each variable, we propose a measurement
methodology. The main contribution of this model is
to address the moderating functionality of IQ
awareness in the relationship of IQ and decision
Based on the model, we provide an empirical
scenario to facilitate the model validation. In the
application scenario, we point out several
experimental indicators such as human learning,
decision issue selection and measurement
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extensions. First, more IQ dimensions could be
included in the IQ measurement. For example, we
could include completeness, relevancy, consistency
etc.. Second, more decision quality measurements
could be taken into consideration, such as decision
consistency and decision consensus. Third, more
experiment indicators could be included to a more
comprehensive and concrete application scenario.
For instance, we could develop a concrete finance
situation for each decision maker or increase the task
complexity of the decision environments. Overall
future work of this research is improving the
theoretical model and building a comprehensive
empirical scenario.
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