with data-mining tools. The system also includes
On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) techniques
that make it possible to carry out complex analyses
of the information contained in the DW.
The main contributions made by the PMS-IRIS
methodology is the improvement of the different
existing frameworks, by including aspects that had
been successfully applied in the field of enterprise
integration (Chalmeta et al, 2001).
Applying the PMS-IRIS methodology to 22 SMEs,
the following aspects were confirmed: 1) Staff need
to be trained in performance evaluation, 2) Although
they have some operational computer systems, their
results are not used to formulate long-term
objectives, 3) To ensure the successful
implementation of a PMS an organizational culture
and capacity must exist within the enterprises to
process and interpret information.
Designing a PMS requires careful preparation,
perseverance and the conviction of management.
The application of the PMS-IRIS methodology will
produce changes in the SME, enabling them: Define,
evaluate and update their strategy, Regular reviews
of objectives accomplishment; Support decision
making, Increase communication capabilities, Have
access to more detailed information for drawing up
the strategy, Deploy the strategy to the operative
levels; Incorporate continuous process improvement,
Emphasize the need to utilise information
technology at process level as support for strategy
management, Improve strategy communication for
all members of the organization.
This project has been founded by CICYT DPI2006-14708
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems