A Way to Understand Emergent Organizational Behaviour
Marco Stuit, Nick B. Szirbik and Cees de Snoo
Department of Business & ICT, Faculty of Mananagment & Organization, University of Groningen, Landleven 5
P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Agents, business process interactions, protocols, agent beliefs.
Abstract: Business processes consist of sets of individual and collaborative activities performed by agents (human of
artificial) and the interactions between them. The agents have their own local beliefs and expectations about
the behaviour(s) of the other agents. We represent these beliefs by using the ‘interaction belief’ concept. We
show how a designer can reason about an interaction belief, how it can be modelled and how it is
constructed for the purpose of simulation and agent development. Differences between workflow modelling
and agent-oriented modelling are discussed. In order to illustrate the operation of the new concept, we
present a business interaction example that shows how agents, equipped with interaction beliefs, can enact a
business process in a non-centralised, emergent manner. Finally, we explore some interesting future
research topics that have arisen due to the introduction of the interaction belief concept.
This paper presents the concept of agent Interaction
Belief (IB), as it is used to model and enact
distributed business processes (BPs) in an (inter-)
organizational environment. In order to define the IB
concept, we use known concepts as agent (i.e.
human agent, software agent), as it is used in
modelling and system implementation, and the
concept of role as it is used in organization theory.
Some agent approaches propose the use of the
interaction concept, for example, in MESSAGE
(Eurescom 2000) and AORml (Wagner 2003)
interaction diagrams are defined. The problem with
these approaches is that the view is centralistic and
agents have to obey an external description about
how they should interact.
The IB is a concept and operational construct in
our language named TALL (The Agent Lab
Language, see Stuit & Szirbik 2006). This agent-
oriented language is used for modelling BPs and for
interactive simulation (gaming) in the AGE (agent
growing environment) framework (Roest and
Szirbik 2006). We use this framework for eliciting
requirements for software agents that support BPs
and to develop them in an iterative and incremental
manner (we call this process “growing” the agents).
Gaming sessions with stakeholders and experts from
a target organization lead to the representation of
their behaviour(s) in IBs. This development process,
by taking local views, is helping the organization’s
members’ to better understand the intricacies of their
BPs, visualised as sets of running interactions (Stuit
and Szirbik 2006). The IBs can be shown at different
levels of abstraction, as process descriptions (based
on Petri nets), but also as symbols attached to the
agents that participate in the interactions.
This paper is organised as follows: section 2
compares workflows to our approach. Section 3
presents an example of an agent interaction and
shows how this can be regulated by an external
protocol. Section 4 explains the IB as a departure
from the centralistic workflow view; section 5
explains the diagramming technique and how agents
can use IBs to enact emergent BPs themselves.
Section 6 touches the issues of learning, change, and
the IB lifecycle. Section 7 presents a discussion.
Finally, section 8 concludes the paper.
Classic BP modelling assumes that an omniscient
observer – in the persona of the modeller – exists
and that (s)he can understand and identify all the
relevant aspects in the modelled domain. This
usually leads to a superficial and inherently
incomplete analysis result that is not able to reveal
Stuit M., B. Szirbik N. and de Snoo C. (2007).
INTERACTION BELIEFS - A Way to Understand Emergent Organizational Behaviour.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 241-248
DOI: 10.5220/0002358102410248
the “implicit” and/or “hidden” knowledge of the
stakeholders that are involved in the modelling
According to Yan et al. (2004) the central control
used by classic Workflow Management Systems
(WfMSs) is very difficult to maintain for BPs in
distributed enterprises, large companies, and
especially for inter-organizational workflows. Each
independent company makes its own decision on
how to do its “piece” of business. Several other
authors (Adams et al. 2003; Klein et al. 2000;
Reijers et al. 2003; Van der Aalst 2000b and 2003)
have concluded that traditional WfMSs are unable to
provide adequate support for exceptions or
procedural deviations from the process model. Only
ad-hoc workflow approaches can handle deviations
from the process model, which allows them to
support more than just rigidly structured BPs. This
approach is closer to the agent-oriented view
because it can handle processes that have not been
completely defined in advance. Loosely coupled
inter-organizational workflow processes (Van der
Aalst 2000a) are a way to model complex distributed
BPs in which each business partner has full control
over its own local workflow process. These local
processes are then related through an overall
interaction structure. Still, these approaches present
a global model perspective in which the modeller
acts as a sort of ‘overseer’. All indicate a priori the
execution procedure for the interaction, as it is
enforced on the participants and a lack of
consistency between the behaviour of the agents is
not allowed. Such a centralistic modelling view
lacks the flexibility and changeability necessary to
capture the ever-changing nature of processes in
dynamic organizations (Stuit and Szirbik 2006).
In traditional workflow modelling, there is a
distinction between the process definition phase and
the process execution phase. When processes –
named in this context “process instances” – are
created dynamically, like in our AGE framework,
this distinction becomes less explicit because the set
of activities in the process instance and the sequence
of activities are unknown beforehand. An agent can
see its own local behaviour as a workflow
representation, capturing the way it interacts with
other agents, but from a local perspective. The main
difference that the agent paradigm makes with
workflows is that it allows for conflicting process
views. Due to their control abilities (i.e. agents are
considered autonomous decision makers) all agents
have full control over their local part of the overall
process. If the views of the agents that carry out the
process are diverging too much, the agents will need
to engage in a negotiation that leads to a solution for
successful completion of the overall process. Our
approach is an extension to workflows, but is
opposed to a centralistic view, thus allowing change
and adaptation within the organization (or network
of organizations). The main shortcoming of a
centralistic approach is that change can spread
without knowing how far, because the concept of
locality does not exist. Moreover, the agents will
have more freedom in choosing their behaviour. In
an agent approach, a central process definition
would make no real sense anyway, because the
central view has to be stored within every agent.
This implies unnecessary redundancy, continuous
global belief maintenance and an agent organization
that has one single (process) belief; all these features
being not at all characteristic for an agent-oriented
However, workflow centralistic solutions have
their advantages and a completely decentralised
agent approach lacks a coordination mechanism,
which could make such systems unstable and
unreliable. Another problem is that, due to the lack
of an explicit central definition, “optimization” of
the BP is difficult to achieve. We do not advocate a
“pure agent” approach – but we position our
approach in the middle, between the workflow
approach and the (pure) agent approach.
Consider the typical inter-organizational process of
negotiating the sale of a product between a seller and
a buyer. If we describe the two organizations as
agents, we can separately identify the buying and
selling behaviour of the agents as process
definitions. These definitions are only weakly
prescriptive, the agents should always be able to
change their local process definitions on the fly.
Agents have always an epistemic (and auto-
epistemic) dimension; they have beliefs about the
other agents with whom they interact (and
sometimes “beliefs about the beliefs” of the others).
We can attach a supplementary description of how
the agent believes that the other(s) will behave to the
local process description. In this way, the agent has
an overall process description of the whole
interaction process. However, this contains only
beliefs about the expected behaviour of the other
agent(s), but there is no certainty that the real local
process description of the other is matching the
expectation of the first agent.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: How the buyer sees the process.
We model first the buyer’s overall process
description (see fig. 1) by using an extension of Petri
nets, named Behaviour Nets (Meyer and Szirbik
2006). Slightly different approaches to use (several
types of) Petri-nets to model agents’ behaviour can
be found in Köhler et al. (2001) and Xu and Shatz
(2001). Köhler et al. (2001) for instance use
reference nets (so-called higher coloured Petri nets
based on the “nets within nets”-paradigm) for
graphical modelling of the behaviour of autonomous
and adaptive agents including the exchange of
messages with other agents. The process description
for the “buying interaction” contains two swimlanes.
One contains the intended activities to be performed
by the buyer. The other swimlane describes what the
buyer believes (and expects) the seller will do. In
order to emphasise that the nature and order of the
activities of the seller are uncertain, we depict these
with clouds.
Swimlanes identify not only activity areas, but
also the identity of the interaction participants. This
concept is known in many modelling methodologies.
We label the swimlane with a “role-name”. In
workflows, there is no local point of view. Because
the diagram in figure 1 illustrates local behaviours
and beliefs, it is necessary to show from whose point
of view the diagram is made (i.e. who is responsible
for this behaviour and belief). There are many
potential choices to show this; for example, the first
left-side swimlane is the one illustrating the “me”
behaviour. We opted for adding supplementary
information to the role name that identifies a
swimlane, in the form of a predicate me, with the
arguments agent id and agent type. Although the
“cloud” notation already captures the nature of the
swimlanes representing “others”, this allows the
analyst to see immediately who is responsible for
this process description, and to see what type of
agent it is.
Figure 1 shows that the buyer who is the me here
first orders the product by sending a message to the
seller. We have defined a small extension to the
Petri net syntax, by introducing a “message place”.
The sender of a message is explicit from the
incoming arc, and the receiver is explicit from the
outgoing arc, but also from the position of the
message place. The receiver will have the message
place always positioned on its swimlane. Formally
speaking, this is redundant also, but it enhances
visibility for the analyst. Next, the buyer waits for
the delivery of the product. If it receives it, it will
inspect it and we assume in this (rather simplistic)
model that it will accept it. After, it will send the
money to the seller. The buyer believes that the
seller should always send the product first and
receive the money after.
Figure 2 shows how a seller who is the me here
sees the process. It is waiting for an order and after
the order is received, it will send an invoice to the
buyer. It expects that the buyer will pay, and only
then it will send the product. It is obvious that two
“rigid” agents with these kinds of beliefs and
behaviours will never succeed to complete the sales
interaction. Fortunately, there are multiple solutions
to this problem.
Waiting for
for invoice
Need for
Waiting for
for order
me (LaCarte: OvenMaker)
Happy to find
Look for me
Happy with
Figure 2: How the seller sees the process.
For example, one agent can unilaterally alter its
behaviour when it notices that the behaviour of the
other is different from its belief. The buyer may
contact the seller and ask how the process is seen
there. If it really wants the product, it can accept to
pay first. In the same way, the seller can accept the
payment after the product has been delivered.
However, local change cannot insure that the overall
process will end successfully. For example, if the
seller accepts to send the product first, it is possible
that the buyer will also change and have a decision
point after receiving the product: (1) sending the
money or (2) sending back the product due to a
INTERACTION BELIEFS - A Way to Understand Emergent Organizational Behaviour
negative product inspection. This raises the necessity
to have still a central point of view, from where the
coherence of the overall process can be achieved.
The typical solution for having a coherent
interaction is to use an external mechanism that
ensures the process will end correctly. The
participants can accept a simple inter-organizational
workflow description that exists a priori as a
protocol (Lee 1999). A protocol-based solution for
the buyer-seller interaction is given in figure 3. Here
it is possible for the buyer to reject the product, and
it is possible for the seller to receive the money
before sending the product.
Figure 3: A protocol-based solution for the interaction.
However, in this situation the agents have to
overrule their behaviours and beliefs and adopt
“blindly” the given protocol. Still it is possible that
in certain exceptional contexts, these protocols will
not work (e.g., money is insufficient, the product is
different, etc). The main objection to such an
“imposed protocol” scheme is that it assumes that a
third party providing protocols exists and can deliver
protocols that are covering all exceptions for all the
participants involved. In many situations, the “blind
adoption” of the protocol can conflict with the way
business is done by the participants. Following an
uncustomary procedure means sometimes that the
local BPs can be negatively affected (not always,
“best practices” – on which protocols are usually
based – can improve things). Protocols also tend to
become obsolete fast, especially in dynamic business
environments. Moreover, if the results of applying
the protocol are highly negative, there is the issue of
responsibility. Who is responsible, the participant
using the protocol, or the third party who offers it?
In practice, there is no answer to this question.
Typically, if things turn out well, the participant will
consider this normal and assume that the participant
itself produced the positive effect. If things go
wrong, the blame is on the imposed procedure and
the third party.
We discuss here three solutions to avoid the use of
protocols. First, participants can start an interaction
without knowing if there is a chance that it will end
successfully. Alignment of the behaviours of the
actors happens ‘on the fly’. Each time a problem
appears, e.g. misunderstanding about messages, the
actors start a negotiation-based interchange about
their expectations and local views. Obviously, these
“conversations” can take a lot of time, without any
guarantee that a solution emerges. However, in
completely new situations, this kind of interaction is
widely used. Research to find a formal way to
implement this kind of alignment – by using
automatic resolution for software agents – delivered
some initial results (Meyer and Szirbik 2006).
Comparable with this approach of using alignment
procedures to match different interpretations of BPs,
Brockmans et al. (2006) present a semantic
alignment approach (by means of ontology
alignment) for Petri nets as opposed to existing only
syntax-based alignment approaches.
The second solution looks for an a priori belief
exchange and negotiation before the interaction
starts. The participants try to formulate together new
local behaviours that will be followed during the
upcoming interaction. Especially in situations of
long-term supply chain collaboration, organizations
are using this type of alignment. Local views of
performing the BPs, the internal culture and
structure are communicated and discussed before a
solution for the overall process is enacted. The
drawbacks of this solution are that still a mechanism
that checks the coherence of the overall process has
to be used, and also negotiations can be very
complex and time consuming – due to cultural
differences for instance. For interactions that occur
often and are performed in dynamic contexts, it is
inefficient to start each time a complex alignment
negotiation. However, in stable environments, this
approach is appropriate.
For the third solution, we assume that within the
environment of these two agents there is a third
agent. This agent has the experience (behaviour) to
solve their problem, in a way that will not adversely
affect their behaviours (and subsequently their
internal BPs). This solution uses a mediator that acts
between the two participants, i.e. becomes part of
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the interaction. For instance, a bank can intervene
between the buyer and the seller. In figure 4, we
present how the bank can play a new role in the
interaction. We assume that the bank “knows” about
typical buyer-seller behavioural conflicts, due to its
experience, and that it is willing to intervene,
knowing also the identity and reputation of both the
buyer and the seller. The interesting aspect is that
only the bank “knows” what to do. We presume that
the other two participants are not aware of a
solution, although it can be applied
Figure 4: The Interaction Belief of the Mediator.
Our main point is that an interaction is just another
emergent behaviour of various actors, who do not
have to know in advance exactly how the interaction
will occur. It may be that slight adaptations of the
local behaviours should happen. Besides, it is
possible that more participants than initially sought
will be part of the interaction.
This is why we advocate for a different way to
model the interaction. Because an interaction is just
an emergent phenomenon from a set of local
behaviours, we consider that the modelling should
focus on those beliefs of the participants that refer to
the interaction procedure. Of course, it is not trivial
to grasp exactly what is a “belief about a specific
interaction”, either in the mind of an individual or
the complex mesh of activities that result in the
behaviours of an organization. However, the
modeller can study via gaming (simulated
interactions) the local behaviour of one of the
participants (Roest and Szirbik 2006). (S)he may
identify how this participant thinks about what it has
to do, but also what the others are supposed to do,
according to the participant. If most of these beliefs
are collected from the participants in a specific
(inter-organizational or inter-departmental) BP, one
can easily reconstitute some process instance in a
gaming-like way by playing the different roles that
drive the BP. Due to the inherent inconsistencies in
the collected views of the participants, the actor(s)
playing the roles will have to adapt the local
behaviours previously described. Although a human
actor can do this extremely easy, it becomes a
challenge to implement it within a simulation with
software agents.
Because our main research push is towards
modelling and simulation in agent-oriented
environments, it is important to find a proper method
to capture the belief about interactions that are
leading to the local behaviours. For this, we use the
IB construct. An IB has two or more swimlanes that
identify the participants that are believed to be
involved in that interaction, from the local viewpoint
of one of the participants. As in figure 1 or 2, this
swimlane will be specified by the me(instance
identity; type of instance) predicate. On each
swimlane, a Behaviour Net will describe the
activities and the routing of the activities for each
participant. There is a conceptual difference between
the me swimlane and the other swimlanes. The
former describes what the agent intends to do, thus
we call this part of the IB an “intended behaviour”
(abbreviated MB, from “My Behaviour”). The latter
describes what the agent expects the others do, and
we call this part the “expected behaviours” (EBs).
For each believed participant, there will be one EB.
1 IB = 1 MB + nEBs
As explained before the cloud symbol is used to
depict that EBs are uncertain (like in fig. 1, 2, 4, or
6). A “cloud” indicates one (or more) activities
performed by the “other” in a way that consistently
mirrors the own local behaviour (MB). From the
point of view of the agent that performs that
swimlane in reality, the actual content of the cloud
can be very complex, including multiple routings
and/or other interactions that are transparent from
the point of view of the me participant. In addition,
such a cloud can involve the triggering of other
interactions, a fact that is obscured in the belief of
INTERACTION BELIEFS - A Way to Understand Emergent Organizational Behaviour
the me participant. The IB is a construct that appears
to the modeller as one that is the ownership of a
particular agent, because in reality an agent is the
true owner of its own perceptions, convictions and
beliefs about interactions in which it participates. A
particular agent can own many identifiable IBs
related to several interactions but some IBs can
describe different beliefs related to the same kind of
We visualise the agents that interact by showing
them and the IBs that are used to perform the
interaction, like in figure 5. This is happening on a
high level of abstraction, where the agent instances
are the participants, and they appear like in AORml
(Wagner 2003). The interaction (which is an
intangible concept) is depicted as a double hollow
arrow linked to the agents. On the lines that connect
the agents to the interaction, we attach symbols
(chevrons) that depict specific IBs that are owned
and used by the agents in this specific interaction.
These symbols are compact representations of IB
diagrams. In the AGE simulation environment,
where we visualise running interactions, one can for
example double click on the chevron b1and obtain in
another window the whole “swimlaned” IB diagram
of figure 1.
Figure 5: High-level view of the buyer and seller.
The agents “Moller” and “LaCarte” exist in an
environment. If they enact a buyer-seller interaction
by using the IBs of figures 1 and 2, the process will
fail. In this case, either the buyer or the seller will
detect the failure and go into escape mode. Next, the
environment will give a solution. We depict the
failure as a conflict in figure 4. The bank is triggered
by the environment that knows the bank can provide
a solution. Supposing that the conflict (the buyer
receives an invoice instead of a product) is detected
by the buyer, the bank will be informed and the
interaction is re-started in a different way. The bank
is sending its own IB to the buyer and seller – these
messages are represented as part of the banks’
behaviour. They can immediately see that the bank’s
EBs (on their part) are almost similar to their MBs,
and only a minor adage to these swimlanes is
necessary. The IBs of the buyer and seller are
changed dynamically. By “accepting” (sending the
messages depicted in fig. 4), they also show to the
bank that their behaviour has been adapted to the
new situation. We call the use of the environment in
such a way “escape/intervention” (Roest and Szirbik
2006). The buyer agent invokes an external
“authority” (in real life it can be a commercial
consultancy, in our case it is a simulation
environment) that is able to find a solution based on
the behaviour of another agent. That means that this
new agent also has to make known to the
environment that it is able to intervene. In reality,
escape situations are difficult to model and trigger.
The typical escape situation is when the agent does
not know what to do in an interaction – implemented
as “time escalation triggers” in many systems, e.g.
workflows. In these situations, human intervention is
needed, and automation is difficult. ERP systems
implement these by various exception handling
procedures. Interventions in business interactions are
usually highly regulated (by the rules and laws of the
environment), but the way the problem is solved is
ad-hoc and context dependent and most of the time
needs human intelligence.
Agents, by adapting their behaviour during
interactions, are implicitly learning new behaviours.
These new IBs can be logged and used in other
interactions. For example, the buyer agent, who has
“been exposed” once to the banks’ behaviour, can
log the past interaction as an IB. Of course, this new
IB (see fig. 6) will have the me swimlane on the
buyer side of the diagram, and the rest will be
“clouded”. In this new IB of the buyer, new
activities and places should be inserted in order to
self-trigger the mediator involvement in the “conflict
situation”. In figure 6, these new components appear
in the grey rectangle. If this interaction is started and
another seller is involved (that does not know the
possibility of the bank-mediated scenario), and the
invoice will be sent by the seller, the conflict will be
detected directly by the buyer. The buyer will use
the “learned” IB and involve the bank. This time, the
bank will not intervene because the environment
triggered it to do so, but because another agent asked
directly for its involvement. This IB still considers
that it is possible that the seller will be “friendly”
and send the product first. In this case, the buyer will
dynamically change the running IB (as in fig. 6 – see
the double-lined activities) with the one that is
depicted in figure 1. In this “learned” scenario, the
escape/intervention mechanism is not used, and the
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
final overall process, considering that the seller will
adapt like in figure 4 or 6, can be seen as an
emergent phenomenon, based on the IBs of the
An IB can reside within the belief base of an
agent and has a life cycle. First, it can be built in an
analytical way and made explicit by a modeller.
Second, it can be in current use, either as an
intention or a representation of the current state of
the agent during a running interaction. Finally, it can
be an explicit log of a successful past interaction.
The log can be used again when the agent considers
this worthwhile.
Figure 6: The newly learned IB of the buyer.
In the multi-agent simulation environment, the
experimenter and/or the players should be able to
visualise the IBs in their various points in the
lifecycle and manipulate them when necessary.
Diagrams in the editing and simulation windows of
the AGE environment look like the ones presented
in this paper, but supplementary information should
be given about the lifecycle point. When an
interaction is underway, it should be possible to
attain a coherent view of the overall process, that is,
a process diagram that cumulates the distributed IBs
in one (central) view. Of course, the activities on the
swimlanes have to be aligned automatically or
manually, in order to obtain a coherent process
description that implements the interaction.
An approach based on IBs raises a series of
questions related to a multi-agent simulation
environment. Such a tool should allow changes in
the IBs of the agents. These changes can either be
operated manually, like the change in the IB of the
buyer, or can be automatically implemented via
machine learning mechanisms. The main idea is that
the behaviour of the players is captured – manually
or automatically – in the form of the IBs during the
“business process” interactive gaming. In this way,
the simulation itself will become more and more
automatic, because the agents enrich their behaviour
and will be able to automatically perform more
interactions. However, the human will remain
always an intervention factor when the agents are
triggered into escape mode. More about this
behaviour capturing is described in Roest and
Szirbik (2006).
A future research issue is when a human agent is
leaving an organization and enters another one. The
software agents that supported it in various
interactions remain in the organization and will have
explicit IBs that reflect the past behaviour of the
leaving human. A new human agent that will play
the same roles will be able to learn from these IBs
and even use them (in an adapted form). When the
behaviours are routine and stable it is possible that
there is no need for a new human at all. This always
happened when information systems made clerical
staff redundant. The human who left for another
organization carries explicit IBs that can be used
again by the human or by software agents, if the
supporting infrastructure exists. We want to
investigate the link between this migration of
behaviour and the innovation processes in
organizations. In real life situations, innovation
occurs when a new manager uses positive (but also
negative) past experience in another organization, in
order to improve BPs there.
One of the crucial features of the agents that use
will be their ability to learn. They have to be able to
select the appropriate IB from their belief base.
Specific methods from artificial intelligence can be
employed here. Process mining (Van der Aalst et al.
2003) will be used to discover interaction patterns
from the IB logs. Alignment policies also have to be
built in machine learning fashion. Organizations
change, new roles and participants appear. We want
to investigate the impact of these changes on the
agents that use IBs with fixed role names attached to
the swimlanes. In the past such role names tended to
be very stable but nowadays change occurs more
frequently. A way to decouple the roles from the
organizational hierarchy is to link them to
“embodied interactions”. This means that in figure 5,
the interaction symbols become concrete entities,
that capture the nature of the BP of the organization,
INTERACTION BELIEFS - A Way to Understand Emergent Organizational Behaviour
and the roles will be placeholders for the agents.
More about this line of research can be found in
Stuit and Szirbik (2006). All of these issues are
immediate on our list of future research topics.
Finally, we want to compare our methodology with
others, both in BP analysis/(re)design and in agent-
oriented software engineering frameworks.
Candidates are MESSAGE (Eurescom 2000), which
has an explicit interaction specification, Tropos
(Bresciani et al. 2004), and Prometheus (Padgham
and Winikoff 2003).
We strongly believe that it is more effective to
capture human behaviours by focusing on
interactions and build bottom-up an emergent
process, which is a result of much autonomous
behaviour. Real organizations and humans work in
this way. As pointed out by Ekdahl (2000), any
agent approach is justified when the architecture of
the software agent system (for both organizational
simulation and BP support) is inspired from a social
situation. Human and organizational behaviour are
the real drivers that lead to the emergence of the BPs
within organizations and networks of businesses. We
consider that any (multi-) agent approach should
find some way to capture the local behaviour of the
interacting agents. Our idea to represent this
behaviour as Interaction Beliefs via a Petri net
extension is new and promising. It is inspired from
inter-organizational workflows and agent
architectures, and can apply the principle within a
single organization, as well as within networks of
organizations. This also allows us to model BPs that
are otherwise very difficult to represent via the
“classic” centralistic methods.
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