant.
BR +
AL +
AR +
+ AL
SIP Interface and Logic
Send to A
Send to B
Send to
Application Server
Figure 2: Convolution and Mixing Arrangement.
2.1.2 Centralized Conference Size Limits
Whilst the audio processing is handled by a server,
thus reducing the processing load on the clients, in
practice a limit to the number of conference par-
ticipants may still be imposed. A limit may occur
due to the degree of localization performance that
allows perceptual voice streams to be spatially dis-
tinguished from each other, as the mix returned by
the MRFP presents each talker at a fixed spatial lo-
cation. Also spatialization effects such as reversals
(Begault and Wenzel, 1993) may limit the arrange-
ment of audio sources to the frontal hemisphere only
(a back to front reversal may lead to the perceptual
overlap of two speakers if another source exists in a
position mirrored in the interaural axis). Limits may
also be imposed by the MRFP processing capabili-
ties. However, network bandwidth limits should not
be restrictive as participants only ever send one audio
upstream, and receive the single audio mix from the
server downstream. A comparison of traffic estimates
is made in section 3. Next we consider an alternative
delivery model.
2.2 Unicast Full Mesh
With the unicast full mesh model, participants send a
copy of their own voice stream to every other con-
ference participant. HRTF convolution and mixing
is then performed locally at the participant’s termi-
nal. This method would be restricted to terminals
with the capabilities to filter and mix an allocated
number of streams. Since the spatial cues are added
to each stream locally, users have full control over
their own audio space. The filters may be adjusted
to allow each user to fully customize where they hear
other members of the conference. For example a user
may choose to group a number of voice streams with
whom they are not conversing to a similar azimuth
(effectively merging the multiple streams to one per-
ceptual stream), or make adjustments to the volume
of each speaker.
2.2.1 Unicast Full Mesh Conference Size Limits
In the unicast full mesh model, limits to the number of
conferees are imposed by the terminal resources and
access network technologies, rather than the percep-
tual spatial arrangement. This may be restrictive for
asymmetric technologies where upstream bandwidth
is limited.
2.3 Hybrid
With a centralized model, the spatial locations and the
mix for each user are fixed, as any changes a partic-
ipant makes to the HRTF set would be common for
the group. However, a hybrid model may be imple-
mented to give users control over their mix. We pro-
pose that the application server may respond to SIP
INFO messages sent from participants, and adjust the
users mix upon request via the Mix Controller shown
SPATIALIZED AUDIO CONFERENCES - IMS Integration and Traffic Modelling
in Figure 2. This would allow each user to control
the volume at which they hear other participants, per-
haps at a reduced level for conversation floors they are
not involved in. Traffic modelling for this architecture
may be considered equal to the centralized model, on
the assumption that SIP INFO signalling traffic may
be ignored.
This section describes a comparison of network traf-
fic generated for two suggested conference delivery
models, centralized and unicast full mesh, across a
network logically divided into core and access par-
titions. Figure 1 shows an example of the network
partitioning with an MRFP (placed at a single node)
and 3 users. Four conference group sizes were inves-
tigated with varying degrees of distribution across the
network. Each group consisted of N users, and only
one group was modelled at a time. A random core net-
work was generated using the BRITE topology gener-
ator with the AS Waxman configuration. The network
consisted of 130 nodes, based upon a hypothetical na-
tional sized NGN core, with node degree 3. Edge
bandwidths were set to infinite on the assumption of
an unconstrained capacity model. Edges were also
assumed to be of unitary cost, i.e. hop count consid-
ered more dominant in cost than distance, though for
long distance topologies this may require revision. A
fixed low bit rate voice codec rate r was set to 16kb/s
for user voice streams, whilst the MRFP return rate s
was set to 128kb/s, based upon an MPEG II layer 3
waveform codec to preserve stereo reproduction. The
MRFP was positioned such that in each scenario, the
sum of all paths between users and the MRFP was at
a minimum.
3.1 Access Network
The access network was modelled as a single link
from each user to core as shown in Figure 1. Since ac-
cess traffic is independent of how distributed the users
within the group are, the traffic is trivial to calculate
but for completeness is shown below. Unicast access
upstream traffic U
may be defined as:
= rN(N 1) (1)
Unicast downstream access traffic D
is defined as:
= rN(N 1) (2)
Access upstream traffic with application servers may
be defined by (3), whilst downstream traffic is defined
by (4)
= Nr (3)
= Ns (4)
Figure 4 shows a comparison of downstream access
traffic between the two models. Clearly at group size
9 the traffic for both models is equal, whilst traffic is
reduced using a centralized model when group sizes
grow beyond this. A significantly greater saving is
made using a centralized model when considering up-
stream traffic, as illustrated in Figure 3, as less traffic
is generated for all group sizes. This has significant
implications for asymmetric access technologies.
4 6 8 10 12
Group Size N
Traffic kb/s
Unicast FM
Figure 3: Access Upstream Traffic.
4 6 8 10 12
Group Size N
Traffic kb/s
Unicast FM
Figure 4: Access Downstream Traffic.
3.2 Core Network
Traffic generated in the core is dependent on how dis-
tributed the group of users are. To measure this dis-
tribution a value of mean hop count (MHC) was used,
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
and may be defined as follows. Let A be the set of N
users where each user is connected to one node V in
the core network G(V,E). We define the mean hop
count L between all users in A as follows:
L = 1/N
P(s,t) (5)
where P(s,t) is the length of the shortest path in G
between users s and t measured using unit length for
each edge E. Note that this does not include any ac-
cess cost.
Core traffic for unicast T may be summed as:
T = r
P(s,t) (6)
Unicast traffic and mean hop count are trivially re-
lated. However it is possible to distribute a group with
a fixed MHC (and hence fixed unicast traffic), and cal-
culate the traffic saving with an MRFP.
For each group size, 50 scenarios were simulated
each with the same MHC, and their results averaged.
The traffic generated with the centralized model was
then deducted from the Unicast model to generate a
value of traffic saving. Figure 5 shows the values for
traffic saving for each group size, with varying dis-
tributions measured by MHC. For a group size of 6
no saving is made by using the centralized model, as
indicated by the negative saving values across all dis-
tributions. For group size 8, traffic savings increase
slightly as the group spreads out, though savings are
always made for this group size. Significant savings
are made for group sizes of 10 and 12 showing an
increased traffic saving as the group becomes more
Thus for larger, more distributed groups, large
savings are made when using the centralized model.
For smaller, more concentrated distributions, audio
filtering and mixing should not be done centrally,
rather locally at the participant’s terminal. When con-
sidering the case for supporting terminals with no fil-
tering and mixing capabilities, a centralized model
is the only possible solution, though at a cost of in-
creased network traffic for small groups.
We have presented three models for the delivery
of a collaborative spatially enhanced audio space,
and outlined the necessary modifications to existing
conferencing mixing architectures to support such
an environment. This included a discussion of
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Mean Hop Count (MHC)
Traffic Saving kb/s
N = 6
N = 8
N = 10
N = 12
Figure 5: Core Traffic Saving.
changes related to floor control, in order to sup-
port many simultaneous conversation floors within a
The centralized model fits naturally within an IMS
infrastructure located within an NGN core network
partition, in order to reduce core traffic for larger
group sizes, demonstrated by a traffic modelling in-
vestigation for a randomly generated core network.
Access traffic has also been shown to drop for a cen-
tralized model, in particular upstream where access
network bandwidth for asymmetric technologies may
be restricted. The advantages of convolution and mix-
ing at the users terminal have also been discussed, a
process which allows a fully customizable audio en-
vironment for the user, and potentially larger confer-
ence sizes. Future work in this area needs to ad-
dress the modelling of multiple groups and optimal
server locations, some of which has been discussed by
(Venkatesha et al., 2005), as well as investigation into
the psychoacoustic limits for conferences with fixed
spatial locations. The limit to the maximum number
of simultaneous conversation floors, and hence simul-
taneous speakers needs to be found. This may require
an analysis of users conversing within a spatially en-
hanced environment, in order to determine how diffi-
cult they find it to communicate. However, early ex-
periments point to spatialized audio conferencing as a
highly attractive technology.
Baldis, J. (2001). Effects of spatial audio on memory,
comprehension, and preference during desktop con-
ferences. In CHI ’01: Proceedings of the SIGCHI
conference on Human factors in computing systems,
pages 166–173. ACM Press.
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications