Andre Herms and Georg Lukas
Department of Distributed Systems
University of Magdeburg, Germany
Wireless Mesh Network, IEEE-802.11, QoS, clustering.
In this paper we present a QoS routing protocol for IEEE-802.11 based mesh networks. The main challenge
for providing QoS in terms of bandwidth and latency is that the medium is shared between all nodes in close
range, which complicates reservation of medium time. Furthermore, the use of standard compliant hardware
components requires an integration of the existing medium access mechanism, which is designed for best-
effort communication only. A cluster-based structure is used for representing the local domains of the shared
medium and allowing reservation of medium time. On top of this reservation an optimistic reactive algorithm is
used for discovery and reservation of routes that fulfil the application specified QoS requirements. Simulation
results are presented that prove the correctness of this approach.
Wireless LANs based on the IEEE 802.11 stan-
dard (IEEE-802.11, 1999) are widely used for wire-
less communication. Based on this, mature multi-
hop wireless routing protocols like AODV or OLSR
(Liu and Kaiser, 2003) exist and the upcoming
IEEE 802.11s standard promises wide availability of
multi-hop technology. These multi-hop networks al-
low efficient deployment and good usability due to
their self-organization abilities. Besides of typical
applications like web browsing, services like video
streaming or VoIP are commonly used today.
For use in automation the Wireless LAN Standard
seems to be a promising choice. It allows wireless
connectivity in a free frequency band, has a suffi-
ciently large communication range, and allows rela-
tively high data rates. Furthermore, a huge number
of products exist that can be easily integrated into ex-
isting systems. The self-x properties of mesh rout-
ings self-organizing, self-configuring, self-healing –
would allow further flexibility and better deployment
of such systems. However, applications in automation
typically require QoS, in terms of bandwidth guaran-
tees and timely delivery. This does not necessarily
mean a maximal average throughput of all connec-
tion. Instead, the packet loss and latency of individ-
ual packets should be limited by a known enforcible
Many approaches exist that aim to provide QoS
in wireless mesh networks (see section 7). However,
these are either based on different wireless technol-
ogy or require extensions and modifications that are
incompatible with the Wireless LAN standard. Thus,
they cannot be used with hardware off the shelf. In
this paper we present a pragmatic approach for pro-
viding QoS in wireless mesh networks, which allows
the use of standard hardware. It requires only a cor-
responding routing software. The protocol has to deal
with the behavior of standard compliant hardware that
was not developed to provide QoS at all. Of course,
this requires some compromises and workarounds so
that it will not outperform other, specialized solutions.
The main contributions of this paper is that it shows
the possibility of using standard hardware for QoS
routing in MANETS. Furthermore, various aspects of
the medium access are discussed that are crucial for
the provision of QoS.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the principles of medium access in
wireless networks and their consequences for the spa-
tial separation of the shared medium. The principle
of operation is explained in section 3. In section 4 our
clustering protocol is presented. This is followed by a
Herms A. and Lukas G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 57-64
DOI: 10.5220/0002147000570064
description of our routing protocol in section 5 and its
evaluation in section 6. The paper ends with a presen-
tation of related work in section 7 and a conclusion in
section 8.
In opposite to modern wired networks, which use
point-to-point duplex links, the wireless medium
is shared between the participating stations. The
MAC layer is responsible for managing access to
the medium and the IEEE 802.11 standard uses a
CSMA/CA mechanism, which is based on carrier
Before a station starts sending, it checks if there
is an ongoing transmission on the medium and if nec-
essary defers the packet start. Two different carrier
sense strategies are combined for this a physical car-
rier sense and a logical carrier sense. The logical car-
rier uses the transmission duration entry of packets
it receives. These are stored in a register and com-
pared to an internal timer. Combined with a four-way
handshaking (RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK) it can even be
used to prevent the hidden station problem (Tanen-
baum, 2002).
The physical carrier is sensed using the receiver
unit for detecting the carrier signal and setting an
internal busy state. This mechanisms even detects
an ongoing transmission when the packet cannot
be correctly received due to bit errors. In experi-
ments with standard hardware Mahrenholz was able
to show that the range where the carrier can be de-
tected is about twice as large as the communication
range(Mahrenholz, 2006). In order to prevent that
multiple stations start a transmission immediately af-
ter the medium becomes available, a random back off
is used. Similar to the Ethernet standard, the time in-
terval it is selected from is exponentially increased,
when packet loss happens. This is detected by the
missing ACK of unicast data packets.
As our protocol uses standard hardware, the
medium is still controlled by this CSMA/CA mech-
anisms. We do not define a new MAC layer, but try to
cope with the existing one. In particular, this means
that packet collisions are already prevented and not
subject to further considerations. The main reason for
violation of QoS requirements in MANETs are con-
gestion effects and packet losses. While packet losses
are compensated by local retransmissions in the link
layer, congestion must be prevented by the routing.
It is not necessary to create an exact schedule to pre-
vent concurrent transmissions, because this is already
done by the MAC layer. Instead, it must ensure that
the medium time consumed by a station, its neigh-
bors, and its two-hop neighbors does not exceed the
maximum available one.
The protocol consists of two sublayers, the cluster
layer and the global routing layer. The aim of the clus-
ter layer is to provide a QoS-capable medium access.
It allows local reservation of bandwidth, is respon-
sible for local retransmissions, and has a predictable
packet delay. In order to achieve this, it creates lo-
cal domains of control, called clusters, which are
maintained by a local coordinator, the cluster head.
The cluster head initiates medium access in the clus-
ter by polling other stations. This is very similar to
the point coordination function (PCF) of the WLAN
standard. However, we operate in the ad hoc mode,
where such functionality is not available. Efficient re-
transmissions and local two-hop routing are provided,
based on the corresponding microprotocols presented
in (Nett and Schemmer, 2003).
Above the clustering sublayer a routing sublayer
is used, which is tailored to the cluster structure. We
use a proactive link state routing. Three classes of
traffic are available, control traffic, best effort traf-
fic, and QoS traffic. Because of the strict schedul-
ing of control messages with the lowest priority, QoS
streams are never affected by control traffic. The rout-
ing sublayer uses a hop-by-hop reservation of routes.
Bandwidth is reserved per cluster and the determin-
istic delay in the clusters allows an approximation of
the worst-case packet delay of the path. An appro-
priate path is discovered by an optimistic path search,
which tries to use the shortest path. If it fails in case of
insufficient resources on a hop, alternatives are tried
by local, backtracking-like rerouting of the reserva-
tion requests. If a path with sufficient resources ex-
ists, it is often found by the first reservation. If the
fist try of the shortest path is not usable, a different
usable path will be discovered. This helps to reduce
the number of required control messages.
In a typical WLAN infrastructure, two classes of sta-
tions exist – Access Points and Clients. In an ad hoc
mesh network all stations have the same role. They
act as router and communication endpoint at the same
time. We create a spatial partitioning of the network
into local domains (clusters) by assigning roles to the
stations. A station can either be a cluster head or a
cluster client. Every cluster head has a set of clients
in communication range. A client can belong to mul-
tiple clusters. In such a case it can act as gateway and
allows routing between clusters. A cluster head never
has other heads in communication range. An example
of such a structure is depicted in figure 1.
The clustering subprotocol is responsible for as-
signing these roles. It uses a periodic cluster an-
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 1: Cluster Structure.
nouncement packet, which is transmitted periodically
by every head and contains the list of all clients. The
following rules are applied:
1. A client that receives a cluster announcement
from a head, it is not associated with, adds the
cluster to its set and replies with a join packet.
Typically this is received by the head and the
client is included in the cluster.
2. A client that missed a defined number of an-
nouncements removes the head from its set of
3. A client that has no associated clusters changes its
role and becomes a cluster head.
4. A cluster head that receives announcements from
another head, changes its role to a client.
The resulting structure has the following proper-
ties: A client node has only one-hop links to head
nodes, and vice versa. Every two-hop link between
two nodes has endpoints of the same role. A two-hop
neighbor of a client is always a client, which is con-
nected by a head node. Thus, both client nodes belong
to a common cluster defined by the intermediate head
node. Two clusters can have common client nodes
that serve as gateway.
4.1 Timing
The medium access in a cluster is initiated by the
cluster head. It polls its clients with packet
whereupon it must be answered by a new data packet
. The data packet is not guaranteed to be re-
ceived by the other clients in the cluster. Therefore,
it is repeated by the cluster head. As this packets is
followed by the poll for the next client, both pack-
ets are combined. The head is allowed to communi-
cate by polling itself (
). An example is shown
in figure 2. Every such packet pair consisting of the
repetition by the head including the poll and the data
packet from the client defines one slot. The slots have
a fixed duration l. The number of stations per cluster
is limited by a predefined value C. The duration of
C+1 slots is one round. The head chooses a schedule
that guarantees every station to be polled at least af-
ter C slots, once per round. Clients can request more
slots per round, by sending a corresponding request
... +
Poll 1
D1 +
Poll 2
D2D1 D2 +
Poll H
Client 1
Client 2
Figure 2: Polling scheme of a cluster.
... +
Poll 1
D1 D1 +
Poll 2
Client 1
Client 2
Head 2
Head 1
... +
Poll 1
D1 +
Poll H
D2 +
Poll ...
Figure 3: Example schedule with H = 2.
in response to the heads cluster announcement packet.
One slot per round is reserved for this packet.
Clients can belong to multiple clusters and receive
all packets from each of them. Therefore, it is not pos-
sible for a cluster head to use the whole medium time.
This is prevented by the carrier signal from adjacent
cluster heads, which are at most in two-hop range. Its
transmissions of poll packets would be deferred and
the output queue would fill up and overflow. In order
to prevent this effect, the slots are widened by a fac-
tor of H, which corresponds to the maximum num-
ber of clusters with a common client. It can be eas-
ily shown that for stations with equal communication
ranges arranged in a plane, a value of H = 7 is suf-
ficient. An example schedule of two clusters with a
common client (client 1) and H = 2 is shown in fig-
ure 3.
The strict timing allows to determine the delay of
packets and further the detection of topology changes
in a bounded time. The polling period of a client is
defined as CHl. When allowing a maximum number
of d lost equal packets, a client detects the loss of a
cluster head in dCHl and a cluster can detect the loss
of a client in 2dCHl.
4.2 Preventing Exponential Backoff
The exponential increase of the backoff in the WLAN
MAC layer is used to reduce the collision probabil-
ity during the contention based medium access. How-
ever, it also adds randomness to the transmission start,
which leads to unpredictable latencies. Our protocol
uses only broadcast packets that are never acknowl-
edged by the receiver and thus never increase the
backoff window. As a consequence, packet loss can-
not be detected by the MAC layer anymore and no lo-
cal retransmission are done. The Atomic Multicast in
(Nett and Schemmer, 2003) provides a Dynamic Time
Redundancy microprotocol that allows fault tolerant
and time bounded delivery to a group of stations. It
uses an omission degree that corresponds to the previ-
ously defined parameter d. We use this microprotocol
for fault tolerant packet delivery to all stations in the
cluster. It requires a maximum duration of 2dCH slots
lengths per packet.
4.3 Properties
The clustering protocol has the following properties:
(1) The medium time is divided into slots that re-
spect the two-hop range of carrier sense: All one-
hop neighbors belong to a common cluster. Two-hop
neighbors are either both clients in a common clus-
ter or both heads of adjacent clusters. In a common
cluster the polling scheme controls the medium ac-
cess. For adjacent clusters the additional time be-
tween cluster slots prevents that the available medium
time is exceeded.
(2) Medium time can be reserved by requesting
additional slots from the cluster head. Consensus
about the assigned slots in a cluster is guaranteed be-
cause it is coordinated by a single station, the head.
(3) Packets are reliably transmitted to all nodes in
a cluster, as long as the cluster is not disbanded. A
transmission reaches all nodes of a cluster, even the
clients with a distance of two hops. This requires
at most 2dCH slot lengths, which corresponds to the
worst case latency in cluster. Furthermore, the guar-
anteed bandwidth of a client can be derived from the
maximum packet size, the worst-case transmit dura-
tion, and the number of assigned slots in a cluster.
This is used for reservation.
(4) The communication is time-triggered. Every
station in the network has its exclusive slots that must
be used for communication. Only the announcement
slot of a cluster can be used by multiple stations. The
cluster head polls all members of a cluster and thereby
controls when a station has to transmit.
The purpose of a wireless mesh network is to al-
low nodes without a direct link to exchange data.
To achieve this, the nodes need to obtain knowledge
about the network structure, either as distance vectors
to other nodes or as link state data about the topology.
This information can either be gathered on demand,
when a connection is requested or in a proactive fash-
ion during regular operation. This paper presents
a proactive link state based approach, which allows
faster path searches and the calculation of alternative
routes around congested areas.
The following section describes a topology prop-
agation protocol, which exchanges global link state
data between interconnected nodes. This informa-
tion is used by a best effort routing protocol described
in section 5.2 to allow data exchange between nodes
not directly connected. The routing capability is used
in combination with the topology data for a directed
search of suitable QoS paths and for their monitoring
by a protocol described in 5.3.
5.1 Topology Propagation
Because every node only has data about its own di-
rect neighborhood, a cooperative approach is needed
to obtain information about the whole network, which
then can be used for routing purposes. To achieve this,
the neighborhood data, which is provided by the clus-
tering module on every node, must be propagated to
other stations and stored there. For storage a local
link graph is used, which contains representations of
nodes and lists of their respective neighbors.
Information about the network topology is trans-
mitted via broadcast packets to all neighbors. Every
such packet contains a list of elements, each consist-
ing of a node’s ID, a sequence number and that node’s
list of neighbors. When a node is not listed in the lo-
cal link graph or the transmitted sequence number is
higher than the last known one, the receiver merges
the element from the datagram into the local topology
The propagation scheme is similar to the Fish-
eye State Routing protocol (Pei et al., 2000). Every
node has up-to-date information about its neighbor-
hood, while its knowledge about distant links is older,
and thus less accurate, because topology transmis-
sions from these nodes take more time. On the other
hand, specific knowledge is only needed for routing
when the target is near, for distant targets it is suffi-
cient to have the approximate direction, because the
following gateway nodes have more current link state
data and are able to direct the packet.
A node has to send an answer every time it is
polled by the head, even when no application data is
available for transmission. These idle time slots are
used for topology propagation. Thus, the world mod-
els are most accurate when the network is not heav-
ily used, but the effect of traffic load on the propa-
gation speed is only moderate, as will be shown in
section 6.1.
Because a single packet can only carry informa-
tion about approx. 30 nodes and their neighborhood,
a sophisticated algorithm is used to select parts of the
world model for transmission. This algorithm prefers
updated information while still preventing starvation
of older data. It allows a newly connected node to
be informed about the whole network topology af-
ter a relatively short time while tolerating packet loss,
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
which makes the protocol a reliable base for routing.
5.2 Best Effort Routing
To allow communication between nodes not directly
connected, a multi-hop routing mechanism must be
provided. This mechanism can be used not only for
best effort communication, it is also required for the
reservation and monitoring of QoS links.
Because every head reliably retransmits data
packets to all clients in its cluster, only gateway nodes
(which are member of two or more clusters) can be
used for routing. Thus, before transmitting a packet,
a node has to determine the cluster and the corre-
sponding local gateway leading to the destination. To
achieve this, the Dijkstra algorithm is applied to the
network topology stored in the link graph, and the
packet is sent to the gateway on the shortest path. On
the next node the same procedure is applied, where
the packet is routed to the next cluster according to its
local link graph.
Because a gateway node can only send a packet
into a cluster after being polled by the head, pack-
ets crossing cluster boundaries must be cached by the
gateway until they are requested. On highly utilized
links this can lead to congestion, when several dif-
ferent packets are sent over one gateway to one tar-
get cluster. This congestion is acceptable for best ef-
fort traffic, but must be avoided for QoS connections.
The next section describes in detail how this is accom-
5.3 QoS Routing
Several requirements must be met to allow QoS com-
munication between distant nodes. First, the applica-
tion must be enabled to specify the target and its QoS
requirements. Then, a path must be found through
the network, which fulfils the requested parameters.
A bandwidth reservation must be performed on this
path and a monitoring mechanism has to continuously
check if it is still valid.
To create a QoS path, the application specifies
the required bandwidth and latency. These values
are mapped to the number of slots to reserve (band-
width) and maximum hop count (latency). The QoS
protocol then uses the link graph to calculate a short-
est path to the destination and requests the specified
number of slots in the corresponding cluster. If the
request is granted, a packet is forwarded to the next
gateway, which again makes a path calculation and a
bandwidth request. Thus, the request packet is for-
warded from the requester to the target and the re-
quired bandwidth is reserved on the whole path. If
the request cannot be granted in one cluster (because
all time slots are already reserved), the corresponding
gateway performs the following steps: first, it puts the
cluster into a black list in the request packet. Then, it
makes a new path search with the blacklisted clus-
ter(s) excluded from the link graph and reserves the
bandwidth in the newly calculated target cluster. If
no alternative route can be found, the gateway signals
its predecessor to blacklist the current cluster and to
dereserve the previous bandwidth request.
This optimistic reactive approach results in a dis-
tributed backtracking algorithm that finds a relatively
short route through clusters with enough bandwidth
to allow the requested communication channel.
Every node maintains a table of all QoS paths that
are routed through it. This table contains everything
needed for routing and monitoring the path, plus its
current status. When the reservation request reaches
the target, it is acknowledged on the exact same path
it was sent, and every participating gateway sets the
according entry to reserved.
Because the connectivity in a mobile ad-hoc net-
work changes steadily, it is not possible to guaran-
tee the consistency of a path. Thus, to meet the QoS
requirements, all links on a path must be monitored,
every failure must be detected and reported to both
ends of the QoS stream. Every node participates in
the monitoring process by several means. First, it for-
wards monitoring notifications (such as broken path
packets) from other nodes to the originator or desti-
nation of a QoS path. Second, it checks the data flow
on the reserved path. When no data is transmitted
for a certain time, the connection is treated as closed
and silently dropped. The third part of the monitoring
process is a steady inspection of the local link graph.
When a neighbor disappears, the QoS path table is
checked if it was a source or gateway for one or sev-
eral of the links. In this case, monitoring notifications
are generated in the opposite direction, i.e. a notifi-
cation is sent to the originator when a gateway dis-
appears, and a notification is generated for the target,
when the previous hop node is disconnected. Because
of the strict clustering scheme and the bidirectionality
of every link, a disconnect is detected on both sides of
the broken connection, and both originator and target
are informed, while the reserved bandwidth is freed at
the same time.
5.4 Summary
Based on the reliable packet transmission in a cluster,
the combination of proactive world model propaga-
tion, best effort routing and optimistic reactive search
allows the fast and directed reservation of QoS paths
with application specified parameters. After the paths
are reserved, a sophisticated monitoring mechanism
observes their reliability and notifies the application
when the given guarantees cannot be met because of
node failure, topology change or other reasons. This
combination allows the usage of the protocol in criti-
Table 1: Simulation Parameters.
simulation parameter value
area 1000 m × 1000 m
number of stations 100
initial positions uniform random
propagation model two-ray ground
transmission range 250m
interference range 500m
transmission rate 54Mbit/s
packet loss rate 5%
protocol parameter value
max. clients per cluster C 16
max heads per client H 7
slot length l 4ms
omission degree d 3
maximum packet size 1000byte
mobility paramter value
mobility model random waypoint
speed of stations 3 5
cal domains like automation control.
The described protocol was implemented based on
an abstraction layer (Herms and Mahrenholz, 2005)
that allows to use the same binary code under Linux
with real WLAN devices and in the network simula-
tor NS2(NS2, 2007). In this paper we present re-
sults from the simulation. The software was also suc-
cessfully used in a real wireless mesh network, but an
extensive evaluation has not been done, yet. The rele-
vant simulation parameters are summarized in table 1.
6.1 Topology Propagation
The first critical aspect of the protocol is the quality of
the link graph on the participating nodes. Inaccurate
information can be tolerated by the routing but may
lead to suboptimal path selections. If the divergence
between the local link graph and the real topology
grows too big, routing can even become impossible.
Because the topology information is propagated in the
idle slots of the clustering mechanism, it does not af-
fect application performance. However, the propaga-
tion speed depends on the medium usage. Here we
measure the dependency of propagation speed on the
application network load.
For measuring the accuracy of the link graph we
define a quality metric κ
that corresponds to the cor-
rectness of the local link graph of node i. It depends
on the number of really existing links L, the number
of false positives l
(links in the link graph without a
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time [s]
link graph correctness κ [%]
70% load
80% load
90% load
95% load
100% load
Figure 4: Topology propagation with varying network load.
corresponding real link) and the number of false neg-
atives l
(real links not represented in the link graph).
For allowing comparison regardless of the number of
links, the value is normalized by dividing it by the
number of really existing links:
L l
The overall accuracy of the topology propagation
is represented by averaging all local accuracies: K =
with K [0, 1]. A value of K = 1 indicates a
perfect propagation while smaller values mean lower
In figure 4 the accuracy of the link graph prop-
agation over time is depicted with varying network
load. It can be seen that the accuracy increases after
the start and that higher traffic leads to slower prop-
agation of the link graph. If all slots are used for
data traffic (load 100%) no link graph data is propa-
gated because no idle slots are available. This case
though is only theoretical, because it never will be
met with normal data traffic where additional slots are
reserved for retransmissions and never entirely used.
Here, only high loads starting from 70% are consid-
ered and even under this conditions sufficient accura-
cies are reached after a few seconds. It can also be
seen that the perfect propagation of 100 % is never
completely reached. This is caused by the mobility,
which changes the topology while older link state data
is still propagated. Due to the approach similar to FSR
(Pei et al., 2000), a completely correct link graph is
not actually needed for routing, because a node only
needs to have exact information about its neighbors
and approximate data about the direction to remote
nodes. Thus, we regard a link graph propagation of
K = 60% to be sufficient for proper routing and QoS
path reservation, which is achieved after less than 12
seconds on a 90% saturated medium, starting with no
prior topology knowledge.
6.2 QoS Routing
Our QoS routing aims to prevent unpredictable tim-
ings in the network that are caused by congestion. An
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
number of background streams
packet delay [s]
best efford (max)
BE linear approx
QoS (max)
Figure 5: Comparison of QoS and Best effort traffic.
admission control is used that requires prior reserva-
tion of QoS connections. This section shows the com-
pliance of the QoS protocol to the timing restrictions,
compared to data transmission times using the best
effort channel. We use a simulation setup with the
same parameters as in the previous experiments. The
traffic was generated using different numbers of data
streams created from random source nodes to random
destinations. The number of streams was varied from
0 to 100. By using the QoS routing, data packets were
only sent after a successful path reservation. Best ef-
fort data was sent by the nodes in the same intervals
as if a path were reserved.
The comparison of best effort and QoS routing is
depicted in figure 5, where the maximum delays of
data packets are presented. It can be seen that with an
increasing number of streams the delay of best effort
streams rises. Without admission control the network
becomes congested and packets spend a lot of time
in the outgoing queues on gateway nodes or even can
be dropped. Using QoS routing with prior reservation
solves the problem by limiting the number of concur-
rently admitted streams. The maximum transmission
delays remain below a certain level. Compared to
other kinds of network, the latency of the routing is
still rather high. On the one hand, this results from
the quantity used for the experiments – the maximum
delay among all streams, which corresponds to the
maximum delay of the longest route and can be very
long due to the random selection of the paths destina-
tion. On the other hand the polling scheme of the clus-
ters is not optimal for short delays. Stations are only
allowed to transmit when they are polled and thus a
packet cannot immediately be forwarded. This means
a delay of up to one cluster round on every gateway,
accumulating on paths with a high number of hops
and resulting in long transmission times.
Still, it can be seen that the usage of a QoS reser-
vation mechanism completely evades congestion re-
lated latency. While the best effort transmission times
grow with the number of participating nodes, QoS
traffic is not delayed when more nodes try to com-
municate. The only impact of a congested network is
either rerouting around saturated clusters or, when no
alternative paths can be found, rejection of reservation
The most similar structure to our approach can be
found in CGSR (Chiang et al., 1997). It also uses
scheduling for controlling the medium access. The
intracluster schedule is done by the head polling its
clients (TDMA). For avoiding collisions between ad-
jacent clusters, every cluster uses its own CDMA
code. Because CDMA cannot be realized on typical
IEEE 802.11 devices, this can only be implemented
with special hardware. Furthermore, the routing does
not consider QoS, although this seems possible. In
(Dong et al., 2002) a supernode-based reverse label-
ing algorithm is presented that can give guarantees
on bandwidth and delay of links. Supernodes are
elected that act as coordinators for the routing and
coordinate the search for routes that satisfy the QoS
requirements. The routing assumes that the MAC pro-
vides information about available bandwidth and de-
lay. However, it is not discussed how this is accom-
plished. CEDAR(Sinha et al., 1999) is a link state
based routing that creates a logical structure based on
so called core nodes that are very similar to our clus-
ter heads. For providing bandwidth guarantees, the
corresponding information is flooded in the network.
The core nodes are responsible for finding routes that
meet the bandwidth requirements. It is also not ex-
plained, how the available bandwidth is calculated,
but assumed that the MAC layer can provide this in-
Besides of cluster based routings, some flat rout-
ing protocols exist that aim to provide QoS. Here, the
problem of managing the bandwidth also exists and
there are no spatial structures (like clusters) that cor-
respond to the groups of neighbor nodes. In (Liao
et al., 2002) and (Zhu and Corson, 2002) slot-based
bandwidth reservation mechanisms for MANETs are
presented that use coordination with 1-hop neigh-
bors. However, the protocols are not applicable to
CSMA/CA-based MAC layers. In (Chakeres and
Belding-Royer, 2004) and (de Renesse et al., 2005)
admission control for bandwidth reservation is done
by measuring the ratio of busy and idle state of the
MAC layer. This gives an exact view of the current
usage of the local bandwidth, including the effects of
physical carrier sense. However, it requires modifi-
cations in the MAC layer to export this information
to the upper layers and can only report the previously
used medium time, which does not consider ongoing
reservations. The admission control in (Kuo et al.,
2005) uses one-hop beaconing for exchanging infor-
mation about the available bandwidth with neighbor
nodes. It is designed for the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer
and considers the effects of CSMA/CA on the band-
width, but the extended physical carrier sense of the
MAC layer is not regarded. In (Chen and Heinzel-
man, 2005) the effects of carrier sense are correctly
considered. A two-hop beaconing is used for reaching
all affected nodes and calculating the available local
bandwidth. This is used for verifying the suitability
of a path returned by an AODV routing. If the first
guessed path is not suitable, no alternatives are used
in contrast to our backtracking based protocol.
In this paper we addressed the problem of providing
QoS in terms of bandwidth and latency in wireless
mesh networks based on standard compliant WLAN
hardware. We have shown that it is essential to con-
sider the MAC layer with its extended carrier sense
range. A cluster-based local coordination protocol
is presented that does two-hop coordination between
nodes and allows reservation of medium time. On
top of this a routing and a path reservation mecha-
nism are used that allow bandwidth reservation and
latency limitation per stream. Because the consumed
medium time must be coordinated even with two-hop
neighbors, a relatively expensive mechanism is ap-
plied. The resulting routing gives strict guarantees
for individual streams, but these are paid with the
high overhead, which results in low usable bandwidth.
Therefore, it is not suitable for applications like mul-
timedia streaming or Internet connections. Instead it
can be used in automation scenarios where bounded
latencies with strict guarantees are required.
Further work will include a more detailed evalua-
tion of the protocol, especially by using a real wire-
less mesh network instead of simulations. This will
help to estimate the properties of the routing in real
scenarios. The current approach still has points for
possible improvements. The latency of multihop con-
nections can be reduced by synchronizing the polling
times of gateway nodes. The usable bandwidth can
be increased by overcoming the strict partitioning of
medium time between adjacent clusters or maybe by
using a solution without clusters. Some approaches
mentioned in section 7 seem promising, but would re-
quire some rework for being applicable to standard
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WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems