1 for the halfband filter to satisfy these
specifications. Chosen parameters of the CIC filter
are R=1, M=10 and L=5. The halfband filter used in
this design example is also the typical one as in the
previous example. The combined frequency
response of the CIC and halfband section is shown
in Fig. 5. Fig. 5 shows that the passband ripple and
stopband attenuation of the CIC and halfband filter
are 2.94dB and 57.86dB, respectively.
Since the weak points of the stopband attenuation
=0.075 and
=0.125, parameter I of the
IFOP is determined with 5. Adjusting the value of
q , zeros
are placed in
=0.075 and
CIC + HBF 2.94 57.86
CIC+IFOP+HBF 0.289 71.27
Figure 5: Frequency response improved by proposed IFOP
in the design example 2.
We then adjust
q to minimize the passband ripple.
Overall improved passband ripple and stopband
attenuation are 0.289dB and 71.27dB, respectively,
as shown in Fig. 5. System function of the IFOP in
this example is expressed as:
+−−−= zzzzzP
We propose a DFDC structure that can improve the
passband ripple and aliasing band attenuation
simultaneously. By adjusting the zero position of the
two polynomials repeatedly, the overall frequency
response in the passband and aliasing band is
improved, and the coefficients of the IFOP can be
obtained. The implementation cost of the structure is
competitive. Since the proposed DFDC satisfies
linear phase characteristics and needs only three
more multiplications, it can be widely used in
IF(Intermediate Frequency) blocks of the high-speed
communication systems.
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