as a learning tool since it gathers information,
defined by experts, that is needed for the
tuberculosis diagnosis.
The NeuralTB system can be easily installed in
hospitals or health care units and can also be
executed in portable computers that are carried to
different regions. The approach to incorporate the
knowledge into the system, allowing an easy
maintenance of the information, guarantees the
lifetime of the proposal.
Currently the NeuralTB system is being installed
in health care units in the Rio de Janeiro, the number
one city for TB cases in Brazil. This effort will
facilitate the implantation of a network to integrate
diverse professionals and specialists in tuberculosis.
During the system operation we will be able to
validate the impact of this initiative.
As next steps, we intend to integrate the
NeuralTB input data form with other questionnaire
items used during an anamnesis interview. Actually,
the proposal is to integrate the input form with the
system that is used in the hospital reception. As a
result, the attendance will use a single environment
to register all data related to patients. Another
enhancement is to develop queries in the central
database to extract the information that comes from
the various health care units. The knowledge of
which information should be extracted can also be
modelled and incorporated into the repository. Data
quality metrics (Chapman, 2005) will also be
applied to ensure network information quality. This
is quite important as network performance relies on
the accuracy of questionnaire answers. The
continuous update of the neural model with
incoming new data is also being developed. This
involves stability studies and the monitoring of TB
main features, trying to track disease evolvement in
time and geographically.
We expect that the accomplishments of this
project bring social benefits, allow a better
integration of the information technology in the
diagnosis domain, and provide an infrastructure to
enable an efficient communication and information
exchange among tuberculosis experts.
The authors thank the Tuberculosis Research Unit,
Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, for making available the data used in this
work and CAPES, CNPq, and FAPERJ for
financially supporting this project.
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NEURALTB WEB SYSTEM: Support to the Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis