Diagrams (WTD) and T-Web systems (Kornkamol,
Tetsuya and Takehiro 2003) automate construction
of web applications/web services from templates.
ZenFlow (Martinez etc 2005) is a visual composition
tool for web services written in BPEL4WS. It
provides visual facilities to ease process definition.
More recently, a young but rapidly growing research
field, aspect-oriented modelling (AOM), has been
recognized as valuable for dealing with crosscutting
concerns at early stage software development
(Gokhale and Gray 2005). This approach analyses a
complex system from multiple viewpoints to
identify abstract components. Most Enterprise visual
modelling languages adopt box-and-line style
diagrams. These generally work well for small to
medium diagrams.
However, a common source of difficulty in all of
these approaches is an appropriate visual method to
reduce the complexity of large business modelling
diagrams. Most existing modelling technologies are
effective in only limited problem domains or have
major weaknesses when attempting to scale to large
systems modelling e.g. “cobweb” and “labyrinth”
problems (Guerra et al 2005). Multi-view tool
support and multi-level structure approaches have
been applied to mitigate this problem (Schnieders et
al, 2005; Zhu et al, 2004). These approaches have
achieved some success but cannot fully solve the
problem, because using the same notation and flow
method in a multi-view environment just reduces
individual diagram complexity, but increases hidden
dependencies. (Erkisson 2000; Grundy et al, 2006).
It requires long term memory of the users, as they
have to build and retain the mappings between views
mentally. In addition, most existing flow based
business modelling notations lack multiple levels of
abstraction support.
In contrast, using a tree structure is an efficient
way of representing the hierarchical nature of
complex systems graphically (Li et al, 2004; Phillips
1995). Trees also support navigation, elision and
automatic layout in ways difficult to achieve with
graph-based approaches. We have designed EML, a
novel tree overlay-based visual notation and its
integrated support environment to supplement and
integrate with existing enterprise level modelling
solutions. The study in this paper aims to address
two main research questions:
• whether it is valuable to use EML’s novel tree
structure-based visual modelling language as a
supplement to overcome the shortcomings of
existing business process notations.; and
• whether EML models of complex business
processes effectively reduce presentation
Given the discussion in section 1, we designed EML
and its integrated tool to address the visual and
business limitations of existing modelling languages
and their support tools. Our approach does not
exclude existing modelling notations. We aim to
incorporate them into our EML support tool while
providing additional richer, integrative views for
enterprise process modelling. Indeed, our
MaramaEML support tool includes several BPMN,
UML and Form Chart views.
2.1 Tree Structure
EML uses a tree layout to represent the basic
structure of a service. We chose to use trees as they
are familiar abstractions for managing complex
hierarchical data for business modellers and business
people; can be easily collapsed and expanded to
provide scalability; can be rapidly navigated; and
can be over-laid by cross-cutting flows and concern
representations. Earlier work on modelling complex
user interfaces and their behaviour with tree-based
overlays demonstrated these benefits (Li et al, 2004).
Figure 1 (a) shows a simple example of an EML
tree structure modelling a composite taxi booking
service. The customer management, taxi
management, system admin and working schedule
services are sub-services (represented as ovals) of
the taxi booking service. The system admin service
also includes an embedded user control service. The
rectangle shapes represent atomic operations inside
the service. In an EML-modelled enterprise system,
major services are represented as separate trees.
Symbols inside each service are used to identify
the elision level of the service visualisation. A minus
symbol indicates all activities in the service have
been expanded (e.g. Taxi Booking Management
Service, System Admin Service). A plus indicates
that part or all of the sub-tasks (services) are elided
(e.g. Customer Management Service, Other Service).
Every notation in the diagram has elide and expand
attributes to give the users freedom to control the
size of the diagram via elision of selected parts.
Each element in the tree has a list of associated
properties (in Figure 1 (b)). For example, service
properties include service type, status, input, output,
loop, condition, rule etc. By setting these properties,
EML users can specify detailed levels of design in
stages catering to different modelling needs.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems