tures of the document.
We have run some experiments with a wide range
type of web pages and we observe the following facts:
• The method achieve a good performance with
documents that have several levels of granularity,
in other words, when the tree associated to the
document has many levels and the nodes have a
lot of branches, the calculation of the fractal di-
mension helps to get a summary with information
more diversified according to the document struc-
• With wrong structured web pages the method ob-
tains bad results since the calculation of fractal di-
mension doesn’t give information in those cases.
In conclusion, we have seen in our experiments
that traditional summarization extracts most of the
sentences from few chapters, fractal summarization
with D = 1 extracts the sentences distributively from
each section, and with our new approximation using
the fractal dimension of the document, the method
share out the sentences according to their content and
their position.
In this paper, we present an improvement to the frac-
tal summarization method. The propagation formula
have been modified according to the fractal view
method, and it uses the novel concept of fractal di-
mension of text documents presented in (Ruiz M. D.,
We have used this automatic summarization
method in web pages with a large content of text and
with a good structure as in figure 2, giving very good
results and showing the good performance of the pro-
posed method.
In the future, we are going to use a similarity mea-
sure taking into account the semantic of words giving
a more complete solution to the problem of summa-
rizing documents. Moreover, we are working about
the problem of summarizing the document according
the preferences of the user, giving more importance
to those sections that the user wants to spread out
using the fractal dimension. We also want to adapt our
method in the case of summarizing a group of docu-
ments with similar contents.
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