Figure 7: System Performance vs Output-Bandwidth.
Analyzing the figure 7, DynaPeer approaches
have different behaviors. DynaPeer Multicast first
decreases in server-load; when peer output-
bandwidth is over 600 Kbps, it begins to lose
performance and so the server-load increases. This is
caused by the extended buffer definition, which
means higher output-bandwidth creating a lower
extended buffer capacity, and consequently resulting
in lower performance. In this case, better results are
achieved when a tradeoff between extended Buffer
capacity and output bandwidth is employed.
On the other hand, DynaPeer Chaining keeps
alleviating server-load due to helpers’ utilization.
This fact can be possible due the creation of chains
of helpers that can provide a collaboration window
as big as necessary for collaboration. We can infer
that DynaPeer Chaining provides extra capabilities
to adapt P2PVoDSpread system to a heterogeneous
environment. Furthermore, it can take advantage of
additional peer resources (i.e. output bandwidth),
when they are available, to enhance scalability and
Our concern in this paper is a new VoD system
based on a P2P paradigm and multicast
communication for Internet VoD services. Instead of
independent collaborations between server and
client, the proposed DynaPeer and DynaPeer
Chaining delivery policies synchronize a group of
clients for collaboration to attend new requests,
reducing server-resource requirements.
The experimental study with analytical models
shows that DynaPeer policies improve VoD system
capacity and decrease the server-load, taking major
advantage of client resources to decentralize the
delivery process. Experimental results have shown
that DynaPeer performance depends directly on the
number of available collaborators and their
resources. DynaPeer Chaining can make use of idle
peers to improve system efficiency, even when
extreme conditions (low request rate or limited peer
resources) are considered. Furthermore, it can take
advantage of additional peer resources, to enhance
P2PVoDSpread scalability and performance in an
heterogeneous environment.
We are extending DynaPeer system, analyzing
the impact of dynamic behavior of Internet on our
delivery schemes. We are focused on scheduling and
peer selection policies capable to itself to a
heterogeneous environment. Second, we are working
on a dynamic and distributed control mechanism to
provide fault-tolerance functionality. All these
characteristics will be considered in future work,
using simulation tools and a real prototype.
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