Michael Schumacher
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Institute of Business Information Systems, CH-3960 Sierre, Switzerland
Tim van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa and Boi Faltings
Artificial Intelligence Lab, Ecole Polytechnique F
erale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Semantic web services, distributed directories, intelligent agents, coordination, eHealth.
This paper presents a flexible federated directory system called WSDir, which allows registration and dis-
covery of semantic web services. Our directory system is used in a context where ubiquitous ehealth services
should be flexibly coordinated and pervasively provided to the mobile user by intelligent agents in dynamically
changing environments. The system has been modeled, designed and implemented as a backbone directory
system to be searched by an infrastructure made up by such kind of agents coordinating web services. The sys-
tem is modeled as a federation: directory services form its atomic units, and the federation emerges from the
registration of directory services in other directory services. Directories are virtual clusters of service entries
stored in one or more directory services. To create the topology, policies are defined on all possible operations
to be called on directories. For instance, they allow for routed registration and selective access to directories.
UDDI has become the de-facto standard to provide
a general framework to describe and discover ser-
vices and Web service providers. More specifically,
WSDL descriptions of web services can be mapped
to UDDI data structures, allowing to find web service
descriptions using the standard UDDI query interface.
Within the academic world, a number of approaches
exist that try to build semantically enhanced discovery
components on top of UDDI. (Kawamura et al., 2003)
augments the standard UDDI registry APIs with se-
mantic annotations. (Verma et al., 2004) uses a set of
distributed UDDI registries as a storage layer, where
each registry is mapped to a specific domain based on
a registry ontology.
This paper presents a new federated directory (or
registry) system called WSDir
, which allows regis-
tration and discovery of OWL-S semantic web ser-
vices (Martin et al., 2004). Our directory system is
used in the CASCOM platform
where ehealth ser-
This work has been supported in part by the Euro-
pean Commission under the project grant FP6-IST-511632-
vices should be flexibly coordinated and pervasively
provided to the mobile user by intelligent agents in
dynamically changing environments. We modeled,
designed and implemented WSDir as a backbone di-
rectory system to be searched by an infrastructure
made up by such kind of agents coordinating web
services. This agent infrastructure therefore is de-
ployed on mobile users: it queries our directory sys-
tem for OWL-S service descriptions, composes them
to achieve a target higher functionality and executes
them. WSDir is currently being used in the trials of
an ehealth emergency application.
We followed specific requirements for designing
WSDir: i) it should have itself a Web service interface
to be universally invoked; ii) it should be distributed;
iii) the construction of the network should induce
minimal overhead and should be scalable; also, the
network should be robust to changes in topology and
the number of interactions with the system; iv) the di-
rectory should allow a great number of services to be
registered, and this in a very dynamic way, including
lease times.
These requirements lead us to model WSDir as a
federation: directory services form its atomic units,
and the federation emerges from the registration of
Schumacher M., van Pelt T., Constantinescu I., de Oliveira e Sousa A. and Faltings B. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 283-286
DOI: 10.5220/0002362902830286
directory services in other directory services. Direc-
tories are virtual clusters of service entries stored in
one or more directory services. To create the topol-
ogy, policies are defined on all possible operations to
be called on directories. For instance, they allow for
routed registration and selective access to directories.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we
explain the service entries stored in WSDir. Sec-
tions 3 to 6 explain the concepts and architecture of
WSDir. In Sec. 7, we give a concrete network ar-
chitecture example based on WSDir. Finally, Sec. 8
concludes the paper.
We describe services using OWL-S (Martin et al.,
2004). Internally, the directory system stores then
service entries in the FIPA SL0 description language.
The internal representation contains a subset of the
information provided in the original service descrip-
tion, to be used to find matching services. In addition,
the original OWL-S description is stored in a separate
slot. This field is used to retrieve the original descrip-
tion, e.g., to retrieve the grounding(s) of a service at
service execution.
In the following, we present the information that a
service entry in WSDir contains:
ServiceCategories: entry in some ontology or taxon-
omy of services.
ServiceProfileURIs: set of profile URIs that point to
an externally stored, but (web-)retrievable service
ServiceProcessURI: process URI defined in the ser-
vice description (can be empty).
ServiceGroundings: set of full-text service ground-
ings (can be empty).
OWLSServiceDescription: original OWL-S service
description as a full-text entry.
A directory comprises a set of service entries which
are managed by a collection of one or more directory
services. All service entries, including directory ser-
vice entries, are registered at a directory service as
belonging to a specific directory. Such, directory ser-
vices can form an arbitrary organisational structure
(peer-to-peer, hierarchy etc.). Specifically, a direc-
tory can contain other directories, and a directory is
supported by one or more directory services.
Regular service entry
Directory service
Directory service entry
Figure 1: Visual recapitulation of directory system con-
The above is used to characterize directories by
two different types of interactions:
Client-Directory interactions: in which clients
registering, deregistering, and querying the direc-
tory interact with directory services supporting
the directory.
Director-Directory interactions: in which direc-
tory services supporting the directories interact
with one another to perform the internal manage-
ment of the directory (e.g. federated queries).
Directory services provide a Web service interface to
a repository that holds service entries. The service
entries in this store are all registered as belonging
to a certain directory. The directory service forms
the atomic unit of the directory federation. It allows
clients to register, deregister, modify and search reg-
istrations in its repository. These registrations include
service descriptions of services offered by clients as
well as profiles of other directory service. By reg-
istering directory services in other directory service
stores, the system becomes federated.
Figure 1 visually summarizes the relationship be-
tween service entries, directories and directory ser-
vices. The directory service holds regular service en-
tries and a directory service entry belonging to a Hos-
pitals directory as well as entries belonging to an In-
surers directory. Both directories are contained in the
Body directory, which in turn is contained in the all-
encompassing ”.” directory.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The directory is able to handle five types of opera-
Registration: The register operation enables a client
to register a service description entry into a di-
rectory for a time period given by a lease-time.
The directory-service can return a redirect mes-
sage pointing to another directory where the client
could try to register its object.
Deregistration: The deregister operation de-
registers a service that previously has been
registered identified.
Modification: The modify operation allows modify-
ing a registered service.
Search: The search operation looks in the directory
for services that match a template. The request
can possibly be forwarded to supporting directo-
ries, depending on the implemented search policy
at the directory. As the internal service descrip-
tions are expressed as SL0 expressions, the struc-
tured element used in the operation is also an SL0
expression. Search-constraints can be specified in
order to restrain the search:
a max-time specifies a deadline by which the
constrained search should return the results.
a max-depth specifies the maximum depth of
propagation of the search to federated directo-
a max-results element specifies the maximum
number of results to be returned.
Get Profile The get-profile requests meta-
information on a directory service such as its
name and the policies governing the operations.
Directory services employ directory policies to regu-
late the operation of directories. Policies are defined
per directory service in the directory service profile
and determine the behaviour of a specific directory.
Two types of policies can be distinguished:
Pro-active policies are typically used for internal
management of the directories.
Reactive policies assign a behaviour to combina-
tions of directories and operations; they are exe-
cuted whenever a bound operation is called and
defined as a triple: (directory name, operation,
. (dot)
Directory Service policies
(directory, operation, policy)
Hospitals : search : secauth
Body : register : child
Body : search : policy-3
* (default) : register : policy-4
Figure 2: Example use of policies.
From the consequent application of policies, the
network topology emerges. Policies can for exam-
ple define how much entries can be registered per di-
rectory, which directories can be searched by which
clients, and which types of services will be accepted.
Each directory service can define its own policies or
use one of the pre-defined policies. The only require-
ment on the part of a policy is that it can be executed.
A straightforward example of a pre-defined policy is
the child/sibling policy: this policy forwards all oper-
ations to both the known children as well as its known
Figure 2 shows an example of the reactive poli-
cies that are assigned to the various directories this
directory service supports. In the illustration, when
a client calls the search operation on the ”Hospitals”
directory, a policy called ”secauth” will be applied.
Such a policy could for example require the client to
authenticate itself before it is allowed to query the di-
WSDir allows to setup flexible distributed directory
systems, especially thanks to the mechanism of poli-
cies. We present here a specific application of WS-
Dir to build a network of directory services which are
modelled as a virtual tree with multiple roots.
The nodes of the tree are made up by the individ-
ual directory services. This hierarchical structure with
multiple entry points effectuates:
No replication or data is cached within the direc-
Directory services will forward queries to other
directory services;
Query messages are checked for duplication;
Body-1 Body-2
Body-5 Body-6
Service entry
Network directory
Domain directory
Directory service
Figure 3: Network Topology.
Identical results may be returned by one or more
directory services for a single query.
Figure 3 illustrates our network topology. We dis-
tinguish two types of directories: network directories
and domain directories. Network directories are a re-
served set of directories that are used for the construc-
tion of the network. Among them, we can distinguish
three different network directories:
Hidden network directory forms the root of the
federation by registering the top-level nodes of the
Top network directory is visible to the network
as being one of the roots of the federation multi-
rooted tree.
Body network directory is used for regular di-
rectory services that form the body of the multi-
rooted tree.
Domain directories emerge from the registrations
of service descriptions at the directory services that
make up the directory system. By definition, domain
directories are contained in the ”Body Members” di-
At boot time, the directory makes use of a pre-
defined network configuration to create a network
topology. The configuration specifies management
and data relations between members of the network.
In a typical setting, the node at the highest level will
be hidden to all nodes not belonging to the ”Top
Members” directory.
To construct the network topology, WSDir em-
ploys a set of pre-defined pro-active policies. For in-
stance, a specific policy would make search requests
directed at a directory service be forwarded to its reg-
istered children and its known siblings.
WSDir has been tested thoroughly in a real distributed
setting spread over different countries. The system
has proven to be scalable and very stable. It is be-
ing used as backbone in a use case scenario in health
emergency management. Future work could espe-
cially enhance security.
We currently employ standard security mecha-
nisms for accessing the directory services. In particu-
lar, if a directory service requires protecting messag-
ing from overhearing or if it would require privacy
sensible data as parameters, the access to this web
service will be based on HTTPS. In cases where no
HTTPS is available, e.g., in most MIDP 2.0 imple-
mentations, we could couple WSDir with Guarantor
agents (Bianchi et al., 2005) spread in the architec-
ture in order to provide a secure tunnelling between
secure ACL messages and HTTPS.
Another improvement could define security mea-
sures directly within the directory system by defining
specific policies. A policy can be employed to restrict
the right to perform a certain operation on a directory
to only those clients that can provide the right creden-
Bianchi, R., Fontana, A., and Bergenti, F. (2005). A real-
world approach to secure and trusted negotiation in
mass. In AAMAS ’05: Proceedings of the fourth inter-
national joint conference on Autonomous agents and
multiagent systems, pages 1163–1164, New York, NY,
USA. ACM Press.
Kawamura, T., Blasio, J.-A. D., Hasegawa, T., Paolucci, M.,
and Sycara, K. P. (2003). Preliminary report of public
experiment of semantic service matchmaker with uddi
business registry. In ICSOC, pages 208–224.
Martin, D., Paolucci, M., McIlraith, S., Burstein, M., Mc-
Dermott, D., McGuinness, D., Parsia, B., Payne, T.,
Sabou, M., Solanki, M., Srinivasan, N., and Sycara,
K. (2004). Bringing semantics to web services: The
owl-s approach. In Proceedings of the First Interna-
tional Workshop on Semantic Web Services and Web
Process Composition (SWSWPC 2004).
Verma, K., Sivashanmugam, K., Sheth, A., Patil, A., Ound-
hakar, S., and Miller, J. (2004). METEOR-S WSDI:
A Scalable Infrastructure of Registries for Semantic
Publication and Discovery of Web Services. Journal
of Information Technology and Management.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems