If the requested action is to send a recently received
message to a user, the information services
controller will then move that message file to that
destination user’s inbox.
The OBEX FTP Receiver resides on the File AP
and is used to receive media files or messages via
the Bluetooth OBEX FTP protocol from the MCD
and the digital pen. Once a file or message has been
received, the OBEX FTP receiver places it in a
received folder on the server. Any files placed in the
received folder can be accessed by the information
service and web access controllers.
A wireless Bluetooth Interactive Information
Network (IIN) infrastructure that allowed users with
various Bluetooth enabled devices to interact with
other users and their environment, was successfully
created and tested. Bluetooth enabled Smartphones
and digital pens were used as interaction devices.
The IIN supported two information services:
messaging service and internet access.
Two types of access points were developed to
accommodate different types of Bluetooth
connections. The web access point facilitated an
Internet over Bluetooth Link while the File transfer
Access point accepted Bluetooth OBEX-FTP
connections. Users could connect their Smartphones
or other MCDs to either access point.
An Interactive Information Board was developed
to allow RFID tags to be used to control the
information services provided by the IIN. A user
was able to access the information services such as
web content, by placing their MCD on a region of
the interactive information board. The file transfer
access point provided a Bluetooth connection to
receive the image output from a digital pen. The
digital pen was used as an input mechanism for users
to write messages.
The future work for this project involves
integrating other Bluetooth enabled devices
particularly devices that support the Bluetooth HID
profile. Extra information services such as SMS and
MMS messaging using the IIN will also be
considered and developed in future developments of
the IIN. Future applications of the IIN involve e-
work and e-health environments.
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Texas Instruments Readers: Series 2000 Micro Reader,
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems