Weak (stratified) orders are a very natural gener-
alization of total orders. They allow the modelling of
some regular indifference, their interpretation is very
simple and intuitive, and they are reluctantly accepted
by decision makers. Although not as much as one
might expect given the huge theory of such orders (see
(Fishburn, 1985; French, 1986)). A non-numerical
ranking technique proposed in (Janicki and Koczko-
daj, 1996) produces a ranking that is weakly ordered.
If ⊳ is a weak order then a ≈
b ⇐⇒ a ∼
b, so
indifference means distinct incomparability or iden-
tity, and the relation ⊳ can be interpreted as a se-
quence of equivalence classes of ∼
. For the weak
order <
from Figure 1, the equivalence classes of
are {a}, {b, c}, and {d}, and <
can be inter-
preted as a sequence {a}{b, c}{d}.
There are, however, cases where insisting on weak
orders may not be reasonable. Physiophysical mea-
surements of perceptions of length, pitch, loudness,
and so forth, provides other examples of qualitative
comparisons that might be analysed from the perspec-
tive of semiorders and interval orders rather than the
more precise but less realistic weak and total orders.
The reader is referred to (Fishburn, 1985; Janicki and
Koutny, 1993) for more details. In this paper we will
only use total, weak, and general partial orders.
Let X be a set of objects to be ranked. The problem
is that X is believed to be partially or weakly ordered
but the data acquisition process is so influenced by
informational noise, imprecision, randomness, or ex-
pert ignorance that the collected data R is only some
relation on X. We may say that R gives a fuzzy pic-
ture, and to focus it, we must do some pruning and/or
extending. Without loss of generality we may as-
sume that R is irreflexive, i.e. (x,x) 6∈ R. Suppose
that R is not transitive. The “best” transitive approx-
imation of R is its transitive closure R
where R
= R
◦R (c.f. (Fishburn, 1985)). Evidently
R ⊆ R
and R
is transitive. The relation R
may not
be irreflexive, but in such a case we can use the fol-
lowing classical result (which is due to E. Schr
1895, see (Janicki and Koczkodaj, 1996)) .
Lemma 1 Let Q⊆ X ×X be a transitive relation. De-
fine: x <
y ⇐⇒ xQy∧ ¬yQx. The relation <
is a
partial order.
Following (Janicki and Koczkodaj, 1996) we will call
, a partial order approximation of (ranking rela-
tion) R. If R is a partial order then <
equals R. The
relation <
is usually not a weak order.
Let us assume that X is believed to be weakly or-
dered by a relation ⊳ but the discriminatory power of
the data acquisition process, which seeks to uncover
this order, is limited. The acquired data establishes
only a partial order ⊳ which is a partial picture of
the underlying order. We seek, however, an extension
process which is expected to correctly identify the or-
dered pairs that are not part of the data.
Note that weak order extensions reflect the fact
that if x ≈
y than all reasonable methods for ex-
tending ⊳ will have x equivalent to y in the extension
since there is nothing in the data that distinguishes
between them (for details see (Fishburn, 1985)),
which leads to the definition (Janicki and Koczkodaj,
1996) below (for both weak an total orders).
A weak (or total) order ⊳
⊆ X × X is a proper
weak (or total) order extension of ⊳ if and only if :
(x⊳ y ⇒ x⊳
y) and (x ≈
y ⇒ x ∼
If X is finite then for every partial order ⊳ its
proper weak extension always exists. If ⊳ is weak,
than its only proper weak extension is ⊳
= ⊳. If ⊳ if
not weak, there are usually more than one such exten-
sions. Various methods were proposed and discussed
in (Fishburn, 1985). For our purposes, the best seem
to be the method based on the concept of a global
score function, which is defined as:
(x) = |{z | z⊳ x}| − |{z | x⊳ z}|.
Given the global score function g
(x), we define
the relation ⊳
⊆ X ×X as
b ⇐⇒ g
(a) < g
Proposition 1 ((Fishburn, 1985)) The relation ⊳
is a proper weak extension of a partial order ⊳.
Some other variations of g
and their interpreta-
tions were analyzed in (Janicki and Koczkodaj, 1996).
From Proposition 2 it follows that every finite partial
order has a proper weak extension. The well known
procedure “topological sorting”, popular in schedul-
ing problems, guarantees that every partial order has
a total extension, but even finite partial orders may not
have proper total extensions. Note that the total order
is a proper total extension of ⊳ if and only if the re-
lation ≈
equals the identity, i.e a ≈
b ⇐⇒ a = b.
For example no weak order has a proper total ex-
tension unless it is also already total. This indicates
that while expecting a final ordering to be weak may
be reasonable, expecting a final total ordering is of-
ten unreasonable. It may however happen, and often
does, that a proper weak extension is a total order,
which suggests that we should stop seeking a priori
total orderings since weak orders appear to be more
natural models of preferences than total orders.