Figure 5: Updating task information interacting with multiple Monitors.
In our previous work we have introduced patterns
from the software engineering domain, i.e., Proxy,
Broker, and Master/Slave (Gamma et al., 1994), as a
metaphor for human collaboration patterns. (Dustdar
and Hoffman, 2006). These patterns can be utilized
to make collaboration more efficient and also to
establish team awareness. (Gombotz et al., 2006).
As the number of messages sent in collaboration
grows, it becomes increasingly challenging to
process them. Additional socially salient information
may be needed to bring important emails to the
user’s attention. (Neustaedter et al., 2005), (Petrie,
2006). Data obtained from field studies suggest that
email activities may be categorized in: flow, triage,
task management, archive, and retrieve. (Venolia et
al., 2001). Email archives and traces of
communication and coordination activities can be
utilized to perform post-collaboration analysis and
extract relations in human collaboration. Social
networks can be used to visualize these relations and
dependencies in a graph representation. (van der
Aalst et al., 2005).
We presented an extensible XML based framework
that allows users to exchange collaborative
messages and information in a structured way.
Annotations in messages can be used to organize
messages (semi-) automatically based on activity
contexts. Reports and summaries can be generated
automatically in order to understand the high level
status of a project or to assist team members that are
joining the team or have been absent for some time
to better understand past activities and current
status. The presented XML tags, which are
embedded in messages, can be used for post
processing and message analysis to identify and
extract patterns and possibly workflow information.
Our pattern based collaboration framework is
fully distributed and does not rely on any central
server. However, if teams become large and
collaboration lasts for a long period of time, a server
that saves XML annotations and coordinates
activities based on patterns may be employed.
Although presented in the context of email, methods
and principles of our framework may be applied to
any messaging-based system.
Part of this work was supported by the EU STREP
Project inContext (FP6-034718).
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