Li Weng and Bart Preneel
Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Encryption, Authentication, DC coefficient, DCT.
When encryption and authentication techniques are applied to image or video data, sometimes it is advanta-
geous to limit the operation to the DC DCT coefficient of each 8 × 8 block in a picture. In this work, the
performance of such an approach is evaluated. This problem is considered as an image quality problem,
and the metric structural similarity is used to show that by authenticating the DC coefficient, about 60% of
the information can be guaranteed; by encrypting the DC coefficient, about 80% of the information can be
With the increasing awareness of security in multime-
dia applications, conventional encryption and authen-
tication techniques are also being adopted to protect
multimedia data. The former guarantees that the data
is not accessible to any unauthorized party; the latter
guarantees data integrity, and sometimes also verifies
the source (Stallings, 2006). In spite of their different
purposes, when confronted with the huge amount of
multimedia data, especially for video, they both suf-
fer from significant computation complexity. For ex-
ample, current High Definition TV systems have data
rates up to 10s of Mbps for a single channel. Such
high data rates can already make significant burden
for video servers. With the extra requirement of en-
cryption and authentication, the overall design of a
video transmission system becomes even more com-
This work was supported in part by the Concerted Re-
search Action (GOA) Ambiorics 2005/11 of the Flemish
Government and by the IAP Programme P6/26 BCRYPT
of the Belgian State (Belgian Science Policy). The
first author was supported by the IBBT-VIN project,
which was co-funded by IBBT (Interdisciplinary Institute
for BroadBand Technology), a research institute founded
by the Flemish Government in 2004, and the involved
companies and institutions (Philips, IPGlobalnet, Vital-
sys, Landsbond onafhankelijke ziekenfondsen, UZ-Gent).
plicated. Therefore, reducing processing overhead is
an essential concern for these applications.
Among various video or image encryption and au-
thentication solutions, those that operate in the dis-
crete cosine transform (DCT) domain seem to show
practical interest, e.g., (Lin and Chang, 2001; Zeng
and Lei, 2003), because currently the most popular
video or image standards, such as MPEG-1/2/4 and
JPEG, all store visual information in the DCT do-
main. If encryption or authentication is directly ap-
plied to data in the DCT domain without going back
to the spatial domain, computation for the inverse
DCT can be saved. Therefore, the DCT domain is
favored by both encryption and authentication.
However, it is not always feasible to process all
the data in the DCT domain. In some scenarios, only
part of the DCT coefficients are encrypted or authen-
ticated, e.g., (Weng et al., 2006; Sun et al., 2006).
This might be due to low processing power or real-
time constraints, as well as other particular require-
ments. As a result, there is a typical approach consist-
ing of encrypting or authenticating only the DC coeffi-
cient. For example, an MPEG authentication scheme
which is robust to transcoding was proposed in (Sun
et al., 2006), where the DC coefficient is authenti-
cated; an MPEG encryption algorithm with multiple
security levels was proposed (Li et al., 2007; Weng
et al., 2006) and the first level is DC coefficient en-
Weng L. and Preneel B. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 365-369
DOI: 10.5220/0002137503650369
cryption. Empirically, it seems that the DC coefficient
is a good candidate for encryption and authentication,
and generally leads to a good compromise between
computation overhead and security. However, to the
best of our knowledge, there are neither theoretical
nor experimental results to quantify how much infor-
mation can be guaranteed or hindered by authenticat-
ing or encrypting the DC coefficient. Without such
results, it is difficult for designers to decide whether
to adopt similar approaches. Motivated by this fact,
we would like to investigate the above problem in a
quantitative way and measure the actual performance
of DC coefficient encryption and authentication.
In this work, the evaluation of encryption and au-
thentication performance is considered as an image
quality evaluation problem. An image quality met-
ric called “structural similarity” (Wang et al., 2004)
is adopted to measure the amount of information hin-
dered by partial encryption or guaranteed by partial
authentication. From various experiments applied to
an image database of about 420 JPEG images, we
show that by authenticating DC coefficients, about
60% of the information can be guaranteed; by en-
crypting DC coefficients, about 80% of the informa-
tion can be hindered. Although these are not absolute
results, they might give insights into the problem.
The rest of the work is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 first introduces our approach to evaluate en-
cryption and authentication performance by structural
similarity; Subsection 2.1 gives the background of
partial image authentication and results of various ex-
periments in terms of structural similarity; Subsec-
tion 2.2 is a similar approach to partial image encryp-
tion. Section 3 concludes our work.
Although encryption and authentication are quite dif-
ferent, a uniform approach can be used to evaluate
their performance for visual data. Because they both
consider how much information is preserved after the
operation, one could think of them as an image qual-
ity problem. Assuming that the original image has full
quality, for partial encryption, we measure the quality
of the encrypted version compared to the original one;
for partial authentication, we measure the quality of
the authenticated part compared to the original one.
Therefore, the problem is converted into the choice of
a proper image quality metric.
The most widely used image quality metrics are
the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the mean
square error (MSE). They are simple and efficient for
general purposes. However, “they are not very well
matched to perceived visual quality” (Wang et al.,
2004), because they only concentrate on the amount
of errors, but not the perceived information. For these
metrics, image quality measure is quite different from
the amount of information expressed through the im-
age. For example, Figure 1 shows a gray-scale Lena
image (a) and several distorted versions: (b) subtract-
ing a constant from all pixel values and setting neg-
ative results to zero; (c) applying an averaging filter;
(d) JPEG compression. The PSNRs of the distorted
versions, compared to the original one, are given be-
low the images. Although the distorted versions look
rather similar to the original one, the PSNRs are quite
low. One can also note that the PSNR of (b) is lower
than the one of (c), while (b) actually has better per-
ceptual quality. Therefore, it might not be appropriate
to use simple metrics that measure the error visibility,
such as PSNR and MSE; instead, we need a metric
which indeed measures image similarity.
We find that the image quality metric structural
similarity (SSIM) (Wang et al., 2004) fulfills the re-
quirement. This metric compares luminance, con-
trast, and structure information between two gray-
scale images of the same size and returns an average
score between zero and one, with one meaning ex-
actly the same and zero meaning completely different.
It is defined as:
SSIM(x, y) = [l(x, y)]
· [c(x, y)]
· [s(x, y)]
, (1)
where x and y represent two test images; functions
l(), c(), and s() correspond to luminance, contrast,
and structure similarity, respectively; α, β, and γ are
weighting factors. In our experiments, we use its sim-
plified form:
SSIM(x, y) =
+ µ
+ σ
, (2)
where µ represents mean; σ represents (co)variance;
and C
are numerical constants for stability (we
use 6.5025 and 58.5225 as suggested). This metric
satisfies the following conditions:
Symmetry: SSIM(x, y) = SSIM(y, x);
Boundedness: SSIM(x, y) 1;
Unique maximum: SSIM(x, y) = 1 iff x = y.
These properties make it easy to interpret the meaning
of an SSIM score. Due to space constraints, we skip
elaboration on the details of this metric. For more
information, one can refer to the paper (Wang et al.,
2004). Although this metric does not cover all aspects
of image similarity measure, it gives more reasonable
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
(a) original (b) mean shifted
PSNR=14 dB
(c) blurred (d) JPEG compressed
PSNR=22.3 dB PSNR=25.7 dB
SSIM=0.654 SSIM=0.855
Figure 1: Lena vs. distorted Lena.
results than MSE or PSNR in our scenario. Figure 1
also shows the SSIM scores for the distorted versions,
which are reasonably high and more consistent with
human perception.
In the following sections, we first introduce the
background of DC coefficient authentication and en-
cryption, then design experiments and measure the
performance by SSIM. Because the purpose is to mea-
sure the importance of the DC coefficient, we limit
our experiments to images. Since video can be con-
sidered as sequences of images, it is reasonable to as-
sume that the experiment results also indicate the per-
formance for video scenarios.
2.1 DC Coefficient Authentication
Authentication can achieve data integrity verification
and/or source verification. In this work, only the for-
mer is considered. Due to space constraints, we skip
the formal introduction to authentication techniques;
we assume that once authentication is applied, the in-
tegrity of the involved data can be guaranteed.
Traditional authentication scenarios assume that
the data that need to be protected never change
(Stallings, 2006). However, multimedia data is some-
times subjected to transcoding during transmission.
Typical transcoding techniques are: requantization,
frame resizing, and frame dropping (Vetro et al.,
2003). They all modify the original data, thus com-
promising the integrity check. If the authentication
is applied to all DCT coefficients, it will fail at the
verification stage while the content is still authentic.
Therefore, a simple approach to circumvent this dif-
ficulty is to authenticate low-frequency DCT coeffi-
cients which are less likely to be affected by transcod-
ing. For example, an MPEG authentication scheme
which is robust to the above mentioned transcoding
techniques was proposed in (Sun et al., 2006). The
authors suggest to authenticate the DC coefficient of
each 8 × 8 block and demonstrated acceptable re-
sults. However, they also mentioned that the selection
of features for authentication is application-specific,
without further motivating their choice. Our experi-
ment studies the performance of their approach.
In order to evaluate the “importance” of the DC
coefficient, we design the following experiment:
1. Divide a gray image into 8× 8 blocks;
2. Perform DCT on each block;
3. Leave the DC coefficient and set all others to zero;
4. Perform inverse DCT and restore the image;
5. Compare the restored image with the original one
by SSIM.
Figure 2(a) illustrates the effect of this procedure ap-
plied to the Lena image. Note that this is equivalent
to replacing the pixel values in an 8× 8 block by the
mean of all pixels. This experiment is carried out for
about 420 real-life JPEG images. They are divided
into the following sets:
Type 1: architecture Type 4: landscape
Type 2: sculpture Type 5: objects
Type 3: humanoid Type 6: vehicle
Each set contains around 70 images. They are con-
verted to gray-scale and resized to three canonical
sizes before the experiment:
Size 1: 640 × 480 Size 3: 1600 × 1200
Size 2: 1024 × 768
The average results from all sets are listed in Table 1.
From the results one can see that the SSIM score is
usually above 0.6, and it increases with the size. That
can be interpreted as, that more than 60% of the infor-
mation of the original image is preserved in the DC
coefficients. This is an interesting result, because the
percentage of data representing DC coefficients in an
image or video bitstream is obviously much less than
that. Therefore, it shows that DC coefficient authenti-
cation is quite a cost-effective approach.
However, normally two different images might
have an average SSIM score around 0.5. Compared
to the average score of 0.662 from above experiment,
it seems that the DC coefficient is not that signifi-
cant. To give a fair comparison, we also measure the
(a) DC only (b) random DC
PSNR=23.3 dB PSNR=9.1 dB
SSIM=0.626 SSIM=0.179
Figure 2: Lena with: (a) only DC; (b) random DC.
Table 1: Average SSIM for DC coefficient authentication.
Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Average
Type 1 0.634 0.686 0.742 0.687
Type 2 0.577 0.609 0.655 0.614
Type 3 0.661 0.703 0.750 0.705
Type 4 0.641 0.655 0.689 0.662
Type 5 0.625 0.674 0.725 0.675
Type 6 0.583 0.623 0.673 0.626
Average 0.620 0.658 0.706 0.662
SSIM score between any two different images of the
same size within each test set. The average results are
around 0.3, which is half of the score of the DC co-
efficients. This confirms that DC coefficients indeed
contain significant information.
Since our experiments show that the DC coeffi-
cient carries so much information, it might be inter-
esting to know how much information is carried by
other low-frequency DCT coefficients. Therefore, we
repeat the above experiment with some modification.
Instead of leaving the DC coefficient only, we keep
the first two DCT coefficients of each 8 × 8 block,
and the rest of the experiment is the same. The aver-
age results are around 0.7. It shows that about 70%
of the information is preserved in the first two DCT
coefficients, i.e., the gain is around 10% compared to
authenticating DC coefficients alone. We noted that
the gain is decreasing if we repeat this experiment for
more DCT coefficients. Therefore, it might be less
cost-effective to authenticate more DCT coefficients.
2.2 DC Coefficient Encryption
Encryption of multimedia data used to have a speed
problem, especially for video. Therefore, partial en-
cryption was advocated to alleviate the situation. Cur-
rently, although powerful computing seems to be less
expensive, partial encryption is still interesting for
some other purposes. For example, sometimes par-
tial encryption is preferred, in order to make the en-
Table 2: Average SSIM after DC encryption.
Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Average
Type 1 0.163 0.146 0.128 0.146
Type 2 0.199 0.188 0.171 0.186
Type 3 0.173 0.160 0.145 0.159
Type 4 0.182 0.181 0.170 0.178
Type 5 0.183 0.164 0.146 0.164
Type 6 0.199 0.184 0.165 0.183
Average 0.183 0.171 0.154 0.169
crypted bitstream format-compliant (Wen et al., 2002;
Liu and Eskicioglu, 2003; Weng et al., 2006). Among
various partial encryption approaches, encrypting the
DC coefficient has special interest for video standards
such as H.262 (MPEG-2 video) and H.263 (MPEG-4
simple profile). In H.262, the length of the DC coeffi-
cient is indicated beforehand; in H.263, the DC coeffi-
cient is coded as an 8-bit fixed-length field. Therefore,
encrypting only the DC coefficient does not compro-
mise the format. This can enable many interesting
features, such as random frame access and simple
statistics in the encrypted domain.
In order to simulate and measure the effect of
encrypting DC coefficients, we make the following
modification to the 3rd step of previous experiment:
3. Set the DC coefficient of each block to a random
value (0-255) and leave all others;
Figure 2(b) illustrates the effect of this procedure
when applied to the Lena image. It has almost become
unrecognizable. Therefore this encryption approach
seems to have good performance. This is confirmed
by the new experiment after applying to the same im-
age sets as in previous ones. The average SSIM scores
are listed in Table 2. They are all below 0.2, indicat-
ing that more than 80% of the information has been
hindered. This is a very promising result.
As a comparison, we also test the performance of
encrypting sign bits of DCT coefficients, which is an-
other well-known partial encryption approach (Bhar-
gava et al., 2004). We modify our experiment to ran-
domly flip the sign of DCT coefficients except for the
DC coefficient. Figure 3(a) shows the Lena image
encrypted this way. The observed distortion is very
limited. Therefore, this approach is not as effective
as DC coefficient encryption. The results show an av-
erage score above 0.5, which is consistent with our
Nevertheless, note that encrypting DC coefficients
or sign bits is sometimes vulnerable to error conceal-
ment attack (ECA) (Wen et al., 2002). For exam-
ple, one can set the DC coefficient of each block to
128 to cancel some encryption effect. This is illus-
trated in Figure 3(b), where the encrypted Lena im-
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
(a) random DCT sign (b) error concealment
PSNR=20.28 dB PSNR=14.70 dB
SSIM=0.502 SSIM=0.750
Figure 3: Lena with: (a) random DCT sign; (b) ECA.
age in Figure 2(b) is subjected to ECA. After the at-
tack the contour of Lena becomes quite visible and the
SSIM score increases to 0.75. Therefore, such kind of
encryption schemes are only sufficient for scenarios
where the security requirement is not very high, e.g.,
commercial video applications.
When encryption or authentication is applied to im-
age or video data in the DCT domain, the operation
is sometimes limited to DC coefficients only. Al-
though empirically plausible, we have evaluated the
corresponding security gain in a quantitative way. We
have considered this as an image quality problem and
adopted the metric structural similarity: for authen-
tication, we measure the SSIM between an original
image and a quality-reduced version which only con-
sists of DC coefficients; for encryption, we measure
the SSIM between an original image and a distorted
version whose DC coefficients are scrambled. After
extensive experiments with about 420 real-life images
of various types, we conclude that by authenticating
DC coefficients, more than 60% of the information is
guaranteed; and by encrypting DC coefficients, more
than 80% of the information is hindered. These re-
sults coincide with empirical experience and on the
other hand give more sound basis for DC-coefficient-
based approaches. Our experiments are limited to im-
ages, but the results can also imply the performance
when similar approaches are applied to video, due to
the similarity between image and video coding.
Note however, that in this work, the way we mea-
sure the amount of information is not exact. Therefore
our results can be used only as reference or guide-
lines. Our experiments are limited to gray-scale im-
ages, so the results might only explain the case of lu-
minance part of visual data, which is usually the fo-
cus for many image operations. Extending on color
images and video are interesting topics for future re-
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