The first two are similar in the sense that we try
to include the human being into the system.
Multimedia resources are mend to be processed by
humans. There are cases a picture or voice stream
can easily express the needs and in a way that can be
easily understood by the receiving party. You can
think of this as an offline communication that goes
thru the system and will be documented.
The second module handles communications that
are online and do not directly go through the system.
However, the system will be aware that the
communication took place and minutes can be
placed, so, the results are visible (at least to
humans). These two issues reflect our idea that on
one hand side the system should be used as much as
possible but on the other side to allow users to
bypass the system in cases this is more efficient
without breaking everything up (Pataki et al, 2007).
Last but not least we developed a negotiation
system. Here the SME managers can define rules he
wants to apply depending on certain circumstances.
The most common example is a huge order beyond a
given threshold. In this case a predefined allowance
is granted. This rule can even be visible to
customers. By being aware of the rule the customers
might be motivated to order at least the amount
needed to reach the threshold.
Instead of changing directly the values, e.g. total
price, UBL has build in elements to handle
allowances or extra charges. Using these elements
provides better understanding for calculating end
prices and provides the possibility to track back the
applied rules.
Of course also the customer SME can have his
rules and without any IT support which results into a
loop of phone calls affecting even different persons.
We do not say that the negotiation system will do
everything automatically and will replace every
phone call. However, reducing the number of loops
within the barging process is already a benefit.
Think of the system as being a mediator helping
them to find together.
With the approval of UBL 2.0 by OASIS and
statements of UN/CEFACT to relay on UBL in case
of providing a similar standard (McGrath, 2006),
UBL was pushed and we expect a high acceptance
of this standard. In Europe UBL is already used for
e-invoicing for the Danish government since 2005.
The EU project GENESIS (GENESIS, 2006) is
more related to eGovernment. However, after the
great success in Denmark the plans are to extend it
and provide also for SME’s an appropriate platform
and services called OIO Service Oriented
Infrastructure (Brun, Lanng, 2006). Due to the open
architecture this approach is more flexible.
However, we believe that with our single service
provider platform based on an ESB solutions will be
easier and quicker to be reached.
With the described modules in section 3, especially
with respect to barging and negotiation, we try to
support SME’s without ruling them down. Our
approach is not “all or nothing” instead the platform
supports human-to-human communication when
needed and this way following a more federated
integration approach. Our modules and ideas where
generated together with SME managers and
therefore will hopefully meet their requirements.
However, ABILITIES is still a running project and
final results how SME’s adopted the overall
platform are still under evaluation. They are
expected by end of 2007.
The work presented in this paper is partly funded by
the European Commission through the ABILITIES
STREP. The authors are solely responsible for the
paper's content.
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Federated Message-based Architecture for eBusiness
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Brun, M. H., Lanng, C., 2006. Reducing barriers for e-
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GENESIS: Enterprise Application Interoperability –
Integration for SMEs, Governmental Organizations
and Intermediaries in the New European Union,, EU Project, started 2006
McGrath, T., 2006. UBL and UN/CEFACT a status report,
presentation held at UBL International 2006,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Pataki, B. E., Kovács, L., Guglielmina, C., Arezza, A.,
2007. ABILITIES to Support a Federated Architecture
Based Interoperability Bus with Groupware &
Multimedia, I-ESA 2007, Funchial, Portugal
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems