Jens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz and Alejandro Menendez
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems - FOKUS, Kaiserin-Augusta Allee 31, Berlin, Germany
IMS, Peer-to-peer, P2P, DRM.
Effective content distribution, which is safe against denial of service attacks, is one of the greatest challenges
for the content and service providers. Peer-to-peer technologies are known to be unaffected by such attacks,
but lack any control by content owners or copyright holders. The work presented in this Paper combines the
effective and reliable content availability, known from P2P, with the capabilities of IMS, which is used for
access control, charging and service discovery. Commercial use cases are discussed for content consumption
and provisioning.
In todays internet, a large variety of services is of-
fered by various parties. Most of the observed traf-
fic arises from peer-to-peer (P2P) applications, like
KaZaA (KaZaA, 2006), SIPShare (SIPshare, 2006) or
BitTorrent (Cohen, 2003), and increases constantly.
The acceptance of P2P services come from the two
facts, that content is free of charge and no central
instance exists, which could control access. Con-
tent is shared between users, not offered by central
points of service. P2P has proven that it is a reli-
able, highly scalable technology, something that ven-
dors wish for their own content distribution, if just the
content would be secured. Therefore, a way to secure
content in a P2P environment has to be found, which
takes the benfits from P2P content distribution, but
guarantees that only authorized users/customers can
access the content in terms of the purchased rights on
The proposed approach, which is presented in
this paper, combines three elementary technologies
from todays computer science and research in net-
work communication. Namely P2P, Digital Rights
Management (DRM) and the IP Multimedia Subsys-
tem (IMS) (3GPP, 2006c), specified by the 3GPP
(3GPP, 2006a), to realize a safe, but efficient and con-
trollable way to deliver content, manage licenses and
unburden file servers.
Section 2 will give an impression of chances aris-
ing from the combination of these. In section 3 the
state of the art technologies are described, that this
work is based on. The proposed architecture is de-
scribed in detail in section 4. Section 5 discusses two
common use cases, while section 6 and 7 summarize
the work and give an outlook for future work.
In P2P technologies, an independent content distribu-
tion system is available. Reliability of services and
the high availability of contents are the experienced
benefits from this technology in the existing appli-
cations. BitTorrent is already used by commercial
vendors to distribute content to their customers, as it
unburdens file servers, from which users would nor-
mally download their content. Currently, content dis-
tribution in P2P networks lacks any control by content
creators, providers or copyright holders.
On the other hand appropriate DRM technologies
for protecting content and controlling access by au-
thorized customers to it, like (Microsoft, 2006)(Digi-
Cont, 2006) or (Object-Lab, 2006), exist and are
widely discussed (Safenet, 2006)(DRM-Watch, 2006)
Fiedler J., Magedanz T. and Menendez A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002137600050012
Table 1: Technology Assignments.
Challenge Technology
Effective content distribution Peer-to-peer
File server unburdening Peer-to-peer
Secure content DRM
legal usage DRM
Access control IMS
Charging IMS
Service enabling IMS
Licenses, which are shipped separately from the en-
crypted content, are used to make it accessible to the
customer by the terms of the license agreement, i.e.
the purchased rigths on it.
IMS is known as a secure signalling infrastructure for
multimedia control. Therefore, IMS is the ideal con-
vergence point to combine P2P content distribution
with DRM driven content licensing. Content can be
encrypted and only authorized users will be able to
decrypt it. Licenses, cryptographic keys and their dis-
tribution can be managed by the IMS.
Violation of the copyright holders rigths has always
been one of the greatest problems in P2P systems.
Approaches for integrating IPR management into
P2P have been performed (Rosenblatt, 2003)(Pfeiffer
et al., 2006). Looking at the value chain indicates a
landscape consisting of the following players.
Content Providers represent the legal owner of con-
tent and therefore the party which is interested in
a secure and legal distribution. It does usually not
care, how the content reaches its customers. Con-
tent Providers expect to receive billing information
regarding the use of their content.
Content Consumers want to receive content and be
enabled to experience it (hear, watch, store, etc. it).
They expect it to be available when they demand it
and they usually do not care whether the content has
to be secured by some means.
Service Providers give the requested services (s.a.)
to both, content providers and consumers. They have
to take care of securing the content, make sure it is
available, enable the legal consumer to use the con-
tent and forward charging information.
Taking all this together, it is clear, that the answer
to those challenges is a combination of the already
mentioned technologies. Table 1 shows the assign-
ments for each technology.
3.1 BitTorrent
BitTorrent (BT) is a P2P file transfer protocol. BT
was designed with the aim to distribute huge files in
a cheap and fast manner, means to unburden the up-
loader. The experienced performance of if (Pouwelse
et al., 2005) and its open source nature make it inter-
esting for developers. The first node which has the
initial copy of the file is called seeder. Itself and the
other peers, which are interested in the same file are
called swarm. The file which is going to be distributed
is split into pieces and the seeder uploads different
pieces to different peers in the swarm. Thus the first
copy is split over the swarm, but none of the peers (ex-
cept the seeder) have a full copy of it. In the following
steps, the peers in the swarm can interchange missing
pieces to complete their copy of the file. This hap-
pens without any further interaction with the seeder,
but the seeder can help with the upload by acting as
normal peer in the swarm. New peers entering the
swarm can download pieces potentially from all the
peers simultanously, therefore not burdening one sin-
gle data source for the full file, but multiple for small
pieces. This mechanism is depicted in figure 1.
Before a peer can enter the swarm, it must locate the
Figure 1: BitTorrent piece distribution.
other peers. For this the tracker and the torrent file
The torrent file identifies the shared file, name, size,
and hash values for each piece, which allow a down-
loader to verify the consistency of each piece that it
downloaded. It also holds the URL of a tracker, which
must be contacted to enter the swarm.
The tracker is the relevant network resource, which
knows about the members of a swarm. A new node
enters the swarm by contacting the obtained tracker,
which adds the new node to the list of peers. This is
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
then given to the node, which can now contact other
nodes in the swarm for pieces.
The torrent file and the tracker make BT a semi-
decentralized P2P system, as those are necessary for
content location. This fact makes BT a very inter-
esting technology for combining centralized architec-
tures with fully decentralized architectures.
3.2 OpenIPMP
OpenIPMP is an open-source project developed by
Mutable (Object-Lab, 2006). The first version con-
sisted of user-authenticating DRM technology for the
MPEG-4 (MPEG, 2006) codec that used MPEG-4
IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protec-
tion), a way of binding rights metadata to content and
supported the ODRL (ODRL, 2006) and MPEG REL
rights expression languages (RELs). The new version
2.0 (released in 2006) consists of core plugins for en-
crypting and protecting media content offering com-
patibility with the following specifications.
ISMA (ISMA, 2006) with AES (Advanced En-
cryption Standard) (Daemen and Rijmen, 1999)
OMA (OMA, 2006) DRM with AES
OpenIPMP with AES and Blowfish (Schneier,
In order to communicate protection details to the
DRM server, their SDK implements two messag-
ing systems, OpenIPMP messaging system (used by
ISMA and OpenIPMP DRM) and OMA messag-
ing system as defined by OMA DRM. MPEG-4 and
MPEG-2 format protection standards are supported as
well. Working with MPEG, ISMA and other organi-
zations, OpenIPMP provides a practical vision of the
state of the art with respect to open standards based
DRM technology by developing its reference imple-
3.3 IMS
The IMS is defined by the 3GPP industry forum for
3G mobile phone systems in UMTS networks. IMS
first appeared in the release 5 when SIP (Rosenberg
et al., 2002) was added as the signalling protocol for
establishing multimedia sessions. The IMS makes
use of protocols defined by the Internet Engineer-
ing Task Force (IETF). 3GPP collaborates with the
IETF adapting Internet protocols to IMS and with the
OMA standardizing service enablers on top of IMS.
IMS was originally conceived to bring Internet ser-
vices to mobile users adding important features not
usually present on the Internet: Quality of Service
(QoS), charging, security and integration of different
services. The IMS takes care of QoS provision when
users establish a session. It also helps operators to ap-
ply different and flexible charging schemes to the user
when they establish multimedia sessions. The IMS
defines standard interfaces to be used by services de-
velopers and enables seamless integration of services,
personalizing and enriching the user’s experience. It
is out of the scope of this work to cover all aspects
of the signalling and media plane of the IMS, for that
reason this overview will be centred on the most rel-
evant aspects of IMS and those which will be useful
for understanding the development of the final appli-
The IMS defines functions, linked by standardized
Figure 2: IMS architecture.
interfaces. Functions can be implemented as a sin-
gle node but could also be grouped into one node or
split into more. Figure 2 depicts the architecture of
the IMS and relations (reference points) between se-
lected IMS components. IMS supports different types
of devices and access technologies, therefore the user
terminal can also be a mobile device or personal com-
puter using i.e. an ADSL connection.
The P-CSCF acts as the point of connection between
the IMS terminal and the IMS network. All the re-
quests destined for the IMS terminal or originated at
the IMS terminal are going to traverse the P-CSCF.
During the process of registration one of the P-CSCFs
of the IMS network is allocated to the IMS termi-
nal and does not change for the duration of the reg-
istration. Being the outbound/inbound proxy server,
the P-CSCF has to meet some security requirements.
For that reason, it establishes two IPsec security as-
sociations with the IMS terminal. Furthermore, the
P-CSCF asserts the identity of the user to the rest
of the nodes, so that the other nodes do not need to
authenticate user’s identity again. The P-CSCF per-
forms also compression and decompression of SIP
messages, when the messages between the terminal
and the P-CSCF are sent over a narrowband channel.
In addition, the P-CSCF verifies the correctness of
SIP requests sent by the IMS terminal. The Policy De-
cision Function (PDF) may form part of the P-CSCF.
The PDF (not depicted) manages QoS over the media
plane and authorizes media plane resources as well.
I-CSCF: In order to find the next SIP hop for a cer-
tain message, the SIP server obtains the address of
an I-CSCF of the destination domain. Its address is
available in the DNS records of the domain. The I-
CSCF works as proxy server routing the SIP request
to the appropriate destination (normally an S-CSCF).
To find out the address of the next hop (e.g. the S-
CSCF allocated to the user) the I-CSCF retrieves user
location information from the HSS (and SLF if nec-
essary) using Diameter over the Cx interface.
The S-CSCF is the central element of the signal-
ing plane. The S-CSCF is a SIP server that acts
as registrar and performs session control as well. It
maintains a binding between the user location (e.g.,
the IP address of the terminal in use) and the user’s
SIP address of record (also known as a Public User
Identity). Therefore, all the SIP signalling, that the
IMS terminal sends or receives, traverses the allo-
cated S-CSCF. Because all the signalling traffic tra-
verses the allocated S-CSCF, it is capable of perform-
ing various control session tasks. It inspects every SIP
message and determines whether the SIP signalling
should visit one or more ASs, which might provide
a service to the user. It keeps users from perform-
ing unauthorized operations, enforcing the policy of
the network operator. It provides routing services,
e.g., the user dials a number instead of a SIP URI
and the number needs to be translated into a SIP URI.
The S-CSCF needs to obtain user-related information
from the HSS, consequently, it implements a Diame-
ter interface to it. If a user wants to access the IMS,
the S-CSCF downloads authentication vectors from
the HSS to authenticate this user. Moreover, the S-
CSCF also downloads the user profile from the HSS,
which includes the service profile. The service profile
lets the S-CSCF know when a SIP message should be
routed through one or more Application Servers. Fi-
nally, when a S-CSCF is allocated to a certain user
(for the duration of the registration) the HSS is in-
formed by that S-CSCF.
The Home Subscriber Server (HSS) is an evolu-
tion of the Home Location Register (HLR) present in
GSM networks. All the user-related subscription data
required to establish multimedia sessions is stored in
this central repository. The most significant items of
information include location information, security in-
formation (authentication and authorization informa-
tion), user profile information (e.g. the services the
user is subscribed to), and the S-CSCF allocated to
the user.
The Application Server (AS) hosts and executes ser-
vices interfacing the S-CSCF using SIP and option-
ally the HSS. The AS can operate in SIP proxy mode,
SIP User Agent (UA) mode, or SIP Back to Back UA
(B2BUA) mode. SIP AS (Application Server): this
is the native Application Server that hosts and exe-
cutes IP Multimedia Services based on IP. This type
of server will be used to develop the final application
as it is expected that new IMS services will be de-
veloped in this way. The OSA-SCS (Open Service
Access- Service Capability Server) provides an inter-
face to the OSA framework application server. On
one side the AS is interfacing the S-CSCF and on the
other there is an interface between the OSA AS and
the OSA Application Programming Interface. The IP
Multimedia Switching Function (IM-SSF) enables to
reuse CAMEL (Customized Applications for Mobile
network Enhanced Logic) services developed origi-
nally for GSM in IMS.
This section presents the proposed hybrid architecture
for the content delivery service within IMS. The con-
tent is distributed using the BitTorrent protocol, which
has proven to be robust and very scalable. The files
shared within the swarms are encrypted, which means
that they can be shared among the peers without al-
most any risk of unauthorized use. The DRM solu-
tion chosen for the architecture is OpenIPMP from
Mutable, which is an open source DRM solution that
includes a DRM server. Figure 3 depicts the proposed
architecture for the content delivery service. The big
arrow between the content access plane and the con-
tent distribution plane represents the interaction be-
tween both planes. Entities belonging to the con-
tent distribution plane (IMS/P2P clients) do interact
with components from the content access plane (e.g.
Trackers or DRM Application Servers). The IMS sig-
naling plane provides the typical features for user and
service management, which are user authentication,
charging, routing sip messages and storing the user
profile. The content distribution plane is composed
by peers forming torrent swarms. They communicate
with each other using the bitTorrent peer-wire proto-
col. Downloading files is performed within this plane
without using any central media server. Finally, the
content access plane provides the necessary elements
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 3: Proposed architecture.
to get access to the content, which are the content in-
dex for finding the content, the tracker for finding the
peers to download the content from and the DRM AS
to obtain the licenses for the content.
4.1 Components
The IMS Core functions (HSS and the CSCFs) do
not need to provide any extra functionality to make
the service work properly. However, the HSS should
register a PSI (Public Service Identity), which iden-
tifies globally the service, for the SIP AS and update
the Initial Filter Criteria for each user’s profile if that
user is subscribed to the content delivery service. This
allows the S-CSCF to route the service requests to the
corresponding AS by applying the initial filter crite-
ria, obtained from the HSS.
The SIP AS is the central element of the architecture.
It coordinates the process of acquiring content and of
publishing some new content as well. It receives SIP
requests forwarded from the S-CSCF. These requests
include information about the digital asset that is go-
ing to be acquired or published. The SIP AS confirms
the identity of the sender before it performs any ac-
tion by checking the
and informs the corresponding charging node. If the
transaction was successful the SIP AS is ready to go
on processing the request. In the case of acquiring
some content, the SIP AS will retrieve a reference
pointing to the torrent file for that content. The re-
quest includes a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that
is used by the AS to query a database and obtain the
torrent file reference. The SIP AS will send back a re-
sponse including this reference so that the client may
start downloading the file. When a commercial trans-
action has been successful, the SIP AS is also respon-
sible for authorizing rights over the content. Using
web services the SIP AS connects to the DRM AS
and authorizes certain rights (e.g. being able to play
the content for 24 hours) over the content for a certain
user. In the case of publishing new content, the SIP
AS stores all necessary information obtained from the
publisher in the corresponding content access nodes.
The SIP AS chooses a tracker to track the file, chooses
a location for the torrent file and updates the content
index with information about the new released con-
tent identified by its DOI.
The SIP AS has been implemented in Java as a SIP
Servlet (Servlet, 2005).
The content index function represents a web server
that stores information about each digital asset. Its
web pages contain sip URIs that trigger IMS clients
to send requests to the SIP AS. These URIs contain
all the necessary information to perform a purchase.
The content index entries are updated by the SIP AS
when new content is released.
The tracker offers peer discovery for each peer con-
nected to it. Apart from peer discovery, the tracker
collects statistics about the state of the swarm that are
available for the SIP AS (e.g. the AS could use the
statistics to assign a tracker for some new content that
is less loaded). Some BitTorrent clients provide track-
erless alternatives for the peer lookup service such
as DHTs (Distributed Hash Tables), which would be
considered, but having a tracker present allows more
control over the swarm and makes collectingstatistics
easier too.
The DRM AS chosen for this architecture is the
OpenIPMP DRM server from Mutable. This open
source DRM server allows content registration as-
signing a DOI for each new digital content item and
stores as well the content key used to encrypt each
digital asset. As explained before, the SIP AS is capa-
ble of authorizing a user to enjoy some content by us-
ing the DRM server web services. In addition, when
the user tries to reproduce an encrypted file using
the DRM-enabled player for the first time, the player
connects to the DRM server for license acquisition.
Again this transaction is performed using the DRM
server web services. If reproduction rights were pre-
viously authorized, the player receives the license and
stores it in a secure keystore for further use.
IMS/P2P Client: The client side of the architecture
is composed of an IMS client, a BitTorrent client,
the DRM-enabled encoder and player which interact
among each other. The IMS client component man-
ages the communication with the IMS (signalling).
The BitTorrent client manages the up- and download
of encrypted content files in pieces. The DRM en-
coder and player communicates with the DRM AS to
obtain a license and en- and decrypts content, depend-
ing on its role as content provider or consumer.
Seeder: The seeder refers to a peer that has a com-
plete copy of the content file and offers it for up-
load. The number and performance of seeders avail-
able within a swarm is fundamental. When a new con-
tent item is being published, the content owner will
act as initial seeder. The content owner’s client will
start uploading the file using BitTorrent to the con-
necting peers.
In this section, two commercial use cases are dis-
cussed, which show the architectures features for con-
tent consumption and customer sided content pro-
visioning. Signalling follows the normal IMS Call
Setup procedure (3GPP, 2006b).
5.1 Pay per Download
The first use case is the well known scenario, where
a user wants to enjoy some content and he is charged
for it. He discovers the content (e.g. a movie) over
some external mechanism (e.g. a web site). Also the
SIP event notification framework could let the con-
sumer subscribe to content lists (e.g. a TV series, or
genre lists, etc.). The content is identified to him by
a SIP URI. His client initiates a SIP
action which reaches the SIP AS, related to the con-
tent, after passing the assigned S-CSCF, which has
checked the users profile for this content. The SIP AS
informs the DRM AS to provide a license for the re-
questing user. The user’s client will then download
the torrent file from the content index, whose URL it
received in the response from the
request to
the SIP AS, and query the tracker for the IP addresses
of the peers in the swarm. From now on, download of
the encrypted content can start. The prepared license
is then obtained from the DRM AS and can be used
to decrypt the content according to the terms od the
shipped license. Figure 4 illustraets the message flow
for this scenario.
5.2 Content Injection
Users can also be put in the role of content providers.
Therefor a method exists which allows users to
share their content and appear as professional con-
tent providers. For this the content file is first en-
Figure 4: Signaling: Pay per Download.
crypted and a DOI is generated, which gets registered
along with the encryption key to the DRM AS. The
encrypted content is stored only at the side of the user,
and is not uploaded to any IMS component. The hash
values for the torrent file are generated and a
transaction to the SIP AS is initiated in order to up-
load the torrent file. The SIP AS prepares a tracker
with the torrent file. After the transation is complete,
the client, joins the swarm and can start seeding, as
soon as downloaders appear in it.
Figure 5: Signaling: Content Injection.
In this paper, an architecture has been presented,
which integrates well known service control technolo-
gies (IMS) with an accepted Peer-to-peer content dis-
tribution method, which is secured by DRM licensing.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
The architecture uses the well known IMS, BitTor-
rent and OpenIPMP technologies to achieve a secure
way to utilize the power of P2P content distribution.
IMS controls access, charging and security for con-
tent as it controls the DRM Application server as well
as the trackers for the torrents. Content can simply
be removed from the network by disabling the related
Two typical use cases have been shown, depicting the
various ways that this approach can satisfy the needs
of content creators, providers, customers and service
providers. People can act as end user content creator,
provider or customer. The service providers can serve
as mediator between the interests of content creators
and consumers by taking care of the value chain. The
term of ”service” can be interpreted not only for con-
suming content, but also for the possibility to provide
content. Therefore, content creators and consumers
are both service consumers.
This paper presented a secure method to distribute
static content from content providers to authorized
users over a peer-to-peer network. The proposed ar-
chitecture could be applied to home servers, i.e. ser-
vice nodes in users homes, extending the existing ter-
mination nodes (DSL/Cable modems/routers, etc). In
such a scenario, the P2P technology would be hidden
from the user and integrated in the service provider’s
network. Content may be provided by customers,
which act as seeders for their files. In order to unbur-
den a users client from uploading, it is considerable to
provide (e.g. as a premium service) additional seeder
machines, which are run by its service provider. Such
a user could upload its content to the service providers
infrastructure, where it is then distributed in the same
manner, but without involving the content providers
client anymore. Initial upload can be traditional FTP
or also BitTorrent with only the users client as seeder
and some service provider machines as only peers in
the swarm. This could be achieved by muting the
tracker, which will be enabled, as soon as the client
has finished the upload.
An obvious problem is the ability of customers to
circumvent the DRM system by re-publishing down-
loaded content. Publishing requests should only be
accepted from trusted accounts or supporting tech-
nologies should be used to filter content that in-
fringes copyright such as watermarking or digital fin-
Ongoing work will focus on the evaluation and
testing of the proposed architecture for security and
scalability. The outcome of this is expected to re-
veal the usability for large scale scenarios with a large
variety of different content and a varying number of
customers. Also an estimation about the number and
expected average load of the initial media servers is a
desired outcome of this. Evaluation will take place in
the FOKUS - OpenIMS Playground (Knuettel et al.,
2005) running the open source IMS core (Vingarzan
et al., 2006)
Another topic is to extend the architecture to
streaming media, like video, for digital TV broad-
casting, using a Peer-to-peer network as stream mul-
tiplicator for end users. For streaming applications,
Quality of Service (QoS) (3GPP, 2005) is going to be
much more important than for static content. This in-
troduces new challenges to Peer-to-peer technologies,
as they do not include any QoS model yet. Streaming
media also introduces new trick functions (e.g. fast-
forward, timeshift, etc.) which will have impact on
the media distribution.
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications