topological relationship.
The ChildrenWithinParent function can be called
for a specific state or for all states. Next, we show an
example of this call displaying a message instead of
taking some specific action:
declare StName State.Name%type;
cursor RetrieveState is
select S.Name from State S;
begin open RetrieveState;
loop fetch RetrieveState into StName;
exit when RetrieveState%notfound;
if (ChildrenWithinParent (StName) = 1) then
dbms output.put line(StName ||
’ is totally covered by its counties’);
else dbms output.put line(StName ||
’ is not totally covered by its counties’);
end if; end loop;
close RetrieveState;
Since the branch else indicates that some (or all)
counties intersect their state member
, we must
check the topological relationships of individual child
members. These topological relationships can be
easily retrieved in Oracle using, e.g., the follow-
ing function for a state member S in the State
table and every related child member C in the
County table: sdo geom.relate(S.Geometry, ’deter-
mine’, C.Geometry, 0.005). Based on that and accord-
ing to user requirements, an appropriate aggregation
procedure can be developed.
The MultiDimER model provides the multidimen-
sional view of data and allows spatial support in lev-
els, hierarchies, fact relationships, and measures. In
particular, spatial hierarchies are important since they
allow to see detailed and aggregated measures while
traversing different levels. However, to ensure cor-
rect measure aggregation, topological relationships
between spatial hierarchy levels must be considered.
Furthermore, even though the model captures
users’ requirements for SDW applications, the result-
ing conceptual schemas must be translated to specific
implementation platforms (DBMSs). However, the
semantics can be lost during this translation process
due to limited expression power of current DBMSs.
This paper presented a transformation of spatial
hierarchies to the OR implementation model using as
an example Oracle 10g with its spatial extension. We
In a real situation, counties are included in states, i.e.,
this topological relationship is equal, however we use the
same example to shorten the paper’s size.
also referred to integrity constraints that allow to pre-
serve the semantics of a more expressive conceptual
schema while transforming to a physical schema.
The proposed mappings to the OR model along
with the examples using a commercial system, show
the applicability of the given solutions in real-world
situations and the feasibility of implementing SDWs
in current commercial DBMSs.
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