Figure 9. The class diagram for the basic accounting
IMAH is applied to the development of accounting
systems ranging from the simple accounting system
to the full-scale Web-base accounting system.
IMAH keeps invariants defined on higher abstract
levels while climbing down the abstraction hierarchy.
Using the simple accounting system, it is described
how invariants are incrementally added to the
developing system. The incremental invariant
addition contributes to avoiding the combinatorial
explosion problem.
The simple accounting system is enhanced to the
basic accounting system and the full-scale Web-base
accounting system. The conceptual progress also
keeps invariants defined in the original system.
IMAH is considered as the conceptual progress of
RUP since both methodologies are performed by
iterative process. However, IMAH is different from
RUP since IMAH has theoretical background.
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applicationDate: Date
applicantName : String
remarks : String
accountingItem: String
amount: Money
<<unique>>number: Integer
accountingItem: String
totalAmount : Money
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems