Bilge Kartal, Radosveta Sokullu
Dept. of EEE, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Tapio Suihko
Technical Research Centre of Finland
Keywords: Wireless medical sensor networks, ZigBee, multicast routing.
Abstract: In recent years, wireless sensor networks have become widely spread in many areas including medical
applications. Some of these applications outgrow the traditional communication model applied to wireless
sensor networks according to which data is flowing towards a single receiver (sink). In the case of medical
data acquisition systems more then one receiver is a viable model. In this paper we discuss details on data
broadcast algorithms for the 802.15.4 based ZigBee network standard and their applicability to creating
sensor networks for medical data applications, focusing especially on transmitting data to multiple receivers
(multicast concept). The multicast concept is not currently supported by ZigBee. So we have focused on
introducing a multicast communication model and suggested a new algorithm based on ZigBee which is
specifically optimized to support multiple sinks. Further on the paper describes our experiences with
developing M-Bee, a multicast routing algorithm platform, using the open Microchip’s ZigBee software
In recent years wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
have become a very active research area supported
both by recent advances in hardware and pressing
demands for creating ubiquitous sensing
environments for our future world. Simulation and
experimental work is focusing on verifying and
creating suitable application oriented
communication models and protocols for a new
wireless environment. As an example we can
consider the healthcare sector. A number of wireless
medical monitors are currently on the market,
including electrocardiographs (EKGs), pulse
oximeters, blood pressure monitors, fetus heart rate
and maternal uterine monitors. Most of these devices
use Bluetooth or analog Wireless Medical Telemetry
Service (WMTS) bands, and several employ IEEE
802.11. However, these systems are generally
designed only to “cut the cord” between the sensor
worn by the patient and a bedside monitor or another
nearby receiving device. In the future such systems
will be built on wireless sensors and will require to
be incorporated in a network, to provide collection
of data from multiple patients or to transmit data to
multiple receivers (doctors, nurses) in a multi-hop
structure. Similar scenarios exist in fire fighting and
rescuing situations. (Lorincz 2004).
In this paper we propose a new routing protocol,
M-Bee, based on IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee, which
is enhanced with multicast features. Presently the
ZigBee standard supports only unicast and broadcast
transmissions. In light of the existing model above
each data packet will be flooded in the network until
it reaches a given receiver or receivers. If multicast
is introduced the flooding will be used only for
establishing a multicast route and then all the
packets will be transmitted over that tree reducing
the amount of traffic.
From here on the paper is organized as follows:
In section 2 a concise description of ZigBee is
presented. In section 3 we examine related work on
multicast protocols. In sections 4 and 5 we discuss
the prototype architecture and the implementation
details of M-Bee, including some assumptions made
for the model and details on the multicast data
Kartal B., Sokullu R. and Suihko T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 146-150
DOI: 10.5220/0002148201460150
transfer mechanisms. We summarize our
implementation results on Microchip’s PICDEM-Z
hardware in section 6, and draw the conclusions in
section 7.
2 ZIGBEE AND IEEE 802.15.4
ZigBee is a wireless network protocol specifically
designed for low data rate sensors and control
networks. There are a number of applications that
can benefit from the ZigBee protocol like building
automation networks, home security systems,
industrial control networks, patient monitoring,
remote metering etc.
ZigBee uses the IEEE 802.15.4 physical and
MAC layers to provide standard-based, reliable
wireless data transfer. ZigBee adds network
structure, routing, and security to complete the
communications suite. On top of this wireless
engine, ZigBee profiles provide target applications
with the interoperability and intercompatibility
required to allow similar products from different
manufacturers to work seamlessly. IEEE 802.15.4
provides three frequency bands for communications.
Based on IEEE 802.15.4, the ZigBee Alliance
specifies the standards for the network layer and the
application layer, the ZigBee device object (ZDO)
and the manufacturer defined application objects.
Two types of devices are defined: Full Function
Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Device (RFD).
An FFD can serve as a coordinator or regulator
device. It can communicate with any other devices
within its transmission range. An RFD is a simple
device that associates and communicates only with
an FFD.
The responsibilities of the ZigBee network layer
include joining/leaving a network, security, routing,
discovering 1 hop neighbours and storing neighbour
information. The network topology can be multi-hop
so that any pair of devices can communicate with
each other through the help of intermediate node.
The responsibilities of the ZigBee network layer
include joining/leaving a network, security, routing,
discovering 1 hop neighbors and storing neighbor
information. The network topology can be multi-hop
so that any pair of devices can communicate with
each other through the help of intermediate nodes.
ZigBee allows multi-hop communications based
on Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
routing protocol for general multi- hop ad-hoc
networks (
Ergen 2004). Multicast is not included in
the ZigBee Specification v1.0. (ZigBee Specification
2005). This version assumes only general broadcast,
duplicate packet suppression, and unicast
transmission based on AODV.
Multicast routing in ad hoc networks is a very
dynamic research field. Extensions to existing ad
hoc routing protocols have been proposed like
MAODV, based on AODV (
Royer 1999) as well as
new purely multicast oriented protocols have been
suggested like ODMRP and ADMR (
Jetcheva 2001),
Perkins 1999). Even though these protocols are
suitable for mobile nodes and wireless links they are
based on the IEEE 802.11 physical layer. They also
include very sophisticated link repair mechanisms as
they consider larger amounts of data being
transferred. To be applicable for WSN, protocols
have to be very light and quickly converging
because of the resource limitations of the nodes both
power-wise and memory-wise. An example in this
respect is AODVjr (
Chakeres 2002). Another new
protocol is a version of ADMR called TinyADMR
which includes also multicast functions and an
implementation is based on TinyOS Mica motes.
(Cheng 2006). To our knowledge there is no similar
work based on ZigBee, specifically on its Microchip
Stack. ZigBee uses a combination of AODV and
Link State Routing protocols for broadcast and
unicast communication only and has no multicast
concept. We believe that benefits like reduction in
delivery delay, less packet overhead and decreasing
network traffic can be provided by introducing
multicast routing in ZigBee. We have carefully
examined the Adaptive Demand Driven Multicast
Routing (ADMR) and TinyADMR, which suggest
some very useful ideas for multicasting. ADMR
allows delivery of packets from senders to receivers
by routing each packet along a set of forwarding
trees that are constructed on demand. Data is
multicast by sending packets to group addresses
rather than individual node addresses. We have also
considered the ODMRP, as it relies on a forwarding
mesh instead of a tree but as its packet format cannot
be reduced significantly it has not been found a good
In our work we have focused on creating a
multicast mechanism model which can be
incorporated with the existing ZigBee standard.
M-Bee is a multicast routing framework built on top
of ZigBee that allows multiple patients to relay data
to all receivers that have registered an interest in that
patient. This communication model fits with the
needs of medical applications where a number of
caregivers may be interested in the same patient’s
Our multicast model is based on two major
procedures: Route Discovery (RD) and Receiver
Join (RJ). During the RD phase a sender node
(potentially one which has data to transmit) tries to
locate the receivers interested in this data and forms
a route to them. This route is reinforced during the
RJ phase in which each receiver declares its joining
the route to the data source. After the route is
established data packets are multicast only to the
nodes that have joined. Thus unnecessary broadcast
is much reduced and network traffic is diminished.
In implementing the ROUTE-DSICOVERY and
RECEIVER-JOIN procedures we have utilized the
broadcast and unicast possibilities presented by
Our prototype realization of M-BEE is a network
design consisting of one coordinator and seven client
devices. We focus on the case of multiple receivers,
in which data from a single node (patient) has to
reach with min latency and min network traffic
multiple receiver nodes (caregivers). We have
implemented the M-Bee design in several layers of
the ZigBee stack including the network and MAC
layer. We use Microchip PICDEM-Z board as
hardware and Microchip ZigBee Stack as software.
The IEEE 802.15.4 maximum MAC frame size is
127 byte with 16 bit CRC. The maximum
application payload size is 97 bytes, calculated as:
127-[MAC Header(11)+NWKHeader(8)+
APSHeader(6)+AF Header (for MSG,3)+
Each M-Bee multicast packet carries an 8 byte
M-Bee header. The M-Bee Header fields are briefly
described below:
PacketType (1 byte): Indicates whether a packet
DATA message.
Group Address (1 byte): The group address of
the packet.
Origin MAC Address (2 byte): According to
IEEE 802.15.4 the MAC address of any node is 8
bytes but for our implementation in order to save
memory space we use only 2 bytes.
Origin NWK Address (2 byte): Network address
of the node.
Hop Count (1 byte): The number of hops the
packet travels (used only for RECEIVER JOIN
Route Cost (1 byte): Reserved for future
optimization of routing criteria and performance
According to the ZigBee routing mechanism for
a packet to be sent we need a route request packet (6
bytes) and a route reply packet (8 bytes). If we have
more than one receiver then we using the same
mechanism we have to build a route tree for every
receiver separately. So the overhead/payload is
directly proportional to the number of receivers. On
the other hand in the case of M-Bee it is not
necessary to build a separate tree for each sender-
receiver pair and thus the total overhead/payload is
reduced and not directly proportional to the number
of receivers. As an example let us take the case with
1 sender and 3 receivers. According to the ZigBee
routing mechanism a separate process will be
initiated for each of the 3 receivers with (8+6) 14
bytes packet overload, which makes 14*3=42 bytes
route setup only. Additionally the same data will be
sent 3 times, once for each receiver. In M-Bee the
same example will need an 8 byte header Route
Discovery packet and each receiver node will
respond back with a Receiver Join 8 byte packet.
The total for route discovery and set up requires up
to 4*8=32 bytes. The normalized packet overhead is
defined as the total number of all data and control
packets transmitted by a node in the network
(sender), divided by the total number of all data
packets received across all multicast receivers.
Route Discovery Process: Route discovery
process begins with the sender sending out a
ROUTE-DISCOVERY packet via its M-Bee
endpoint and M-Bee output cluster with broadcast
address. Every node receiving this packet
rebroadcasts the packet once allowing the message
to propagate throughout the network. At each
receiver the packet is received via the corresponding
M-Bee endpoint and M-Bee input cluster. At the
application layer, we use the
APSDE_DATA_request primitive and its
parameters for transmitting data, and
APSDE_DATA_indication primitive and its
parameters for receiving data.
Upon receipt of a new ROUTE-DISCOVERY
packet, the node table entries are checked and
refreshed. Instead of carrying the information about
the sender node that originated the discovery, the
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
previous hop and the hop count in the packet header
in M-Bee we get this information using the
MCPS_DATA_indication primitive parameters and
then record it in the necessary node table.
Receiver Join Process: When a receiver of a
group of receivers gets a ROUTE-DISCOVERY
packet, it sends a RECEIVER-JOIN packet back to
the original sender as a unicast message using path
reversal. Election of forward path is made using the
ZigBee broadcast algorithm. Path reversal unicast
address is obtained at every node from the previous
hop address field in the node table which was
recorded during the ROUTE-DISCOVERY process.
Each intermediate node receiving a RECEIVER-
JOIN packet configures itself as a forwarder for the
corresponding (sender, group) pair. Once a sender
receives even a single RECEIVER-JOIN, it can start
broadcasting data packets for the given receiver
Data Delivery Process: Forwarding the data
along the forwarder tree, a different broadcast
mechanism is needed. To create it we use a decision
mechanism on top of the ZigBee broadcast
communication. In the existing ZigBee broadcast
communication realization a node sends the data to
the upper layer only after retransmitting it. This is
necessary because of the passive acknowledgement
mechanism. So, on top of this existing broadcast
mechanism we add a subroutine in the ZigBee
network layer for multicast communication. When
forwarding packets to interested receivers M-Bee
multicast algorithm has to check if a node is
configured as a “forwarder node” before
retransmitting the packet. Non forwarding nodes,
receiving a broadcast packet will drop it and won’t
retransmit it. Only forwarding nodes will keep
retransmitting the packet. So the packet will travel
only via the route reinforced by forwarder nodes
until it reaches the receivers.
When a source node and a forwarder are no
longer effective at delivering packets to downstream
receivers, they should stop re-broadcasting messages
to avoid wasting bandwidth. For this we have
suggested quite a simple routine utilizing the
nwkPassiveAckTimeout and the nwkMaxBroadcast
Retries value.
In order to test the multicast communication model
and algorithm suggested we designed several
experiments to observe its performance. Once the
network was set up, packets were injected for
periods of 5 seconds, at a constant data rate of 20
packet per second, followed by variable random
intervals of silence. A max of 75 bytes packet
payload is used. We evaluate the time for setting up
a multicast tree for networks with different number
of nodes and the packet delivery ratio (PDR).
Testing ROUTE-DISCOVERY process is done
by observing the time spent for route establishment.
This time is calculated from the moment a ROUTE-
DISCOVERY packet is sent until the reception of
first RECEIVER JOIN packet. As for the PDR it has
been calculated in accordance with (Cheng 2006) –
total number of packets received to the number of
expected packets by all receivers. We test networks
with different number of nodes and different
numbers of receivers.
According to our results the ROUTE-
DISCOVERY time for the suggested M-Bee
multicast routing is short enough to allow DATA
trassmission of low sample rate medical data.
The results given below show the route
establishing times averages for a network of 1,2,..n
hops (where n
= number of nodes in the network -
1) in a 5 and 8 node network respectively. (Figure. 1
and Figure.2)
5 Node
50 0
10 0 0
15 0 0
Hop C ount
1h o p
Figure 1: Average Route establishment times in a 5 node
Further on we especially focused on investigating
the PDR as defined in the previous section. The
results prove that the proposed M-Bee multicast
algorithm has high reliability.
8 Node
50 00
15 0 0 0
0 1234567
Hop Count
5ho p(A vg 0)
Figure 2: Average route establishment times in an 8 node
Figure 3 shows packet delivery ratios taken after
each packet injection for the cases of 1 sender and 1,
2, 3 receivers accordingly. We can observe values as
high as 0.975. Increasing the number of nodes, we
still observed high reliability (average above 0.9)
with only few occasions of more than 10% of the
packets lost.
5 Node (20 packet/second, 1-4 hops)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
Test Count
R e c e iv e d /T r a ns m itte d
1 Receiver
2 Receivers
3 Receivers
Figure 3: Effect of increasing number of receivers on
packet delivery ratio.
We compare our results with those in (Cheng
2004) because those are the only published results
for multicast routing in WSN known to the authors
so far. The report similar values for the case with 20
packet per second and 1 sender 1 receiver and 1
sender 3 receivers. The horizontal axis in our
graphics is an example run of tests where after each
injection of packets in the network we wait for a
random period of time before the next one.
We believe that the results from our
experimental work support the thesis that ZigBee
can be used for multicast routing as for example M-
Bee. They also provided us with a better
understanding of the implications created by real
wireless communications as well as helped us define
and communicate to MicroChip several problems
with their software stack.
In this paper we have presented the design and
implementation of a multicast communication
protocol called M-Bee. We have extended the
unicast and broadcast routing mechanisms provided
by ZigBee with multicast features.
Our major goal is to demonstrate with a practical
implementation that ZigBee can be augmented with
modifications for multicast routing. Our results
demonstrate that such an approach is possible but
there is still significant work to be done if M-Bee
multicast is to scale for larger networks. Present
problems are in a great extend due to some
inconsistencies with the addressing scheme in
Microchip stack.
In conclusion, this paper has presented an initial
exploration into the challenges of software design
for some specific application scenarios for WSNs..
This work has been partially supported by CRUSIE
NoE 4-027738 which is funded by the European
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WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems