pricing (Fig. 7 upper middle). The results indicate
that bid formation must be improved.
This paper presented the software system ComEx for
the auction-based exchange of transportation services
in connection with the route optimization system Dy-
naRoute. The evaluation focuses on the search for
an optimal mechanism that helps to formulate the ap-
propriate in and outsourcing bids for the transfer of
delivery contracts between neighboring profit centers,
such that a transportation cost reduction results for the
entire enterprise. By using real world delivery data
from an enterprise in the food industry, an optimal
maximum distance of 10 km between two neighbor-
ing customers in a cluster and an optimal fraction of
40% (60% in case of the second simulation) of cus-
tomers kept in the fixed delivery area have been iden-
tified. Further, our ComEx mechanism has a much
greater importance for the exchange of transportation
services between independent enterprises than for the
intra-enterprise sector, e.g. as a general combinato-
rial freight exchange. Such a realization of a logis-
tics marketplace, however, raises questions about an
incentive compatible method for evaluating the bids,
for example the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism.
In our case, this problem has been circumvented by
the use of identical automated bid construction mech-
anisms for all participants. However, the question of
a fair and incentive compatible distribution of the cost
savings between the profit centers remains. Together
with the implementation of a general exchange for lo-
gistic services together with a major logistic provider,
and the improvement of the clustering and pricing
mechanism, this will be the next issue in our research.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems