Thomas Ndie Djotio, Claude Tangha
Department of Computer Science, LABORIMA, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé
University of Yaounde I, PoBox 8390 Melen, Yaounde, Cameroon
Georges Edouard Kouamou
Department of Computer Science, LABORIMA, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé
University of Yaounde I, PoBox 8390 Melen, Yaounde, Cameroon
Keywords: Protocol, process monitoring, remote administration, Short Message Service (SMS).
Abstract: In this paper we propose a Very Short Message protocol (VeSMp), a simple SMS-based protocol for
process monitoring and system remote administration. This protocol offers the system administrator an
additional means of supervising and monitoring the activity or the state of processes and services via a
mobile terminal. VeSMp transforms a Global Mobile Standard (GSM) terminal by means of SMS service
into a true station of system administration as well as a PC connected to a corporate network. This protocol
uses an original concept which we call VeSM (for Very Short Message). VeSM represents a very short
message, an alias or extensible shortcut which makes it possible to implicitly exceed the conventional limit
of 160 characters maximum used in SMS.
This paper presents the integration of Short Message
Service (SMS) technology in the process of system
administration in general, and in the field of process
monitoring in particular. Indeed, the SMS became
very popular in Europe and Asia where more
advanced numerical networks made it available long
before it started in North America (Pons, 2001). It is
less than one decade since Global Standard for
Mobile (GSM) technology was popularized in the
developing countries including Cameroon. New
applications of this service are increasing each day
(Enck et al., 2005), (Trosby, 2004), (NewNet
SMserverTM, 1999), (Wikipedia, 2006). For the
owners of GSM terminals, it is an alternative to
lower costs in terms of communication. For certain
economic operators, it is an added value of service
(Ngadeu, 2003) making it possible to improve the
profitability of the company as well as a traditional
product on sale in the case of hardware shops. For us
it is an opportunity of offering a system
administrator an additional means to improve
activities of system monitoring in companies and
especially in Small and Medium-sized Businesses
(SMB), where the presence of a System
administrator is not basically essential in
In terms of system and network monitoring, the
company faces the following problems today:
necessity to manage the availability and the
performances of new applications and network
services, increase in the number of mobile
personnel; and security. In response, we propose
solutions based on technologies of lower cost to
carry out the tasks and large scale actions. These
solutions at average scale have impact on the
development and the blooming of SMB.
We propose the VeSMp protocol, an original
alternative of exploiting the SMS service for remote
administration and the monitoring of processes. The
idea, born from a simple report is motivated by the
growing interest that mobile users of telephones and
the companies attach to SMS technology. We also
introduce here an original concept called VeSM
Ndie Djotio T., Tangha C. and Edouard Kouamou G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 25-32
DOI: 10.5220/0002144600250032
which allows for circumventing the conventional
limit of the maximum number of characters which
an SMS can contain. Our approach in this article
first uses a state of the art which extends the
fundamental concepts related to the principles and
operations of SMS service, system monitoring and
the logic of establishing a protocol of management.
Secondly, we present the description of VeSMp, our
protocol of communication. It consists of presenting
its model and architecture, and also the abstractions
which made it possible for its realisation. We end up
by showing how VeSMp is integrated into the
standards of network management like Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) of
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) and Common Management Information
Protocol (CMIP) of Open System Interconnection
(OSI) (Pugolles pp 829-876, 2002).
Compared to the Internet which is seen today as the
greatest technological revolution of the century, the
success of SMS service has taken their providers by
surprise, the operators of GSM (Trosby, 2004).
2.1 Short Message Service (SMS)
The SMS offered by the GSM network appeared on
the scene for the first time in 1991 in Europe and is
defined as "a globally accepted wireless mobile
service that enables the transmission of
alphanumeric messages between mobile subscribers
and external systems such as electronic mail, paging
and voice mail systems" (NewNet SMserverTM,
1999). However, it is since the 1980s that experts in
the communities of GSM operators thought of
additional services based on text messages in their
offers in addition to those already existing, such as
voice in particular (Wikipedia, 2006).
This service of text messages of a maximum
length of 160 characters (coded using ASCII 7 bits
on 140 bytes) makes it possible for a user to carry
out, starting from his mobile terminal, the transfer of
messages to one or more recipients having GSM
mobile telephones equally or to a similar external
entity with GSM network called Shorts Message
Entity (SME) (Pons, 2001). The exchanges of short
messages (textos or SMS by abuse) are possible
thanks to the network of Signaling System n°7 (SS7)
(Trosby, 2004), (Pons, 2001). Given the differences
with other existing text services like paging, SMS
service guarantees the delivery of messages by the
network (NewNet SMserverTM, 1999), while
temporary failures are identified and short messages
are stored on the network until the recipient becomes
available. Indeed, if the latter is available, the
message is directly transmitted to him on his
terminal, if not; it is stored on a central server of
short messages SMS Center (SMSC) through which
it passes. The SMSC ensures the storage of the Short
Message (SM) in databases like Gammu
(, 2006). Gammu is a project which
encompasses applications, scripts and drivers for
managing various functions on cellular phones and
similar devices. It also ensures the distribution of
SM to mobile terminal recipients (when these appear
in the GSM network to which they belong) in the
limit of their date of validity. The logical channels of
voice and data transmission are separated so that the
two services can simultaneously be available. As
soon as the mobile terminal is identified, the
network informs the SMSC that it can successfully
deliver the message to its recipient. The SMSC is
located by a telephone number pertaining to the
Public Mobile Land Network (PLMN). The dialogue
between the SMSC and the mobile terminal is done
through the Mobile-services Switching Center
(MSC) (Pons, 2001).
The missions initially assigned to the SMS
service are today largely exceeded. There are many
examples of operating the SMS service. Today
several Internet services are coupled with SMS.
They include: email, instant messaging, the services
of information (climatology, meteorology),
interactive banking, etc. The benefits of SMS are
today very numerous (Wikipedia, 2006), (Girondo
Stéphane), (De Wulf, 2001). Authors in reference
(NewNet SMserverTM, 1999) propose an
inexhaustive range of the most outstanding SMS
services today. We mention some here:
Reminder/calendar to point out appointments,
meetings or important events.
The reservation of places on trains, planes or
other means of transportation.
Notification services of events: (1) in the field
of network monitoring, physical and logical
safety and security, (2) announcement of
birthdays, (3) advertisements, (4) email which
informs one of the presence of an email, (5)
voice / fax which indicates the presence of a
fax or voice message. (6) …
The organization of television quiz by
Communications at lower cost.
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
This list is inexhaustive. As proof; authors of
(SMS Tutorial, 2007) mentioned that SMS can be
used to monitor stock market alert application, “a
program is constantly monitoring and analyzing the
stock market. If a certain condition is satisfied, the
program will send a text message to the user's
mobile phone to notify him/her of the situation”.
They also present SMS as a tool of remote system
monitoring: “a program (sometimes with the help of
a group of sensors) is constantly monitoring the
status of a remote system. If a certain condition is
satisfied, the program will send a text message to the
system administrator to notify him/her of the
situation. For example, a program may be written to
"ping" a server regularly. If no response is received
from the server, the program can send an SMS alert
to the system administrator to notify him/her that the
server may be hanged.” Among the most important
stakes of the future, the best success will be
(NewNet SMserverTM, 1999) "to be able to use the
handset as an extension of the computer" and it is
what we try to prove with VeSMp protocol: to make
of a GSM mobile terminal a true station for
monitoring remote systems. William Enck & al
(Enck et al., 2005) shows that it is possible to put a
city of the size of Washington D.C. out of terrorist
attacks using a simple SMS.
2.2 Process Monitoring
Process monitoring covers the set of functions which
are necessary for the follow-up and maintenance of
systems processes. It is necessary for a System or
Network Administrator to initialize new services, to
supervise the state of the global system of a
company server or a given machine on a corporate
network. It is also necessary to follow in a
reasonable way the evolution of the performances
and put an end to abnormal situations. One
distinguishes the services of configurations, of test
and diagnosis (faults management, maintenance,
measurements of performances, etc.)
The Administrator needs tools to act and follow
the activity of his system and to guarantee its
availability at any time and place. Among these
tools, we will distinguish the native tools from
integrated solutions. Native tools are those furnished
by the editors of the operating systems like telnet
(Girondo Stéphane), ssh (De Wulf, 2001). The
integrated solutions tools are those provided by
proprietary editors or vendors such as CiscoWorks
Solutions of Cisco Inc. (Cisco Works, 2006),
OpenView of HP (Open View, 2006) and Soltice of
Sun (Solstice Sun, 2006). VeSMp is classified in this
last category of tools of remote administration. It
allows the remote operation of the system in order to
carry out technical inventories of the
services/processes, their settings, their
activation/deactivation; stop/restart from a telephone
handset no matter its geographical location thanks to
the roaming service of GSM operators.
A protocol of communication defines a number of
formalisms that two or more remote entities must
use to communicate together and cooperate to carry
out a task or to exchange information each other. In
the field of system and network administration for
example, it makes it possible to develop software
tools for system and network management in an
efficient, coherent and standardized way. These
tools allow the piloting of remote systems resources,
real time monitoring and assistance with the
diagnosis of breakdowns of systems. VeSMp forms
part of the family of protocols making it possible to
carry out actions in real time on the system to know
its operating conditions (monitoring and diagnosis of
incidents, measurement of real load, maintenance,
control, information systems, etc) and react to them
(activation/deactivation, stop/restart of the
services/processes) (Postel and Reynolds, 1983). It
can also allow deferred actions and estimate impacts
on the system at a programmed moment.
3.1 Formal Description and Synopsis of
VeSMp: Format of Use
VeSMp is a simple protocol based on SMS. It is a
protocol of communication which we developed to
give direction to messages that an application can
interpret. In fact, the majority of actual system and
network administration solutions as those mentioned
above use TCP/IP protocol to perform the remote
access to the corporate LAN before impact on
system or network settings. The VeSMp protocol is
based on GSM protocol and allows transforming an
SMS to a valid system command. Its goal is to say
much with least possible characters. VeSMp actually
realizes five specific or proprietary commands: (1)
cmd (for a system command), (2) rtn (for return)
lgn (for login), (4) pwd (for password) and (5)
lgt (for Logout). Its synopsis or its format of
operation is as follow:
##cmd CommandName [arguments]
[MachineName] [rtn]
We describe hereafter the syntax of the synopsis of
a VeSMp message.
1. A VeSMp message is an SMS which starts with
2. A VeSMp instruction is all complete command
that can be executed on an Operating System
(OS) command line interface or shell. It starts
with a succession of three letters (for example
cmd) followed by the standard or real system
name of the command provided by the OS
accompanied with arguments:
CommandName [arguments]. An instruction
describes the action to be executed. It is ended
by the character
3. Instructions are separated from each other by
the character
CommandName specifies the real or standard
name of the command to be executed on the
Shell provided by the OS of the machine
[Arguments] represents the list of acceptable
arguments by the command. If the command
comprises arguments, they are inserted
following the command separated from each
other by the space character.
[MachineName] allows specification according
to the naming conventions of the Network
Administrator, the name of the machine of the
network on which the command must be
executed. It can be either an IP (Internet
Protocol) address, or a DNS (Domain Name
Service) name, or a reference symbol.
7. The command
rtn specified at the end of the
string allows a VeSMp-based application to
send back to the user the result of the execution
of the command.
8. The user has the possibility of pre-defining his
instructions thanks to shortcuts or alias and thus
of reducing the number of characters of the
VeSMp message. We have baptized this
extensible shortcut VeSM (for Very Short
Message). It is thanks to this original
mechanism that we can address a command that
can exceed the maximum length of 160
characters of a conventional SMS.
We will hereafter illustrate the use of VeSMp
protocol from an application by some examples.
Let us consider the following example:
##cmd dsk#rtn#cmd /sbin/service
mysqld restart#
At the reception of this VeSM, the application
will know that it is a VeSMp request. dsk (for disk;
Linux command) will return (by a SMS) the
partition statistics of the remote system, and cmd
will execute the command which restarts (restart)
the mysql server (mysqld) on a Linux machine.
This command is in the system folder /sbin/service.
We propose here other examples to show the
possibilities of VeSMp.
##cmd /sbin/service mysqld
start#cmd /sbin/service httpd
: this VeSM makes it possible to
execute two commands on a Linux server: on a
Fedora Core server, the first (
mysqld start
) starts the MySQL server and
the second (
/sbin/service httpd stop)
stops the Apache server.
##cmd notepad.exe#: this VeSM launches
the notepad.exe program on all the Windows
machines of the local area network (LAN).
##cmd gedit#: this launches the text editor
gedit on all the linux machines of the LAN.
##cmd firefox this VeSM uses
firefox on any concerned machine to launch
the google’s web site; firefox is the command
and is the argument
used by firefox.
##cmd du –sh /home#cmd df –h#rtn#:
here we see the possibilities of returning the
result. The first command gives the statistics
of use of the folder /home. The second posts
the statistics of all the partitions on the linux
server. But only the statistics of the partitions
will be returned to the user by SMS because it
alone is followed by an instruction rtn.
##aaa#: this example of VeSM represents a
contracted form or alias of the command to be
sent. The subjacent command can exceed the
conventional number (160) of characters of an
SMS. The latter will be interpreted by a parser
on the VeSMp server.
These examples illustrate some inexhaustive
potentials of our VeSMp protocol. We describe in
the following part the conceptual and management
model of it.
3.2 Conceptual Model and Technical
Architecture of VeSMp Protocol
Our model is based on the client/server model and
the models of network management described in
(Pugolles pp 829-876, 2002). VeSMp management
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
includes the system management which defines the
exchanges of the whole information of management
concerning the processes related to the resources
used in the network. This information of
management is stored in a database of information
of administration called VeSMp Management
Information Base (VeSMpMIB). This database
consists of two essential tables. The purpose of this
database is to store: (1) the VeSMp commands and
(2) the information of management of the system or
the network to be supervised.
A System administrator starting from a
management entity (ME) sends a VeSMp message
which will be forwarded by GSM radio channel to
the SMSC. GSM radio channel ensures the service
of remote operation (RO). The latter gives the VeSM
to the Server or Manager of the management entity
(VeSMpME) on the corporate network. The
Administrator’s terminal is the VeSMp client
(VeSMpCl). It is also a management entity. More
generally, VeSMpCl is all equipment used to send a
VeSM and to receive an SMS. It can be all GSM
terminals like a mobile handset or a computer
connected to Internet or not on which an SMS-based
application functions. The server management entity
is a module installed on a machine of the network.
The VeSMpMIB can or cannot be installed or
configured on this machine. The SMSC
communicates with the VeSMp server either by
bluetooth, or by infra-red, or by data-cable or Null
modem cable connected to a COM port, or by other
compatible means. At the reception of the VeSM,
the VeSMp server interprets it based on the
information contained in the VeSMpMIB. If it is a
valid command (see synopsis into 3.1), then an
application entity (AE) takes on its execution. This
execution will imply the calling of TCP/IP or OSI
functions of management. If not, the client receives
an SMS notification on behalf of the Manager of the
application entity (AE). An AE must be configured
and installed on each station of the network. The
technical architecture of the conceptual and
management model of VeSMp is illustrated in figure
1 below. It materializes the deployment of entities
involve in the VeSMp protocol. Each entity of the
network can have its VeSMpMIB. We can also
configure one centralized VeSMpMIB for the whole
of the entities.
Figure 1: Technical architecture of the conceptual and
management model of the VeSMp protocol.
3.3 The Algorithm of Management of
VeSMp Protocol
The principle of management of VeSMp is simple.
A Management Entity of VeSMp called VeSMpME
is any device able to send and receive SMS. It can
be a GSM radio terminal, an application installed on
a computer or any compatible equipment for GSM
able to carry out such a task. Communication takes
place in the VeSMpME direction (located at the site
of the remote client or mobile) towards the
VeSMpMgr (VeSMp Manager) server connected to
the SMSC. VeSMpMgr recovers VeSMp Protocol
Data Unit (VeSMpPDU) which is a conventional
SMS in a rough state. It takes it up to the level of
VeSMp daemon (VeSMpd) which treats it and
extracts VeSM. An applicative entity called VeSMp
Application Entity (VeSMpAE) analyzes the VeSM
and extracts the command and its arguments from
them. The result is then given to a VeSMp agent
(VeSMpAg) which makes the match with
information of management in VeSMpMIB. The
command is then given according to the context of
local network management to the stack of TCP/IP
(SNMP) or OSI protocol (CMIP). The same
VeSMpAg recovers the result of the command,
journalizes it in VeSMpMIB and gives a copy to the
Figure 2: Diagram of interaction of the management of the
VeSMp protocol.
The latter communicates with the SMSC which then
notifies VeSMpME of the result (success or failure)
of its request. The UML diagram of interaction
shows by the figure 2 hereafter illustrates the
collaboration between entities involve in the
execution of the algorithm.
The figure 3 below materializes the architecture
of deployment of VeSMp protocol.
Figure 3: Architecture of deployment VeSMp of protocol.
VeSMp is an appraisable regular expression
valuable by a context-free grammar (Pugolles pp
981-995, 2002). With this expression, we associate
semantic actions to bring out a parser of SMS which,
as output, produces an executable instruction on the
command line system. We can by this confirm that a
VeSM is a SMS of command. This means an SMS
which originate real actions at the system level.
3.4 The VeSMp Protocol’s Security
The VeSMp’s security model associates three
parameters which are: telephone number, login and
password. It realizes three other supplementary
commands: LGN (login), PWD (password) and LGT
(Logout). These commands allow respectively to
instruct the VeSMp manager to evaluate the user
account composes by the login and the password.
This is illustrated by the instruction:
##lgn AccountLogin#pwd AccountPwd#.
LGT allows ending an opened session by the
The first VeSM is used for authentication
purpose. We call it the authentication VeSM. It
permits to open a session. The session has a
duration. This duration corresponds to the waiting
delay of a VeSM by the VeSMp manager. If during
this period of time no VeSM is detected, the VeSMp
manager ends an opened session. If not, it
reinitializes the session’s counter. At the reception
of the authentication VeSM, a VeSMpAE checks
that the phone number is authorized if not it rejects
the request. Then it checks if the account (login and
password) extract from VeSM is an account of the
domain: this is the identification and authentication
process of the user in the directory. At any time, the
Administrator can explicitly ends a session thanks to
the command LGT.
The contracted form of VeSM messages is
equally a level of security. This mode of codification
of VeSMp instructions allows hiding the correct or
real syntax and name of system commands of
process remotely invoked.
VeSMp is a system protocol for remote
administration designed to be used in a company to
improve the procedure of system administration and
thus to increase the productivity of the company
while making available the systems resources, no
matter the geographical location of the
Administrator. In this part, we show how this
protocol is integrated into the international standard
of system and network management like CMIP of
System monitoring is in the key idea of the
VeSMp model. Its operation requires the presence of
TCP/IP and/or OSI protocol. The exchanges are
done between layers 7 (Application) of OSI model
and 4 (SM-AL Short Message Application Layer) of
SMS model (Pons, 2001). The data of system
monitoring are brought up at the level of layer 7 -
application of OSI model by the intermediary of an
application entity. It is at this level that are
elaborated, treated and taken the decisions of
management. As we mentioned earlier, system
monitoring is done by the logical entity VeSMpAE
which in OSI model corresponds to a System
Management Application Entity (SMAE) that
generally must carry out these services. All the
information of management are memorized in our
management database VeSMpMIB. This
corresponds to the Management Information Base
(MIB) of models CMIP of OSI or SNMP of TCP/IP.
The parser aims to translate VeSM into a system
command. The execution of this command now will
call upon the mechanisms of CMIP or SNMP
management, all depending on the underlying
protocol of management concerned. It also plays the
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
part of the supervising authorities of association
ensured by the Association Control Service Element
(ACSE) of the OSI model. This comparison is
recapitulated in table 1.
Table 1: Illustration of the integration of VeSMp protocol
into standard CMIP of OSI and SNMP of TCP/IP.
GSM protocols ROSE
our synopsis SMASE
Parser ACSE
VeSMpAg SNMP Agent
VeSMpMgr SNMP Manager
Notes about table 1: ROSE stands for Remote
Operation Service. For VeSMp, ROSE is based on
GSM protocols for SMS management. Our synopsis
defines the syntax and the semantic of the
information of management transferred by a SMS
(SMASE). The parser plays the role of services of
association (ACSE). The concepts VeSMpME,
VeSMpCl and VeSMpAEl have no immediate
correspondence. For more details about
abbreviations, please see appendix.
After having described the VeSMp protocol, we
present its model of management and its
architecture. We also showed how it is integrated
into the standard models of management like SNMP
and CMIP protocol. By referring to the summary of
the table 1 above, we can invariably use the same
terms to refer to similar concepts, whether it is
We are interested in the construction of effective
solutions based on lower cost technologies: SMS.
These are used in companies for tasks of notification
or information in various fields (Wikipedia, 2006),
(SMS Tutorial, 2007). We have proposed the
VeSMp protocol, an original alternative of
exploitation of the SMS service for monitoring
systems processes and remote administration. It is a
SMS-based protocol of communication. It allows the
system administrator from the notification of an
event or incidental system, to intervene on its system
in the second which follows, no matter the
geographical location. In this way he permanently
remains in contact with the system or the corporate
network. VeSMp makes it possible to render
services to systems and corporate networks available
at any time and place. The VeSMp protocol
therefore makes it possible for companies to draw
from the real advantages while making it possible
for the administrators to remain virtually present in
their companies thanks to their GSM terminal.
VeSMp is a simple protocol of communication like
telnet (Postel and Reynolds, 1983).
In its current version, VeSMp uses the
association of three parameters: telephone number,
login and password for securing messages. This
association allows the authentication of the
telephone number that emits the VeSM request, the
authentication and the identification of the
administrator to the system. It actually realizes five
commands in addition to the possibility to invoke
real system commands to perform administration
tasks: (1)
cmd (command), (2) rtn (return), (3) lgn
(login), (4)
pwd (password) and (5) lgt (Logout).
We are studying a strategy that permits to guarantee
the confidentiality and the integrity of VeSM. This
will consist of giving answer to the question: how to
integrate the cryptography into a VeSMp message.
We know that network management actions need
to be undertaken in near-real time scales. At this
level, a certain number of questions remain currently
hanging: what happens if VeSMp does not succeed?
How to insure the reliability of the protocol? What
happens if the SMS service is slow in delivering the
messages? The SMS message can be delay by the
congestion or even by the fact that the recipient is
temporally out of range from the base station. This
returns within the framework of the quality of
service (QoS) considerations within our protocol:
treatment of the errors, management and fault
tolerance, guarantee of success of a command,
interruption of a running command, incident
management and denial of service (DOS). Due to the
noticeable limitations that GSM puts on the amount
of data that can be gotten as feedback, another
improvement consists in giving to the command rtn
the possibility of providing a more detailed feedback
code: is the command successfully executed? Which
machine returns the feedback message? The
specifications of the ping command (Packet INternet
Groper) which is a benchmark for the administration
is certainly going to inspire us in this idea.
The extension of this paper will concern the
implementation, experimentation, and comparison of
the VeSMp against other available solutions such as
telnet or OpenView. We are developing a VeSMp-
based network administration tool: VeSMp
Network Monitor (VeSMp NetMon) intended for
the network monitoring and administration of the
“Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique”. It must
be a portable tool based on open solutions like Java
to guarantee the independence of the platform. In the
medium term, our research will improve the quality
of service offered and in the long-term we hope to
make of VeSMp a standard protocol of system and
network remote administration.
Many people contributed to reviewing this paper. It
was a wonderful experience to discuss particular
ideas with them. We are grateful to Dr. Guillaume
Koum Dissake and Pr. Jean-Claude Derniame who
reviewed the entire paper. Special gratitude goes to
all members of LABORIMA and to our students
Fritz Ekwogue, Yacoubou Mohamadou and
Maïramou for experimenting with the VeSMp
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de Réseaux,pp 829-876), Eyrolles. 3iéme édition.
Cisco Works (Cisco Inc.), Oct 2006.
Open View (Hewlett-Packard), Oct 2006.
Solstice (Sun), Oct 2006.
Short Message Service / SMS Tutorial, May 2007.
VeSMp: Very Short Message Protocol.
VeSMpMIB: VeSMp Management Information
VeSMpAg: VeSMp Agent.
VeSMpMgr: VeSMp Manager.
VeSMpAE: VeSMp Application Entity.
VeSMpME: VeSMp Management Entity.
VeSMpCl: VeSMp Client.
VeSMpAEl: VeSMp Application Element.
ROSE: Remote Operation Service Element.
SMASE: Simple Management Service Element.
MIB: Management Information Base.
SMAE: System Management Application Entity.
ACSE: Association Control Service Element.
CMIS/CMIP: Common Management Information
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol.
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems