Ioanna-Ourania Stathopoulou and George A. Tsihrintzis
Department of Informatics,University of Piraeus, Piraeus 185 34, Greece
Keywords: Face Detection, Multidimensional Signal Processing, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks.
Abstract: The rapid and successful detection and localization of human faces in images is a prerequisite to a fully
automated face image analysis system. In this paper, we present a neural network–based face detection
system which arises from the outcome of a comparative study of two neural network models of different
architecture and complexity. The fundamental difference in the construction of the two models lies in
approaching the face detection problem either by seeking a general solution based on the full-face image or
by composing the solution through the resolution of specific portions/characteristics of the face. The
proposed system is based on the brightness contrasts between specific regions of the human face. We show
that the second approach, even though more complicated, exhibits better performance in terms of detection
and false-positive rates. We tested our system with low quality face images acquired with web cameras. The
image test set includes both front and side view images of faces forming either a neutral or one of the
“smile”, “surprise”, “disgust”, “scream”, “bored-sleepy”, “angry”, and “sad” expressions. The system
achieved high face detection rates, regardless of facial expression or face view.
Automated detection of human faces is one of the
most difficult and important problems in the areas of
pattern recognition and computer vision. Images that
contain faces are instrumental in the development of
more effective and friendlier methods for human-
computer interaction. Vision-based human computer
interaction methods assume that information about a
user’s identity, state and intent can be extracted from
images, and that computers can then react
accordingly. This information can also be used in a
security control system to replace metal key,
password, plastic card, or PIN number. Moreover, it
can be used in criminology to uncover criminals.
Finally, automated face detection is important in the
area of biometric authentication, i.e., technologies
that measure and analyze human physical and
behavioural characteristics for authentication
Given an image, the goal of face detection is to
determine whether there are any faces in the image
and, if so, return the face location and extent. Such a
problem is challenging because faces are not rigid
and have a high degree of variability in size, shape,
colour and texture. Furthermore, variations in pose,
facial expression, image orientation and conditions
add to the problem.
There have been developed three main approaches to
the face detection problem, based on: (1) correlation
templates, (2) deformable templates, and (3) image
invariants, respectively. Correlation template-based
approaches compute a difference measurement
between one or more fixed target patterns and
candidate image locations and the output is
thresholded for matches. The use of deformable
templates is similar in principle to the use of
correlation templates, except that the latter are not
rigid. In this approach, we try to find mathematical
and geometrical patterns that depict particular
regions of the face, fit the template to different parts
of the images and threshold the output for matches.
Finally, in image invariant-based approaches, the
aim is to find structural features that exist even when
pose, viewpoint and lighting conditions vary, and
then use them to detect faces.
In the past, several systems have been developed
that implement the above approaches. The system
proposed by Colmenarez et al. is template-based and
attempts to encode face images into a particular
prototype (Colmenarez and Huang, 1997). Yang et
al. (Yang and Huang 1994) and Lee et al. (Lee, Ham
and Park, 1996) proposed knowledge-based systems
Stathopoulou I. and A. Tsihrintzis G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 53-58
DOI: 10.5220/0002134100530058
that encode human knowledge of what constitutes a
face. Leung et al. (Leung, Burl and Perona, 1995).
applied a local feature detector to find faces in an
image. Other systems ( Rowley et al, 1997; Rowley
et al, 1998; Yang and Huang 1994; Juell et al., 1996)
use artificial neural networks to find faces. Lin et al.
(Lin and Fan, 2001) proposed a system that searches
for potential face regions, based on the triangle that
form the eyes and the mouth. Sung et al. (Sung and
Poggio, 1994) used metrics that measure the
distance between the input image and the cluster of
faces and non-faces. Lin Huang et al. (Huang and
Shimizu, 2006) designed three detection experts
which employ different feature representation
schemes of local image and then use a polynomial
neural network to determine whether or not there is a
face in an image. Castrillon et al. (Castrillon et al.,
2007) developed a system for real time detection of
faces in video sequences by means of cue
combination. S. Phimoltares et al. (Phimoltares,
Lursinsap and Chamnongthai, 2007) developed a
two-stage system, which first detects the faces from
an original image by using Canny edge detection
and their proposed average face templates and then
uses a neural visual model (NVM) to recognize all
possibilities of facial feature positions. Kadoury and
Levine (Kadoury and Levine, 2007) proposed a
novel technique which uses locally linear embedding
(LLE) to determine a locally linear fit so that each
data point can be represented by a linear
combination of its closest neighbors and use this
representation to train Support Vector Machines that
detect faces.
Most of the aforementioned methods limit
themselves to dealing with human faces in front
view. There are several drawbacks in these
approaches, such as: (1) They cannot detect a face,
which is smaller than 50 * 50 pixels. (2) They
cannot detect many faces (more than 3 faces) in
complex backgrounds. (3) They cannot detect faces
when we have images with defocus and noise
problems. (4) They cannot all address the problem of
partial occlusion of mouth or wearing sunglasses. (5)
It is not easy to detect faces in side view. Although
there are some researches that can solve two or three
of these problems, there is still no system that can
solve all of them.
In this paper, a new and efficient human face
detection system is proposed that combines artificial
neural networks and image invariants approaches.
Specifically, in Section 2, we present our face
detection algorithm. In Section 3, we discuss the
structures of two neural networks, which have
different performances. In Section 4, we present the
face image data acquisition geometry and evaluate
the performance of the two networks. Finally, we
draw conclusion in Section 5 and point to future
work in Section 6.
Our system uses face detection algorithms which fall
within the third approach mentioned above.
Specifically, we define certain image invariants and
use them to detect faces by feeding them into an
artificial neural network. These image invariants
were found based on Sinha’s (Sinha, P.; Yang and
Ahuja, 2003) 14-by-16 pixel ratio template,
summarized next.
2.1 The Sinha Template
The method proposed by P. Sinha (Sinha, P.; Yang
and Ahuja, 2003) combines template matching and
image invariant approaches. P. Sinha aimed at
finding a model that would satisfactorily represent
some basic relationships between the regions of a
human face. More specifically, he found out that,
while variations in illumination change the
individual brightness of different parts of faces (such
as eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead), the relative
brightness of these parts remains unchanged. This
relative brightness between facial parts is captured
by an appropriate set of pairwise brighter - darker
relationships between sub-regions of the face.
Figure 1: The Sinha Template.
The Sinha template is shown in Figure 1, where we
observe 23 pair-wise relationships represented by
arrows. The darker and brighter parts of the face are
represented by darker and brighter shades of grey,
Our proposed face detection algorithm is built on
this model. We pre-process a candidate image in
order to enhance the relationships in the Sinha
template and then feed the image into an artificial
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
neural network to determine whether or not there is a
face in the image.
2.2 The Algorithm
The main goal is to find the regions of the candidate
image that contain human faces. Our system uses
Artificial Neural Networks and operates in two
modes: training the neural network and using it to
detect faces in an image.
To train the neural network, we used a set of 285
images of faces and non-faces. We tried to find
images of non-faces that are similar to human faces,
so some of the non-face images contained dog,
monkey and other animal “faces”. These images
where gathered from sources of the World Wide
Web (Gender Classification (Databases)) and pre-
processed before entered into the neural network.
To detect faces in a candidate image we apply a
window, which scans the entire image, and pre-
process each image region, the same way we pre-
processed the images of the training set.
Specifically, our algorithm works as follows:
1. We load the candidate image. It can be any 3-
dimensional (color) image
2. We scan through the entire image with a 35-by-
35 pixel window. The image region defined by
the window constitutes the “window pattern”
for our system, which will be tested to
determine whether it contains a face. We
increase the size of the window gradually, so as
to cover all the possible sizes of a face in a
candidate image.
3. We pre-process the “window pattern”:
3.1. We apply Histogram Equalization
techniques to enhance the contrast within
the “window pattern”.
3.2. We compute the eigenvectors of the image
using the Principal Component Analysis
and the Nystrom Algorithm ((Fowlkes,
Belongie and Malik; Belongie, 2000; Shi
and Malik, 2000; Image Segmentation
using the Nystrom Method) to compute the
normalized cuts.
3.3. We compute three clusters of the image
using the k-means algorithm and color
each cluster with the average color.
3.4. We convert the image from colored to
grayscale (2D).
4. We resize the processed image into a dimension
of 20-by-20 pixels and use it as input to the
artificial neural network, which we present in
the next section.
To classify window patterns as “faces” or “non-
faces”, we developed two different artificial neural
networks, which are presented next.
3.1 The First Artificial Neural Network
This network takes as input the entire window
pattern and produces a two-dimensional vector
output. The network consists of three hidden layers
of thirty, ten and two neurons respectively, as in
Figure 2. Its input (“window pattern”) has dimension
of 20-by-20 pixels. The neural network classifies the
window pattern as “face” or “non-face”. The output
vector is of dimension 2-by-1 and equals to [1;0] if
the window pattern represents a face or [0;1], else
Figure 2: The First ANN’s Structure.
3.2 The Second Artificial Neural
The second neural network has four hidden layers
with one, four, four and two neurons, respectively. It
is fed with the following input data: (1) the entire
“window pattern” (20-by-20 pixels), (2) four parts of
the “window pattern”, each 10-by-10 pixels and (3)
another four parts of the “window pattern”, 5-by-20
pixels. Each of the three types of inputs is fed into
different hidden layers of the network. The first,
second, and third sets of inputs are fed into the first,
second, and third hidden layer, respectively, while
the output vector is the same as for the first network.
Clearly, the first network consists of fewer hidden
layers with more neurons and requires less input
data compared to the second.
Figure 3: The Second ANN’s Structure.
4.1 Test Data Acquisition
The test image data were acquired with a three-
camera system, as in Figure 4. Specifically, three
identical cameras of 320-by-240 pixel resolution
were placed with their optical axes on the same
horizontal plane and successively separated by 30-
degree angles. Subjects were asked to form facial
expressions, which were photographed by the three
cameras simultaneously.
Figure 4: The geometry of the data acquisition setup.
The final dataset consisted of 250 different subjects,
each forming the eight expressions: “neutral”,
“smile”, “sad”, “surprise”, “angry”, “disgust”,
“scream” and “bored-sleepy”. Typical example
images are shown in Table 3.
4.2 Performance Evaluation
To train the system networks, we used a common
training set of 285 face and non-face images of
relatively high quality. During the training process,
the first and second networks reached an error rate
of 10
and 10
, respectively.
We required that, for both networks, the output
vector value be close to [1;0] when the window
pattern represented a face and [0;1] otherwise. This
means that the output vector corresponds to the
degree of membership of the image in one of the two
clusters: “face-image” and “non-face-image”.
We tested the two networks with average quality
face images first. Some results of the two neural
networks can be seen in Table 1. The first network,
even though it consisted of more neurons than the
second one, did not detect faces in the images to a
satisfactory degree, as did the second network. On
the other hand, the execution speeds of two networks
are comparable. Therefore, the second network was
found superior in detecting faces in images and was
decided to be used in our system.
Table 1: Results of the two neural networks for various
Input image
[ 1 ; 0 ]
[ 0 ; 1 ]
[ 0 ; 1 ]
[ 0 ; 1 ]
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
4.3 Evaluation on Low Quality face
The aim of this evaluation was to examine whether
the neural network was able to generalize
satisfactorily with low quality face images and/or
with the subject forming facial expressions and/or
images acquired in side view. For this purpose, we
tested our face detection system with 535 of the face
images acquired with the three-camera system in
Section 4. The dataset included a random selection
of images in front and side view and images
acquired from subjects forming one of the eight
expressions: “neutral”, “smile”, “sad”, “surprise”,
“angry”, “disgust”, “scream” and “bored-sleepy”.
Table 2: Face detection results for male and female face
Face Detection Results
Face no
115 90 56,09%
275 55 83,33%
390 145
The system managed to detect face with 72,89%
success rate. Errors (misses) occurred mostly
because of overly bright illumination conditions
which did not allow the extraction of facial features
during k-means clustering.
Table 3: Application of the proposed algorithm on low
quality images.
It was also observed that the detection of female
faces was more difficult than the detection of male
faces, possibly because facial features in female
faces are not as tense as those in male faces. The
results from these two groups are summarized in
Table 2.
Some typical results of the face detection system are
depicted in Tables 3 and 4. In Table 3, we show
some results of applying the Face Detection
Algorithm on the low quality web camera face
images. In Table 4, we show the results of applying
the algorithm to more complex images containing
several rotated and partially occluded faces.
Table 4: Application of the proposed algorithm on two
In this work, we presented a neural network-based
face detection system and tested it on low quality
images acquired with a web camera set up. Although
the neural network had been trained with a set of
higher (digital camera) quality of images, it was able
to generalize and detected the faces in images at a
satisfactory rate. Occasionally, errors (e.g., failure to
detect all faces in an image) occurred, especially
with faces whose characteristics were not so clear.
However, the system performance is expected to
improve by widening the training set of the network.
Original Image
We plan to extend our work in the following three
directions: (1) We will improve our system by
retraining the neural network with a set that covers a
wider range of poses and cases of low quality
images. (2) We will examine face localization
techniques localization to make the face detection
task more rapid (3) Wee will integrate this system
with a fully automated facial expression
classification system, which we currently
Support for this work was provided by the General
Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greek
Ministry of Development, under the auspices of the
PENED-2003 basic research program.
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications