An example of WS context is the context of
ContactMobileCare WS: W-context={
SW-context={Name=“ContactMobileCare”, Memory=
“128”, language= “French”};
Fig. 3 shows the derived composition net that is
extracted out of the composition net of Fig. 1
according to the defined context template.
Figure 3: DCN for Anatole scenario.
Prototype: A prototype is fully operational. We used Java
to implement the needed functionalities for context
collection and generation as well as for view extraction.
The architecture of the prototype comprises two modules
that a Java program orchestrates. The first module is about
the context generator and the second is the view extractor.
The context generator provides, upon request, several
contextual details related to users and WS. To this
purpose, two XML files are delivered by the context
generator. Both files are then submitted to the view
extraction module. We used CPN Tools, which is a tool
for editing, simulating and analyzing CPN. The extraction
of a view consists of comparing the expected contextual
elements that are associated with this specification to the
current contextual details that are obtained out of the
context generator. The result of the comparison is an XML
file that corresponds to the view that can now be
visualized as a Petri-Net using the CPN Tools and verified
using the various properties we listed in Section 3.4.
In this paper, we presented a high level Petri-Net
approach for the specification and verification of
composite WS. Our literature review has shown that
building reliable composite WS calls for formal
verification. Our literature review has also shown
that no much has been done to cater for context in
composite services. Therefore, we proposed a high
level Petri-Net approach that integrates context
during specification, maps this specification onto a
Petri-Net. Furthermore, we discussed in this paper
how the execution of a composite WS is tracked
using view. We illustrated and prototyped the dual
use of Petri-Nets and views with a patient-related
scenario. Although this scenario was simple, it
revealed the challenges that need to be taken up
when deploying WS in critical domains such as
healthcare. Our next work aims at proposing
extensions for BPEL with user and WS contexts
included. In addition, we aim at developing a tool
that converts an extended BPEL specification into a
CPN for automatic verification purposes.
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