implementation project size.
• The ERP implementation CSF literature can
provide valuable insights.
• The contribution of the field of software cost
estimation is limited. Cost drivers for software
development differ markedly from those
influencing ERP implementation. Only for
'general' drivers such as staff knowledge,
experience, and availability, and involvement of
users, staff and management, clear parallels
• The COCOTS model, aimed specifically at
characteristics of standard software such as
degree of integration, frequency of releases and
system maturity, provided solid inputs.
• Results from practice show a much more
detailed approach to measuring size than was
found in literature, although the notion of
multidimensionality for such a size measure was
supported both in theory and in practice.
• A number of potential cost drivers cannot be
expected to vary within a single company.
identification in a practical setting is therefore
unlikely. Examples of such potential cost
drivers are implementation approach and type of
system. These cannot be confirmed or
repudiated on the basis of this research.
• Of the remaining 'theoretical' cost drivers only a
limited number (contract, training and type of
module) were not confirmed in practice. Only a
limited number of cost drivers (mainly
organisational characteristics) were mentioned
in practice that had not been mentioned in the
theoretical list. On the whole to a large degree
theory and practice identify identical cost
drivers, although small differences in
formulation and level of detail may be noticed.
• Summarising it may be stated that table 1 gives
a reasonable first approach towards an answer
of the research question: 'which factors
substantially impact ERP implementation costs'.
The organisations involved recognised that the
project provided a solid basis for further learning. As
a direct benefit was mentioned that the information
obtained was already considered to be useful for:
• better planning and monitoring of projects,
• better control of vendors.
Further research is firstly aimed at determining a
proper size metric. Next steps include determining
the relative impact each of these cost drivers may
have, development of an estimation mechanism, and
identifying ways of handling these data.
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