D. Vallejo-Fernandez, C. Gonzalez-Morcillo and L. Jimenez-Linares
Escuela Superior de Informatica, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Rendering, Qualitative Expert Knowledge, Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Sets, Multi-Agent Systems.
The rendering process allows the developer to obtain a raster 2D image from the definition of a 3D scene. This
process is computationally intensive if the source scene has a certain complexity or high-quality images are
required. Therefore, a lot of time is spent and many computational resources are needed.
In this paper, a novel approach called QUEKARO (standing for a QUalitative Expert Knowledge Approach to
Rendering Optimization) is presented for adjusting some relevant parameters involved in the rendering process
by using expert systems. This way, the developer can obtain optimized results which reduce the time spent in
the rendering process and, in most cases, do not affect the final quality of the raster 2D image. These results
will be exposed on the result section, in which different optimizations will be studied.
As we discuss on the final section of this paper, the use of expert systems in the rendering process involves
a novel approach which reduces drastically the resources used and provides us with a high-scalable system.
Using these arguments, we will justify the inclusion of expert systems in this area and will study future works.
Fotorrealistic image synthesis can be interpreted as
the process which pursues the creation of synthetic
images which cannot be distinguished from the im-
ages obtained from the real world. This process is
divided into several phases such as modelling, set-
ting materials and textures, placing the virtual light
sources, and, finally, rendering.
The latter lies basically in generating a 2D image
from an abstract description, involving the geometry
of the scene, the definition of lights, the camera po-
sitions, and the use of materials. Rendering is usu-
ally the most computationally intensive phase of the
whole process and, therefore, it takes a long time to
be done. In addition, if the scene to be rendered is
complex or high-quality realistic images are required,
such process involves a lot of time.
To overcome this problem, the rendering phase
has experimented an important evolution. First, re-
searchs tried very hard to solve basic problems, such
as the detection of visible surfaces or the basic shad-
ing. Time passed and different rendering algorithms
were developed, ranging from simple and fast to more
complex and accurate, which simulate the light be-
haviour faithfully. Such methods are usually classi-
fied into two main categories: local and global illu-
mination algorithms. Kajiya pointed out all rendering
algorithms aim to model the light behaviour over var-
ious types of surfaces and try to solve the rendering
equation (Kajiya, 1986), which forms the mathemati-
cal basis of all rendering algorithms.
As a result of the huge amount of time spent in
the rendering phase, it is often considered a bottle-
neck in photorealistic projects. In fact, the generation
of a single high-quality image may take several hours
up to several days, even on fast computers. In addi-
tion, the user normally sets the rendering parameters
so that the final rendering time increases without ob-
taining substantial quality improvements, that is, the
user tends to optimize this process excessively.
This paper presents a novel approach called
QUEKARO based on the use of fuzzy systems to op-
timize the rendering phase. This way, final results can
be improved by entities which use qualitative expert
knowledge over a distributed platform. With this de-
Vallejo-Fernandez D., Gonzalez-Morcillo C. and Jimenez-Linares L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 336-341
DOI: 10.5220/0002361503360341
sign we have obtained a robust, scalable, and flexible
system which allows the final user to optimize the ren-
dering phase without lossing perceptual quality of the
resulting image.
This paper is structured as follows. First, Section
2 overviews the state of the art related to rendering
optimizations. Section 3 describes QUEKARO, dis-
cussing the underlying architecture and studying in
depth the fuzzy system used in QUEKARO. Section
4 shows empirical results obtained with this approach
by using different configurations. Finally, section 5
resumes main conclusions and suggests future works.
The huge amount of time required by the rendering
process implies all related optimizations pursue the
reduction of the final time spent. These optimizations
can be classified into three general types (or into a mix
of them) (Sundstedt et al., 2005):
1. Optimizations related to the use of powerful pro-
cessing elements (hardware optimizations).
2. Optimizations related to the use of distributed
systems (pararellel/distributed optimizations
(Chalmers et al., 2002)).
3. Optimizations related to the use of multi-agent
The first type of optimization is related to the use
of powerful processing elements. This way, it is worth
pointing out that some researchers use programmable
GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) so that these pow-
erful processors run several portions of code of the
rendering algorithm. The main problem of this ap-
proach is the low-abstraction level used, that is, the al-
gorithms must be specifically designed for each hard-
ware architecture.
The second type of optimization is based on the
divide and conquer’ principle. If we adapt this basic
principle for rendering, we can employ several com-
putational units to reduce the final calculation time.
There are many related approaches in this research
line, such as the work made by Fernandez-Sorribes
et al. (Fernandez-Sorribes et al., 2006), which uses a
grid architecture for distributed rendering. However,
most of them are not able to achieve effective load
balancing and, therefore, the final time required de-
pends on the most complex task.
The third type of optimization is based on the use
of multi-agent systems. In this field, different propos-
als have been presented, such as the work exposed by
Rangel-Kuoppa et al. (Kuoppa et al., 2003). How-
ever, this approach does not make use of the multi-
agent technology because there are not interaction
mechanisms among agents. Another related work is
proposed by Schlechtweg et al. (Schlechtweg et al.,
2005), which makes use of a multi-agent system for
rendering artistic styles such as stippling and hatch-
2.1 Comparison to the Quekaro
The approach described in this paper is based on a
fuzzy system. This way, we can represent the qual-
itative expert knowledge by using a set of linguistic
rules, which allows each computational unit to adjust
a number of settings related to the rendering process.
Throught these adjustments, final render times are re-
duced by solving the problem related to the user’s ten-
dency to use rendering parameters that are not opti-
mum, because these adjustments increase the render-
ing time without obtaining important quality benefits.
QUEKARO has been satisfactorily used in MA-
gArRO, standing for a Multi-Agent Architecture for
Rendering Optimization. This multi-agent system
(designed under the principles of the set of FIPA
standards (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
FIPA, 2002)) is composed of an indeterminate num-
ber of specialized agents, which compete for the pur-
chase of work units which make up the complete
work. A work unit can be interpreted as a part of a
scene or as a frame in an animation.
The approach used in QUEKARO implies sev-
eral important improvements regarding other research
It supplies us with a high-level of abstraction due
to the use of a fuzzy system.
The descriptive power of the fuzzy system used
allows the expert to model the knowledge relating
to rendering easily (Tanaka, 1998).
The use of a fuzzy system combined with a multi-
agent system permits each agent to employ differ-
ent models of expert knowledge. This way, we
could employ different specialized agents by us-
ing different sets of rules.
It complements the use of expert knowledge in
hardware or paralell rendering based alternatives.
As we mentioned in previous sections, we have used
a fuzzy system to optimize relevant parameters in-
volved in the rendering process. The choice of sets
of rules as the method for modelling the qualitative
expert knowledge allows us to describe and extend
this knowledge easily. This way, the system allows
the user to incorporate different rendering methods,
such as Raytracing or bidirectional Pathtracing, each
one modelated by using a different set of rules. In
this paper, we will study the set of rules made for
the Pathtracing rendering method. Therefore, we will
have several entities specialized in this method. The
choice of this method is because it is one of the most
used, owing to its good rendering time-quality ratio.
Next, we will study the different elements which
compose QUEKARO. First, we must specify how
the rendering parameters are adjusted by using
QUEKARO. This is done by obtaining the values re-
lated to the output parameters of the fired rules (the
consequents) and by using a method to adjust the ren-
dering parameters correctly. Second, we must define
how these rules are fired. This is done by matching
the input parameters with the antecedents of the rules.
Last, we must define the set of rules which governs
the QUEKARO behaviour. All these elements will be
studied carefully.
The output parameters, which repay with the con-
sequents of the rules, are configured to decrease the fi-
nal time required to finish the rendering process with-
out obtaining important losses of the perceptible qual-
ity. The linguistic labels used are VS (very small),
S (small), N (normal), B (big), and VB (very big)
(Zadeh, 1975). Next, we will explain the meaning
of these parameters:
Recursion Level (Rl): this parameter is defined
over the linguistic labels {VS, S, N, B, VB}. It
refers to the global recursion level in Raytracing,
that is, the number of light bounces.
Light Samples (Ls): this parameter is defined over
the linguistic labels {VS, S, N, B, VB}. It rep-
resents the number of samples per light on the
Interpolation Band Size (Ibs): this parameter is
defined over the linguistic labels {VS, S, N, B,
VB}. It defines the interpolation band size in pix-
els among adjacent work units, as shown in Figure
1. Moreover, this parameter has a relevant impor-
tance because it is used in the final composition
process of the image.
We have used classic trapezoidal functions to de-
fine the membership of fuzzy sets related to the output
variables, as we can see in Figure 2.
The output parameters defined (recursion level,
light samples, and interpolation band size) have a
strong dependency with the Pathtracing rendering
Figure 1: Definition of the interpolation band size between
method. However, the parameters related to the an-
tecedents of the rules can be used with other render-
ing methods, depending on their characteristics. We
will only need to change the descriptions of the rules.
Most of these parameters are directly related to the
characteristics of the scene:
Complexity (C): this parameter is defined over the
linguistic labels {VS, S, N, B, VB}. It represents
the complexity-size ratio of the work unit. This
complexity is calculated depending on parameters
such as the materials used to define the elements
which compose the model.
Size (S): this parameter is defined over the linguis-
tic labels {S, N, B}. It refers to the size of the
work unit in pixels.
Neighbour Difference (Nd): this parameter is de-
fined over the linguistic labels {VS, S, N, B, VB}.
It represents the complexity difference among the
current work unit and its neighbour work units.
To take this difference into account is important
not to make quality differences among neighbour
work units out.
Optimization Level (Op): this parameter is de-
fined over the linguistic labels {VS, S, N, B, VB}.
Its value is selected by the user, and it allows
him/her to apply different levels of optimization
(more or less agressive than the user predefined
The definition of the fuzzy sets related to the in-
put variables, with the exception of the optimization
level, is made dynamically, that is, in run-time. The
intervals of these sets are defined depending on the
characteristics of the input scene and are made by lin-
ear distribution. For example, different intervals of
the complexity variable will be created depending on
the complexity of the scene. This way, we can fo-
cus on each problem independently. Another impor-
tant question is related to the influence of the output
variables in relation to the final rendering parameters.
When we defuzzificate and obtain crisp values for the
recursion level and the light samples, we do not use
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Definition of the output variables.
this values directly in the rendering. On the contrary,
we weight these obtained values with the values pre-
defined by the user. This way, we can apply local
optimizations so that the final result does not show
important losses of the perceptible quality. In fact,
this is essence of QUEKARO, that is, to optimize the
rendering process depending on the values defined by
the user.
Once we have studied the different variables, the
next step is to present the set of rules. We have used
if-then rules due to their resemblance to human rea-
soning. This set, which shows an expert’s knowledge
in Pathtracing, has 28 rules, but we will study some of
them, which represent the main types of rules used:
1. If C is {B, VB} and S is {B, N} and Op is VB
then Ls is VS and Rl is VS.
2. If C is {S, VS} and S is {B, N} and Op is VB then
Ls is S and Rl is S.
3. ...
4. If C is {B, VB} and Nd is B then Ls is VB.
5. If C is {B, VB} and Nd is N then Ls is B.
6. If Nd is VB then Ibs is VB.
7. If Nd is B then Ibs is B.
8. ...
The first rule takes into account parameters related
to the complexity of the scene together with the opti-
mization level defined by the user. As this optimiza-
tion level is very aggressive (VB), the output parame-
ters suffer a big reduction (VS). The fourth rule uses
the neighbour difference parameter to determine the
value of the light samples parameter. The rest of this
type of rules are focused on solving the problem re-
lated to the interpolation among work units. The sev-
enth rule is related to the second rule, and it adjusts
the interpolation band size depending on the neigh-
bour difference.
All the variables and all the rules have been de-
scribed by using the XML metalanguage. This way,
we can model QUEKARO easily by using the de-
scriptive power of XML. In our next research devel-
opment, we will only need to add some linguistic vari-
ables and some rules to use more rendering meth-
ods, as well as implementing the code which man-
ages these parameters. Next, we have a piece of our
<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<system name=’QUEKARO>
<linguisticvar type=’in’ name=’Nd’>
<fset a=’37’ b=’37’ c=’45’ d=’53’ label=’VS’/>
<fset a=’45’ b=’53’ c=’53’ d=’60’ label=’S’/>
<rule name=’R1’>
<antecedent name=’C’ label=’B’/>
<antecedent name=’S’ label=’B’/>
<antecedent name=’Op’ label=’VB’/>
<consequence name=’Ls’ label=’VS’/>
<consequence name=’Rl’ label=’VS’/>
The results exposed here have been obtained by us-
ing QUEKARO with the MAgArRO system. All the
implementations related to these systems are avail-
able for download under the GPL Free Software Li-
cense (http://code.google.com/p/masyro06/). To test
the system presented in this paper we have used 8
computers with the same hardware characteristics.
Each of them has a Pentium Intel Centrino 1,6 GHz,
1 GB RAM, and the Debian GNU/Linux operating
system. The rendering method used in all cases was
the Pathtracing method, using the Yafray 0.0.9 render
engine, an 8 oversampling level, a 5 recursion level
in global configuration for Raytracing, an image res-
olution of 1000x600 pixels, and 1024 light samples.
Making the rendering in one machine and using this
configuration, a rendering time of 1 hour, 27 minutes,
and 27 seconds (mm:ss format from now on) was re-
quired to obtain the 2D image shown in Figure 4.a.
The most important parameter in the optimization
phase of this system is the optimization level param-
eter. Its value is defined by the user depending on
Figure 4: The result of the rendering without using optimizations (a) and using a small optimization level (b).
Figure 3: Rendering times by using different optimization
the level chosen, ranging from VS (minimum value)
to VB (maximum value). As well as managing this
parameter in our tests, we will play by using a vari-
able number of agents, trying to establish an optimal
configuration (resources used and time needed). Ta-
ble 1 shows the time required to render the scene by
using different optimization levels (Figure 3). As we
can see, the rendering time spent with very small and
small optimizations in the case of using only an agent
are lightly bigger than the time obtained without op-
timizations. These negative results are as a conse-
quence of using interpolation bands and repeating the
rendering of some part of the work units,as well as
analyzing the input scene and composing the final re-
Table 1: Results obtained with different number of agents
and different optimization levels.
Agents VS S N B VB
1 93:46 90:54 86:54 70:29 67:02
2 48:15 45:29 41:15 35:53 29:20
4 22:08 21:47 19:31 16:24 14:21
8 15:58 15:31 12:17 10:50 09:47
However, this situation can be got around because
our intention is to use this system with more than one
agent. In fact, excellent results are obtained when four
or more agents are used. For example, in the case of
applying a small optimization level (Figure 4.a and
Figure 4.b), the time required to render the scene is
just about 22 minutes by using 4 agents, whereas the
rendering time without using QUEKARO was about
87 minutes, that is, we have reduced the time to the
fourth. In addition, the time decreases if we use
more agents. However, the final rendering time of the
scene always depends on the most complex work unit.
Moreover, it is important to compare this overall ap-
proach to the paralell computing approach in relation
to the rendering times required, because the first ap-
proach uses a partition scheme which allows us to ob-
tain work units with a similar complexity. Whereas,
the last approach is extremely subject to the more
complex work unit.
As a final remark, using aggressive optimizations
may result in a lose of quality. This problem can ap-
pear in several parts of the image (depending on the
scene) and can be avoided by using lighter optimiza-
4.1 Comparing Empirical Results
As well as comparing the time obtained using differ-
ent optimizations, it is also very important to compare
the quality of the different results. However, this qual-
ity is a subjective topic because there are many factors
which determine a final evaluation. For example, a
non-expert person may think a 2D image resulting of
a rendering has an excellent quality although this re-
sult has several differences in relation to a rendering
without optimizations. Therefore, we could establish
a metric in which the evaluation of an expert person
is the reference when we are comparing empirical re-
sults. However, and to automate this evaluation, we
have defined a metric based on the color difference
between pixels, that is, a result using optimizations
will be worse than another if this last has a lower dif-
ference than the first regarding the result without op-
Implementing a program which uses this metric
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is quite easy by employing an API. Our implementa-
tion has the two 2D images to compare as input and
a gray-scale image as output. This gray-scale image
represents the difference between pixels of the input
images. A pixel of black colour represents there is
no difference between the pixels corresponding to the
other two images, that is, the minimum difference,
and a pixel of white colour represents there is the
maximum difference. In the Figure 4.c we can see
the difference of quality (depending on the proposed
metric) between the results exposed in the Figure 4.a
and the Figure 4.b. In this paper we have inverted
the colours so that the lector can appreciate the dif-
ferences between the two images clearly. In this case,
they only differ 1.21 %.
The obtaining of a system that allows the user to op-
timize the rendering process is an important step for-
ward because rendering times are usually very high.
In addition, the inclusion of QUEKARO into a multi-
agent system makes it specially important to tackle
the problems related to the rendering process. This
overall system can work along the Internet to create a
grid system which would be an efficient tool to deal
with complex works.
The experimental results shown in the previous
section prove the inclusion of fuzzy systems opens
very promising research lines in the rendering prob-
lem. Moreover, the use of a fuzzy system has pro-
vided us with several advantages:
It allows us to model expert knowledge easily.
It provides us with a hightly scalable system.
It provides us with an understandable human rep-
An important problem to be solved, and one of
our main research line, is to use different rendering
techniques in different work units. Under this ap-
proach, we could use complex realistic techniques
only if needed, reducing the rendering time drasti-
cally. On the one hand, we may use the Pathtracing
method in a complex work unit which needs a high-
quality result because it contains an important part
of the model, such as a glass of wine. On the other
hand, we may use the Scanline method, which is a
much faster method, in those parts that do not require
a high-detail level, such as a wall. However, this idea
implies we must adjust the interpolation band size ef-
ficiently to obtain a high quality in the final 2D image.
Another important research line is to use more
rendering parameters, such as the spacial resolution of
the image, the oversampling level, radiosity parame-
ters (patch size, number of elements, etc), the number
of photons, and so on. To include all these parame-
ters demands that we model QUEKARO carefully to
obtain high-quality results.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their insightful comments that have sig-
nificantly improved the quality of this paper. This
work has been funded by the Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla-La Mancha under the Research Projects
PBC06-0064 and PAC-060141.
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