A Framework to Perform the Aligment of Manufacturing IS
Virginie Goepp and François Kiefer
INSA de Strasbourg
24, Boulevard de la Victoire
67084 – Strasbourg Cedex, France
Keywords: Manufacturing information system, information alignment, multi-screen view tool, B-SCP.
Abstract: In today highly competitive environment, the complete alignment of information systems (IS) that is to say
not only with the strategy but also with the environment and with the uncertain evolution is crucial. For
manufacturing IS these alignments are complex. The state of the art concerning IS alignment shows that the
existing frameworks mainly concern managers and do not fit to the IS manufacturing context. On the one
hand, B-SCP tends to operationalize these frameworks by coupling them to requirements engineering.
However, only the alignment with the strategy is tackled. On the other hand, the dialectical analysis based
approach of IS manufacturing development tries to integrate multiple alignments through the “multi-screen”
view tool. However, the underlying concepts of this tool remain fuzzy. Therefore, this paper addresses the
formalisation of the “multi-screen” view, in order to work out a framework for analysing mechanisms of
multiple alignments of manufacturing IS. To do this, the contributions of coupling dialectics and “multi-
screen” view to manufacturing IS are detailed through UML class diagrams. Moreover, to better grasp these
contributions its similarities and differences with the B-SCP are outlined.
In today highly competitive environment,
information systems (IS) and related information
technologies (IT) have become real competitive
weapons. In this boarder, the IS alignment is crucial.
In (Camponovo, 2004) it is suggested to study the IS
alignment not only from the strategic alignment
point of view, but to add two other levels enabling to
achieve a global and complete alignment of the IS.
The three proposed levels are the following:
Alignment with the strategy (or strategic
alignment): it focuses on aligning IS strategy to
business strategy.
Alignment with the environment: it concerns the
alignment of the IS with the actors involved,
their needs, uses, issues.
Alignment with uncertain evolution: evolutions
of the strategy and of the environment would
require the IS to be aligned repeatedly. This
level tends to incorporate, in the IS, features to
cope with these evolutions.
As it is exposed in (Goepp, 2006), the alignment
of manufacturing IS is complex. manufacturing
facilities. Research in the strategic alignment field
focuses mainly on the management issues by
proposing theoretical frameworks. For example the
framework proposed in (Polallis, 2003) provides a
co-alignment model and a set of guidelines for
theory building of IS and business practice aspects
of IS. This kind of framework concerns managers
and is difficult to put into action with the
stakeholders involved in the development of
manufacturing IS. Other researches like the B-SCP
approach described in (Bleistein, 2006) suggests to
operationalize strategic alignment frameworks by
coupling them to a requirement engineering (RE)
framework. B-SCP integrates the three themes
strategy, context and process using a RE notation for
each theme. This goal-driven approach enables to
outline the business process elements, which are
“critical” for the evolution. Here, the consistency
between requirements and strategy is checked at a
given moment. The alignment with uncertain
evolution is not tackled. The complete application of
B-SCP requires to work out a detailed business
process model, a complete i* goal model, and a
study of their interactions.
In (Goepp, 2006) it is shown that, for
manufacturing IS, the drawbacks linked to the
difficulty for domain experts to deal with the fuzzy
Goepp V. and Kiefer F. (2007).
KEY-PROBLEMS AND MULTI-SCREEN VIEW - A Framework to Perform the Aligment of Manufacturing IS.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 521-524
DOI: 10.5220/0002366705210524
and abstract concept of a goal, can be tackled
through a key-problem driven approach. It combines
a generic key-problem framework to an exploitation
procedure in order to speed up the working out of an
aligned” IS architecture.
The key-problem framework is fully detailed in
(Goepp, 2003), it is composed of three
contradictions defined as:
The contradiction for a class of systems to limit
the study field,
The contradiction associated to a generic
function to be fulfilled by this class of systems,
The contradiction between two performance
parameters of this function,
The contradiction expressed through a
characteristic element of the function.
Alignment with the environment is implicitly
ensured through mutually negotiated elicitation of
the requirements. The use of the “multi-screen” view
enables to perform a coarse alignment with the
uncertain evolution and with the strategy. Indeed, it
relocates (cf. Figure 1) the system under study both
on a time scale (past, present, future) and on a
systemic scale (sub-system, system, super-system).
This key-problem based approach is limited by the
scope of the projects it could tackle. Moreover, the
“multi-screen” view, that supports alignment, is
based on general but also fuzzy concepts. It is then
not yet possible to formalise a structured approach to
build efficiently a robust “alignment model”.
Figure 1: “Multi-screen” view tool.
This paper addresses the formalisation of the
“multi-screen” view, in order to work out a
framework for analysing mechanisms of multiple
alignments of manufacturing IS. To do this, the
contributions of coupling dialectics and “multi-
screen” view, to the alignment manufacturing IS
have to be detailed. Moreover, to better grasp these
contributions its similarities and differences with the
B-SCP are outlined. In section 2, B-SCP is
introduced. In section 3, a model for the “multi-
screen” view and an instantiation procedure are
proposed. Corresponding concepts of B-SCP are
discussed. In section 4, conclusions, perspectives
and further research directions are discussed.
B-SCP has been fully described in (Bleistein, 2006).
It proposes to operationalize the strategic alignment
modeling framework originally proposed in
(Walsham, 1993) by coupling it to RE notations and
techniques. This modeling framework is structured
around three themes: business strategy, context and
process in B-SCP. The strategy theme refers to how
an organization intends to use IT to compete within
its market or industry. The context theme refers to
the business and organizational environment in
which an organization operates. The process theme
refers to business activities, their support systems
and other organizational resources, roles, entities
and the interactions among all of these. For each
theme a specific RE notation and technique is used.
To the strategy corresponds the i* goal model, to the
context the Jackson context diagram and to the
process the role activity diagram. B-SCP suggests to
use these techniques in an integrated. Concerning
the strategy theme the i* goal taxonomy is
completed with the Business Rules Group’s Model
for Organisational Motivation (BRG-Model). It puts
in relation ends of the system (vision, goal and
objective) and related means (mission, strategy,
tactic) to achieve these ends. To perform strategic
alignment the top-level problem diagram has to be
refined by progression of problems.
The “multi-screen” view tool is a two dimensional
diagram, that organizes relevant concurrent
evolutions of company sub-systems along time.
One dimension is obviously the time. A time pitch
corresponds to the time span between two releases
of the studied sub-system of the company: here the
manufacturing IS of the company. The last time
pitch corresponds to the longest time at which
evolutions can be imagined.
The other dimension is the systemic scale at
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
which the company and its environment could be
observed. The upper level is the Business
Organization corresponding to the company and its
relations with the market. This level is required to
ensure, for the studied manufacturing IS, the
alignment with the strategy. The lower level should
be at least the level of Functional Units of the
Company. Indeed, this level is understandable by all
manufacturing IS users and therefore can support the
alignment with the environment.
Relevant evolutions are classified according to
these two dimensions. More it enables to model the
network of impacts between evolutions.
3.1 Time Patches
Between the as-is time and the longest time at which
evolutions can be imagined, the “multi-screen” view
tool aims, at least, to identify the next release of the
system. Therefore, there are at least: (1) as-is, (2)
next-term and (3) long-term time pitches. However
their number is not limited.
3.2 System Levels
While using B-SCP technics, intermediate levels are
added by projections from upper level to the
machine level. These system levels could be
modeled into the “multi-screen” view tool by adding
some intermediate system levels: at least the
Business Process level, required for IS design (IS
support business processes) (cf. Figure 2) but also,
for instance, Enterprise Activities and Functional
Operations according to the CIM-OSA Framework
(Berio, 1999).
However, due to the number of business
processes, in which the manufacturing functional
units are implied in, and due to the detailed level of
analysis required to address the machine level for
manufacturing IS because of the heterogeneity of
ITs involved on manufacturing facilities, this
projection and alignment process are time
consuming. More, it is difficult to ensure its
robustness because manufacturing IS actors are not
IS specialists.
3.3 Strategy Components
B-SCP focuses only on strategic alignment and
relies on a strategy component taxonomy: the system
means and the system ends. This taxonomy enables
to deploy the company strategy on the IS.
Extending the IS alignment to the alignment with
uncertain evolutions supposes to align both the IT
evolutions along time (at the manufacturing IS
level), and the evolutions within the communities of
practice implied in the functional units. Performing
it implies to deploy an IT strategy along time and a
community of practice strategy. To succeed it we
propose to analyze the evolutions between two time
pitches by relying on the same taxonomy as B-SCP
(cf. Figure 3).
Therefore evolutions gathered in the “multi-
screen” view model have to be linked to the two
kind of strategy components.
3.4 Evolutions
Evolutions modeled in the “multi-screen” view are
linked to a time pitch, a system level and a strategy
component (cf. Figure 4). We propose to model
evolutions linked with the two kinds of strategy
components on separate lines, at each system level.
According to the B-RG model, it helps to clarify
strategy deployment.
Figure 2: System level class diagram.
KEY-PROBLEMS AND MULTI-SCREEN VIEW: A Framework to Perform the Aligment of Manufacturing IS
Figure 3: Strategy components class diagram.
Figure 4: Evolution class diagram.
Figure 5 shows, at the concept level, how the
underlying principles of dialectic analysis used in
the key-problem based approach, helps performing a
complete IS manufacturing alignment through the
use of the “multi-screen” view tool. Indeed,
gathering evolution contradictions highlights main
variables (linked to system means) and states of
performance (linked to system ends). It enables to
spot the evolutions constrained by alignment
concerns (pinpointed in B-SCP by shared
phenomena) in the beginning of the analysis. Further
work will aim to detail the links between evolutions
and corresponding IS architectures.
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Figure 5: Links with dialectical analysis.
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