Khouloud Boukadi
, Chirine Ghedira
, Zakaria Maamar
and Djamal Benslimane
Division for Industrial Engineering and Computer Sciences, ENSM, Saint-Etienne, France
LIRIS Laboratory, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, Lyon, France
College of Information Technology, Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E
Keywords: Web service, Composition, Context-aware, high level Petri-Net, Views.
Abstract: This paper presents a high level Petri-Net approach for specifying and verifying views over
composite Web
service. High level Petri-Nets have the capacity of formally modelling and verifying
complex systems. A view is mainly used for tracking purposes as it permits representing a contextual
snapshot of a composite Web service specification. The use of the proposed high level Petri-Net approach is
illustrated with a running example that shows how Web services composition satisfies users’ needs. A
proof-of-concept of this approach is also presented in the paper.
Web services (WS) have given Web applications a
new shape, from content display to service supplier.
The capacity of defining composite Web services is
an advantage that currently backs the widespread use
of Web services. Businesses and academia have
shown a significant interest in WS composition
(Daniel 2005). Despite the large body of research on
Web services, much work still needs to be done to
tie informal methods, e.g., Petri-Nets, with
specification languages for composite Web services.
Few initiatives have looked into the use of Petri-
Nets in WS including (Yang 2005). Indeed, there is
no guarantee that the specification of a composite
Web service is error-free. Conflicts like concurrent
accept or reject and deadlocks may occur during the
specification execution. Fixing errors at run-time is
time-consuming and requires another round of low-
level programming, which could be expensive, and
error-prone. An attractive solution would consist of
allowing developers to detect and fix issues prior to
WS deployment and to formally verify the business
processes underlying composite WS against some
desired properties.
Composition does not only make WS bind to
each other, but emphasizes the cornerstone of
handling users’ preferences and constraints as part of
the process of meeting personalization requirements.
Personalization is tightly related to the features of
the environment in which WS will operate after
triggering. These features can be related to users
(e.g., state, location), computing resources (e.g.,
fixed device, mobile device), time periods (e.g., in
the afternoon, in the morning), physical places (e.g.,
mall, cafeteria), etc. Sensing, gathering, and refining
the features and changes in an environment
contribute towards the definition of what is known
as context. Context is the information that
characterizes the interactions between humans,
applications, and the surrounding environment
(Medjahed 2003). Embedding WS with context-
awareness mechanisms has several advantages. To
be aware of which part of the specification of the
composite Web service has to be adjusted because of
changes in the user environment, an assessment of
what-was-previously-expected and what-is-
effectively-happening is deemed appropriate. This
specific part of the composite Web service
specification is referred to as view. A view is a
dynamic snapshot over the specification of a
composite Web service according to a certain
context (Benslimane et al. 2005).
In this paper, we aim at discussing the value-
added of Petri-Nets to the specification of firstly, the
composite WS and secondly, the views that run over
those ones. We emphasize the use of high level
Petri-Nets, particularly Colored-Petri-Nets (CPN)
Boukadi K., Ghedira C., Maamar Z. and Benslimane D. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 107-112
DOI: 10.5220/0002349501070112
and Hierarchical-Colored-Petri-Nets (HCPN)
(Jensen 1997). CPN and HCPN have the capacity to
specify and analyze concurrent systems (Petri 1962).
Our contributions in this paper are as follows: a
definition of a composite Web service using high
level Petri-Nets, an approach for checking the
correctness of a composite Web service, a
specification of a view based on high level Petri-
Nets, and finally, automatic mechanisms for
extracting and showing up views over composite
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a scenario, lists some Petri-Nets’
advantages, and suggests a list of related projects.
Section 3 discusses the use of Petri-Nets in
modelling WS and composite WS. Section 4
describes the concept of view as a means for
tracking the execution of a composite Web service
specification. Section 5 presents the prototype that
was developed as a proof-of-concept of our use of
Petri-Nets in WS. Concluding remarks are drawn in
Section 6.
2.1 Motivating Scenario
Our motivation scenario concerns Anatole, a 60-
years old patient who has a Portable ECG Monitor
(PEM), which is used to detect and manage any
cardiac event. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test
that records the heart’s electrical activity. When
Anatole feels a chest pain, he turns on the PEM so
his ECG is recorded. The PEM starts with a serial
analysis of this record and compares it with the
referenced ECG. The PEM can suspect any cardiac
problems and send an alert to a call center, if
needed. The alert triggers a Web service whose role
is to find a first-aid medical-center close from
Anatole’s current location. Processing both the
recorded and referenced ECG, the selected medical
center identifies two types of alarm: severe or minor.
In case of a minor alarm, LookforDoctor and
TreatmentTransmission WS are triggered. When a
doctor is assigned to Anatole, he gets access to his
medical records and checks the referenced and
recorded ECG. Afterwards, he diagnoses the case
and prescribes an adequate treatment for Anatole.
TreatmentTransmission WS takes care of
notifying the treatment, as an SMS message, to
Anatole’s mobile phone. The language of the
message is set according to Anatole’s preferred-
language. In case of a severe alarm,
LookforEmergency WS is concurrently triggered
with other separate WS that upload Anatole’s
medical records and identify Anatole’s location,
respectively. Finally, ContactMobileCare WS is
activated in case an ambulance is needed. This
motivating scenario will illustrate our approach, and
makes clear the use of CPN for contextual WS
2.2 Rationale of Views
In the three-level ANSI-SPARC architecture, a view
corresponds to the organization of the database as it
appears to a particular user. In the relational model,
a view is defined as a virtual relation that is
dynamically derived from one or more other base
relations. The concept of view is also used in the
workflow community. Workflow view was
suggested as a support mechanism for the
interoperability of workflows across multiple
businesses (Chiu et al., 2004).
The use of the view concept is backed by our
previous work and is motivated by several reasons.
First, the view mechanism grants a powerful and
flexible approach by hiding the whole specification
of a composite service from users and the process
responsible for adjusting this specification. Only the
significant parts of a specification are presented.
Second, multiple views over a specification can be
obtained at different levels of granularity ranging
from the dependency between WS and the execution
preferences coupled with WS to the corrective
measures that WS use. In (Benslimane et al. 2005),
we proposed a formal specification of the view
concept based on state-chart diagrams, and a set of
colored graph procedures to manage the transition
according to the context and the dynamic nature of
the view. This proposal motivated the study of the
correlation and the value-added of the colored Petri-
2.3 Rationale of Colored Petri-Nets
Jensen formulates CPN as a formally founded
graphically-oriented modeling language (Jensen
1997). CPN have got their name because they use
different colors to be associated with tokens, which
carry data values. This is in contrast to low level
Petri-Nets’ tokens, which by default are black. On
the one hand, Petri-Nets provide the necessary
mechanisms for specifying synchronization of
concurrent processes. On the other hand, any
programming language provides the primitives that
are needed for defining and manipulating data types.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Compared to CPN, HCPN includes additional
features such as substitution transitions.
Mapping CPN and HCPN concepts into WS and
composite WS is to a certain extent straightforward.
First, a WS’s behavior is basically a partially
ordered set of operations. Therefore, it is possible to
represent it with a Petri-Net. WS’s operations are
modeled by transitions and the states of the WS are
modeled by places (Benatallah 2003). In addition,
the use of colored tokens permits modeling contexts
of WS and users by specifying places used to model
these contexts. Moreover, the hierarchy concept of
the HCPN shows the components of a composite
WS at a higher level with no mention to their
internal details. This is really useful for running
contextual views over composite WS.
2.4 Related Work
Benatallah et al. propose a Petri-Net-based algebra
for composing WS (Benatallah 2003). In this study,
context is just ignored, which does not permit
capturing the changes in a WS composition process.
Yang et al. concentrate in verifying and analyzing
composition specification of WS once these
specifications get translated into a CPN (Yang
2005). Yang suggests also to model BPEL processes
as CPN. However, the transformation process is
ambiguous and no formal definition of how to
translate a BPEL specification into a CPN is given.
Xiaochuan et al. propose a model of a simplified
Travel Reservation system using WS (Xiaochuan
2004). In (Bing 2006), the author addresses the
shortfalls of Xiaochuan et al.’s work like incomplete
conversation between WS, removal of some major
interactions within WS, and modeling of
unnecessary components that make the graphical
representation complex.
All these proposals mainly focus on WS
composition modeling with no-emphasis on contexts
of WS and users. The transformation process for
example from a BPEL specification towards a CPN
is still ambiguous and a formal definition would be
highly appreciated. In order to react in a proper way
to the detected changes in user and WS environment,
context needs to be handled during the development
of specifications of WS.
In this section, we define a WS and a composite WS
using CPN and HCPN, respectively. To this
purpose, we comply with Jensen’s work (Jensen
1997). A composite WS is defined by an HCPN to
be called as Composition Net (CN). Moreover, each
component WS in the CN has a page modeled by a
CPN to be called as Service Colored Net (SCN).
3.1 Service Colored-net Definition
As aforementioned, we define a WS as a
SCN=<Σ,P,T,L,A,N,C,E,G> where:
Σ is a finite set of types also called color sets.
P is a finite set of places that model the state of a
system. A WS’s states consist of distributing a data
value, i.e., token, on the SCN’s places. Two types of
places exist:
Message Places (MP) contain messages
exchanged between component WS.
Context Places (CP) containing the execution
context of WS.
T is a finite set of transitions. Each operation in a
WS is captured by a CPN transition. We can
distinguish two types of transitions: T
is a finite set
of transitions with guard condition and T
is a
finite set of transitions without guard condition.
A is a set of directed arcs. An arc connects a place to
a transition and vice-versa. In fact, an arc represents
a causality relation between places and transitions.
L is a labeling function for each operation in a WS.
N is function that links each arc going from a place
to a transition and vice-versa.
C is a color function that assigns a unique color to
each place p. The color of a place is denoted as C(p).
Therefore, each token in a place p must have a color,
i.e., data value, from C(p).
E is a function that describes arcs using a set of
variables. These variables determine the token’s
variables (i.e., a token has a set of variables) that are
either consumed or produced during operation.
G is a guard function that checks the logical
conditions in a transition.
Hence, the SCN is defined, we can focus on how
we get over transitions inside a SCN of a composite
WS. Indeed, the evolution of a SCN consists in
crossing its transitions, this task is based on two
types of rules:
1. Firing rule for a transition with guard
condition: In order to get over a transition with
guard condition, we must consider the types of
places, whether message or context, and thus the
conditions of these places. In case of a message
place, four conditions should be verified before a
transition can be passed. The first condition deals
with the color of the place. The second condition
verifies that the variable set of the arc has the same
type as the place connected with this arc. In addition,
the values of the variables on an arc must match the
expected data types such as integer. The last
condition checks if the guard condition returns true
assuming that every type of variables of a guard
belong to the color sets of the service colored net.
We use Is-enabled (T
) as the function that checks
the four conditions for each message place that is
connected to transition T
. In case of a context
place, only the three first conditions must be
2. Firing rule for a transition without guard
condition: this transition is independent of the type
of its connected places. Is-enabled (T
) function
verifies only the first three conditions. Once each
SCN of the WS participating in a composite WS
defined, we can elaborate its Composition Net.
3.2 Definition of the Composition Net
A composite WS is a HCPN that is defined as
follows: CN=<S, ST, SA, PP, PT, PA, FP> where:
S is a set of pages that represent the atomic WS.
Each page sS is a :
ST is a set of substitution transitions. A substitution
transition identifies a WS without any internal
details on how it is performed.
SA is a function that assigns a WS to a composite
WS. Indeed, each ST corresponds to SCN (SA:
SCN). We assume that firing a substitution
transition depends on the firing of all the transitions
that are present in the SCN.
PP P is the set of port places. Each SCN contains
places that are tagged with either in, out, or i/o.
These places are named port places and permit the
communication of a SCN with its peers. As
mentioned before, each substitution transition is
related to a SCN. This is achieved by providing a
port assignment, which describes how the port
places of the SCN are related to the socket places of
the substitution transition.
PT defines the type of the port, PT: PP {in, out,
PA is a port assignment function that describes how
the port places of the SCN related to the socket
places of the substitution transition.
FP is the first page of the CN, i.e., it represents the
composite WS. For each substitution transition in
the first page, a SCN is obtained.
3.3 Verifying a Composite Web Service
The use of high level Petri-Nets permits increasing
the reliability level of composite WS. The associated
CN could be subject to analysis using different
techniques and computer tools for CPN. The most
important one known as a state space method
consists of designing a graph that has a node for
each reachable marking, as well as an arc for each
occurring binding element. We suggest the
definitions of four properties that can be checked
using CPN: Reachability that determines whether it
is possible for a composition to achieve the desired
results; Boundness that determines the minimal and
the maximal number of tokens in the different
places; Dead transition that determines the number
of transitions which will never be enabled and Dead
marking which is a marking with no enabled
3.4 Illustration with Anatole Scenario
The composition net of Anatole scenario is shown in
Fig.1. It consists of seven WS designed as
substitution transitions. The substitutions transitions
are: {
LookforCenter, LookforDoctor,
LookforEmergency, TreatmentTransmission,
UpdatePatientRecord, Localization, and
The boxes that are next to each substitution
transition specify the SCN that contains the detailed
description of the activity represented by the
corresponding substitution transition. For example,
the page modelling LookforCenter WS is modeled
by the substitution transition named LookforCenter.
The substitution transition for LookforCenter WS is
broken up into three context places (CP1, CP2,
CP3), as an input and a single message place
(PTLFC). These places are the input socket places
for this substitution transition. For illustration
purposes, the following assumptions are made
regarding the context and message places: CP1
contains the required memory, e.g., 1’128 in
Megabits, for the execution. CP2 contains the time-
slot availabilities of the WS for execution. CP3
contains French language using 1’french.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The CN for Anatole scenario.
PTLFC models the message between the PEM and
LookforCenter WS. The two output socket places
for this substitution transition are: LFCTLFD
models the message between LookforCenter and
LookforDoctor WS; LFCTLFE models the message
between LookforCenter and LookforEmergency
Now we will focus on a component WS of this
scenario: the LookForCenter WS. Let us consider
the sub-page of Fig. 2, which is about the detailed
description of the activity that LookforCenter WS
carries out. The sub-page shows two operations
captured by two transitions. We also consider
EvaluationState transition in order to observe how
the firing rules get initiated. EvaluationState
transition is fired iff the following conditions are
satisfied: (1) The color set of each place connected
to EvaluationState transition is included in the color
set of this transition; (2) The arc’s variables type
matches the color of P1; (3) Having a Boolean color,
the ok variable can only receive true or false.
Besides, this variable must have a type already
defined in the color set of SCN
and (4)
EvaluationState transition is enabled if the ok
variable in the guard condition evaluates to true. In
our case, the last condition depends on the value that
is randomly assigned to the ok variable since all
others conditions are satisfied.
Figure 2: SCN for LookforCenter Web Service.
To apply HCPN modelling to a WS composition
according to a specific context, we introduce in the
next section, the formal specification of the view
4.1 Formal Definition
We recall that a view is a dynamic snapshot over the
specification of a composite WS according to a
certain context. We suggest below that a view is
extracted out of the specification of a composite WS
using high level Petri-Nets. We provide the
definitions belows.
Initial composition net definition. An ICN is
defined as the following triplet:
> where: S is the set of pages
that are included in the CN where
sS, s is an
SCN, and ST
and ST
are like previously
Context template definition. CT is the formal
model of the corresponding context during view
extraction. The CT includes two types of context:
user (U-context) and WS (W-context), CT= {U-
W-context} detailed in (Ghedira 2006).
Derived composition net definition. The extraction
of a view according to a certain context over an
initial or derived composition specification permits
obtaining a DCN. DCN is defined with the
following triplet: a DCN=<S’,S’T
> where:
S’: is the derived specification that does not accept
any additional WS through their pages; S’T
= {
Is-enabled (st)=true} is the new set
of substitution transitions without guard conditions;
and ST
= {st’|stST
Is-enabled (st)=true} is
the new set of substitution transitions with guard
4.2 Application to Anatole Scenario
Let us assume that Anatole’s contexts returns details
on his physical state and localization.
SU-context={Identity=“Anatole”, Age=“60”,
PhysicalState=“serious”, Localization=“Fourvière
An example of WS context is the context of
ContactMobileCare WS: W-context={
SW-context={Name=“ContactMobileCare”, Memory=
“128”, language= “French”};
Fig. 3 shows the derived composition net that is
extracted out of the composition net of Fig. 1
according to the defined context template.
Figure 3: DCN for Anatole scenario.
Prototype: A prototype is fully operational. We used Java
to implement the needed functionalities for context
collection and generation as well as for view extraction.
The architecture of the prototype comprises two modules
that a Java program orchestrates. The first module is about
the context generator and the second is the view extractor.
The context generator provides, upon request, several
contextual details related to users and WS. To this
purpose, two XML files are delivered by the context
generator. Both files are then submitted to the view
extraction module. We used CPN Tools, which is a tool
for editing, simulating and analyzing CPN. The extraction
of a view consists of comparing the expected contextual
elements that are associated with this specification to the
current contextual details that are obtained out of the
context generator. The result of the comparison is an XML
file that corresponds to the view that can now be
visualized as a Petri-Net using the CPN Tools and verified
using the various properties we listed in Section 3.4.
In this paper, we presented a high level Petri-Net
approach for the specification and verification of
composite WS. Our literature review has shown that
building reliable composite WS calls for formal
verification. Our literature review has also shown
that no much has been done to cater for context in
composite services. Therefore, we proposed a high
level Petri-Net approach that integrates context
during specification, maps this specification onto a
Petri-Net. Furthermore, we discussed in this paper
how the execution of a composite WS is tracked
using view. We illustrated and prototyped the dual
use of Petri-Nets and views with a patient-related
scenario. Although this scenario was simple, it
revealed the challenges that need to be taken up
when deploying WS in critical domains such as
healthcare. Our next work aims at proposing
extensions for BPEL with user and WS contexts
included. In addition, we aim at developing a tool
that converts an extended BPEL specification into a
CPN for automatic verification purposes.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems