database watermarking model by working around
these two limitations.
The watermarking scheme proposed by Agrawal and
Kiernan is irreversible, resulting in problems during
owner identification in case of additive or secondary
watermarking attacks. Our modified scheme is re-
versible and thus the rightful owner can be identified
from n candidates. The major advantages of our pro-
posed scheme are 1)It provides query preservation, 2)
It identifies rightful owner if relation is watermarked
by multiple parties, and 3) It facilitates reversibility.
The current model requires modified bits to be
stored at a secondary location (
E T ). Our future re-
search is directed towards eliminating this require-
ment and formulate a reversible blind watermarking
scheme. The second enhancement is watermarking
relations that do not contain a primary key. Concate-
nated attributes in a tuple can act as a primary key
in such cases. However, the possibility of duplicate
attributes makes identification of marked tuples diffi-
cult. One possibility is to treat tuples with duplicate
attributes as a single tuple.
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