ambiguous meaning because of their formal notation.
Furthermore, our process measures are directly re-
lated to the redesign best practices with condition
Our current work holds limitations that we will
be addressing in the future. One direction for fu-
ture research is the extension of the current process
definition, for instance with performance information
about historic process instantiations, to be able to set
up condition statements for all redesign best practices
(steps 1, 2 and 3). Another important direction will
be the exact place in the process model where a suit-
able best practice should be applied and the deriva-
tion of the alternative model (step 4). We also aim at
automating our approach with a highly interactive re-
design tool. In addition to merely generating process
alternatives on the basis of an existing model, such
a tool will be able to process the preferences of the
redesigner for a subset of the alternatives to continue
its search for a satisfying design (steps 5 and 6). The
interaction with the redesigner and the advanced sup-
port will hopefully make our tool a truly “intelligent”
system for BPR.
This research is supported by the Technology Founda-
tion STW, applied science division of NWO and the
technology programme of the Dutch Ministry of Eco-
nomic Affairs.
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