5.3 Memory System Power
Power consumption of the memory system due to
MPEG4 and H.264/AVC encoder is shown in Figure
5 in terms of power consumption decrease in
percentage for various CL2 size. We keep CL1
cache parameters fixed and obtain the total power
consumed by the memory system for each CL2 size.
This is an activity based power analysis and it is
assumed that power required due to a CL2 miss is
100 times more than that required due to a CL2 hit.
Figure 5: Power decrease (%) versus CL2 size.
Simulation results show that the percentage of
decrease in power consumed by the memory system
is significant for smaller CL2 cache size. It is also
observed that for H.264/AVC, the percentage of
decrease in power consumed is smaller when
compared with that of MPEG4.
Due to their limited resources, multimedia systems
may suffer while processing multimedia
applications. The demand for tremendous amount of
processing power raises serious challenges for
multimedia systems and applications. Studies show
that cache memory has strong influence on the
performance of multimedia systems and
applications. In our previous work, we optimize
level-1 cache parameters to enhance the
performance of portable devices running MPEG4
decoder. In this paper, we focus on evaluating the
impacts of level-2 cache on the performance of
multimedia systems running MPEG4 and
H.264/AVC encoders. We develop VisualSim model
and C++ code to run the simulation. We measure
miss rates, CPU utilization, and power consumed by
varying level-2 cache size. Simulation results show
that the performance of multimedia systems and
applications can be enhanced by optimizing level-2
We plan to investigate the impact of level-3
cache on performance and power of a multimedia
system running MPEG4 and H.264/AVC CODEC in
our next endeavour.
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications