provides a basis for numerous opportunities to
further study CCMs.
Some areas for further study of CCMs are given
below. The layered model enables each layer of the
model to be investigated in detail. For instance, at
the operational level, new or emergent processes can
be identified and mathematical models comprising
value functions can be developed to quantify the
value added to the CCM. Keeney’s value-focused
thinking methodology of fundamental and mean
objectives can be further explored in the CCM
model, particularly in linking them to the
interactions with the subsequent layers of the model.
Further mining of innovations from the
WMCCM is needed to capture knowledge of CCMs.
Thus more case studies from the WMCCM will be
investigated in the future for refinement of the
proposed CCM model. Other areas for future work
are to capture experiences gained from past
tenders/projects and to determine the success and
failures of partnerships in CCMs.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems