Rob J. Kusters
, Fred J. Heemstra
and Arjan Jonker
University of Technology, The Netherland
Open University The Netherlands
KWDResultaatmanagement The Netherlands
Keywords: ERP implementation, cost drivers, project size.
Abstract: The key question of the research reported here is 'which factors influence Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) implementation costs'. A 'theoretical' answer to this question has been designed by studying the
sparsely available literature on ERP implementation costs, and adding to this relevant items from the related
fields of software cost estimation, COTS implementation cost estimation, and ERP implementation critical
success factors. This result has been compared with empirical data that have been obtained from two large
corporations. The combined result is a first attempt to define ERP implementation cost drivers.
More and more organisations decide to acquire and
implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
systems. Those that have implemented such a
system are regularly confronted with upgrades and
new module implementations. In 2000 60% of the
Fortune 1000 companies had already taken an ERP
implementation decision of at least one ERP basic
module or was in a decision process regarding such
an implementation (Stein, 1999). Despite existing
success stories regarding the many business benefits
of ERP usage, the ERP market is confronted with a
number of relevant problems. One of these, ERP
implementation costs, will be the focus of this paper.
Both literature and practice seem to agree that
ERP implementation costs often outstrip original
estimates. Zuckerman (1999) e.g. finds that ERP
implementations in companies with a turnover above
$500.000 show an average budget overshoot of 17%.
The Gartner Group (Hunter, 1999), based on 1300
organisations, found that 32% of ERP projects is
more costly than planned. Many other authors report
budget overshoots in ERP implementation projects
(Williamson, 1997), (Pang, 2001), (de Koning,
2004), (Bothof en Götte, 1998), (Wijkstra, 1999).
Budget overshoots in ERP implementation can
therefore be considered to be a serious problem that
warrants further attention, specifically since
investments in ERP tend to be substantial (Sumner,
2000). This paper describes a research project aimed
at answering the following question: 'which factors
substantially influence ERP implementation costs'.
Knowledge of such factors supports structured
estimation of ERP implementation costs and can be
used to influence an implementation project.
In the remainder of this paper we will refer to
these factors as 'cost drivers'. The word
'substantially' has been added, since it is to be
expected that the total number of potential cost
drivers is significant. Research by Kretzschmar and
Noth (1984) resulted in the identification of over
1200 cost drivers influencing the costs of software
development. Since ERP implementation, which
often includes additional software development, is at
least as complex as software development, there is
every reason to assume that a similar number of cost
drivers can be identified. In the field of software cost
estimation it is recognized (see e.g. Boehm 1983)
that such a number of cost drivers is too large to be
gainfully employable as a management tool and an
approach focusing on the most relevant cost drivers
is adopted. We will follow this example.
In section two the results of a literature review
regarding ERP implementation cost drivers is
presented. To our surprise this subject has so far
attracted little attention. Much of what could be
found is aptly characterised by Klaus (2000) as
“the ERP cost literature is still largely anecdotal and
a-theoretical”. Only a few publications directly
address ERP implementation cost drivers.
Fortunately, a substantial body of literature focuses
J. Kusters R., J. Heemstra F. and Jonker A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 102-110
DOI: 10.5220/0002363001020110
at ERP implementation critical success factors
(CSF's), an issue that is closely related to cost
drivers and can support their identification. We also
looked at the software cost estimation (SCE)
literature. In this research field, that has matured
during the previous decennia (Boehm and Sullivan,
2000), the issue of cost drivers has been studied in a
structured way. Software development is not
identical to ERP implementation but has many
similarities (e.g. the involvement of diverse
disciplines, complexity, etc.) it is reasonable to
assume that this field can be a source of inspiration.
Based on this literature survey a ‘theoretical’
answer to the research question is formulated in the
format of an overview of relevant cost drivers that
may impact ERP implementation effort. Since
literature only provided limited leads, it was decided
to conduct in parallel an investigation in practice.
The research question: “which factors substantially
influence ERP implementation costs” was put to a
number of experts from two large corporations. This
is described in section three. The results from
literature and practice are discussed in section four.
2.1 Cost Drivers
In this section the result of the literature survey on
ERP implementation cost drivers is presented. The
issue is discussed explicitly by Stensrud (2001),
Francalanci (2001) and Von Arb (1997). A relevant
basis for this research has been developed by
Stensrud (2001). In his research, he wondered if the
existing body of knowledge developed for software
cost estimation was applicable to estimation of ERP
implementation effort. His conclusion was, since
most approaches are based upon the use of the
number of lines of source code or some synthetic
variable such as function point to assess the size of
the project, these approaches are not applicable. An
ERP implementation project may contain some
software development, but will also contain
substantial modelling, installation and reorganization
efforts. It seems unlikely that a one-dimensional
measure of software size will capture this
complexity. Typical measures of size for an ERP
implementation project would likely use a
combination of measures such as the number of
users, of reports to be designed, of systems to be
adapted, and of ERP modules. In short, Stensrud
suggest using a multi-dimensional measure of size.
Stensrud further concludes, based on a screening
of existing SCE tools , that the concepts provided by
parametric estimation models such as COCOMO II
(1997) provide a good starting point for the
development of a model to support estimation of
ERP implementation effort. Key in this models is the
existence of a size metric that can be used to
estimate ‘normal’ costs, and the existence of cost
drivers that adjust for project specific issues. He also
concluded that emergent models for estimation of
implementation effort of standard software (above
all the COCOTS model (COCOTS, 2000)) may
provide support. Stendsrud bases his conclusions on
a logical analysis of the characteristics of the
models, but is supported by empirical work by
Francalanci (2001) and Von Arb (1997).
The research by Francalanci (2001) is focused at
identification of a usable measure of size. In
agreement with Stensrud, she deduces that such a
measure should be multi-dimensional. Based on an
extensive field study, using data from 43 (European)
SAP R/3 implementation projects, she identifies
three constituting elements for such a size metric:
Size of the organization. This reflects its inertia,
its ability to resist change. The assumption is,
that the larger and more cumbersome an
organization, and in consequence, the more inert
or slow it is, the more effort an implementation
will take. As measures for organizational size
she tested number of employees and revenue.
Both were found useful.
Size of the configuration. This is expressed in
the number of modules or sub-modules that is to
be implemented. The logical assumption is that
implementation effort will increase with the
number of modules to be implemented.
Size of the implementation. This is expressed
with number of users involved, since these
indicate training and reorganization effort.
Francalanci, in her research, focuses solely on size.
Other cost drivers are left out. This approach is also
taken by Von Arb in his PhD. thesis (1997), which
focuses on the relationship between size and cost.
His research, based on extensive data from practice,
also identifies a multi-dimensional measure made up
of number of users and number of (sub-) modules.
This is a result that is fairly similar to that of
Francalanci. Literature, as far as it is available,
seems to agree to the usefulness, the nature (multi-
dimensional), and at least some of the components
(number of users, and number of (sub-) modules) of
the concept of ERP implementation project size to
be used as the basis for cost estimation in ‘normal’
conditions. It should be mentioned however, that
ERP implementation projects often target a single
module. The notion of number of modules as a size
metrics therefore leaves something to be desired.
Less agreement can be found regarding the
question which other relevant cost drivers should be
taken into account to adjust this 'normal' estimation
to specific local circumstances. Many authors that
focus on ERP implementation overshoots indicate
where these costs can be found or single out some
specific cost types. Main cost types mentioned by all
authors are staffing costs and costs of external
advisors. Costs of developing / tailoring additional
software is mentioned regularly (Wijkstra, 1999)
(Bernroider and Koch, 2000). Hardware- en license
costs can add up too (Robinson, 1998), as can costs
for training (Davenport, 2000) and user support
(Saunders, 1999). However, no single
comprehensive reference was found that presents a
structured overview of cost drivers that affect the
amount of costs required (Mello, 2002).
Fortunately, extensive literature is available in
the related field of research that focuses on critical
success factors (CSF) for ERP implementation, see
e.g. Akkermans and van Helden (2002), Al-Mashari (2003), Holland and Light (1999), and Umble (2003). We consider this field to be related,
since factors that affect project success will also
impact project costs. This CSF literature is therefore
a good source of inspiration when determining
relevant cost drivers. CSF’s are ‘things’ that are a
precondition for a successful implementation.
Success can be determined by the degree to which a
project is finished on time and within budget and the
resulting product fulfils expectations / requirements.
Furthermore these ‘things’ are such that they can be
addressed adequately in advance (i.e. before the start
of the implementation project). A CSF has to be
handled before work starts. If e.g. insufficient
management commitment is present, this can
seriously impede an implementation project,
resulting in budget and/or time overshoots, a product
of insufficient quality or even abandonment of the
entire project. A bad choice of an external
implementation partner may have an identical result.
This implies that if a CSF has been dealt with
insufficiently in advance, it will become a cost
driver. The difference between CSF and cost driver
is gradual. Management commitment is a
precondition for success, but the degree of
management commitment available (none, low /
insufficient, sufficient, whole hearted) is a factor that
will influence implementation costs.
In principle all CSF’s mentioned in literature
can, following this line of reasoning, be transformed
into cost drivers. In particular issues dealing with
implementation approach, vendor relationship /
contract, conversion, involvement external
consultants and project organization are obvious
Summarizing, on the basis of ERP specific
literature the following conclusions can be drawn:
Size is an important cost driver.
Measuring size requires a multi-dimensional
The most specific research focuses on size, with
little regard for other cost drivers.
The number of modules as a measure for size is
extremely coarse, allowing little or no nuance.
CSF literature provides an interesting additional
source of inspiration.
Stensrud (2001) advised to take a closer look at the
field of software cost estimation. This will be done
in the next section.
2.2 Software Cost Estimation
A widely adopted approach for software cost
estimation was developed by Barry Boehm in his
Constructive Cost Model (CoCoMo) (Boehm, 1983).
This model has the basic format:
Development costs =
(a *cd[size]
) * cd
* cd
……* cd
(where cd stands for cost driver)
The cost driver ‘size’ (cd[size]) is viewed as the
most dominant cost driver, not only in the CoCoMo
model but also in many other models (Heemstra,
2005). Here ‘size’ is often measured by metrics such
as number of Lines of code and number of function
points (FP). FP is a measure of size based on
software functionality (Albrecht en Gaffney, 1983).
To facilitate discussion of cost drivers, Heemstra
(1989) developed a framework for categorizing cost
drivers that has been well received in literature. In
this framework cost drivers are classified as:
Size. How ‘big’ is the software (usually
expressed in Lines of code or function points).
What with. Which resources are used when
developing software. Usually three types of
resource are distinguished:
- People (e.g. quality of project management
and knowledge, experience, and availability
of the development team),
- Organisation (stability, work methods, etc.),
- Systems (characteristics of the target platform
such as CPU-time and memory capacity).
How. How is software being developed. This
incorporates cost drivers that deal with the type
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of programming approach taken as well as
project management approaches.
For whom is the software developed, with cost
drivers such as the number of users, the degree
of user involvement and IT knowledge and
experience of the users.
What is being developed; e.g. the cost drivers
required quality, complexity, specification
stability and required documentation.
Looking at this collection of cost drivers from the
Point of view of ERP implementation cost
estimation the following may be noticed:
1. As Stensrud indicated, no suitable size indicator
is offered,
2. Most of the costs drivers in the ‘what’ category
differ from application to application. Degree of
required reliability, application complexity,
amount of required documentation are examples
of cost drivers that differ from application to
application. In the case of ERP no such
differences are apparent, since the ‘application’
is a single standard system. The values of this
type of cost driver will be more or less fixed per
type of module, although differences between
modules may be envisaged. Relevant cost
drivers in this category will therefore only those
that refer to sort or type, e.g. brand of ERP
system or type of module (finance, HRM, etc.).
3. ERP implementation will be influenced by such
cost drivers as knowledge, experience and
involvement of the users in a way similar to
software development. This implies that the cost
drivers form the ‘for whom’ category are prime
candidates for ERP cost drivers.
4. Similarly, the cost drivers from the category
‘with what’ are directly applicable in an ERP
setting, specifically those from the sub-
categories people and organization.
5. Most of the cost drivers from the ‘how’
category are specific to software development
and therefore not applicable in an ERP
implementation setting. However, the cost
driver ‘project management approach’ can be
used when translated in ERP terminology,
leading to ideas as ‘implementation approach’.
A second source was found in the literature
regarding estimation of standard software
implementation, in particular the estimation model
COCOTS (Agarwal, 2001).
The name COCOTS stands for Constructive
COTS Model. Constructive refers to CoCoMo (Con-
structive Cost Model) because it follows this models
approach and also because it is an open / transparent
model. "COTS" stands for Commercial-Off-The-
Shelf, indicating the models aims at standard
software components. Within COCOTS cost drivers
are grouped into three categories:
cost drivers related to staff experience, quality
and availability,
costs drivers related to COTS components, such
as component maturity, complexity, and update
cost drivers related to the application, such as
application reliability, portability, number and
complexity of interfaces, and limitations in
technical performance.
For the determination of ERP cost drivers the
following lessons can be drawn from COCOTS:
1. For identical reasons used in the made to
measure situation, factors regarding knowledge,
availability, and experience of staff are relevant.
2. COCOTS defines cost drivers that specifically
target the aspect 'integration', the interfacing of
the COTS component with other software.
These are candidates for the ERP context.
3. Some cost drives are related to the COTS
component itself and can be translated to ERP.
Specifically 'training', 'maturity', and 'frequency
of new releases' can be mentioned.
4. Some cost drives are related to the COTS
component itself and can be translated to ERP.
Specifically 'training', 'maturity', and 'frequency
of new releases' can be mentioned.
5. From the final 'application' category of
COCOTS costs drivers, 'number and complexity
of interfaces' is a prime candidate cost driver.
Based on this literature survey we selected a number
of cost drivers that we feel are factors that
'substantially influence ERP implementation costs'.
The factors are classified according to the
framework that Heemstra (1989) developed for
categorizing software cost estimation cost drivers.
For the category 'size' we conformed to the
empirically tested proposals of Francalanci. Other
choices were based on considerations as presented
above. The result is presented in table 1 (the heading
'theory'). This table also contains the results from the
empirical studies that will be discussed next.
Since the literature results were derivative at best,
two empirical studies were conducted to provide an
additional source of material. Two large Dutch
companies participated in this study, an insurance
company (Interpolis) and a mail and parcel
distributor (TNT). Both companies have recently
executed a number of ERP implementation projects,
so it is reasonable to assume that relevant knowledge
is available within the organisation. Obviously, no
data with regard to cost drivers was maintained
during the project. Some relevant information might
be obtained by studying the project documentation.
Such documentation is difficult to access for an
outsider and, given that this outsider is not aware of
local specifics, interpretation of the data would at
least be difficult. Having insiders study the project
documentation was infeasible due to the prohibitive
costs this would entail. So it was decided to 'ask'
knowledgeable persons what they experienced as
cost drivers.
This process of 'asking' was carried out in a three
step approach consisting of a meting, a survey and
an additional meeting. First in a meeting with a
number of experts from the organisation is held to
identify possible cost drivers. This meeting consists
of a divergent step in which in a brainstorm setting
as many as possible relevant cost drivers where
generated. This was followed by a second
convergent step in which the results were classified.
For this a group protocol was required that could
deal effective and efficient with a significant number
of items, since a large number of potential cost
drivers could be expected to be generated. The
metaplan protocol (Härtl en Kemmerer, 2002) fulfils
this requirement.
Following this meeting a survey was send out to
a larger number of knowledgeable persons within
the company to validate these results. A final step
consisted of a second meeting, with the same
participants from the first meeting, to analyse the
results of the survey and to draw conclusions from
it. This resulted in the following approach that was
adopted in both organisations.
Meeting 1: cost driver generation.
Before the meeting participants were selected, based
on their participation in recent SAP implementation
efforts. Active participation was required since only
motivated participants could be expected to
contribute to the result. To insure this, participants
attended on a voluntary basis. At TNT seven staff
members participated in the research, at Interpolis
this number was nine. At the start of the meeting the
research objectives were introduced further and the
approach that would be taken was outlined. The
results of the literature survey were not presented, to
prevent undue influence on the results. However, the
basic concepts of estimation: size and cost drivers
were introduced, using the field of software cost
estimation as a reference. Again, apart from some
obvious examples, no software cost estimation cost
drivers were presented to avoid undue influence.
Next the divergent, generating brainstorm was
executed. Participants were asked to generate cost
drivers in groups of two or three, thus combining the
motivational aspects of brainstorming while at the
same time avoiding pitfalls of production blocking
(Nijstad, 2003) and groupthink (Janis, 1982).
The participants were asked the following questions:
what do you consider to be a good measure of
size for an ERP implementation project, and
what are relevant cost drivers impacting ERP
implementation within your organisation,
and to write the answers on large post-it stickers in
preparation for the next (convergent) step.
Following this, the convergent metaplan protocol
was followed, which is a two step procedure. The
first step in essence consists of a fast interactive
process in which all participants take part. A
facilitator states the objective of the meeting, which
is in this case, is identical to the questions asked for
the brainstorm. Then a first item (written on a
sticker) is placed on a large empty wall. A second
item is than taken and the group decides if this item
is similar to the first of if it should form a separate
group. If it is similar, it is placed next to the first
item, otherwise it is placed further away on the wall.
This procedure is followed by all remaining items. If
discussion takes to long, an item is set aside. As
more and more items are sorted, clusters of items
start to appear that each identifies a potential cost
driver. At the end, cards that have been set aside are
handled again. Given the emergence of recognisable
clusters of items, placement should be easier. This
part of the protocol ends when all items are placed.
The second part of the metaplan protocol
consists of looking at the resulting clusters and
naming them to facilitate handling and discussion.
Next clusters that have become too big and contain
several relevant concepts are split up. Also, clusters
that are sufficiently similar are joined together.
Again the resulting clusters are named. This process
might be repeated several times until the participants
are satisfied with the result, thus ending the
metaplan protocol. After this, the resulting clusters
were placed in the Heemstra (1989) framework
(size, what, how, for whom, what with) in order to
facilitate further usage.
The survey
In order to validate these results, a survey was
developed and send out to a number of
knowledgeable stakeholders in the ERP
implementation process. The survey contained all
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cost drivers that had been identified in the first
meeting, together with a definition that had been
developed by the researchers. For each size measure
/ cost driver the respondents were asked to
determine (on a yes/no scale) if is an important size
measure / cost driver.
Furthermore, the respondents were invited to
contribute additional size measures and/or cost
drivers. For Interpolis the survey was distributed
among 32 persons, of which 18 responded. For TNT
these figures are 33 participants with a less
satisfactory number of 10 respondents.
Meeting 2: discussion of results
The participants of the first meeting were invited to
a second meeting in order to discuss the results of
the survey. These results were presented in a
PowerPoint presentation. Each cost driver, whether
originally proposed in the first meeting or added by
a respondent of the survey, was discussed separately
in order to decide whether or not it should be
accepted as a relevant size measure / cost driver. The
resulting list was finalised and accepted.
Table 1 contains the over all results of this is
research. The column 'theory' contains the results
from literature. Columns 'TNT' and 'Interpolis'
contain the results of the empirical investigation.
The most noticeable difference between theory
and empirical results can be found under the heading
'SIZE'. As was discussed, 'size' is expressed in
literature as a multidimensional measure containing
according to Francalanci number of modules / sub
modules, size of the organisation (expressed as
number of employees or revenue) and number of
users. The empirical data gave different results. The
notion that size is multidimensional was supported
in both organisations, but the composing metrics
were different. It appeared that size was perceived as
a combination of:
a) A measure related to the amount of work that is
involved in configuring the ERP system. This
measure included items such as the number and
complexity of transactions, interfaces, and
reports, and at the amount of data and data
b) A measure that indicates system implementation
and business reorganisation costs. Francalanci
refers to this as implementation size. If this size
increases, more staff needs to be trained and
also more people are involved in organisational
change efforts. This measure includes items
such as number of users, number f user groups,
number of departments and number and
complexity of business processes.
It follows that people in practice perceive 'size' at a
more detailed level of abstraction (e.g. number of
interfaces) than Francalanci and Von Arb who look
at the rather coarse measure of number of modules.
In the category 'WHAT' differences between
literature and practice were less significant. A
number of cost drivers from literature were
classified in another category (e.g. number of
interfaces and data conversion to 'size'), declared to
be not applicable (e.g. the type of ERP system
involved, which is of course fixed within one
company) of relabelled (e.g. maturity technology
versus frequency of releases). It is remarkable the
type of module is in practice not recognised as a
relevant cost driver although in both organisations
the SAP CRM module was mentioned as a module
that was more difficult to implement.
For the category 'FOR WHOM' differences are
also small and explainable. The item of branch is not
applicable, since this is not something that can be
noticed within a single company. This is also true
for the cost driver national/international since in
both companies ERP implementation efforts took
place within a national setting. Agreement existed as
to the relevance of the cost driver fit. A similar
agreement exists for the cost driver process maturity.
However, when interpreting the meaning of this
concept the aspects may be considered:
the degree to which an organisation has shifted
from a functional to a process orientation,
the degree to which business processes have
been documented (standardised, described, and
modelled), and
the degree to which process execution and
process description are consistent. The notion
'consistent' refers to consistency in execution (is
the process – over time – executed consistently)
as well as to the required consistency between
reality and documentation (is the process
executed in line with its description).
Both organisations mention a number of
organisational characteristics as cost driver. TNT
mentions in this context number of organisational
units involved whereas Interpolis mentions stability,
willingness to change, and ability to change. This
type of cost driver was not found in literature.
In the category 'HOW' from literature a number
of cost drivers were identified that were not
mentioned by the organisations. Both organisations
used Accelerated SAP as implementation method,
meaning that the cost driver method cannot be
recognised. Similar arguments might explain why
implementation approach and implementation
strategy are not mentioned. The theoretical cost
driver contract is also not recognised, maybe
because it was handled correctly throughout?
In the final category 'WHAT WITH' the
differences between theory and practice are limited,
mainly a matter of description detail. An important
'theoretical' cost driver training is not mentioned in
practice. A possible explanation is that this driver is
included in the size measure number of users.
The main conclusions from the research are:
The state of the art of identifying ERP
implementation cost drivers is not yet very far
advanced. Both in scientific literature and in
practice this issue receives limited attention.
The limited knowledge available on ERP
implementation cost drivers is mainly focussed
on determining a suitable measure for ERP
Table 1: Overview of cost drivers from theory and from the empirical studies.
- # of (sub)modules
- # of users
- size organization
- # of transactions,
- # of interfaces,
- # of reports
- amount of data conversion
- # of users
- # of user groups
- # + complexity interfaces
- # + complexity transactions
- # + complexity reports
- # + complexity business processes
- size + complexity data
- # of departments
- # of users
- type of system (SAP, …)
- type of module (CRM, …)
- degree of tailoring
- number of interfaces
- frequency releases
- data quality/conversion
- # of modules
- maturity of the technology
- degree of tailoring
- maturity of the technology
- degree of tailoring
- Module connectedness
- # of sites
- National / international
- Process maturity
- Fit between organization and product
- Branch
- # of stakeholders
- # of organizational units
- Process maturity
- Fit
- Stability organization
- Willingness to change
- Ability to change
- process complexity
- Insight in the processes
- Fit
- Method (e.g. ASAP)
- Team composition
- Implementation strategy (per module / per
site / big bang)
- Implementation approach (degree of BPR)
- Contract (clarity responsibilities and
- Vision
- Management
- Vision management
- Commitment management
- Steering management
- Staff availability (degree of, continuity),
- Staff quality (technical, social, ..),
- Tool availability (degree of, continuity),
- Tool quality,
- Quality, continuity and availability of
- Team continuity
- Team composition
- Team quality
- Quality Business users
- Availability business users
- Consultant quality
- Availability management
- team composition
- team quality
- team maturity
- consultant quality
- consultant knowledge
- User quality
- Critical attitude users
- Quality developers / /business
- tools quality
- Test approach
- Infrastructure
- Experience project manager
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
implementation project size.
The ERP implementation CSF literature can
provide valuable insights.
The contribution of the field of software cost
estimation is limited. Cost drivers for software
development differ markedly from those
influencing ERP implementation. Only for
'general' drivers such as staff knowledge,
experience, and availability, and involvement of
users, staff and management, clear parallels
The COCOTS model, aimed specifically at
characteristics of standard software such as
degree of integration, frequency of releases and
system maturity, provided solid inputs.
Results from practice show a much more
detailed approach to measuring size than was
found in literature, although the notion of
multidimensionality for such a size measure was
supported both in theory and in practice.
A number of potential cost drivers cannot be
expected to vary within a single company.
identification in a practical setting is therefore
unlikely. Examples of such potential cost
drivers are implementation approach and type of
system. These cannot be confirmed or
repudiated on the basis of this research.
Of the remaining 'theoretical' cost drivers only a
limited number (contract, training and type of
module) were not confirmed in practice. Only a
limited number of cost drivers (mainly
organisational characteristics) were mentioned
in practice that had not been mentioned in the
theoretical list. On the whole to a large degree
theory and practice identify identical cost
drivers, although small differences in
formulation and level of detail may be noticed.
Summarising it may be stated that table 1 gives
a reasonable first approach towards an answer
of the research question: 'which factors
substantially impact ERP implementation costs'.
The organisations involved recognised that the
project provided a solid basis for further learning. As
a direct benefit was mentioned that the information
obtained was already considered to be useful for:
better planning and monitoring of projects,
better control of vendors.
Further research is firstly aimed at determining a
proper size metric. Next steps include determining
the relative impact each of these cost drivers may
have, development of an estimation mechanism, and
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