4.1 News On-Line
Taking care with the system-initiative specifications,
one application with voice interface accessed by
phone was developed to offer the regional last news
published in the Web sites by means of verbal
communication, in flexible and comfortable way.
System-initiative strategy reveals that those
applications are efficient due to its simplicity in the
interaction with the user (Lopéz, 2004).
The application starts the dialogue with a
respectful greeting to the user and later it asks using
voice commands, which canal the user wants to
access. After that, the system verifies if it is an
available option. In the positive case, the heading is
read and if the user wants to listen to it he only has
to answer yes or no; in the negative case, the system
repeats the available options until the user chooses a
valid one.
[System]:Bem vindo ao sistema de notícias.
Selecione um dos nossos canais:
Esportes, Economia ou Lazer.
[User]: Economina
[System]:PIB brasileiro tem queda de 3.4% no
primeiro trimestre. Você deseja
ouvir o conteúdo da notícia?
[System]:Dólar acumula queda de 16% no ano.
Você ouvir o conteúdo da notícia?
[System]:O preço do dólar vem caindo devido
as compras do Banco Central...
[System]:Obrigado por usar nosso sistema.
Figure 3: News application simulation
4.2 Dictionary
Systems with user-initiative tend to be sufficiently
complex due to naturalness to recognize voice user´s
input, mainly because it treats the recognition of
concatenated words. In order to study the man-
machine interaction, one portuguese dictionary
application was developed achieving the
requirements of this strategy. It is an adaptation from
the book metaphor (visual) to the phone metaphor
(vocal). This kind of applications is common in the
industrial area executing control commands
(Yankelovich, 1997).
The dictionay starts with a respectful greeting
and waits for a user command. It is necessary that
the user takes the initiative of the dialogue to get the
interaction, or the call phone can be disconnected in
a determined time. From the input data, the
dictionary can give the translation or meaning of a
word by consulting its grammar. If the input given
by the user was understood, a desired answer will be
listened, otherwise it emits an error message.
[System]:Bem vindo ao sistema de dicionário.
O que deseja?
[User]: Quero o endereço da UFPE
[System]:Expressão não compreendida. O que
[User]:Quero o significado de computador
[System]:Aparelho eletrônico concebido para
realização de cálculos e operações
[System]:Obrigado por usar nosso sistema.
Figure 4: Dictionary application simulation
4.3 Airlines Information
Taking care with the mixed-initiative specifications,
one application was developed to offer brazilian
airlines information with schedules and fees. Those
kinds of applications are common in dialogue
systems. Other applications offer trips consult
services, bookings and tickets sales (Lopéz, 2000).
The airlines information system starts with a
respectful greeting followed by a question.
Considering that the user has one brief knowledge of
the purpose of the application, it must say something
that demonstrates its interest in travel from one city
to another. As if there’s a mixed-initiative
application, a small intervention of the system is
necessary to guarantee the information security
during the interaction. Therefore, the second stage of
the dialogue is a confirmation of what was said by
the user. In case of positive reply the available
schedule is supplied by fees, otherwise the system
will turn back to the initial condition.
[System]:Bem vindo ao sistema de informações
aéreas. O que deseja?
[User]: Gostaria de viajar de Recife a São
[System]:Você deseja viajar partindo de
Recife até São Paulo, sim ou não?
[System]:Foram encontrados 3 vôos saindo de
Recife até são Paulo.
Terça-Feira, 18:00h, R$389,00
Quinta-Feira, 15:30h R$389,00
Sábado, 0:15h, R$339,00
[System]:Fim dos horários. Obrigado por
usar nosso sistema.
Figure 5: Airline information application simulation
4.4 Evaluations
Each application was tested by four users of both
sex, with different skills, 20 times in different
environments (quiet or noisy). No differences of
performance in relation to the environment and sex
were determined. The experienced users had better
performance in 15% than others. The Skype
software had some transmission delays that harmed
the test. An average of 30% of calls suffered
unexpected interruptions.
VOICE USER INTERFACE USING VOICEXML - Environment, Architecture and Dialogs Initiative