posed(U. J. Kapasi and Owens, 2003)-(Y. W. Huang
and Chen, 2005). However, to fulfill the full coding
efficiency of the H.264/AVC, CPU with hardware ac-
celerator or an ASIC solution are considered as the
reasonable solution for real-time applications espe-
cially for those HDTV resolution implementations.
There are some architectures(Y. Song and Ikenaga,
2006)-(Y. W. Huang and Chen, 2003) proposed to de-
crease the computation complexity with parallel pro-
cessing method. However, all of these proposals so
far are concerning the mode selection for INTRA and
INTER macroblocks. For example, Chen’s architec-
ture(Y. W. Huang and Chen, 2005), Huang’s architec-
ture(Y. W. Huang and Chen, 2003) for INTRA frame
and Song’s architecture (Y. Song and Ikenaga, 2006)
for motion estimation are designed individually with-
out consideration of the RDO. From the viewpoint of
the system implementation of H.264/AVC the mode
selection for INTRA and INTER macroblocks, the In-
teger DCT transform, Quantization and CAVLC cod-
ing are not able to be considered separately.
In this paper, we firstly construct a new concept of
the motion compensation with some coding tools em-
bedded to achieve high performance hardware imple-
mentation for high resolution applications. Then an
efficient total architecture with RDO implementation
will be proposed. After the discussion on the architec-
ture the details of the proposed MC architecture will
be described. Section 2 introduces the concept and
the scope of the proposed motion compensation and
the proposed RDO architecture. In section 3 the pro-
posed architecture of MC is outlined with several sub-
sections to discuss the proposed INTRA mode selec-
tion methods and the detail of proposed architecture.
In section 4 the implementation results are shown and
in section 5 the conclusion remarks are addressed.
To fulfill the efficient architecture of motion compen-
sation we expend the concept of motion compensation
which make it not only include half and quarter con-
cise compensation but also include deblocking filter,
INTRA mode selection and a RDO calculation func-
tion. Fig. 1 shows the proposed total codec architec-
ture to perform MB-based pipeline real-time encod-
As shown in Fig. 1, there are INTRA mode opti-
mization loop and INTER mode optimization loop in-
dividually. For INTER macroblock the process start
from the motion estimation process. After calculat-
ing each mode the ME(Motion Estimation) module
Figure 1: The concept of proposed architecture.
generates motion vector and the interpolation data
for the sub-pixel motion compensation, then the dis-
tortion is calculated by the following local decode
process which includes the MC-(Motion Compensa-
tion differential), DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform),
Q(Quantization), IQ(Inverse Quantization) and the
MC+(Motion Compensation construction) process.
Together with the generated bits information the RDO
module could calculate the coding cost for this mode.
After repeating this process for each mode, the best
coding mode will be selected. On the other hand,
for the INTRA mode selection loop, it starts from
the calculation of the distortion for each I16x16 and
I4x4 mode by the same local decoding process. The
generated bits information which is generated by the
VLC(Variable Length Coding) is also sent to the RDO
module to select the best mode for all INTRA modes.
In the end the coding cost is compared with the best
mode for INTRA and INTER mode to decide the final
mode for one macroblock. After the mode selection
and the motion compensation process, the deblocking
filter process is performed. This proposed architec-
ture extremely balances the ME and the RDO pro-
cess at the computation complexity. In this paper, our
design interest emphasizes on the design of an effi-
cient MC(Motion Compensation) module to realize
high performance coding.
MC is one of the important processes in the MB
pipelined codec. Carefully considering the coopera-
tion with the ME and the DQ modules, we proposed
an efficient MC architecture. Fig. 2 shows the details
of the proposed architecture.
As described in the Fig. 2, proposed architecture
consists of a arithmetic logic unit(ALU), a register
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications