A Graph-Based Approach to Enhancing System-User Knowledge Sharing
Tamara Babaian, Wendy Lucas and Heikki Topi
CIS Department, Bentley College, Waltham, MA 02452, USA
User interface design methodologies, enterprise-wide systems, enterprise resource planning, usability.
Our research is concerned with developing design guidelines aimed at improving the usability of enterprise-
wide information systems by employing collaborative problem solving as a model for user-system interaction.
In this paper, we present our approach to addressing a critical design issue that we identified through our field
research: namely, system-to-user communication involving components of a complex process flow. This ap-
proach uses a dynamic process graph and a set of related task links that are displayed alongside the traditional
ERP task interfaces. We outline the collaborative framework and position our solution within it. This solution
can benefit other application areas, especially those that involve protracted processes that are not familiar to
the user.
Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) are or-
ganizational management systems that integrate busi-
ness processes throughout the entire enterprise. These
processes typically span multiple functional areas,
from manufacturing to accounting to customer ser-
vice and so forth. Such integration provides the key
benefit of using an ERP system by ensuring consistent
automation of different business functions as well as
a comprehensive view of an enterprise’s resources.
The benefits of using an ERP system, however,
can come at a great cost. Implementation of such a
system in an organization often involves realignment
of the business processes to fit the system’s model.
Extensive training of personnel to use a multi-module,
multi-functional system for their daily operations is
also required. The costs of system implementation
and training typically far exceed the price of the soft-
ware. Yet, despite the magnitude of the investments
in both dollars and time allocated to these activities,
ERP projects sometimes fail to deliver their promised
benefits. This is at least partly attributable to the poor
usability characteristics of the systems’ interfaces, as
reported in (Gilbert, 2003; Topi et al., 2005).
Our long-term goal is to demonstrate how the us-
ability of organizational systems can be improved by
developing design guidelines that are based on a col-
laborative model of user-system interactions. In this
paper, we describe a key portion of this effort. A
field study (Topi et al., 2005) indicated that one of
the major obstacles to the effective use of an ERP
system is the user’s lack of understanding of the re-
lationships between the individual subtasks within a
business process. To address this problem, we have
developed a method for improving the transparency
of the system’s process model and the accessibility of
its components. This method consists of augmenting
the user interface with:
1. an interactive process graph, which visualizes the
steps of the process and enables easy navigation
and progress monitoring, and
2. a readily accessible list of links to related pro-
The purpose of the process graph is to com-
municate the critical process flow information that
is largely hidden from the users, thus improving
their understanding of the process and its individ-
ual components. The graph is always displayed and
is updated dynamically to reflect the user’s progress
through the process. It is also useful as a navigation
Babaian T., Lucas W. and Topi H. (2007).
VISUALIZING THE PROCESS - A Graph-Based Approach to Enhancing System-User Knowledge Sharing.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 123-128
DOI: 10.5220/0002352401230128
tool for previewing the steps following the current
task or reviewing previously completed steps. The
latter feature is important for recall and diagnostic
purposes, considering that the business processes are
typically completed by several people over a course
of days or even weeks.
Related links are displayed for simplifying navi-
gation to those subtasks that are most commonly rel-
evant to the current process. Although these sub-
tasks are typically accessible via menus in standard
ERP systems, menu items are hidden until the user
chooses to explore a particular option; by contrast, re-
lated links in our design are always on display and are
therefore more noticeable and easier to access.
The key contribution of this paper is a method for
improving the user’s understanding of a business pro-
cess implemented by a system via a graphical repre-
sentation of that process. The novelty of our approach
comes from embedding the process visualization as
an active component within the interface. Compared
to other work linking the importance of process un-
derstanding to usability, e.g. (Basu and Blanning,
2000; Lieberman and Wagner, 2003; Kobti and Sun-
daravadanam, 2006; Schmid and Rossi, 2004), our
solution supports time-extended processes involving
multiple users of a multi-module enterprise system.
Following is a discussion of our use of collabora-
tion as an informing design paradigm within the ERP
system context. In Section 3, we present the findings
from our field work that describes the problem and
motivates our solution. We then position that solution
within the collaborative design framework. Section 4
presents our solution, i.e., a process graph and related
tasks links that have been incorporated into our pro-
totype implementation of an ERP interface. An initial
evaluation of this prototype is described in Section 5.
Section 6 reviews the related work, while conclusions
and future work are discussed in Section 7.
An approach to interface design that is inspired by
collaboration theory (Bratman, 1992) has been artic-
ulated in (Grosz, 2005; Shieber, 1996) and applied
to the design of applications in several domains, e.g.
(Rich et al., 2001; Babaian et al., 2002). This ap-
proach views the process of using a system as a col-
laboration between humans and computers involved
in a problem solving effort. Compared to a more tra-
ditional view, this implies a realignment of the role
that the computer system plays to being a collabo-
rative partner with its users rather than just being a
repository of data and tools that can be accessed and
utilized. Such a realignment can potentially lead to
the design of a system that provides superior support
for effective problem solving.
In general terms, a collaborative approach to inter-
face design implies, first of all, that the allocation of
responsibilities between a human and a computer sys-
tem must be done according to each party’s strengths.
Furthermore, the parties need to be able to communi-
cate effectively regarding their plans for the task and
share any knowledge that is relevant to each other’s
part in the process. The parties must also be aware of
the context for such communication in order for it to
be effective. Last but not least is the requirement to
assist a partner in need of help.
While this paradigm is appropriate for any infor-
mation system design, it is particularly vital for ERP
systems. These system possess a wealth of knowledge
in the form of data, processes, reporting capabilities,
and analysis methods that are designed to meet the
needs of all of their users, thereby placing a tremen-
dous burden upon the individual to find and utilize the
subset that is relevant to her purposes. By realigning
the role of the system to that of a helpful and respon-
sive partner, it can interact with the user in a far more
productive manner. In particular, it should make the
user aware of the interdependencies between the data
and the processes and between the different processes
themselves. This is essential knowledge for becoming
a competent and confident system user who can nav-
igate the system, successfully utilize the components
required for a task, and make the most of the avail-
able resources. As reported in (Topi et al., 2005) ex-
perience shows that even with extensive training and
readily available documentation, a small minority of
users actually achieve this level of competence in uti-
lizing ERP systems.
To gain some insight into the everyday experiences of
ERP users, we carried out a field study in a division of
a Fortune 500 company that had been using an ERP
system for a little more than two years at the time.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten
employees who ranged from production floor work-
ers to middle and high level managers. Our analysis
of those interviews revealed multiple categories of us-
ability problems, which have been reported in (Topi
et al., 2005).
For this paper, we would like to focus on one of
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the critical flaws we observed in the design of the
ERP system, which has to do with the lack of infor-
mation transparency and of information sharing be-
tween the system and the user. Each comprehensive
business process consists of a series of smaller sub-
tasks/transactions, and each user is typically involved
in only a part of the overall process. To use the sys-
tem most effectively, the users must understand the
overall process flow and the semantic relationship be-
tween the different components, namely transactions
and data items. The critical flaw is that the ERP in-
terface presents only a fragmented view of a specific
transaction or a portion of the data. Even with ini-
tial and continued training, very few users are able to
reconstruct the system’s process model and use it to
their advantage. What is unique about these users is
that they “understand the inner workings of what’s go-
ing on. This understanding is achieved with a great
deal of effort on their part, primarily in the areas of
problem resolution and system exploration.
The lack of transparency of the data and pro-
cess models employed by the system is responsible
for multiple hardships for its users. The resulting
usability problems include difficulty in determininig
the next step following a transaction, inability to di-
agnose a system error and problems finding the in-
formation being sought. Some employees have cre-
ated informal notes documenting different aspects of
using the system. These notes, or “cheat-sheets,
were typically shared within groups, and some were
even laminated for distribution across the organiza-
tion. Users described the help screens provided by
the system as ineffective and based on “programmer’s
language” rather than language that is relevant to the
business process. Our analysis of the content of these
notes (Topi et al., 2006) provides compelling evidence
about the importance of understanding the relation-
ship between the different components of a business
process and how those components are utilized by the
As the repository of all data and processes, it is the
responsibility of the system to inform the user. The
lack of a capability for this type of information shar-
ing clearly impedes users in their ability to make the
most productive use of the ERP system in performing
their job tasks. Furthermore, in order to cope with this
deficiency, the users have taken upon themselves the
process of creating documentation that focuses on the
model employed by the system. This model is typ-
ically based on what they have been able to discern
from their use of the system, including the seman-
tics of transactional components and their composi-
tion and context within a larger business process. In
our solution, which we present in the next section, we
address this gap by placing the burden of providing
system-related information where it belongs - on the
In this section, we describe our approach for address-
ing the gap between the information held by the sys-
tem and what is conveyed to the user. This approach
has been implemented in a prototype that will be used
in laboratory experiments.
4.1 The Process Graph
To improve information sharing regarding the process
flow, we have augmented the typical Graphical User
Interface (GUI) of an ERP system with a component
that we call a process graph. Displayed alongside
the standard interface, this directed graph depicts the
steps involved for completing part of or an entire busi-
ness process using the system. There are two types of
nodes in the graph: step and conditional. Each step-
node in the graph corresponds to roughly one ERP
screen within a process. The color of the steps in
the graph changes to reflect the progress of the task.
At each point in time, only one step in the graph is
designated as active, and that is the one whose form
appears in the transaction window on the right. The
active node is designated with a dark border.
By visualizing the process steps and their precon-
ditions, the graph informs the user of the overall pro-
cess sequence and the context and purpose of each
step. In addition, it implements the following func-
1. Keeps track of the status of each task by marking
steps according to their status: completed (green),
in progress (yellow), or not yet started (red).
2. Allows a preview of any step that follows the cur-
rent one without requiring the completion of all
preceding steps. To preview a step, the user clicks
on the appropriate graph node. The information
in the current screen is then saved, and the form
associated with the designated step is displayed.
3. Allows recall of any previous step, including in-
termediate ones, such as a step that provides de-
fault values. This feature is useful for diagnos-
tic purposes: when things go wrong, it is often
beneficial to revisit the history of the interaction
with the system. To enable this kind of recall of
VISUALIZING THE PROCESS - A Graph-Based Approach to Enhancing System-User Knowledge Sharing
Figure 1: This screen shot of part of the Purchase Requisition transaction shows the set of related links and the process graph
on the left side and the purchase requisition form on the right side. The form, which consists of purchase requisition items,
must be filled in by the user. The step in the graph corresponding to the currently displayed part of the process, entitled Enter
Line Item, is shown in yellow and outlined with a black border. The already completed first step of the process appears in
green. The color red designates the steps that have not yet been started. Whenever the user is entering data to the Material
field, the Edit/Add Material. step is displayed. The Related Pages window provides access to the most commonly co-occurring
previously completed steps, the system logs the
interaction data associated with a particular trans-
action. Permitting the review of previously en-
tered data that is not being altered can always be
allowed, but careful consideration must be given
to determining if any change to a previously com-
pleted step should be allowed and propagated for-
The steps in a graph can be shown or hidden as
needed for purposes of clarity. For example, the graph
in Figure 1 shows the Add/Edit Material step only
when the cursor is positioned within a Material field
in the form on the right hand side of the screen. This
is useful because adding or editing a material is not a
required step but may sometimes be necessary. While
the user is in the process of entering the material, the
step is displayed to remind him that if he needs to add
a new material to the master in order for it to be listed
in the purchase requisition, this can be accomplished
by launching the interface for that step without having
to exit from the purchase requisition process.
The process graphs for the entire system form a hi-
erarchy, where some graphs are expansions of a step
in another process. This is illustrated in Figures 2 and
Figure 2: Purchase Order graph showing Purchase Requisi-
tion process as a component step.
1: the Purchase Order graph depicted in Figure 2 con-
tains the Purchase Requisition step. When that step
is opened, the graph from Figure 1 shows the Pur-
chase Requisition process expanded into its compo-
nent steps. Note that when the interface for the com-
ponent step is invoked, both screens are displayed and
are accessible to the user from different windows so
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
that they can be reviewed concurrently. To visualize
the hierarchical relationship of the tasks depicted by
the graphs, each screen is annotated with a title that
corresponds to the one for the step.
4.2 Related Tasks Links
To allow for quick navigation to the tasks that are
most closely related to the current activity and may
be necessary for its successful completion, we have
added a Related Pages window with a set of direct
links to those tasks (see Figure 1). Clicking on such
a link causes the interface for the related task to ap-
pear in another window, which is displayed simul-
taneously with the current task. In traditional ERP
systems, related tasks are usually available via menu
items. Given the generic titles of these menus, how-
ever, users may be unaware of the existence of these
tasks or unsure of whether or not a particular task is
appropriate for use in a given situation.
Displaying relevant related links directly on the
screen alleviates these concerns by guaranteeing that
the user is aware of them and that they are relevant
to the current task. This should promote greater effi-
ciency in the use of the interface.
We have conducted a preliminary evaluation of the
process graph component of our prototype implemen-
tation. The purpose of this evaluation was to confirm
the full functionality of this component and get initial
feedback on differences in the user experience when
the component was present versus when it was not.
For this purpose, we prepared two versions of the pro-
totype for creating a purchase requisition. Both ver-
sions included the same interface for data entry and
implemented three tasks: Add Vendor, Add Material,
and Create Purchase Requisition. Both versions al-
lowed navigation to a task interface via a selection
box of available options on the initial page. The dif-
ference between the two versions was that only one
included the process graph. The set of related links
was not included in either version.
Four people participated in this evaluation. Two
of them used the version of the interface that included
the process graph, and the other two used the in-
terface without it. All users were given a detailed,
version-specific document describing how the inter-
face should be used to create a purchase requisition.
All users were able to complete their tasks, and those
who were given the version of the interface with the
graph were observed using it to navigate to the related
processes. Overall, the four users had positive ex-
periences with the interfaces. While no definite con-
clusions can be drawn from this limited evaluation, it
provides preliminary feedback that will be helpful in
designing an experimental laboratory study.
Several authors have identified the need for busi-
ness process visualizations from the perspective of
improving process understanding. Sch
onhage et al.
(2000) demonstrate the importance and usefulness of
such visualizations and compare the characteristics of
2D and 3D visualizations in a real business context.
Turetken and Schuff (2002) evaluate the effects of
varying and integrating process representation levels
on the ability of data flow diagrams to communicate
process characteristics to business users. Neither one
of these studies suggests a direct link between visual-
ization and usability support.
Others have discussed the importance of process
understanding in the context of usability. Lieber-
man and Wagner (2003) present the idea of an “E-
Commerce Debugging Tool” with which consumers
can evaluate the history of actions that they have taken
during an e-commerce transaction to resolve their er-
rors. They identify a visualization of the process as a
necessary component of the system but do not present
a prototype demonstrating the idea. Kobti and Sun-
daravadanam (2006) recognize the importance of pro-
viding process support for the users of e-commerce
systems. They stress the importance of separating
representations of business processes (expressed with
UML Activity Diagrams and WS-CDL) from the user
interface representation, as advocated by Schmid and
Rossi (2004). Our approach goes one step further by
explicitly representing business processes graphically
within the enterprise system context.
It is important to recognize that a great deal of at-
tention has been paid to various systems built to sup-
port cooperative work (such as research presented at
the ACM CSCW conference). This research, how-
ever, typically focuses on supporting collaboration
between humans; it pays little if any attention to
providing support for users who are interacting with
complex system processes, even in those cases where
it refers to business processes, as in (Haake and Wang,
Finally, we want to recognize the connection be-
tween our work and research on workflow manage-
ment and analysis presented in (Basu and Blanning,
2000). That stream of research provides an excellent
foundation for the modeling of processes and the for-
VISUALIZING THE PROCESS - A Graph-Based Approach to Enhancing System-User Knowledge Sharing
malization of their internal representation, but it has
not, thus far, been linked to system usability.
Our field study with users of ERP systems confirmed
that users ranging from novice to expert could benefit
from design methods that support, assist, and inform
them in their interactions with these system. By ap-
plying a collaborative approach to the design of the
interface, we have sought to address the major short-
coming identified through our field study: namely,
the lack of communication from the system to its
users about the data and processes required to com-
plete their tasks and how the different processes in-
teract. Our solution is twofold: (1) providing a di-
rected process graph that informs the user about tasks
required for completion, the user’s progress through
these tasks, and how these tasks are related to other
processes in the system, and (2) providing direct ac-
cess to relevant tasks the user may need for complet-
ing a process.
In addition to the potential benefits of increased
efficiency and effectiveness resulting from improved
interaction with the system, the type of information
sharing we have implemented also has implications
for more effective training. For new users, they will
be led through the steps required to complete a pro-
cess and given visual cues concerning their progress.
Experienced users will also benefit, as the current lack
of transparency in existing systems often hinders their
understanding of complex processes involving multi-
ple users. Our process graphs provide these users with
the same types of information they hitherto recorded
in their cheat-sheets.
We are planning on conducting user studies to
evaluate the usability of an interface that includes a
process graph and links to related tasks versus that of
an interface that does not include these components.
While our focus here is on the ERP domain, the pro-
posed approach is equally well-suited for application
to any large-scale system requiring the user’s involve-
ment in complex processes. Future research will be
aimed at extending our approach to other such do-
mains and measuring the impact on user performance
and system usability.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of
Bentley College, which provided a grant to fund this
work, and the students who were involved in the im-
plementation of the prototype.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems