The average and standard deviation current
consumed by the surviving motes (with yellow
alarm or with no alarm) was 21.80 ± 0 mA, 10.62 ±
6.67 mA and 10.78 ± 2.23 mA, respectively for the
FullOn, FullOn2Demand, and Synchronous
configurations and 1000 m/hour. FullOn2Demand is
clearly the less demanding approach if the energy
savings during idle periods are taken into account.
This paper presents an alarm application designed to
support fire fighting operations. It shows that it is
possible to improve the mote longevity (avoiding the
synchronization costs during idle periods) and still
have a timely response to destructive events when
the application controls the MAC behaviour. The
reaction speed is mainly conditioned by the duty
cycle period. In order to increment it, more energy
must be spent in idle time.
Future work includes the test of an on-demand
synchronous mode, the adaptation of the "frisbee"
model to an asynchronous operation mode, and the
thorough testing of the application on a large mote
test bed to validate the simulation results.
This work was partially supported by the Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia under the project
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WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems