John P. T. Moore
Zedstar Dot Org Ltd
PO BOX 119, Pinner, HA5 2UR, United Kingdom
Mobile computing, location-aware communication, IRC, s-expressions, packedobjects.
Mobile application developers need to design their applications with the constraints of the network in mind.
In comparison to inexpensive home broadband networks, mobile networks often exhibit high levels of latency
and have limited bandwidth. Another significant difference between these networks is the cost of transporting
data. Mobile network operators often apply usage tariffs, especially if the customer is on a prepaid service. In
such situations, mobile Internet use can prove costly. To help reduce costs, application developers should try
to minimise the amount of data their applications communicate. In this paper we present, thumbtribes, an open
source project which attempts to add location-awareness to Internet Relay Chat (IRC) in a network efficient
Developing applications for mobile devices is not
straightforward in comparison to desktop application
development (Moore, 2006a). A limited screen size
requires clever use of the viewable area. In addition,
battery life continues to be an issue for power hun-
gry 3G phones. Today’s smart phones are designed
to multi-task applications, however, a correlation ex-
ists between CPU cycles and battery life. Memory
is also in limited supply. Languages such as C are
well suited to designing applications within these con-
straints. Subsequently, C has become the language
of choice for embedded developers (Barr and Massa,
2006). However, developers with desktop experience
may be more familiar with languages which automate
low-level tasks such as memory allocation. Devel-
oping for a mobile platform requires knowledge of
cross-compilation and its associated tools. Testing
and debugging in this environment can also be a chal-
Even after addressing these issues other stumbling
blocks remain. A factor which is often neglected
when porting a desktop application to a mobile de-
vice is the nature of the network that will be used.
Mobile manufacturers continue to release handsets
which only support 2.5G technologies such as Gen-
eral Packet Radio Service (GPRS). The limited band-
width available on these networks prevents the use of
certain types of application. The latency on such net-
works can be remarkably high compared to inexpen-
sive home broadband connections. Round trip times
which run into seconds are not uncommon. Signif-
icant levels of packet loss can be experienced caus-
ing and/or adding to the latency. Despite these limi-
tations, the overriding factor which could hinder mo-
bile Internet use is the cost of transporting data. Mo-
bile phone operators typically charge according to
the quantity of data sent across their networks, espe-
cially when prepaid services are used. Unless mo-
bile Internet use is made more affordable it is un-
likely there will be an explosion in application use.
Mobile application developers can help reduce costs
by designing their applications in a network efficient
manner. The goal of the thumbtribes project is to in-
corporate location-awareness into Internet Relay Chat
(IRC) without incurring a significant cost to a user on
a prepaid mobile service. In the thumbtribes system,
location-awareness refers to the ability for a user to
find out the geographic distance of another user based
on some predefined preferences. To help achieve the
the main goal of network efficiency, thumbtribes uses
packedobjects encoding (Moore, 2006b) .
P. T. Moore J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 181-186
DOI: 10.5220/0002151001810186
packedobjects is an open source project (Moore,
2007) built with C and an implementation of Scheme
known as Chicken (Winkelmann, 2007). Scheme is
a multi-paradigm programming language, which due
to its small core, is an ideal language for embed-
ding into other languages such as C. A powerful lan-
guage feature which becomes available with this tech-
nique is the ability to use symbolic expressions (s-
expressions) (McCarthy, 1960). An s-expression is a
syntactic form which allows complex data structures
to be represented more concisely than XML. For ex-
ample, figure 1 represents a personnel record using an
s-expression. The same personnel record represented
(givenName "John")
(initial "P")
(familyName "Smith"))
(title "Director")
(number 51)
(dateOfHire "19710917")
(givenName "Mary")
(initial "T")
(familyName "Smith"))
(givenName "Ralph")
(initial "T")
(familyName "Smith"))
(dateOfBirth "19571111"))
(givenName "Susan")
(initial "B")
(familyName "Jones"))
(dateOfBirth "19590717"))))
Figure 1: S-expression personnel record.
in XML may be up to 44% more verbose, in terms
of the number of bytes used. S-expressions are well
suited to representing network protocols and have
been used in the application domain of cryptography
(Rivest and Lampson, 1996) and within email proto-
cols such as IMAP (Crispin, 1988). Even though s-
expressions are concise, packedobjects goes one step
further and transforms the textual representation of an
s-expression into binary before transmitting it over a
Binary protocols have a specific role to play in mobile
networks which suffer from problems such as lack of
bandwidth, latency and cost of transporting data. To
illustrate this we can compare the amount of bytes
that would be generated if an s-expression was sent in
its textual form with its compressed form. A signifi-
cant part of the thumbtribes protocol involves sending
small amounts of numeric data across the network.
The client continually informs the server of its geo-
graphic position and the server responds with the dis-
tances of other users. This exchange forms the bulk
of the traffic in a thumbtribes session. Figure 2 pro-
vides an example s-expression request message that
might be sent to the server. Due to the size and na-
(latitude 51518928)
(longitude -151668)))
Figure 2: Request message.
ture of the message, compression techniques such as
gzip (GNU zip) (Deutsch, 1996) are void. Applying
such compression actually increases the message size.
However, when packedobjects encoding is applied to
the s-expression it results in a message of 8 bytes in
comparison to 61 bytes in its original form. Before
discounting compression techniques such as gzip we
need to examine situations which offer more chance
of success, such as larger messages. Unless there is
significant improvement, the increase of CPU time of
such techniques cannot be justified. To test this we
can examine the response from the location request
which may consist of a sequence of up to and includ-
ing 50 user names and distances. Figure 3 provides an
example of an s-expression response message. Figure
((nick "sdgmokm2") (distance 16485828))
((nick "r9ubm7v") (distance 14708129))
((nick "z5gp950rb") (distance 12899883))
((nick "yci") (distance 10090589))
((nick "sr") (distance 18918800))))
Figure 3: Response message.
4 compares the bytes generated for gzip compres-
sion, packedobjects encoding and raw s-expressions
for response messages containing distances for 0 to
50 users. User names and distances have been gen-
erated randomly for convenience. In reality the user
names, although unique, would exhibit less random-
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 4: Complete range of location response messages.
ness and therefore may offer different levels of com-
pression. The results show that both gzip compression
and packedobjects encoding are able to significantly
reduce the amount of bytes generated compared to
when using text-based s-expressions. However, on
average, packedobjects encoding is able to offer a
36% reduction in message size over gzip compres-
sion. Although the results depict the maximum range
of possible message sizes, in reality, typical message
sizes would be more accurately represented by figure
5 where message sizes range from 0 to 10 users. We
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 5: Typical range of location response messages.
can now clearly see that it takes a response message of
at least 3 users for gzip compression to produce less
bytes than in its uncompressed form. packedobjects
now produces on average a 62% reduction in mes-
sage size over gzip. The significance of these savings
depends on several factors, such as the frequency of
a request message, the period of time examined, the
size of a response message, and ultimately the cost
of sending data over the network. To highlight this
we can simulate a request/response cycle and then ap-
ply a cost metric to the data to show how cumulative
costs may vary between both methods of compres-
sion. Table 1 shows the cumulative costs, in terms of
Table 1: Cumulative costs in UKP.
hours s-expr gzip packedobjects
1 0.68 0.54 0.14
2 1.29 1.06 0.26
3 1.93 1.58 0.39
4 2.58 2.11 0.53
5 3.2 2.63 0.65
6 3.85 3.15 0.78
7 4.5 3.68 0.91
UK pounds (UKP), when a location request is made
every 10 seconds for a period of 7 hours. A response
is generated containing a random number of users and
their distances. As with figure 5, the number of users
is limited to 10 and names and distances were gener-
ated at random. A cost metric of 0.0075UKP per kilo-
byte of data has been applied. This reflects the current
tariff on a prepaid service from a leading mobile op-
erator in the UK. Typical use of thumbtribes would
involve leaving a client running in the background
while other applications run. The results show, af-
ter 7 hours, gzip compression would have incurred an
extra 2.77UKP over the cost of using packedobjects
The thumbtribes architecture can be divided into three
sections: clients, servers and backend, as depicted in
figure 6. Three client/server protocols are employed:
HTTP (web), IRC and thumbtribes. A web interface
is provided to allow users to alter preferences in the
thumbtribes system in real time. Altering preferences
to restrict the amount of data the thumbtribes server
encodes is an important method of reducing usage
costs on a metered network. For example, the user
may wish to limit responses to users who are within
a certain proximity. Using a web client to make these
changes eliminates the need to enter data via a mobile
IRC is used to support all user-to-user communi-
cation as well as authenticate and create users and
nicknames. IRC is a lightweight and simple text
based protocol (Oikarinen and Reed, 1993) designed
mainly for group communication. The system has
been around since 1998 and is well supported in terms
of users, servers and choices of client software. The
IRC server supports various server-sanctioned bots
for registering and controlling access to user names,
nicknames and various other features. This forms
the basis of authenticating the user via the web client
and the thumbtribes client. Using IRC services for
user authentication provides a simple pre-built way
to handle accounts across the entire thumbtribes sys-
tem. The data associated with these server-sanctioned
bots is provided by the backend. The backend con-
sists of a Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS). All communication between the backend
and the three servers takes place via SQL commands
over a TCP/IP connection. The separation of the
backend from the servers means that all 4 components
could reside on physically different machines.
Figure 6: Thumbtribes architecture.
The thumbtribes client is responsible for all lo-
cation related communication and has been depicted
as a rectangle within a rectangle to highlight how
the software can be embedded into an existing IRC
client. The thumbtribes server calculates information
such as the distance of users and filters responses ac-
cording to preferences stored in the backend. The
main purpose of the thumbtribes client is to contin-
ually update, or ”ping”, the server with coordinates.
The way this location information is supplied is not
part of the thumbtribes architecture. One method, for
example, which is independent of any network opera-
tors is to obtain coordinates from a GPS (Global Posi-
tioning System) device. As GPS technology improves
and variants such as AGPS (Assisted GPS) (LaMance
A bot is an independent program which connects to
IRC as a client but appears as a normal IRC user.
et al., 2002) become more widespread, this solution
becomes more usable.
thumbtribes uses a simple client/server protocol over
a TCP connection. There is an exchange of Proto-
col Data Units (PDUs) as summarised by the timing
graph in figure 7. The sequential request/response na-
ture of the protocol means that the same area of allo-
cated memory can be used for both encoding and de-
coding of PDUs. This saving should be welcome on
an embedded device such as a mobile phone. Figure 8
provides the complete thumbtribes protocol specifica-
tion. The protocol is described using an s-expression
Figure 7: Protocol timing graph.
and makes use of features of the Scheme program-
ming language such as comments and ”quasiquot-
ing”. All comments are represented by lines begin-
ning with a semicolon. A quasiquote is used to define
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(define protocol
;; user defined type
(let ((nick '(nick string (size 1 9))))
;; start of PDU
`(pdu choice
;; inform server of version and machine type
(init-request sequence
(machine string (size 1 20))
(version integer (range 1 1000)))
;; returns true if ok
(init-response boolean)
;; identify user to server
(login-request sequence
(username string (size 1 10))
(password string (size 1 35))
;; server responds with ping time or error code
;; 0 = password incorrect
;; -1 = no such username
;; -2 = no such nick
;; -3 = already logged in
(login-response integer (range -10 ,MAX-PING-TIME))
;; inform server of nick change
(nick-change-request sequence ,nick)
;; returns true if ok
(nick-change-response boolean)
;; send coordinates to server
(ping-request sequence
(latitude integer (range -90000000 90000000))
(longitude integer (range -180000000 180000000)))
;; server responds with distance of users
(ping-response sequence-of ; max 50
(distance integer (range 0 20000000))))))
Figure 8: Thumbtribes protocol specification.
the type ”nick” which can then be used multiple times
throughout the protocol specification. The ability to
represent the protocol as code means that no further
transformation is required to manipulate the data. If
we contrast this to XML, the protocol would need to
be transformed from its description into an abstract
data type, such as a tree, before it could be manipu-
The thumbtribes protocol is a choice of 8 PDUs
exchanged in 4 sequences: init, login, nick-change
and ping. The init sequence informs the server of the
client machine type and more importantly the version
of software being used. If the client is using a com-
patible version, the server will respond with a boolean
flag set to true. On receiving this response the client
initiates a login sequence to the server. The server
then authenticates the user and will respond in one
of two ways. On successful authentication a value
will be retrieved which will represent the amount of
time the client will pause during a ping-request/ping-
response cycle. Failure to authenticate will return a
value less than 1 depending on the error. Comments
in the protocol specification indicate the various er-
rors that might occur. Overloading a data type in this
way is not recommended in most protocol specifica-
tions, however, in this situation it helps simplify the
response message. After the login stage completes,
the two remaining sequences may take place. The
nick-change sequence is represented as a dashed line
in figure 7 to indicate it is optional. In the thumb-
tribes system a user may have multiple nicknames.
If the user changes nickname during a session the
server needs to be informed. This requires sending
the new nickname to the server and the server will re-
spond with a boolean flag to indicate success or fail-
ure depending on whether the nickname is registered
to the user. The remaining sequence to describe is
the most fundamental, the ping. As indicated in fig-
ure 7 this sequence may repeat. The client sends a
ping-request to the server containing latitude and lon-
gitude coordinates. Each coordinate is expressed in
integer form with its decimal equivalent represented
as coordinate × 10
. Therefore, coordinates can be
expressed to an accuracy of 6 decimal places. On re-
ceiving the coordinates the server is able to calculate
the distances of other users in the thumbtribes system.
The ping-response contains a sequence of nicknames
and corresponding distances expressed in meters. The
ping sequence will then repeat until the user decides
to terminate the thumbtribes session. Termination is
initiated when the user quits the client and is detected
by closure of the TCP connection.
One of the benefits of working with s-expressions in
Scheme is they are a native data structure. In compar-
ison, XML requires a library or toolkit to transfer the
textual representation into an abstract data type sup-
ported by the high level language being used. Sev-
eral such toolkits exist depending on the high level
language. An interesting study would be to measure
the amount of processor time and memory required to
process XML compared to s-expressions. Both met-
rics are important for embedded devices such as mo-
bile phones. However, trying to obtain ”apples vs ap-
ples” metrics for such studies is not straightforward.
In section 3, we indicated the savings that could be
made using packedobjects encoding instead of gzip
compression of s-expressions. Many protocols, in-
cluding popular instant messaging protocols such as
Jabber (Saint-Andre, 2004), are still being sent over
mobile networks as uncompressed XML. A cost com-
parison could be made against a packedobjects en-
coded equivalent protocol.
In terms of application enhancements, thumb-
tribes could benefit from numerous additions. One
such addition could be a location-oriented event sys-
tem. The user would be able to enter details of an
event and supply coordinates. Other users would then
be able to pick up these events when in a defined
proximity. Tagged locations could be another useful
thumbtribes addition. Here users could walk around
an area and tag locations with a short description.
This information could also then be available to other
local users. Many similar location-aware features
could be implemented, all of which benefit from the
low-bandwidth protocol employed in the thumbtribes
system. The current development version of thumb-
tribes is being built as a plugin to an open source IRC
client. Rather than embed thumbtribes functionality,
a special purpose client could be created. The ideal
client would mask the fact IRC is being used as the
underlying communication protocol. This would al-
low a more simplistic and user-friendly interface for
mobile phones to be built.
Users have become accustomed to a certain level of
quality of service from the broadband connections
they use at home. In contrast to a typical broadband
connection, a mobile network is likely to have less
bandwidth as well as exhibit higher packet loss in
conjunction with increased round trip times. The mo-
bile network operator might also apply a usage tar-
iff. Often when applications are ported from a desk-
top environment to mobile environment they will lack
consideration for these issues. In addition, it is of-
ten more straightforward for mobile application de-
velopers to design network protocols based on popu-
lar standards such as XML. Unfortunately such stan-
dards can be verbose, even after applying well known
compression techniques. The thumbtribes project
demonstrated this by comparing gzip compression
with packedobjects encoding. The bulk of the traffic
generated during a thumbtribes session occurs during
its location request/response cycle. Here the client pe-
riodically sends a small message to the server contain-
ing geographic coordinates. Tests showed that while
packedobjects encoding was able to offer significant
levels of compression, gzip compression actually in-
creased the size of the original message. When larger
message sizes were examined, packedobjects was
able to reduce typical message sizes on average by
62% compared to when gzip was used. The signif-
icance of these savings depends on usage. However,
with today’s multi-tasking phones, it is not an uncom-
mon requirement to be able to leave an application
running in the background. In such circumstances, it
is easy to show why reducing costs on a metered net-
work is important.
Barr, M. and Massa, A. (2006). Programming Embedded
Systems. O’Reilly.
Crispin, M. (1988). Interactive Mail Access Proto-
col: Version 2, Request for Comments: 1064.
Deutsch, P. (1996). GZIP file format specifica-
tion version 4.3, Request for Comments: 1952.
LaMance, J., DeSalas, J., and Jarvinen, J. (2002).
Assisted GPS: A Low-Infrastructure Approach.
McCarthy, J. (1960). Recursive Functions of Symbolic Ex-
pressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I.
Communications of the ACM, 3(4):184–195.
Moore, J. (2006a). Developing on hand-
helds, University of Birmingham.
Moore, J. (2006b). packedobjects. In WINSYS 2006 In-
ternational Conference on Wireless Information Net-
works and Systems.
Moore, J. (2007). packedobjects.
Oikarinen, J. and Reed, D. (1993). Internet Re-
lay Chat Protocol, Request for Comments: 1459.
Rivest, R. and Lampson, B. (1996). SDSI - A
Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure. rivest/sdsi10.html.
Saint-Andre, P. (2004). Extensible Messaging and
Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging
and Presence, Request for Comments: 3921.
Winkelmann, F. (2007). Chicken Scheme.
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems