Alexander Wong and William Bishop
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Multi-level image encryption, ROI, backwards compatibility, biometrics.
Digital image archival and distribution systems are an indispensable part of the modern digital age. Organi-
zations perceive a need for increased information security. However, conventional image encryption methods
are not versatile enough to meet more advanced image security demands. We propose a universal multi-level
ROI image encryption architecture that is based on biometric data. The proposed architecture ensures that dif-
ferent users can only view certain parts of an image based on their level of authority. Biometric authentication
is used to ensure that only an authorized individual can view the encrypted image content. The architecture
is designed such that it can be applied to any existing raster image format while maintaining full backwards
compatibility so that images can be viewed using popular image viewers. Experimental results demonstrate
the effectiveness of this architecture in providing conditional content access.
Digital image management systems have become an
integral part of many organizations, ranging from hos-
pitals to military institutions. The popularity of stor-
ing scans of confidential documents as images has led
to the need for increased support for image encryp-
tion. Examples of scanned document images include
military maps, legal agreements, and medical docu-
ments. Such confidential images are often encoded as
binary data and protected using conventional crypto-
graphic techniques such as block ciphering systems.
A number of image encryption algorithms using
conventional techniques have been proposed and in-
vestigated (Dang and Chau, 2000; Hou and Wang,
2003; Ziedan et al., 2003). Image-specific crypto-
graphic techniques also exist (Seo et al., 2003; Chen
et al., 2005; Salleh et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2003).
Such techniques utilize the characteristics of images
to yield better overall computational performance, but
have been shown to be less secure than conventional
techniques (Li et al., 2004a; Li and Zheng, 2002a; Li
et al., 2004b; Li and Zheng, 2002b). While such cryp-
tographic techniques are effective for providing file-
level security for documents, the techniques diminish
the legibility of the images and render them useless in
content-based document searches. More importantly,
existing cryptographic techniques are not designed to
provide image encryption capabilities for specific re-
gions of interest (ROI). This feature is very important
for concealing only the information that needs to be
protected while making the rest of the image available
for general viewing. Traditional image encryption al-
gorithms also fail to provide different levels of access
to a document image. This feature is important in sit-
uations where different users are authorized to view
some but not all of a document image. Therefore, tra-
ditional image encryption algorithms are not versatile
enough to fulfill many important advanced encryption
Recently, an extension to JPEG 2000 known as
JPSEC (Dufaux et al., 2004) was proposed as a frame-
work for securing image content. One of the tools
provided by this framework is the ability to support
conditional access to an image. This feature allows
access to regions of an image to be restricted. One
approach to accomplishing this using JPSEC is pre-
sented in (Dufaux et al., 2004; Dufaux and Ebrahimi,
2004) where the information within specified regions
is scrambled with pseudorandom noise. The seed val-
Wong A. and Bishop W. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 320-325
DOI: 10.5220/0002140903200325
ues used to generate the pseudorandom noise are then
encrypted and placed inside the JPSEC codestream.
The receiver can then use the encryption key to re-
trieve the seeds for the purpose of descrambling the
regions. Furthermore, the use of multiple encryption
keys enables the ability to provide multiple levels of
access to the image. JPSEC effectively provides a so-
lution for multi-level ROI image encryption.
There are a number of important issues that are
not currently addressed by JPSEC. First, the condi-
tional access approach used by JPSEC is integrated
into the JPEG 2000 framework. This approach can-
not be easily used for many popular formats includ-
ing TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG, and JPEG. This limitation
is particularly important since JPEG 2000 is not yet
widely supported by image editing and web brows-
ing applications. The lack of a backwards compati-
bility for JPSEC is a limiting factor for its usefulness.
Another important issue is that JPSEC does not pro-
vide an explicit means to authenticate the user. This is
problematic for securing highly confidential data. If
an attacker is able to obtain the encryption keys, the
attacker gains full access to the secured image con-
tent. Obtaining encryption keys is often made eas-
ier by the fact that strong encryption keys are very
difficult to remember and are often secured by weak
passwords that are easy to crack. Therefore, a secure
method is desired to ensure that the user accessing the
content is actually an authorized individual.
This paper introduces a backwards compatible,
multi-level ROI image encryption architecture using
biometric authentication. The proposed architecture
addresses the issues of backwards compatibility and
user authentication. These issues are not currently
addressed by JPSEC. In this paper, the theories under-
lying the proposed architecture are presented in Sec-
tion 2 along with a discussion of the issues associated
with backwards compatibility. An outline of the pro-
posed architecture is also provided in Section 2. Ex-
perimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of
the proposed architecture are presented in Section 3.
Finally, conclusions are drawn and future work is dis-
cussed in Section 4.
Prior to outlining the proposed image encryption ar-
chitecture, it is important to introduce some of the the-
ory behind the key concepts of the architecture. First,
the basic concept of multi-level ROI encryption is pre-
sented along with a simple method of implementing
such a system. This serves as a building block for
the proposed architecture. The issues dealing with
backwards compatibility are described in detail and
practical solutions are provided to clarify how such
a system can be integrated into existing widely used
image formats while maintaining format compliance.
Finally, the concept of biometric authentication is ex-
plained in detail along with a method to integrate such
a technique into the system to ensure only authorized
individuals are given access to the image content.
2.1 Multi-level ROI Encryption
The goal of multi-level ROI encryption is to encrypt
an uncompressed raster image such that an image
viewer can view specified regions within the image
based on authentication. Multi-level ROI encryption
allows a single image to be used by several users for
different purposes. Upon creation, the levels of au-
thentication are specified and regions of interest are
assigned to each of the levels of authentication. Con-
sider the following example. Alice would like to post
a legal document in the form of a scanned document
image for Bob, Carol, and Donna to validate. Alice
wants Bob to check the legal validity of the terms in
the contract but does not want Bob to know the names
of the parties involved or the signatures of the par-
ties. Alice wants to give Carol a higher level of access
than Bob to view the terms of the contract as well as
record the names of the parties involved but does not
want Carol to see the signatures of the parties for pri-
vacy reasons. Finally, Donna is Alice’s manager and
so Alice would like to give Donna full access to the
scanned document image. Multi-level ROI encryp-
tion allows for this type of flexibility by encrypting
the image such that the specified access rights may
be ensured. As such, Alice is able to e-mail the same
scanned document image to all three individuals with-
out the need to create three versions of the document.
Consider another important example. A company
that provides high-resolution satellite images would
like to post the maps on a public website. It is desir-
able for the general public to be able to view most of
the map with the exception of certain restricted gov-
ernment sites. However, for military use the restricted
government sites could be accessible to army officers
with the appropriate security clearance level. Multi-
level ROI image encryption provides support for this
For the purpose of the proposed algorithm for
multi-level ROI image encryption, the sender inputs
an image into the image encryption system along
with information about the ROI within the image that
needs to be encrypted and the level of authority re-
quired for each ROI. Typically, the user performs the
ROI selection process manually. However, in the
case of standardized document images, systems have
been introduced that perform automatic ROI selec-
tion (Wong and Bishop, 2006). Such systems have
been shown to be effective at reducing human inter-
action during the encryption process. Automatic ROI
selection algorithms simplify the task of encrypting a
standard set of document images.
Using the specified ROI information, ROI that lie
within the same level of authority i are encrypted with
a cipher key CK
using a secure conventional stream
cipher such as RC4, SEAL (Rogaway and Copper-
smith, 1998), SCREAM (Halevi et al., 2002) or a
block cipher such as DES and AES on a bit-stream
level. Therefore, a different cipher key is needed
for each available level of authority. This encryption
scheme allows for different regions within an image
to be encrypted differently depending on the level of
authority required to view the region. An example of
how the encryption process works is shown in Fig-
ure 1.
Figure 1: ROI Encryption Process.
If a strong encryption scheme is used with strong
cipher keys, the resulting image content in the ROI
should resemble random noise. A secure conven-
tional cipher was used as opposed to the pseudoran-
dom noise for a number of reasons. First, while the
pseudorandom noise approach used by JPSEC (Du-
faux et al., 2004) reduces the complexity of the pro-
tection process, it is not a secure method for protect-
ing highly confidential data within an image. This is
particularly important for institutions such as govern-
ment agencies, where confidentiality is a high prior-
ity. Therefore, the improved level of security gained
from using a conventional cipher outweighs the effi-
ciency gained from using the simple pseudorandom
noise approach.
To improve the level of security achieved by this
method, a unique identifier (UID) is combined with
each encryption key to form a final encryption key
used for each level of authority. What this accom-
plishes is to ensure that, in the case where stream ci-
phers are used, different images are encrypted with
different key-streams even if they share a common en-
cryption key. Once the ROI of the image have been
encrypted, the ROI and level of authority information
are stored in the image. Finally the image can be sent
to its recipients who can then use the set of encryption
keys that they possess based on their level of authority
to access encrypted versions of the image.
2.2 Backwards Compatibility
The ultimate goal of this paper is to devise an archi-
tecture that allows multi-level ROI image encryption
to be used with any widely adopted, raster-based im-
age format. A number of issues need to be addressed
for the multi-level ROI image encryption algorithm
described in Section 2.1 to be integrated into exist-
ing widely used formats such as BMP, TIFF, PNG,
JPEG, and GIF while maintaining backwards compat-
ibility. The first issue deals with public content. One
motivation for a backwards compatible, multi-level
ROI architecture is that there are situations where it
is desirable for the general public to be able to view
an encrypted image using any standard image viewer
or web browsing application, while only individuals
with special image decryption software and the ap-
propriate keys can view the encrypted regions of the
image that they are authorized to view.
One possible approach to addressing this issue
is through the use of a mixed raster content (MRC)
model. Using this approach, an image is segmented
into multiple layers: a public layer and an encrypted
layer for each level of authority. Only those with the
appropriate keys can retrieve image content from the
encrypted layers. An advantage to this approach is
that ROI and level of authority information does not
need to be explicitly stored as it is implicitly defined
by the layering of the image. However, the main dis-
advantage to this approach is that most widely used
image formats, besides TIFF, do not provide support
for layers. Furthermore, segmenting and storing the
image as individual layers adds complexity to the
problem. Therefore, to allow the architecture to be
used by the widest range of popular image formats, a
simple approach of storing public and encrypted im-
age content in a single layer is used.
Another issue that needs to be addressed is the
storage of additional encryption-related information
such as ROI and level of authority information as
well as the UID. This can be easily accomplished
in formats such as TIFF and JPEG due to the fact
that both formats support the storage of custom meta-
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
data within the image file. Therefore, the encryption-
related information can be arranged into a data frame
and stored directly in the meta-data area of the im-
age. However, many widely used image formats do
not provide a standard for embedding custom meta-
data. These include BMP, GIF, and PNG. Therefore,
an alternative approach must be devised to store the
encryption-related information without affecting for-
mat compliance for the algorithm to support such im-
age formats. To remedy this problem, encryption-
related information is encoded and then hidden within
the image content data itself using digital image wa-
termarking techniques.
The actual encoding scheme for the encryption-
related information depends on a number of factors,
such as the acceptable shapes of the ROI and the num-
ber of levels of authority supported. A sample frame
for a 1024×1024 image with 2 regions of interests (A
and B) and 2 levels of authority (0 and 1) is shown
in Figure 2. One side benefit of storing the encoded
encryption-related information directly into the im-
age using watermarking techniques is that no addi-
tional storage space is required to hold the informa-
tion. The watermarking technique is performed af-
ter image compression if a lossy image compression
scheme is used in the image format. This ensures that
the encoded encryption-related information is not lost
due to lossy image compression.
Figure 2: Sample ROI Information Frame.
2.3 Biometric Authentication
A major issue that needs to be addressed is the need
for user authentication. This issue is not addressed in
JPSEC and related works on image encryption. How-
ever, it is very important to ensure that the person
viewing the secure content is in fact the person who
is authorized to view the information. A traditional
method for authenticating a user is through the use
of passwords. To access the desired content, the user
sends a password to an authentication server. If the
password used is correct, the server sends a strong
encryption key back to the user which can then be
used to decrypt the data. However, this is not very se-
cure since passwords are often short and chosen such
that they are easy to remember. An attacker can eas-
ily determine passwords using a combination of brute
force methods, guesses, or phishing attacks that en-
tice users to reveal passwords. A more effective so-
lution to providing user authentication is through the
use of biometric authentication. In biometric authen-
tication, biological characteristics that are unique to
the user are used for authentication. These biological
characteristics include fingerprints, iris patterns, and
speech. Unlike methods using passwords, biometric
information is a unique characteristic of an individ-
ual and therefore less susceptible to physical theft if
the biometric system is properly implemented. There
are numerous different biometric recognition methods
available depending on the type of biometric data is
used. A survey on biometric techniques can be found
in (Delac and Grgic, 2004). For the purpose of this
research, the focus is on presenting a method for in-
tegrating biometric user authentication into the pro-
posed multi-level ROI image encryption architecture.
The basic concept of the proposed biometric ap-
proach is similar to that described for password-based
authentication. However, rather than sending a pass-
word, biometric data pertaining to the user is used to
construct a unique biometric key and the biometric
key is sent instead. Furthermore, two individuals with
the same level of authority must be able to view the
same content. Therefore, a way to allow more than
one person to the same content is needed.
Recall the example involving Alice, Bob, Carol,
and Donna from Section 2.1. This example can be
extended to integrate biometric authentication. To do
so, we introduce an authentication server (denoted as
AS) that also acts as a key management server. As
such, the AS possesses a database of biometric tem-
plates that include those of the participating parties.
When Alice wishes to protect the legal document, she
makes a request to the AS for a set of encryption keys
(one for each level of authority) and a UID. Alice also
sends the AS information regarding the level of au-
thority each of the participating parties have for the
image. The AS sends Alice the requested information
through a secure channel and stores a record of the
UID, the set of generated encryption keys, the level
of authority each key is associated with, and the level
of authority of each individual. Alice then encrypts
the image using the proposed multi-level ROI encryp-
tion techniques. The encrypted image is sent to Bob,
Carol, and Donna. When Bob views the image, he
sends his username, the biometric key constructed us-
ing his biometric information, and the UID of the im-
age to the AS through a secure channel. The AS then
takes the biometric key and matches it with the bio-
metric template associated with Bob. If the biometric
key matches that of the biometric template, the AS re-
trieves the set of encryption keys associated with the
level of authority assigned to Bob by Alice and sends
them to Bob. Bob can then use the set of encryption
keys to decrypt the portions of the image that he is
authorized to view. When Donna wishes to view the
content she is authorized to see, she undergoes the
same process that Bob goes through. However, since
Donna is at the highest level of authority, she receives
the entire set of encryption keys for all levels of au-
thority. This approach allows the encryption keys to
be bound to the level of authority and not the indi-
viduals. Furthermore this approach ensures that the
individuals accessing the information are verified us-
ing biometric user authentication. The above example
(showing only Alice, Bob, and Carol) is illustrated in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example image encryption and authentication
For testing purposes, the proposed architecture was
implemented as a document management system us-
ing the RC4 stream cipher with 128-bit keys and
the TIFF format with the lossless PackBits compres-
sion scheme. Since the TIFF format was used, the
encryption-related information was stored as meta-
data. The biometric authentication system used for
the test system was a simple fingerprint-matching
system using normalized correlation. Since any ci-
pher and biometric matching algorithm can be used
in the proposed framework, RC4 and the fingerprint-
matching algorithm were chosen for testing purposes
due to their simplicity. For scenarios that require a
higher level of security, a block cipher such as AES
and more advanced biometric authentication tech-
niques can be used. This test system was designed
primarily to demonstrate the effectiveness of the pro-
posed image encryption architecture. The test set
consists of different document images from the Uni-
versity of Waterloo Registrar’s Office, with multi-
ple ROIs selected for each document image and en-
crypted at three levels of authority. Four sample en-
crypted document images are illustrated in Figure 4.
These images were obtained using the proposed ar-
chitecture. It can be seen that the proposed system is
effective at maintaining image legibility while provid-
ing conditional content access at multiple levels.
Figure 4: Sample Encrypted Document Images from a 3-
level ROI encryption scheme; Top-left: Image encrypted
for public viewing; Top-right: Im age viewed with level-
1 access; Bottom-left: Image viewed with level-2 access;
Bottom-right: Image viewed with level-3 access.
This paper proposes a novel architecture for multi-
level ROI image encryption using biometric authenti-
cation. The proposed algorithm is highly efficient and
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
flexible, and can be used with existing widely used
image formats. Furthermore, the use of biometric au-
thentication ensures that only authorized individuals
have access to secure image data. It is our belief that
this method can be successfully implemented in dig-
ital image archival and distribution infrastructures to
provide flexible image information security. Future
work includes the application of the proposed algo-
rithm for multi-level ROI video encryption.
This research has been sponsored in part by Epson
Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
search Council of Canada.
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