2. Design a feature extractor which produces a col-
lection of features for each admissible local neigh-
borhood. It may be as simple as admissible pixel
color frequency or as complex as long vector of
100 Angular Radial Transformation (ART) coef-
3. Design a classifier which decides whether the col-
lection of features extracted from the given neigh-
borhood of analysis could be face relevant. If so
the admissible pixel becomes face relevant point.
It could be a simple classifier based on compari-
son of feature with a threshold or more complex
Support Vector Machine (SVM classifier) using
Gaussian kernel.
4. Define a post-processing scheme which selects
representative face relevant points defining face
locations. The representatives could be obtained
as centroids of connected components in the set of
all face relevant points or results of more complex
clustering scheme combined with graph matching
to reject inconsistent ensembles of face relevant
On top of the above scheme each detector includes a
multi-resolution mechanism to deal with face size. It
is implemented either through analysis in image pyra-
mid or by scaling the local neighborhood of analysis
together with relevant parameters.
Figure 2: Rings of small squares as neighborhoods of anal-
ysis in our method.
One of the most known face detectors is based on
AdaBoost classifier. It was introduced by Viola and
Jones in 2001 (Viola and Jones, 2001). Let us trace
the design scheme of this prominent method:
1. The local neighborhood of analysis is a small win-
dow of size 20×20 scaled up by 20%. The pixel is
admissible if and only if it is upper left corner of
the analysis window completely included in im-
age domain.
2. In analysis window at fixed positions small con-
trasting filters are defined of specific size and type.
The filter returns the contrast between white and
black region defined as the difference between to-
tal intensities in the regions.
3. The regional contrast is compared with filter spe-
cific threshold giving a weak classifier. The weak
decisions are linearly combined using cost coef-
ficients elaborated according the AdaBoost ma-
chine learning scheme. The AdaBoost is a multi-
classifier well known from the late 1980s which
due a special weighting scheme of training exam-
ples ensures the high performance of strong clas-
sifier providing that weak classifiers have the suc-
cess rate about 0.5. Authors of (Viola and Jones,
2001) applied an early and suboptimal heuristics
given for AdaBoost training algorithm in (Fre-
und and Schapire, 1997). However, their face
recognition system described in (Jones and Vi-
ola, 2003) which also used the AdaBoost concept,
contained the optimal training procedure which is
methodologically sound. The algorithm proposed
by them is a generalization of one described in
(Shapire, 2002).
4. In post-processing stage the centroid of enough
large connected components of face relevant win-
dow corners represents the detected face window.
While AdaBoost is satisfactory solution for fa-
cial window detection, its extensions to detect fidu-
cial points, for instance eye centers, are not equally
effective. The normalization of facial image based on
AdaBoost is not accurate and it results in poor face
recognition and verification. In this paper we develop
a novel method for detection of face fiducial points
which is based on very rough discrete approximation
of Gabor transform called here Discrete Gabor Jet
(DGJ). The method gives very good results for de-
tection of frontal face views with almost perfect false
acceptance rate.
In practice when we deal with a temporal se-
quence of images face detection cooperates with face
tracking. There are many techniques for object track-
ing in video. However, having robust face detector the
simple practical approach is its local use for each im-
age frame interleaved by global face detector called
with the frequency proportional to motion activity of
tracked objects.
The whole process of face detection consists of sev-
eral steps illustrated in Fig. 3. The fiducial points are