be highlighted in section 6, which deals with the awk-
ward task of automatically translating high-level on-
tologies into lower-level policies. Finally, section 7
presents an interesting case study related to the deliv-
ery of an advanced Video on Demand service. Sec-
tion 8 concludes the paper and provides some infor-
mation about future work directions.
The NETQOS project is concerned with the design
and development of a policy-based network man-
agement architecture. The main focus is on an au-
tonomous management approach with the objective
of providing enhanced quality of service (QoS) and
resource utilization in varying operational environ-
ments. The proposed approach maps requirements
and preferences from the actors of the system (users,
service providers, applications, operators) into net-
work and transport level policies, which are then en-
forced. In the course of time, changes in the opera-
tional environment emerge due to many reasons like
the mobility of users, varying service demands, al-
tered QoS requirements etc. Policy management au-
tomation allows for the system to autonomously adapt
to these changes. Equally, a suboptimal QoS delivery
and resource utilization triggers an adaptation of the
employed policies. The NetQoS approach modifies
existing policies, activates/deactivates existing poli-
cies and assembles new policies at run-time while re-
specting the requirements imposed by the different
In order to fulfill the above mentioned objectives,
it is necessary that the NetQoS components are capa-
ble to autonomously manage the network by both han-
dling user requests and reacting to all possible events.
To this end, all the components need to cooperate to
carry out the task of the NetQoS system. Hence, the
need arises for a component that coordinates all the
others. In the NetQoS architecture (Fig. 1), such a co-
ordinating component is denoted as the Context Man-
ager (CM). The Context Manager is in charge to iden-
tify the “context”, i.e., the operational status of the
NetQoS system and all the relevant events. In case
an event that requests actions from some components
occurs, the Context Manager must become aware of
it and notify the appropriate components. Examples
of events that the Context Manager has to be aware
of are the launch of an application, the violation of a
policy, the addition of new policies, etc.
The Context Manager is primarily an event sink
and source: it gets notified about important events
and forwards this information to the relevant compo-
nents. The detection of the events themselves is real-
ized within the NetQoS monitoring and measurement
tool platform (MoMe Tool). The MoMe Tool is the
component that is responsible for providing informa-
tion about the current state of the network. Clearly,
this view of the network status is indispensable in the
realization of an autonomous management approach.
The Policy Description (PD) represents a set of
ontologies used to specify the actors’ preferences, re-
quirements, profiles, etc. The actors of the NetQoS
system (users, applications, service providers, oper-
ators) use the Actor Preference Manager (APM) to
specify their needs through ontologies.
This paper focuses on the automatic translation of
those ontologies into policies. The Automated Policy
Adaptor (APA) enforces the operational policies and
updates them as needed when the system evolves.
Ontologies were originally conceived and introduced
in the context of the Semantic Web. They provide for-
mal specification of concepts and their interrelation-
ships, and play an essential role in complex web ser-
vice environments, semantics-based search engines
and digital libraries. One important purpose of these
formal specifications is sharing of knowledge be-
tween independent entities. Although there are yet
many definitions for ontology, the most general and
complete one looks at an ontology as “an explicit and
formal specification of a shared conceptualization”,
• is explicit because it defines the concepts, prop-
erties, relationships, functions, axioms and con-
straints that compose it;
• is formal because it is machine readable and inter-
• is a conceptualization because it is an abstract
model and a simplified view of the existing things
it represents;
• is shared because there has been previously a con-
sensus about the information and it is accepted by
a group of experts.
In brief, ontology aims at defining a set of con-
cepts and properties, together with axioms providing
the rules that govern them. In the last years, ontol-
ogy languages have been in a rapid development. The
OWL (Bechhofer et al., 2004), proposed by the W3C
for the definition of ontology in the Semantic Web,
is based on RDF and RDF Schema (RDFS) and pro-
vides greater machine interpretability of Web content
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems