undergraduate senior Mk students are reluctant on
continuing their education;
- A small percent (22,5%) of the Mk master degree
students found a similar job to the graduated
specialization, and 17,5% of Mk master degree
students have an occupation similar to the master
- Half of the Mk master degree students (50%) are
unemployed for different reasons, not mentioned in
the questionnaires;
- There is a tendency in the Mk master degree area
to attract a large number of graduate students from
other areas (60%) because of the financial support
obtained from different companies, banks etc.
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students’ behavior start with the clustering
techniques (Bresfelean et al, 2006) and continue
with decisional trees, various correlation with the
data extracted from the master degree students to
exemplify detailed behavioral models.
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Economics and Business Administration, by the
CNCSIS Consortium Grant 8/2005, “Collaborative
Information Systems in the Global Economy” and
by the Babeş-Bolyai University Priority Themes
Grant 2/2005, “Collaborative Decision Support
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