Liana Stanescu, Dumitru Burdescu, Marius Brezovan and Cosmin Stoica
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Romania
Keywords: Database management system, content-based visual query, color and texture features, medical data.
Abstract: The paper presents a relational multimedia database management system for managing visual and
alphanumerical information from the medical domain. The MMDBMS offers numerical and char data types
for alphanumerical information, and Image data type used for storing in an original manner the visual
information. An Image data type stores the image in a binary manner, its type, its dimensions and
information about color and texture that are automatically extracted. This information will be used for
content-based visual query process. The color information is represented by the color histogram quantified
to 166 colors in the HSV color space. The texture information is represented by a vector with 12 values
resulted from the method that uses Gabor filters for texture detection. This DBMS brings up as an element
of originality the visual interface for building content-based image query using color and texture
characteristics and a modified Select command. This MMDBMS, implemented using Java technologies is
platform independent and can be easily used by the medical personnel.
It is a fact that the number of images produced and
used in the medical domain is exponentially
increasing due to its development. More than 10,000
images are produced daily in large hospitals. It is
considered that images from cardiology area are the
most numerous, closely followed by the endoscope
images. The use at large scale of the DICOM
standard for image communication allows medical
equipment to create a file containing both
information about a patient (name, diagnostic,
consultation data, doctor’s name etc) and one or
many images (Muller et al, 2004, Muller et al,
That is why managing and querying these large
collections of images and alphanumerical
information are difficult tasks. The most efficient
way for solving these problems is to have a
multimedia database management system with the
following characteristics (Kalipsiz, 2000,
Khoshafian and Baker, 1996, Lu, 1999):
support for multimedia data types;
possibility to manage a large number of
multimedia objects;
hierarchical storage management;
conventional database capabilities;
possibility to retrieve multimedia information.
Concerning the last characteristic, multimedia
data (including visual information) need access
methods much more complex that the simple text
based query, or exact matching queries. The content
based query takes into consideration attributes or
characteristics extracted from multimedia
information. The technique applied for images is
called content-based visual retrieval and was
intensely studied after 1990 (Kalipsiz, 2000,
Khoshafian and Baker, 1996). The easiest way for
implementation the content-based visual query is
using primitive characteristics as color and texture
(Del Bimbo, 2001, Faloutsos, 2005, Smith, 1997).
The directions where content based retrieval is
needed in medical multimedia databases were fully
specified. They are (Muller at al, 2004, Muller et al,
2005): diagnostic aid, medical teaching and medical
In order to manage content based retrieval for
medical image collections a series of applications
that use traditional DBMS (MS SQL Server, My
SQL, Interbase) have been implemented. The
complete solution is provided by Oracle - the Oracle
10g database server and Intermedia tool can manage
all kind of multimedia data, including DICOM files.
This kind of solution involves high costs for buying
the database server and for designing and
Stanescu L., Burdescu D., Brezovan M. and Stoica C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 361-364
DOI: 10.5220/0002137203610364
implementing complex applications for content
based query (Chigrik, 2007, Kratochvil, 2005,
Oracle, 2005).
This paper presents a DBMS based on the
relational model, which is less expensive. The
DBMS is platform independent and can easily
manage medium sized image collections and
alphanumerical information from the medical
domain. It has a visual interface for building content
based retrieval using color and texture
characteristics and can be easily used by any person
working in this area, even if he does not have
advanced knowledge in using the computer.
In this section it is described how the information is
organized in the DBMS.
For each database a new folder is created with
the same name as the name provided by the user.
This folder is in the Database folder which is also
created in the application main folder when the
software is installed. Each table in the database is
represented by a file with “.tbl” extension stored in
corresponding database folder. The file has two
A header – is created in the design phase
Data area – is updated when executing
traditional operations of Insert, Update and
The header structure is made of:
- the number of records in table header (in the
header there will be a record for each column in
table, a record for primary key, and a record for each
external key defined in the table).
- the size of each record from the header (a
header record has information about a column of the
table: name, type, length – in case of char strings; it
can also store information about primary or foreign
- the header records.
The DBMS has three types of data: int, char
(fixed length strings) and image.
For the Image data type, in the data area the
following attributes are stored:
Image type (bmp, jpg or gif);
Image height and width
Number of bytes needed to store the image
The image in binary;
166 integer values, representing the color
12 integer values, representing texture vector.
A series of methods frequently used in the
medical domain are also implemented for the Image
data type: rotating, zooming, pseudo-colors, the
similarity distance between two images, a thumbnail
representation, etc. The Image data type is in
compliance with the SQL/MM standard (SQLMM,
There are described below the methods used for
extracting color and texture information from an
image and the reason why they where chosen.
The color is the visual feature that is
immediately perceived on an image. The color space
used for representing color information in an image
has a great importance in content-based image
query, so this direction of research was intensely
studied (Del Bimbo, 2001).
There is no color system that it is universally
used, because the notion of color can be modeled
and interpreted in different ways (Gevers, 2004).
There were created several color spaces, for
different purposes (Gevers, 2004). The color
systems were studied taking into consideration
different criteria imposed by content-based visual
query (Gevers and Smeulders, 1999): the
independence of the imaging device; perceptual
uniformity; linear transformation; intuitive for user;
robust against imaging conditions (invariant to a
change in viewing direction, invariant to a change in
object geometry, invariant to a change in direction
and intensity of the illumination and invariant to a
change in the spectral power distribution of the
It was proved that the HSV color system has the
following properties (Gevers, 2004): it is close to the
human perception of colors; it is intuitive; it is
invariant to illumination intensity and camera
direction. The studies made on nature and medical
images have shown that in the case of the HSV,
RGB, l1l2l3 and CieLuv color systems, the HSV
color space produces the best results in content
based retrieval (Gevers and Smeulders, 1999,
Gevers, 2004, Smith, 1997, Stanescu et al, 2006).
The operation of color system quantization is
needed in order to reduce the number of colors used
in content-based visual query. The quantization of
the HSV color space to 166 colors, solution
proposed by J.R. Smith, is the idea used in this
MMDBMS (Smith, 1997), having as result the color
histogram which is memorized together with the
image in the data area of the file.
Together with color, texture is a powerful
characteristic of an image, existent in nature and
medical images, where a disease can be indicated by
changes in the color and texture of a tissue. A series
of methods have been studied to extract texture
features (Del Bimbo, 2001), but there is not a certain
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
method that can be considered the most appropriate,
this depending on the application and the type of
images taken into account.
Among the most representative methods of
texture detection is the one that uses Gabor filters.
This is why it is used in this MMDBMS for
determining the texture vector.
Starting from the representation of the HSV
color space, the color can be represented in complex
(Palm et al, 2000, Zhang et al, 2000).
The affix of any point from the cone base can be
computed as:
= S (cos H + i sin H)
Therefore, the saturation is interpreted as the
magnitude and the hue as the phase of the complex
value b; the value channel is not included. The
advantages of this representation of complex color
are: the simplicity due to the fact that the color is
now a scalar and not a vector and the combination
between channels is done before filtering.
So, the color can be represented in complex
(Palm et al, 2000, Zhang et al, 2000):
ey)S(x,y)b(x, =
The computation of the Gabor characteristics for
the image represented in the HS-complex space is
similar to the one for the monochromatic Gabor
characteristics, because the combination of color
channels is done before filtering:
The Gabor characteristics vector is created using
the value
computed for 3 scales and 4
f = (C
, C
, … C
These 12 characteristics are also stored in the
Image type field.
The presented multimedia database management
system offers the possibility to build the content-
based visual query, in an easy manner, at the image
level. The elements of the window which permit
content-based retrieval are:
Similar With – opens the window for choosing
the query image
Select – permits to choose the field (or fields)
that will be presented in the results of the
From – it is one of the tables in database, that
will be used for the query
Where – the image type column used for
content-based image query
Features – it is chosen the characteristic used
for content based visual query – color, texture
or a combination of them
Threshold – it is chosen a threshold of
accepted similarity between query image and
target image. An image with a similarity under
that threshold will not be added into the
resulted query images
Maximum images – specify the maximum
number of images returned by the query
The similarity between the texture characteristics
of the query image Q and the target image T is
defined by the metric (Palm et al, 2000, Zhang et al,
The intersection of the histograms is used for
computing the similarity between the query image Q
and the target image T for color feature (Smith,
1997). If both distances are used in the query, the
total distance is arithmetical average between the
When building the query, it is actually built a
modified SQL Select command, adapted for content-
based image query. This command has the following
Select patients.diagnosis, patients.img
From Patients where Patients.img
Similar with Query Image (method:
color, max.images 5)
This modified Select command specifies that the
results are obtained from Patients table, taking into
consideration the values from diagnosis field, the
images similar with the query image for color
characteristic, and there will be 5 resulting images.
In the resulting set it is also presented the distance of
the dissimilarity between query image and target
image. In fact this modified command is very
suggestive for the users (medical personnel).
The MMDBMS was tested using a system with the
following characteristics: AMD Athlon 3000+
processor, 1 GB RAM Memory, 2x150Gb RAID
HDD, Windows XP Professional operating system.
Some of the preliminary results are presented in
table 1. In this phase it was measured the time for
)(d ,),( T)(Q,D
ffwhereTQd ==
displaying records (there is only one field of Image
type in the records), and the execution time of the
content-based visual query taking into consideration
the color feature, the texture feature and their
combination. The execution time for these three
types of queries is good. The time necessary to
display all the records is higher, because the kernel
must display the binary image and all attached
information. One of the solutions that can be used in
order to reduce the time needed for displaying the
images, is to organize the display function in pages
(for example 100 records on each page). The
indexing solutions that will be implemented will
improve significantly the presented values.
Table 1: The experimental results.
time -colo
time -
time -
100 4.516 0.350 0.328 0.450
1000 15.281 0.891 0.750 1.225
10000 25.563 1.500 1.480 2.673
20000 73.042 4.750 4.515 8.428
The paper presents a database management system
for managing and querying visual information from
an important domain - the medical one. To
efficiently manage the images, the Image data type
is used. It stores, in an original manner, both the
image and the visual characteristics that are
automatically extracted from it (color and texture
vectors). The HSV color space, quantified to 166
colors is used for representing color information. For
detecting texture the method based on Gabor filters
is used.
The functions of the MMDBMS are:
creating/deleting databases and tables, creating
constrains (primary key, referential integrity), text
based querying and content-based visual querying
using two characteristics (color and texture). The
MMDBMS implements a new type of Select
command, adapted for this complex type of
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications