Fast 2-pass LVCSR System for Online Subtitling
s Pra
ak, Lud
ek M
SpeechTech s.r.o., Morseova 5, 301 00 Plze
n, Czech Republic
J. V. Psutka, J. Psutka
Department of Cybernetics, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitn
ı 8, 306 14 Plze
n, Czech Republic
ASR, LVCSR, HMM, real-time, class-based language model, live TV, online subtitling.
The paper describes a fast 2-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) system for au-
tomatic online subtitling of live TV programs. The proposed system implementation can be used for direct
recognition of TV program audio channel or recognition of a shadow speaker who re-speaks the original audio
channel. The first part of this paper focuses on preparation of an adaptive language model for TV programs,
where person names are specific for each subtitling session and have to be added to the recognition vocabulary.
The second part outlines the recognition system conception for automatic online subtitling with vocabulary up
to 150 000 words in real-time. The recognition system is based on Hidden Markov Models, lexical trees and
bigram and quadgram language models in the first and second pass, respectively. Finally, experimental results
from our project with the Czech Television are reported and discussed.
There is a lot of hearing impaired people who have
only limited access to the information contained in
audio channel in the multimedia content. In the tele-
vision - the most widespread mass media - there is an
effort to access its multimedia content to these peo-
ple with alternative textual information - the subtitles.
Many public service televisions such as Czech Tele-
vision have a duty by law to subtitle certain portion of
their broadcasting. The subtitles should be added to
all TV programs, even to the live TV programs with
minimum delay. To meet this requirement the auto-
matic speech recognition (ASR) technology is being
introduced for live subtitling in some television com-
panies, for example BBC (Evans, 2003).
Since the automatic speech recognition technol-
ogy is not error-free and the recognition results are
very dependent on the acoustic speech signal quality
the trend is to use so-called shadow speaker who re-
speaks the original speech by his own words. The
recognition system can be learned to professional
speaker acoustic characteristics, manner of speech
and even the vocabulary he or she uses. The recogni-
tion results are then more accurate so the subtitles can
be well intelligible. In addition, the shadow speaker
can simplify the original speech to meet the demands
of the hearing impaired people for simple, easily read-
able subtitles. However, the training of the shadow
speaker is a very time and money consuming process.
Some TV programs have clear acoustic speech
signal and quite limited vocabulary so direct recogni-
tion of the TV program audio channel can be carried
out with reasonable recognition accuracy. This ap-
proach can save expenses on shadow speakers and can
be fully automated. So far we have prepared a system
for automatic online subtitling of the live transmis-
sions of the Czech Parliament meetings without use
of a shadow speaker.
By law, the shorthand records of all Czech Parliament
meetings are available for public use on the Internet.
These shorthand records are amended to avoid slips
of the tongue and to meet grammatical rules; how-
ever there is a huge amount of text from different elec-
Pražák A., Müller L., V. Psutka J. and Psutka J. (2007).
LIVE TV SUBTITLING - Fast 2-pass LVCSR System for Online Subtitling.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 139-142
DOI: 10.5220/0002140301390142
toral periods to create a high quality language model.
Unfortunately, this training text contains many non-
standard (NS) words: abbreviations, acronyms, num-
bers written as figures, dates etc. Therefore the con-
version of NS words to their standard forms (digit se-
quences, abbreviations and acronyms to the full word
forms) is essential. This is called text normalization.
2.1 Text Normalization
The text normalization for languages with a low de-
gree of inflection such as English is easier because
the most conversions are unambiguous. However, in
highly inflectional languages, such as Czech or other
Slavic languages, one NS word can be converted to
several standard forms, each of which has the same
meaning but represents different morphological cate-
gories (gender, case and number). The morphological
meaning of each NS word is given also by its context
in a whole sentence. The method proposed in (J. Ka-
nis, 2005) solves the task of finding the right standard
form for a given NS word. This method is based on a
tagger performing context-dependent morphological
disambiguation of each word in a given sentence.
The text normalization system has two modules.
The first module ensures NS word detection and clas-
sification and the second module the conversion it-
self. The detection and classification is based on reg-
ular expressions. We distinguish 17 different types of
NS words, for example cardinal and ordinal number,
date, abbreviation, currency, percentage etc. After the
NS word is detected the second module converts it to
the standard form. The conversion is algorithmic and
uses the method proposed in (J. Kanis, 2005). Firstly,
the NS word is converted to the basic form and then a
tagger is used to find the morphological information
which determines the right standard form.
The automatic NS word conversion accuracy is
about 90 %. To improve this result we performed
manual correction as postprocessing of the automatic
conversion. The implementation of automatic text
normalization with the manual correction accelerates
process of the text normalization more then ten times
in comparison with full manual text normalization.
2.2 Language Model Classes
Now a standard n-gram language model can be
trained on the normalized text of the parliament meet-
ings from three electoral periods. The language
model contains the names of representatives (deputies
and government members) from these three electoral
periods. However, this language model does not al-
low subtitling of parliament meetings from different
(including future) electoral periods, due to missing
names of representatives elected in those periods. In
addition, each name has been seen in different con-
texts in the training text, so the n-gram probability
mass is split among many names of representatives.
Even though the parliament meeting speeches contain
only 1.5 % of representative names, there are some
TV programs such as sport transmissions where the
portion of names in the commentary exceeds 15 %
and the described problem becomes crucial. Because
the names of representatives are known before the
first parliament meeting, the language model can be
adapted before the actual subtitling. We created a
language model in which each class incorporates one
concrete Czech grammatical case of all representative
names. The language model was trained in two steps.
Firstly, the names of the representatives from the
electoral periods corresponding to the training text
were automatically inflected to all grammatical cases.
This inflection was based on specific rules for dif-
ferent cases and different inflectional patterns. Each
name in the training text was then replaced by a tag
representing the name’s grammatical case. Unfor-
tunately, different grammatical cases can have the
same morphological form (especially female names),
so manual classification of ambiguous morphological
forms was still necessary.
In the second step, taking into account these tags
instead of the individual names, a class-based n-gram
language models were trained. Five classes have
been created and filled by inflected names of repre-
sentatives from demanded electoral period. The four
classes contain multi-words
"first name+surname"
and words
in different grammatical cases.
The class probabilities were split between these
words in proportion to their frequency in the train-
ing text. The last fifth class contains reverse multi-
"surname+first name"
in the first grammat-
ical case. Other forms of names did not occur in the
training text.
Using an adaptive language model with classes for
names, our online subtitling system can be used for
any electoral period of parliament meetings. This ap-
proach can be effectively used also for other named
entities, for example company or state names.
The fast 2-pass large vocabulary continuous speech
recognition system developed at the Department of
Cybernetics, University of West Bohemia is the main
module of the whole subtitling system.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
3.1 Acoustic Processing
The analogue input speech signal is digitized at 44.1
kHz sampling rate and 16-bit resolution format. The
aim of the front-end processor is to convert contin-
uous acoustic signal into a sequence of feature vec-
tors. We performed experiments with MFCC and PLP
parameterizations, see (J. Psutka, 2001) for method-
ology. The best results were achieved using 27 fil-
ters and 12 PLP cepstral coefficients with both delta
and delta-delta sub-features. Feature vectors are com-
puted at the rate of 100 frames per second.
Each individual basic speech unit is represented
by a three-state HMM with a continuous output prob-
ability density function assigned to each state. In this
task, we use only 8 mixtures of multivariate Gaus-
sians for each state. The choice of an appropriate ba-
sic speech unit with respect to the recognition network
structure and its decoding is discussed later.
3.2 Recognition Network
Our LVCSR system uses a lexical tree (phonetic pre-
fix tree) structure for representation of acoustic base-
forms of all words of the system vocabulary. In a lex-
ical tree, the same initial portions of word phonetic
transcriptions are shared. This can dramatically re-
duce the search space for a large vocabulary, espe-
cially for inflectional languages, such as Czech, with
many words of the same word stem. The automatic
phonetic transcription (with pronunciation exceptions
defined separately) is applied to all words of the sys-
tem vocabulary and resulted word baseforms for all
pronunciation variants are added to the lexical tree.
To better model the pronunciation of words we
used triphones (context dependent phonemes) as the
basic speech units. By using a triphone lexical tree
structure, the in-word triphone context can be eas-
ily implemented in the lexical tree. However, the
full triphone cross-word context leads to fan-out im-
plementation by generation of all cross-word context
triphones for all tree leaves. This results in enor-
mous memory requirements and vast computational
demands. To respect the requirement of the real-time
operation we have proposed an approximation of the
triphone cross-word context.
One of the possible approaches is to use mono-
phones (context independent phonemes) instead of
triphones on the word boundaries. However, this
brings the necessity to train two different types of
acoustic model units and also mutually normalize the
monophone and triphone likelihoods. To cope with
this problem, we use only triphone state likelihoods
and merge the triphone states corresponding to the
same monophone within a given phone context. As
the system vocabulary is limited, not all right and
left cross-word contexts have to be modeled. This
approach results in so-called biphones that represent
merged triphone states with only one given context
- right in the root and left in the leaves. The bi-
phone likelihood is computed as the mean of the like-
lihoods of merged triphone states. The proposed bi-
phone cross-word context represents a better approx-
imation than a simple replacement of triphones by
monophones on the word boundaries. In addition,
this approach increases neither the recognition net-
work complexity nor the decoding time, but only the
duration of offline recognition network creation.
3.3 Recognition Network Decoder
Since bigram language model is implemented in the
first pass, a lexical tree copy for each predecessor
word is required. The lexical tree decoder uses a time-
synchronous Viterbi search with token passing and ef-
fective beam pruning techniques applied to re-entrant
copies of a lexical tree. The beam pruning is used
inside and also at the level of the lexical tree copies,
but a sudden increase of hypothesis log-likelihoods
occurs due to application of language model proba-
bilities at time of word to word (lexical tree to lex-
ical tree) transitions. Fortunately, early application
of the knowledge of language model can be carried
out by factorizing language model probabilities along
the lexical tree. In the lexical tree, more words share
the same initial part of their phonetic transcriptions
and thus only the maximum of their language model
probabilities is implemented towards the root of the
lexical tree during the factorization. In addition, com-
monly used linear transformation of language model
log-likelihoods is carried out for optimal weighting of
language and acoustic models.
To deal with requirement of real-time operation,
an effective method for managing lexical tree copies
is implemented. The algorithm controls lexical tree
to lexical tree transitions and lexical tree copies cre-
ation/discarding. The number of lexical tree copies
decoded in real-time is limited, so the control algo-
rithm keeps only the most perspective hypotheses and
avoids their undesirable alternations, which protects
the decoding process from time consuming creation
of lexical tree copies. The algorithm also manages
and records tokens passed among lexical tree copies
in order to identify the best path at the end of the
decoding. In addition, for word graph generation
not only the best, but several (n-best) word to word
transitions are stored. HTK Standard Lattice For-
mat (S. Young, 1999) is used to store the word graph.
LIVE TV SUBTITLING - Fast 2-pass LVCSR System for Online Subtitling
Figure 1: Online subtitling of TV transmission of the Czech
Parliament meeting.
In the second pass of the recognition system, the
word graph is rescored with class-based 4-gram lan-
guage model trained as described in section 2. To al-
low progressive subtitle displaying, the word graph
creation and its rescoring can be performed even sev-
eral times per second. The whole LVCSR system can
effectively use multi-core computer systems, so the
proposed fast 2-pass LVCSR system implementation
handles tasks up to 150 000 words in real-time with
the delay about one second.
The acoustic model for subtitling of the parliament
meetings was trained on 40 hours of parliament
speech records with manual transcription. We used 42
Czech phonemes. As the number of Czech triphones
is too large, phonetic decision trees were used to tie
their states. Now, subtitling of the Czech Parliament
meetings works with 3 729 different HMM states of a
speaker and gender independent acoustic model.
Three language models were trained on about
18M tokens of normalized Czech Parliament meeting
transcriptions (Chamber of Deputies only) for the ex-
periment. The first one is the baseline bigram back-off
language model (BLM) with Good-Turing discount-
ing trained directly from the training text, i.e. without
name classes. The second one is an adapted class-
based 2-gram language model (ALM2) for the first
pass and the last one is an adapted class-based 4-
gram language model (ALM4) for word graph rescor-
ing in the second pass. The last two language mod-
els were trained from training text incorporating tags
representing the name classes. The vocabulary size is
almost 113 000 words. The SRI Language Modeling
Toolkit (Stolcke, 2002) was used for training.
Table 1: Experimental results with baseline and adapted
language models.
Language Test Recognition Recognition
model perplexity correctness accuracy
BLM 305 86.13 % 83.67 %
ALM2 292 87.02 % 84.42 %
ALM4 208 87.55 % 85.06 %
Five parliament speech records from different
electoral period than the training text, half an hour
each, were chosen for the testing. The OOV word rate
is 1.51 % for BLM, 1.35 % for ALM2 and ALM4. It
is important to notice that about 50 % of the OOV
words are slips of the tongue. The perplexity and
recognition results are reported in Table 1.
We designed our fast 2-pass LVCSR system imple-
mentation that is suitable for automatic online subti-
tling using original TV program audio channel or us-
ing a shadow speaker. Many word errors are caused
only by missing prepositions and wrong endings of
flexible words, so the subjective readability of auto-
matically generated subtitles is very high.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Edu-
cation of the Czech Republic under project M
Evans, M. J. (2003). Speech recognition in assisted and live
subtitling for television. BBC R&D White Paper, 065.
J. Kanis, J. Zelinka, L. M. (2005). Automatic numbers
normalization in inflectional languages. In SPECOM
2005, 10th International Conference SPEECH and
J. Psutka, L. M
uller, J. V. P. (2001). Comparison of
mfcc and plp parameterization in the speaker in-
dependent continuous speech recognition task. In
EUROSPEECH 2001, 7th European Conference on
Speech Communication and Technology.
S. Young, e. a. (1999). The HTK Book. Entropic Inc.
Stolcke, A. (2002). Srilm - an extensible language modeling
toolkit. In ICSLP 2002, 7th International Conference
on Spoken Language Processing.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications