A New Explicit Approach in Filtering and Restoration of Digital Images
Pejman Rahmani, Beno
ıt Vozel and Kacem Chehdi
TSI2M, Universit
e de Rennes 1 - ENSSAT, BP 80518, 22305 Lannion Cedex, France
Inverse Problems, Image Restoration, Filtering, Deconvolution.
Image restoration, in presence of noise, is well known to be an ill-posed inverse problem. Deconvolution of
blurry and noisy digital images is a very active research area in image processing. This paper introduces a
novel approach composed of two optimized sequential stages of image processing: denoising followed by
deconvolution. In the first stage, the denoising filter and the number of iteration are chosen in order to obtain
the best value of the usual criteria and the good recovering of the blurry image. We assume that the statistics
of the noise are previously estimated. In the second stage, a deconvolution method is applied on an almost
noise free version of the blurry image. Compared with the classical deconvolution methods, the numerical
experiments of proposed method, appear to give significant improvement. The preliminary results of the new
cascade approach are very encouraging as well.
It is well-known that the deconvolution of degraded
images is a difficult and challenging problem. Be-
cause it is hard to recover the convolved original im-
age, uniquely from the observed data. A fundamental
issue in image restoration is blur removal from noisy
The mathematical discrete direct model of obser-
vation is represented by the following equation
g = h f+ n (1)
where the PSF is presented by h and h f means the
output of the convolutive linear system. The term n
in the equation (1) is non-correlated and independent
additive observation noise. It is known that estimating
the (unknown) true image f from observed image g is
an ill-posed problem even if the PSF is known. The
knowledge of the degradation model is, in general, in-
sufficient to obtain satisfactory results. The blurry im-
ages are often disturbed and the process of restoration
is eminently unstable in the presence of noise.
Many methods have been reported for restoring
the degraded image under the assumption that the blur
operator is exactly known (Biemond et al., 1990). The
basic involved operation is simply a deconvolution
process that faces the usual difficulties related to the
noise and the ill-conditioning of the blur operator.
Many of the proposed methods are, therefore,
structured in the context of regularization procedures
to make the problem of inversion well-posed. The so-
lution is, in general, regularized by introducing con-
straints translating prior knowledge on the original
image and/or the PSF and/or the noise. Several ap-
proaches of regularization based on minimization of
least squares error are possible in order to integrate
a priori knowledge into the model of inversion. In
this case, the a priori knowledge is expressed through
the terms which are added to the basical a posteriori
term of the least squares error. These terms represent
a penalization, or a constraint on the restored solution.
The mathematical formulation in the regularized im-
age recovery problem, is stated as follows :
f = argmin
kg (h f)k
where the hyperparameters λ
determine the weights
of the terms of regularization Φ
in the process of in-
This regularized inversion presents some disad-
vantages. In most of the methods of regularization,
the knowledge of the noise is not directly translated in
the term of regularization Φ
. Taking into account of
noise is often weighed by the hyperparameters λ
. It is
not easy to find a value of λ
high enough to limit the
influence of noise, and at the same time, weak enough
Rahmani P., Vozel B. and Chehdi K. (2007).
IMAGE RESTORATION - A New Explicit Approach in Filtering and Restoration of Digital Images.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 196-199
DOI: 10.5220/0002140501960199
to keep the maximum of details on original image.
In some methods, like the stochastic approaches, it
is possible to estimate the hyperparameters explicitly
(Mohammad-Djafari, 1996), (Jalobeanu et al., 2002),
but that requires an important computing time.
In the case of non-linear regularization, like the
variational regularization methods, the process of in-
version is, in fact, a spatial-variant deconvolution. In
other words, the response of the reconstructed inverse
filter depends on the local properties (edges, uniform
areas, etc.) of the restored image. This is contradic-
tory to the two-dimensional direct model of observa-
tion which occurs in linear optical system character-
ized by a spatial-invariant impulse response.
Recent research works (Bronstein et al., 2005),
(Nikolova et al., 1998), (Park and Kang, 2006),
(Molina et al., 2003), (Chantas et al., 2006), (Molina
et al., 2006), (Likas and Galatsanos, 2004), have been
developed to modify the terms of regularization in or-
der to attenuate the noise over the uniform areas and
to avoid the smoothing of the edges.
In the section 2 of this paper, we briefly mention
the main idea of our approach. The numerical quan-
titative and visual experimental results of each stage
are presented in subsections 2.1 and 2.2. Finally, we
conclude the paper in section 3 by giving thoughts on
future research.
We split the restoration of blurry and noisy images
into two sequential stages: denoising and deconvolu-
tion. It consists of applying first an algorithm of fil-
tering adapted to the nature of the noise and then per-
forming a deconvolution process on the filtered im-
The critical stage of the proposed approach is
noise elimination. Because it has to accomplish the
preservation of edges and fine details. But, it is also
important to estimate the blurry image h f without
altering it, nor the PSF. For these reasons, the choice
of the filtering method is of the primary importance
for our approach. To select the best filter, we have
performed a comparative study of a set of represen-
tative filters requiring only the a priori knowledge on
the noise. After this first filtering stage, two decon-
volution processes (non-regularized and regularized)
are evaluated.
2.1 Denoising Process
Six iterative filters were retained: Koenderink’s filter
(Koenderink, 1984), filter of Rudin et al. (Rudin et al.,
1992), filter of Chan et al. (Chan et al., 2001), filter of
Perona-Malik (Perona and Malik, 1990), Lee’s filter
(Lee, 1980) and filter of Beaurepaire et al. (Klaine,
2004). For all these filters, we follow an iterative
denoising strategy for the purpose of evaluating the
PSNR of the filtered images in each iteration. Invari-
ably, these filters require the determination of a sig-
nificant parameter in the process. This parameter is
the optimal iteration where the PSNR of the filtered
image is maximum.
The experiments were carried out on various se-
ries of images, synthetically degraded (defocusing
blur with different diameters: 5, 7 and 9 and addi-
tive gaussian noise with different levels of standard
deviation: 10, 14 and 16). Results are assessed first
globally and then, locally. The global evaluation is
obtained by calculing the three usual criteria MAE,
MSE and PSNR for each filtering iteration number.
These criteria are also considered to determine the in-
fluence of the estimator of hf on the final estimations
of PSF and f. For the local evaluation, the same crit-
era are selected but in three different zones: a zone
containing the pixels of contours, a zone around these
contours and the areas out of these two zones (cf. Fig-
ure 1).
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Local evaluation zones on degraded [LA-
CORNOU]. image (defocusing blur d = 7, σ
= 14). (a)
Detected edges; (b) the zones around the edges(white) and
the areas of out (black).
The PDE-based filters, Koenderick, Rudin et al.,
Chan et al., and Perona-Malik, give better results and
among them, the filter of Chan et al. is slightly better
with a low iteration number (cf. Table 1).
The results show that after a reasonable number
of filtering iterations, the change in the PSF remains
weak independently of the used denoising method and
the selected initialization. These results remain valid
whatever the size of PSF and the level of noise. The
filter of Chan et al. gives appreciably better results.
This filter will be retained for the denoising stage.
IMAGE RESTORATION - A New Explicit Approach in Filtering and Restoration of Digital Images
Table 1: Global and local evaluations of filters on degraded [LACORNOU] image (defocusing blur d = 7, σ
= 14): PSNR
values of
hf corresponding to the optimal iteration number of filtering, calculated on the whole of image, on the contours,
on the zones around contours and on the area out of them.
contours zone of contours zone out of contours
filter iteration PSNR iteration PSNR iteration PSNR iteration PSNR
Koenderink 27 34.812 16 13.149 24 36.712 37 39.765
Rudin et al. 103 34.255 109 13.368 106 35.643 100 39.90
Chan et al. 4 35.124 3 13.109 3 36.875 5 40.341
Perona-Malik 20 33.635 23 13.223 18 34.887 24 39.789
Lee 17 31.439 4 12.877 15 32.611 26 38.559
Beaurepaire et al. 2 30.655 0 12.789 1 32.549 2 35.583
2.2 Deconvolution Process
In this stage, we assume that the PSF is known. Two
different deconvolution processes are examined. For
both of them, an algorithm of conjugate gradient (CG)
is considered to minimize the least squares criteria ac-
cording to equation (2). For the first one, we minimize
the least squares criteria without any prior knowledge
on the original image. In this case, no regularization
is considered in order to study the influence of filter-
ing on the process of inversion and the quality of the
restored image. For the second method, we regularize
the process of deconvolution by penalizing highly os-
cillatory solutions. The motivation for using the reg-
ularization is due to the fact that the estimator of h f
introduces a residual error. Thus, the influence of the
residuals of the error on the filtered image can be re-
duced by slightly regularizing the process of inver-
From numerous simulations, the experimental re-
sults show that when the level of noise is low, the non-
regularized deconvolution gives slightly better results
(cf. Table 2). The regularized method gives better
results for higher level of noise. In both cases, the re-
sults of the proposed scheme,
h f), are better ac-
cording to the retained objective criteria, and com-
pared to the results of the restoration obtained directly
from observed image,
f(g) (cf. Table 2, iteration num-
ber = 0, i.e. without filtering).
These results are also confirmed by the visual
quality of the estimated images (Figure 2). Edges and
details of the restored image are preserved.
It is clear that the optimal iteration number for
stopping of the filtering depends strongly on the level
of the noise and also the size of the PSF. As observed
in Table 2, in the presence of noise (σ
6= 0), the re-
sults of restoration by using the filter of Chan et al. are
systematically better than those without filtering (iter-
ation number= 0) for the different levels of the noise.
The quantitative results show that the filter of Chan et
al. associated with the regularized restoration method
gives better PSNR with high level of noise. In the
case of low level of noise, the non-regularized method
gives slightly better PSNR values. The numerical ex-
periments with other filters confirm the same results.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 2: (a) original [LACORNOU] image; (b) blurry im-
age y (defocusing blur d = 7); (c) blurry and noisy image
(defocusing blur d = 7, σ
= 14); (d)
f(g) estimated from
observed image; (e) filtered image
hf obtained after 4 iter-
ations by the filter of Chan et al.; (f)
hf) obtained from
image (e).
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 2: Usual criteria values for non-regularized and reg-
f obtained from
h.f from degraded [LACORNOU]
image (defocusing blur d = 9, and additive gaussian noise
with various standard deviation levels σ
=0, 8, 12 and 16)
filtered by filter of Chan et al.
h f
f regularized
iteration PSNR PSNR PSNR
0 0 Inf 30.861 23.907
0 30.046 10.952 23.101
3 39.526 23.663 23.534
0 26.566 8.790 22.219
4 37.127 22.709 23.302
0 24.134 7.837 21.255
5 35.495 22.005 23.062
Both the numerical performance and visual evalua-
tion of the results obtained by the proposed restora-
tion method are significantly more favorable than that
of the classical method without preliminary noise re-
duction. The numerical results indicate that the pro-
posed scheme is quite robust and the image f can be
recovered under presence of the noise even if it is high
level. The quality of the restored image depends vig-
orously on the estimation of h f, which means, the
choice of the filter and the number of iteration are
two important factors to get the satisfying results. We
have evaluated a finite set of representative filtering
methods in order to select the optimal one. The filter
of Chan et al. achieves the best compromise between
the quality of the filtering result and the number of
iterations involved.
Primary results based on the estimation of the
standard deviation of the filtering residuals are en-
couraging to solve the problem of the determination
of the optimal iteration number of filtering.
Supported by the European Union. Co-financed
by the ERDF and the Regional Council of Brittany
through the Interreg3B project number 190 PIMHAI.
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IMAGE RESTORATION - A New Explicit Approach in Filtering and Restoration of Digital Images