A Pilot Study
Andrea Andrenucci
Department of Computer and System Sciences, Stockholm University/ Royal Institute of Technology
Forum 100, SE-16440, Kista, Sweden
Keywords: Internet services, Natural Language Interfaces, Data Mining, Cross Lingual Question Answering.
Abstract: This paper introduces a pilot study aimed at investigating the extraction of word relations from a sample of
a medical parallel corpus in the field of Psychology. Word relations are extracted in order to create a
bilingual lexicon for cross lingual question answering between Swedish and English. Four different variants
of the sample corpus were utilized: word inflections with and without POS tagging, lemmas with and
without POS tagging. The purpose of the study was to analyze the quality of the word relations obtained
from the different versions of the corpus and to understand which version of the corpus was more suitable
for extracting a bilingual lexicon in the field of psychology. The word alignments were evaluated with the
help of reference data (gold standards), which were constructed before the word alignment process.
Users of medical portals in general, regardless of
their background, value the possibility of
formulating their information needs in their own
native language (Andrenucci, 2006). In Question
Answering this is possible with the help of Machine
Translation (MT), which converts user questions
into the language of the texts from where the
answers are extracted. This paradigm is called Cross
Language Question Answering, CLQA (Aunino,
Kuuskoski and Makkonen, 2004).
The Web4health medical portal
( supports cross language
question answering (CLQA). User questions are
translated into English with the help of Systran’s
MT system ( and are
then used to retrieve answers from the knowledge
base of the portal. One problem with the existing
implementation is that Systran implements medical
lexicons which are not tailored to the specific
domain of the portal, i.e. psychology and
psychotherapy. The aim of the project presented in
this paper is to produce a bilingual lexicon for
Swedish and English that overcomes this gap. In
order to achieve this goal we have investigated in a
pilot study the possibility of automatically extracting
word relations from a parallel corpus, which is a
sample of Web4health’s knowledge base. The
sample corpus was extracted in two versions, one
version consisting of words in their inflected forms
and another version consisting of word lemmas. For
both versions we also provided a variant annotated
with part of speech (POS) tagging and a variant
without POS tagging. The purpose of the study was
to analyze the quality of the word relations obtained
from the different versions of the corpus and to
understand which version of the corpus was more
suitable for extracting a bilingual lexicon. The texts
were aligned at the paragraph, sentence and word
level with the Uplug toolkit (see section 3), a
collection of tools for processing parallel corpora,
developed by Jörg Tiedemann (2003a). Uplug
utilizes both statistical and linguistic information in
the alignment process. The alignments were
evaluated at the word level with the help of
reference data (gold standard), which were
constructed before the word alignment process (see
section 4.5).
The paper is structured as follows: section two
describes related research in the field of cross
lingual question answering. Section three
summarizes the knowledge base and the Uplug
toolkit. Section four and five describe the pilot study
and its quantitative results. The paper is concluded
Andrenucci A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 129-136
DOI: 10.5220/0002366601290136
with a discussion of the results (section six) and the
paper conclusions (section seven).
Several projects have focused on developing lexical
resources for specific domains. For example
Weijnitz et al. (2004) describes the implementation
of a Swedish-English lexicon for the agricultural
domain, which was then utilized to compare
translations from two different MT systems: a
system based on statistical tools such as the ISI
ReWrite Decoder (Germann, 2003) and a rule based
MT system. Loukachevitch and Dobrov (2004)
developed a Russian-English thesaurus for the socio-
political domain as a resource for automatic text
processing and information retrieval. The thesaurus
is based on definitions of taxonomic and ontological
dependence relations between domain specific
For what concerns medicine, one of the most
utilized lexical resources in QA and Information
Retrieval is the Unified Medical Language System
(UMLS, Lindberg, Humphreys, and McGray, 1993).
It contains different knowledge resources such as
lexicons and thesauri, and represents medical
concepts with the help of semantic networks.
When it comes to the extraction of domain-
specific bilingual dictionaries through word
alignment (with Swedish as source or target
language), previous research has mainly focused on
comparing the quality of results with and without
POS tagging (Nyström et al., 2006, Tiedemann,
2003a) and with shallow syntactic parsing
(Tiedemann, 2003b). Lemmatized versions of the
corpora were not included in the evaluations. Since
the utilization of stemming in Swedish improves
precision and recall in information retrieval
(Carlberger et al., 2001), and word alignment can be
viewed as a retrieval problem (Ahrenberg et al.,
2000), we have included lemmatization in our
The Web4health medical portal
( is well established among
the medical portals on the Web. It is Yahoo-listed
and it was developed within a EU-financed project
called KOM 2002, whose goal is to provide
multilingual medical information to improve the
mental health of European citizens. Psychiatrists and
psychotherapists from five different European
countries (Italy, Sweden, Holland, Greece and
Germany) use the portal to jointly develop a set of
semantically classified Web pages that answer
questions in matters of psychological and
psychotherapeutic advice. Users consult the
knowledge base submitting questions in natural
language, which are then matched against pre-stored
FAQ-files (Frequently Asked Questions) consisting
of question/answer pairs, where the question part has
a template created to match many different
variations of the same question (Template-Based
Question Answering, Sneiders 2002).
The Uplug toolkit (Tiedemann, 2003a) is a
collection of tools for processing parallel corpora. Its
main functionality consists of sentence and word
alignments of bilingual texts. The main idea behind
Uplug’s alignment process is to utilize both
linguistic and statistical information in order to
extract word relations. Each individual piece of
information is called a clue,
),( tsC
, and is defined
as a probability that indicates an association between
two sets of words s and t in parallel texts. Formally
it is defined as a weighted association A between s
and t, where w
is used to weight and normalize the
score of A
),()(),( tsAwaPtsC
All clues are then combined in an overall measure,
which is defined as the disjunction of all indications:
21 nallall
Clues are not mutually exclusive. The addition rule
for probabilities generates the following formula for
a disjunction of two clues:
Two main types of clues are considered: basic
(static) clues, whose value is constant for a pair of
lexical items and dynamic clues, whose values are
learned dynamically during the alignment process.
Basic clues include co-occurrence coefficients (the
Dice coefficient, Tiedemann 1999), string similarity
coefficients (the longest common subsequence ratio,
Melamed, 1995) and GIZA++ clues (Och and Ney,
2003), based on IBM models (Brown et al., 1993)
and Hidden Markov Model. Dynamic clues include
patterns of POS labels, phrase types and word
positions. The system aligns first sentences and
words with the basic clues and then utilizes the
aligned links as training data in order to learn
dynamic clues and improve the quality of the
alignments. For instance, examining POS tags in
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
source and target language, it is possible to estimate
the probabilities of translation relations between
words that belong to certain word classes.
A huge advantage of the Uplug tool is that it
supports the dynamic construction of alignments
with multi word units (MWUs), i.e. noun phrases,
idiomatic expressions and other phrasal
constructions that should not be split up in the
alignment process (Tiedemann, 2003b, p. 18).
This section describes how the pilot study was
conducted. It introduces some linguistic
characteristics of Swedish in comparison to English
(section 4.1) and then outlines how the sample
corpora were selected (section 4.2), prepared for the
alignment process (section 4.3), plus how the results
were evaluated (section 4.4).
4.1 The Swedish Language in Brief
Swedish is an inflective language that belongs to the
Germanic branch of Indo-European languages. It has
a more complex morphology than English. Gender,
definiteness and plurality are suffixed in nouns and
adjectives. Adjectives and articles agree with the
head noun in terms of gender, definiteness and
number. Genitive forms are formed by the suffix
“s”. Nouns have two genders: gender uter (“en”-
words) and gender neuter (“ett”-words). Similarly to
English, nouns can be written with or without
articles and sentences implement the subject-verb-
object order. Homographs and compound words are
very common in Swedish. Compounds are often
constructed with an extra consonant or vowel (called
fogemorphemes) that joins the constituents of the
compounds: e.g. “koncentrationssvårigheter”
(“attention problems”) is composed by putting
together the words “koncentration” (attention) and
“svårigheter” (problems), with the fogemorpheme
“s” to bind them. Swedish has also particle verbs,
i.e. compound verbs where one of the components is
a particle. Particle verbs can either be tightly
compounded, i.e. with the particle embedded in the
verb as a prefix, e.g. “påminna” (to remind), or
loosely compounded, i.e. with the particle coming
after the verb, e.g. “tycka om” (to like).
4.2 The Corpus Selection
The parallel corpus utilized in this pilot study
includes a randomly selected set of FAQs, i.e.
question/answer pairs, in the source language
(Swedish) and the target language (English). The
Swedish corpus consists of circa 12800 tokens and
the English counterpart of circa 13000 tokens.
Prior to utilizing the randomly chosen texts, we
scanned and proofread the material and, when
necessary, corrected it to ensure its completeness
and correctness. This was a difficult and time
consuming task, since the documents in the
repository are often translated freely and the
structure of the texts tend also to differ, with
sentences or phrases that are available in one
language only.
4.3 Annotating the Corpora
Prior to starting the alignment process, some
preliminary work was needed in order to prepare the
corpora. Since the FAQ documents are annotated
with HTML tags, the texts had first to be cleaned up
by the existing tags and then converted into plain
text. The Uplug toolkit was then used for encoding
the texts with ISO88591 for Latin1 (which includes
Swedish and English) and annotating them with
XML Corpus Encoding Standard (XCES) (Ide and
Priest-Dorman, 2000). Sentence splitting and
tokenization were included in this step. The
sentences and words were marked with an ID-
A version of the bilingual corpus was
lemmatized with the CST Lemmatizer (Jongejan and
Haltrup, 2005) which is a trainable, rule-based tool
that works with languages that utilize inflectional
suffixes, such as Swedish and English.
The Trigrams’n Tags tagger (Brants, 2000) was
utilized to annotate the POS-tagged versions of the
corpora. TnT was chosen since it is the tagger that
has the highest overall accuracy among data-driven
taggers and succeeded best in the annotation of both
known and unknown words in Swedish (Megyesi,
The tagger was trained on Swedish (Megyesi
2002) using the StockholmUmeå Corpus (SUC,
1997), and utilized for the labels the PAROLE
annotation scheme (Ejerhed and Ridings, 1995), a
tagset that include part-of-speech and morphological
features such as gender and number of the words.
The Penn Treebank corpus and its tagset (Marcus,
Santorini och Marcinkiewicz, 1993), which also
encodes morphological information such as number,
were utilized for the English language.
4.4 Extraction of Word Relations
After aligning the different versions of the corpus at
the sentence level, capital letters were converted to
non-capital letters in order to improve precision of
the word-level alignment. Once the word alignment
was finished, a table, with word-pair frequencies
sorted in descending order, was constructed for each
corpus version in order to see which alignments
occurred more often. These frequency tables were
later utilized for analyzing the evaluation results (see
section 5 and 6).
4.5 Evaluation Method and the Gold
Two main evaluation techniques are utilized when it
comes to evaluating word alignment (Ahrenberg et
al., 2000): automatic evaluation with a reference
alignment (Gold Standard) or manual evaluation by
experts. Automatic evaluation was preferred since
reference alignments can be re-utilized and it is
possible to control the process of selecting the
reference data, focusing for instance on certain word
types or words from certain frequency ranges
(Merkel, 1999).
Two gold standards, consisting of 130 items
each, were developed for the evaluation. They were
aligned manually according to detailed guidelines
(Merkel, 1999). The first GS was compiled by
randomly selecting word samples from the parallel
corpus. The word samples were limited to content
units (phrases and content words, i.e. words with a
full meaning of their own), since the purpose of our
research is to extract a bilingual lexicon that is
specific for the psychological domain. We applied a
frequency balanced approach, i.e. we grouped
entries according to the following frequency ranges:
10 entries with frequency above 10, 30 entries with
frequency 7-9, 30 with frequency 5-6, 30 with
frequency 3-4 and 30 with frequency 1-2.
Similarly the second GS was compiled following
the same approach, but utilizing as information
source the sets of all user queries submitted to
Web4health portal. Both GS included links of type
“regular” (standard), “fuzzy” (somehow
semantically overlapping but with different POS or
different degrees of specification) and “null”
(omissions). Complex MWU links were also
As stated of Ahrenberg et al. (2000), word
alignment can be viewed as a retrieval problem. For
this reason, when evaluating the quality of the
alignments, it is appropriate to apply measures from
the field of information retrieval such as precision
and recall. By precision it is meant the ratio of
correctly aligned items in proportion to the number
of aligned items and by recall the ratio of correctly
aligned items in proportion to the total number of
correct items (reference data). However a problem
of these measures is that they do not handle
correct links
, i.e. links that have at least one correct
word on source and target side, since links are either
considered as entirely right or entirely wrong. This
approach works well when it comes to evaluating
single word alignments, but is too coarse for the
evaluation of MWUs, which often imply partially
correct results (Tiedemann, 2003b, p. 26).
In order to overcome this deficiency we chose to
apply refined metrics of precision and recall
(Tiedemann, 2003b, p. 68) that measure the
of correctness
of the proposed links. They calculate
a partiality value Q that is proportional to the
number of words that are in common between the
proposed alignments and the reference data:
aligned is the set of source language words and
the set of target language words in link
proposals for a reference link x in the GS.
correct and
correct define the sets of source and
target words of reference link x. Precision (P) and
recall (R) are then defined with the help of Q:
aligned is the total number of correct, incorrect and
partially correct links in relation to the GS and
represents the size of the GS.
These metrics handle also partially correct links
in a more fine grained way, unlike other coarser
approaches (e.g. the PLUG metrics, Ahrenberg et
al., 2000) that penalize partially correct links with a
constant value without considering the degree of
correctness of the links.
Table 1 below shows some examples taken from
an evaluation protocol of the word alignments
produced for the corpus version with POS tagged
word forms and with respect to the first GS. The
precision, recall and F-score results are calculated
with the aforementioned metrics.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Examples from an evaluation protocol.
Our study produced the quantitative results that are
shown in table 2 and table 3 below. Table 2 shows
the results of precision, recall and F-score for all the
corpus versions and in relation to the two GS. Table
3 presents the number of correct, partially correct
and erroneous links calculated also in relation to
both GS. In the next section we discuss the results
with the help of the data from the frequency tables
and elicit the differences between each version of
the corpora.
Table 2: Precision, Recall and F-score results.
Corpus based GS (first GS)
Type of Corpus Precision Recall F-score
Lemmas no POS 77.38% 88.69% 82.65%
Lemmas with POS 78.08% 90.72% 83.93%
Word forms no POS 72.09% 87.58% 79.08%
Word forms with POS 76.52% 89.10% 82.34%
Query based GS (second GS)
Lemmas no POS 68.95% 86.78% 76.84%
Lemmas with POS 69.52% 86.22% 76.97%
Word forms no POS 67.56% 87.24% 76.15%
Word forms with POS 71.21% 87.49% 78.51%
The results in table 2 do not present striking
differences between the corpora, however the POS
tagged lemmas achieved slightly better results for
the corpus based GS, which consisted of a larger
number of single word units, and the POS tagged
word forms obtained slightly better values with the
query based GS, where a larger number of MWUs
was included. Word forms without POS tagging
achieved the lowest results with both GS. For what
concerns the results in table 3 it is interesting to
point out that word forms with POS had the highest
number of correct links both with the corpus GS
(together with the lemmas without POS) and with
the query based GS.
Table 3: Number of Correct, Partially Correct and
Incorrect Links out of the first and second GS.
Corpus based GS, size=130 links
Type of Corpus Correct Partial Incorrect
Lemmas no POS 74 49 7
Lemmas with POS 71 54 5
Word forms no POS 64 58 8
Word forms with POS 74 49 7
Query based GS, size=130 links
Lemmas no POS 59 63 8
Lemmas with POS 59 63 8
Word forms no POS 56 66 8
Word forms with POS 67 54 9
As a complement to the statistical data presented in
table 2 and 3 we analyzed the frequency tables
extracted from the alignments and compared the
results, trying to elicit the similarities and the
differences among the different versions of the
corpus. We discuss our analysis with the help of
some examples of the word relations that are
presented in tables 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Lemmas with POS Tags VS Lemmas without
POS Tags
The statistical results for Lemmas with and without
POS were very similar with both GS. However the
examination of the frequency tables clarified some
points of difference. POS tagged lemmas were more
precise when aligning compound words (e.g.
“tvångsstörning - obsessive compulsive disorder”
VS “tvångsstörning - obsessive compulsive”), in
particular those with low frequency rate (1 or 2) in
the texts. The POS tagged alignments had also fewer
additions, i.e. words that are occurring in the
alignments but that are not present in the reference
links (“vätskedrivande - diuretic” VS
“vätskedrivande som - diuretic”). Table 4 presents
some other examples of those differences.
Alignments consisting of words with similar strings
and lengths achieved good quality in both cases
(“söka - seek”, “eliminera - eliminate”, “effektivt -
Type ID Source Target
correct SL4.16 muskelsvaghet muscular
correct SL5.12 förvränger distorts
SL22.5 missbruka to using
GS size: 130 regular: 125 fuzzy: 3 null: 2
Correct: 74 regular: 73 fuzzy: 1 null: 0
Incorrect: 7 regular: 4 fuzzy: 1 null: 2
0 regular: 0 fuzzy: 0 null: 0
Precision: 76.52%
Recall: 89.10%
F-score: 82.34%
effectively”), as well as words with high co-
occurrence coefficients but dissimilar strings
(“försöka - try”, “mättnad - satisfaction”).
However the POS tagging proved to be useful in
aligning words consisting of dissimilar strings and
with low co-occurrence frequency, but sharing the
same POS (e.g. two adjectives: “betydande -
significant” VS an adjective and a noun: “betydande
- beginner”).
Table 4: Alignment examples of lemmas with and without
Inflected words with POS tags VS Inflected
words without POS tags
As shown in table 2 and 3, alignments of inflected
words with POS obtained, in comparison to inflected
words without POS, better precision, recall and F-
score results as well as a higher number of correct
links. This confirms the results obtained by Nyström
et al. (2006) and Tiedemann (2003b).
The POS tagged version produced more precise
results both for MWUs and SWUs (see table 5). For
what concerns single word units the morphological
information of the POS tag was helpful for aligning
words sharing the same definiteness (“förmågan -
the ability” VS “förmågan - ability”, “sjukdomen -
the disease” VS “sjukdomen - diseases”) or POS
(e.g. two adjectives: “felaktiga - inappropriate”
instead of a noun and an adjective: “antaganden -
inappropriate” ).
In MWUs it was evident the role of POS for
extracting links containing nouns with the same
number (“barndomsupplevelser - childhood
experiences” VS “barndomsupplevelser -
childhood”). POS helped also to disambiguate the
gender of Swedish adjectives in noun phrases,
including them in the alignment when they agreed
with the head noun and their inclusion was
necessary to build a conceptual unit (“dåligt
uppförande - misbehaviour” VS “uppförande -
misbehaviour”, where “dåligt” means “bad” and
“uppförande” means “behaviour”).
The POS based word relations had also better
alignments among phrasal verbs that consisted of a
verb and a particle in Swedish and a verb in English
(“tänka ut - decide” VS “tänka - decide”; “klara av -
handle” VS “klara - handle”). They even provided
better alignments of verbs in passive forms
(“uppfattas - are recognized” VS “uppfattas -
regognized”) and more fine grained links division
(“möta - cope”, “strategier - strategies” VS
“strategier möta - strategies cope”).
Table 5: Alignment examples of inflected words with and
without POS.
Inflected words with POS tags VS Lemmas with
POS tags
The statistical results in table 2 show that POS
tagged lemmas produced slightly more precise
alignments with the corpus based GS, while POS
tagged word inflections were slightly more precise
with the GS based on user queries. Inflected words
had also a higher number of correct links with both
GS (see table 3). The analysis of the alignment
tables confirmed these results. POS tagged lemmas
had more precise alignments of single unit words
sharing the same lemma, since word inflections in
the texts were converted into their base forms and
were treated as the same word. This increased their
co-occurrence frequency (see section 3), one of the
basic clues of Uplug. For instance “trotsig” and
“oppositional” co-occurred, in their lemmatized
form, six times in the bitext, while as inflected forms
they appeared two times as “trotsig - oppositional”,
Lemmas no POS Lemmas with POS
tvångsstörning -
obsessive compulsive
tvångsstörning -
obsessive compulsive disorder
trotssyndrom -
oppositional defiant
trotssyndrom - oppositional
defiant disorder
viktreglering – weight viktreglering - weight control
vätskedrivande som -
vätskedrivande - diuretic
skräpmat - junk skräpmat - junk food
betydande - beginner betydande - significant
kontorsstol för – desk
kontorsstol - desk chair
här sjukdom - illness sjukdom - illness
Word inflections no POS Word inflections with POS
aptitlöshet - appetite aptitlöshet - loss of appetite
uppförande - misbehaviour dåligt uppförande -
tänka - decide
ut vettiga - on sensible
tänka ut - decide
vettiga - sensible
barndomsupplevelser -
barndomsupplevelser -
childhood experiences
diet - intake diet - food intake
förestaller - function innate forestaller - picture
ångestdagbok panik - panic
ångestdagbok - panic diary
uppfattas - recognized uppfattas - are recognized
tanker överdrivet -
tänker överdrivet - are
kostrådgivning -
kostrådgivning - diet counselling
förmågan - ability förmågan - the ability
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
twice as “trotsiga - oppositional” and twice as
“trotsigt - oppositional”.
Table 6: Alignment examples of inflected words and
lemmas with POS.
However the removal of number, definiteness and
gender information in Swedish nouns and adjectives,
obtained through lemmatization, determined a
coarser POS tagging, affecting the dynamic clues
(see section 3) and worsening the quality of the
produced MWUs (see table 5). For instance
removing the gender suffix in adjectives made it
more difficult to individuate the nouns the adjectives
referred to, causing less precise alignments in
comparison to inflected forms (e.g. “uppförande -
misbehaviour” instead of “dåligt uppförande -
misbehaviour”). Furthermore wrongly lemmatized
words caused erroneous POS tagging, which led to
less accurate MWU alignments as well. For instance
removing the suffix “t” from Swedish adverbs (e.g
“vanligt”), as if they were adjectives referring to
“ett-”words, made the tagger mark those words as
adjectives instead of adverbs. This caused the
omission of words that were necessary for the
composition of MWUs (“vanlig - common” instead
of “vanligt förekommande - common”).
Inflected words without POS tags VS Lemmas
without POS tags
Lemmas without POS achieved better statistical
results than inflected forms without POS in relation
to both GS (see table 2 and 3). These results were
also confirmed by analyzing the alignments
produced with both forms. The corpus versions
without POS tagging could not benefit from one
important dynamic clue, the POS patterns. This
implied that the other clues had a bigger influence
on the clue alignment process. Two of those clues
were the string similarity coefficient and co-
occurrence coefficient. The inflected forms
presented several erroneous alignments caused by
string similarity of unrelated words and low co-
occurrence of correct words, since inflections of the
same word were considered by the system as
different words. Lemmatization clumped inflected
words to the same base word, increasing their
occurrence frequency, and reducing their string
length. This avoided some erroneous alignments that
occurred in word inflections. For example the corpus
with word inflections produced an alignment
between the Swedish adjective “felaktigt” and the
English gerund verb form “eating”; however the
lemmatized form of “felaktigt”, “felaktig”, co-
occurred often in the lemmatized corpus with the
word “mistake” and was too dissimilar from the base
form of “eating”, “eat”. This generated the link
“felaktig - mistakte” instead of the erroneous
“felaktigt - eating”.
There were no particular differences in the
quality of alignments of proper nouns such as
medicine names (Concerta - Concerta, Buspiron -
Buspiron), since they were not subjected to
This paper has examined the extraction of word
relations from a sample of a medical parallel corpus
in order to create a bilingual lexicon for cross lingual
question answering between Swedish and English.
Four different variants of the sample corpus were
created: word inflections with and without POS
tagging, lemmas with and without POS tagging.
Inflected forms without POS tagging achieved
the lowest results and it is not advisable to utilize
them for the extraction of bilingual lexicon. POS
tagging enhanced the quality of alignments of both
SWUs and MWUs for both inflected forms and
lemmas, especially of units with low frequency rate
in the corpora or units consisting of dissimilar
strings sharing the same POS.
POS tagged lemmas had slightly more precise
alignments than POS tagged inflected words when it
comes to SWUs. Lemmatization converted word
inflections into their base forms, increasing their co-
occurrence coefficients, since they were treated as
the same word. However the information about
gender, number and definiteness contained in the
suffixes of word inflections was crucial for the
Word inflections with POS Lemmas with POS
andningsstörningar -
breathing abnormalities
andningsstörning -
handla mat - shopping handla - shopping
bufféserveringar -
buffet services
bufféservering - progress
buffet service
skönhetsidealer - beauty ideals skönhetsideal - ideal
stämbanden - vocal cords stämband - cord
vanligt förekommande -
vanlig - common
barndomsupplevelse -
experience contact
tanker ut - decides kunna tänka ut - handla be
näringsbehoven - nutritional
näringsbehov - need
dåligt uppförande -
uppförande - misbehaviour
quality of alignment of MWUs. Considering that
multi word terms were present in a larger number in
the GS based on user queries and that the medical
domain is characterized by MWUs, either unknown
to generic lexicons or with meanings specific to this
domain (Rinaldi et al, 2004), it is advisable to utilize
corpora with POS tagged inflections as source for
the extraction of bilingual lexicons for CLQA.
Lemmatization should be applied on the frequency
tables, after producing the word alignments, in order
to group together words sharing the same base form
in the source language or target language and
facilitate the extraction of synonym lists in both
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Tiedemann, J., 2000. Evaluation of Word Alignment
Systems. In LREC'00, 2nd International Conference
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and Search Interfaces. In ICEIS'06, 8th International
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Aunino, L, Kuuskoski, R., & Makkonen, J., 2004. Cross-
Language Question Answering at the University of
Helsinky. In CLEF’ 04, Cross Language Evaluation
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems