A LVM-Driven Approach
R. Rajugan, Elizabeth Chang and Tharam S. Dillon
Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute (DEBII), Curtin Univeristy of Technology, Australia
Keywords: XML, data/document warehouse, views, Object-Oriented conceptual models, Layered View Model (LVM),
XML views.
Abstract: Since the introduction of eXtensible Markup Language (XML), XML repositories have gained a foothold in
many global (and government) organizations, where, e-Commerce and e-Business models have maturated in
handling daily transactional data among heterogeneous information systems. Due to this, the amount of data
available for enterprise decision-making process is increasing exponentially and are being stored and/or
communicated in XML. This presents an interesting challenge to investigate models, frameworks and
techniques for organizing and analysing such voluminous, yet distributed XML documents for business
intelligence in the form of XML warehouse repositories and XML marts. In our previous work, we
proposed a Layered View Model (LVM) driven, conceptual modelling framework for the design and
development of an XML Document Warehouse (XDW) model with emphasis on conceptual and logical
semantics. There, we presented a view-driven framework to conceptually model and deploy meaningful
XML FACT repositories in the XDW model. Here, in this paper, we look at the hierarchical dimensions and
their theoretical semantics used to design, specify and define dimensions over an XML FACT repository in
the XDW model. One of the unique properties of this LVM-driven approach is that the dimensions are
considered as first-class citizens of the XDW conceptual model. Also, here, to illustrate our concepts, we
use a real-world case study example; a logically grouped, geographically dispersed, XDW model in the
context of a global logistics and cold-storage company.
Data Warehousing (DW) has been an approach
adopted for handling large volumes of historical data
for detailed analysis and management support.
Transactional data in different databases is cleaned,
aligned and combined to produce good data
warehouses. At the most basic level, data
warehousing has been an approach adopted for
management of large volumes of historical data for
detailed analysis to provide crucial business
intelligence (BI) for organisations in: (i) Decision
Support Systems (DSS) (Elmasri & Navathe 2004;
Gray & Watson 1998), (ii) Management Information
Systems (MIS) (Elmasri & Navathe 2004) and (iii)
Executive Information Systems (Gray & Watson
A data warehouse integrates large amounts of
enterprise data from multiple and independent data
sources consisting of operational databases into a
common repository (Feng & Dillon 2003) for
querying and analysis (using BI tools). In addition,
data warehouses are designed for online analytical
processing (OLAP) (Elmasri & Navathe 2004; Feng
& Dillon 2003; Kimball & Ross 2002; Trujillo,
Luján-Mora & Song 2003), where the queries
aggregate large volumes of data in order to detect
trends and anomalies. To reduce the cost of
executing aggregate queries in such an environment,
warehousing systems usually pre-compute
frequently used aggregates and store each
materialized aggregate view (Feng & Dillon 2003;
Gopalkrishnan, Li & Karlapalem 1999; Theodoratos
& Sellis 1999) in a multidimensional data cube
(Feng & Dillon 2003; Gopalkrishnan, Li &
Karlapalem 1999; Gupta, Mumick & (eds) 1999;
Trujillo, Luján-Mora & Song 2003). These data
cubes group the base data along various dimensions,
corresponding to different sets of operational
attributes, and compute different aggregate functions
(e.g. sum, avg, min, max) on measures.
Rajugan R., Chang E. and S. Dillon T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 60-70
DOI: 10.5220/0002372700600070
In traditional data warehouse terminology, the
dimensional model is represented using FACTs and
dimensions. A FACT is a business performance
measurement usually numeric in nature and a
dimension refers to an independent entity that serves
as an entry point and/or mechanism to extract
meaningful measurements form the associated
FACT (Elmasri & Navathe 2004; Kimball & Caserta
2004; Kimball & Ross 2002). Also, depending on
the dimensional model (i.e. OO (Giovinazzo 2000),
Star Schema, O-R star (Mohammed 2001)) further
terminologies (e.g. FACT dimensions, shared
dimensions, etc.) are defined to elaborate some of
additional features of those models. In the relational
model, the popular dimensional model is the Kimbal
et al. Star Schema model (Kimball & Ross 2002),
where the FACT and the dimensions are represented
using tables (and materialized views), referred to as
FACT and dimension tables. A FACT table is a non-
normalized table with the numeric performance
measurements characterized by a group of (foreign)
keys drawn from the dimensional tables that form a
composite (foreign key).
Since its introduction in 1996, eXtensible
Markup Language (XML) (W3C-XML 2004) has
become the defacto standard for storing and
manipulating self-describing information (meta-
data), which creates vocabularies in assisting
information exchange between heterogenous data
sources over the web (Pokorn'y 2002). Due to this,
there is considerable work to be achieved in order to
allow electronic document handling, electronic
storage, retrieval and exchange. It is envisaged that
XML will also be used for logically encoding
documents for many domains. Hence, it is likely that
a large number of XML documents will populate the
would-be repository and several disparate
transactional databases. Conversely, Enterprise
Content Management (ECM) is the integration and
utilization of one or more technologies, tools, and
methods to capture, manage, store and deliver
content across an enterprise (ECM-AIIM 2005),
where XML is gaining momentum as the data
representation and integration language. One of the
data intensive issues in ECM is the data
warehousing concept that has gained in importance
in recent years (Elmasri & Navathe 2004).
The concern of managing large amounts of XML
document data raises the need to explore the data
warehouse approach through the use of XML
document marts and XML document warehouses.
Since the introduction of dimensional modelling
which, evolves around facts and dimensions, several
design techniques have been proposed to capture
multidimensional data (MD) at the conceptual level.
Ralph Kimball’s Star Schema (Kimball & Ross
2002) proved most popular, from which well-known
conceptual models SnowFlake and StarFlake were
derived. More recent comprehensive data warehouse
design models are built using Object-Oriented
concepts (structural relationships, Object cubes or
data cubes) on the foundation of Star Schema. In
(Abelló, Samos & Saltor 2001; Lujan-Mora, Trujillo
& Song 2002a, 2002b; Luján-Mora, Trujillo &
Vassiliadis 2004; Trujillo et al. 2001) two different
OO modelling approaches are demonstrated where a
data cube is transformed into an OO model
integrating class hierarchies. The Object-Relational
Star schema (O-R Star) model (Mohammed 2001;
Rahayu et al. 2001) aims to envisage data models
and their object features, focusing on hierarchical
dimension presentation, differentiation and their
various sorts of embedded hierarchies.
These models, both object and relational, have a
number of drawbacks, namely: data-oriented without
sufficient emphasis or capturing user requirements;
extensions of semantically poor relational models
(Star, Snowflake models) (Giovinazzo 2000; Rahayu
et al. 2001), original conceptual semantics are lost
before building data warehouses as the operational
data source is relational, further loss of semantics
resulting from oversimplified dimensional modelling
(Nunamaker, Chen & Purdin 1991; Rahayu et al.
2001), time consuming if additional data semantics
are required to satisfy evolving user requirements,
and complex query design and processing is needed,
therefore maintenance is troublesome (Inmon,
Imhoff & Battas 1996; Mohania, Karlapalem &
Kambayashi 1999). In applying these approaches to
the design of XML document warehouses, it is
important to consider XML’s non-scalar, set-based
and semi-structured nature. Traditional design
models lack the ability to utilise or represent XML
design level constructs in a well-defined abstract and
implementation-independent form.
Thus, to resolve some of these issues, in our
work, we consider a conceptual modelling (that
includes user requirement modelling (Vicky Nassis
et al. 2006) approach in proposing a document
warehouse model for XML. In the following
sections we present this model and the associated
semantics in detail.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2
provide the motivation behind the XDW model
proposal, followed by a brief description our
research in Section 3. Section 4 provides XDW
model semantics in detail, followed by the
description of the illustrative real-world case study
example used in this paper. Section 6 concludes this
paper with some discussion on our future research
Only recently, data warehouse models have focused
on incorporating conceptual semantics and user
requirements as part of the model specification. This
kind of work is still in the early stages; only a few
such works consider conceptual semantics (in
contrast to operational data oriented classical data
warehouse designs such as the Star Schema
(Kimball & Ross 2002) model) and are focused on
both conceptual and user requirements as part of the
DW design process.
In this paper, we present our approach to this
problem: a view-driven conceptual framework for
developing dimensional conceptual models for XML
Our work is radically different from existing
works such as (Gopalkrishnan, Li & Karlapalem
1999; Jeong & Hsu 2001; Lucie-Xyleme 2001;
Luján-Mora, Trujillo & Vassiliadis 2004; Luján-
Mora, Vassiliadis & Trujillo 2004; Medina, Luján-
Mora & Trujillo 2002; Mohammed 2001; Mohania,
Karlapalem & Kambayashi 1999). This is because,
in these DW models, views are mainly used to
provide aggregate data and queries, performance (as
materialized views), meta-data and OLAP queries
(Gupta, Mumick & (eds) 1999; Humphries, Hawkins
& Dy 1999; Mohania, Karlapalem & Kambayashi
1999; Trujillo, Luján-Mora & Song 2003). Little
work has been done in the direction of using views
for providing DW architectural constructs and
frameworks (Gopalkrishnan, Li & Karlapalem 1999;
Theodoratos & Sellis 1999).
For XML data, one of the early XML data
warehouse implementations for web data includes
the Xyleme Project (Lucie-Xyleme 2001). The
Xyleme project (Xyleme 2001) was successful and it
was made into a commercial product. It has well
defined implementation architecture and proven
techniques (such as materialised views) to collect
and archive web XML documents into an XML
warehouse for further analysis. Another approach by
Fankhauser et al. (Fankhauser & Klement 2003)
explores some of the changes and challenges of a
document-centric XML warehouse. Other works that
use XML in a data warehouse context include
(Golfarelli, Rizzi & Vrdoljak 2001; Medina, Luján-
Mora & Trujillo 2002). Our research is different
from these works as views are used to model and
design dimensional data instead of using views for
the purpose of providing data granularity,
dimensional refinements and/or for performance
(e.g. materialized views). The XDW is designed for
XML data and documents by incorporating XML
specific data semantics.
Our work is also different from approaches such
as OMG’s CWM approaches (OMG-CWM 2001),
where metadata model specifications based on MOF
(OMG-MOF™ 2003) were proposed for developing
a (mostly relational) data warehouse conceptual
model. Conversely, the works such (Lujan-Mora,
Trujillo & Song 2002a, 2002b; Luján-Mora, Trujillo
& Vassiliadis 2004; Luján-Mora, Vassiliadis &
Trujillo 2004; Trujillo, Luján-Mora & Song 2003;
Trujillo et al. 2001), where conceptual models of a
(mostly relational) data warehouse are developed
using Object-Oriented (OO) techniques and
languages were proposed. Though they are similar to
our work from a conceptual modelling point of view,
the works do not include: (a) an architectural
framework to develop a common framework for
different data domains; (b) explicit data warehouse
requirement specification and notational
representation of such user requirements; and (c)
constructs to model semi-structured (e.g. XML) data
model specific semantics such as ordering. But in
the work, some new directions have been proposed
to support OO concepts in the traditional FACT
driven data warehouse models.
As stated before, in this research, we look at
utilizing views in the Layered View Model (LVM)
for XML (R.Rajugan 2006; R.Rajugan et al. 2005)
as the foundation for developing conceptual
framework for dimensional modelling rather than
representing aggregate and/or dimensional queries
(and query wrappers). Also, the design of the
dimensional model is focused on capturing and
modelling user requirements (Vicky Nassis et al.
2006; Vicky Nassis et al. 2006), as opposed to
developing dimensional models using available
operational data and the associated semantics
(Kimball & Caserta 2004; Luján-Mora & Trujillo
2004). In summary, the main motivation for XDW
research includes:
(i) User requirements: separation of
operational data semantics and data
warehouse user requirements in the case of
XML data and document,
(ii) Top-down approach: separation of
implementation concerns (data format,
structure, etc.) from (XML) data warehouse
conceptual models,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(iii) Expressiveness: formulation of dimensional
semantics that are capable of expressively
modelling XML data (both data and
document centric) semantics,
(iv) XML: providing dimensional semantics that
can be expressed and described using XML
(and XML Schema) itself and
(v) Views in the LVM: investigating application
of the LVM for dimensional modelling in
achieving (ii) – (iv) above.
Another motivation is the design of DW using
conceptual semantics such as in OMG’s Model-
Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative (OMG-MDA
2003). Since the introduction of the MDA initiative,
platform independent models play a vital role in
system development and data engineering. Under the
MDA initiative, first the model of a system is
specified via an abstract notation independent of the
technical or deployment specifications (i.e. Platform
Independent Model or PIM), and then the PIM is
mapped or transformed into a deployment model
(i.e. Platform Specific Model or PSM) by adding
platform or deployment specific information into the
PIM. To support MDA initiatives in ECM (i.e. data
engineering, data semantics, constraints etc.), model
requirements have to be specified precisely at a
higher level of abstraction. This presents an
opportunity to investigate conceptual views as a
means of providing data abstraction and semantics in
PIMs for data intensive MDA solutions.
It should be noted that, though we refer to XDW
as an XML Document Warehouse, the concepts
presented here are common to both data-centric and
document-centric XML documents.
The XDW model proposed in this research is
composed of four design levels, namely:
(i) XDW requirements level
(ii) XDW conceptual level
(iii) XDW logical (or schema) level
(iv) XDW document (or instance) level
Here, except for the requirements level, the other
three levels are analogous to the layers of abstraction
in the LVM. The XDW requirements level, in
addition to the layers of abstraction, enforces user
requirements in the form of (XML) Warehouse
Requirements (WR) and User Requirement (UR)
(Vicky Nassis et al. 2006; Nassis et al. 2005a),
which complements the XDW conceptual model. A
context diagram of this model is given in Fig. 1.
Thus, the uniqueness of the XDW model is also in
its approach to capturing and specifying data
warehouse requirements. This is because,
traditionally, a data warehouse model is heavily
constrained by the available operational data and its
structure, as warehouse modellers and designers
design a data warehouse using bottom-up
approaches (or reverse engineering warehouse
requirements), working from operational data to the
warehouse conceptual model.
Thus, it should be noted here that, in comparison
with traditional data warehouse requirements, as
unique to XDW design, we first develop the UR
model using specialized notations that are
independent of the operational data and/or data
structures. Also, the UR model is developed first
before constructing the conceptual model of the
XDW, but it is iteratively validated against the
available operational data, (conceptual) model
and/or structures. By adopting this approach, we
intend to model and represent user requirements that
are valid yet independent of the operational data.
Also, in addition to adopting user requirement
driven XDW design, the XDW model outlined
below, to best of our knowledge, is unique in its
kind as it is utilizes XML itself (together with XML
Schema) to provide; (i) structural constructs, (ii)
metadata, (iii) validity, and (iv) expressiveness (via
refined granularity and class decompositions).
Figure 1: The XDW Model (context diagram).
As shown in Fig. 1, the first design level is the
user requirement level which has two components,
namely: (a) warehouse requirements, and (b) user
The second design level (Fig. 1) is the XDW
conceptual model that has two main components,
namely: (a) the XML FACT Repository (xFACT)
and (b) the Virtual Dimensions (VDim).
The third level is the logical model of the XDW,
where the schemata transformation of the xFACT
and the associated VDims to (XML) schemas
occurs. The fourth level is the transformation of
VDim construct (i.e. conceptual operators
(R.Rajugan 2006)) to document level query
expressions using one or more native or embedded
query languages (e.g. XQuery, SQL ‘03).
In this paper, we focus only on the conceptual
and the theoretical semantics of the VDims. xFACT
model is discussed in detail in (R.Rajugan, Chang &
Dillon 2005) and the modelling and transformation
of VDim from conceptual level to logical (and
instance level) transformation are analogous to the
views in the LVM, as discussed in detail in
(R.Rajugan et al. 2005, 2006). Thus, we do not
include these discussions in this paper.
3.1 XDW Conceptual Level
As stated earlier, the XDW conceptual model is
composed of: (a) an XML FACT repository
(xFACT); and (b) a collection of associated,
logically grouped conceptual views that satisfies one
or more user requirements given in the UR model.
The xFACT is a snapshot of the underlying
transactional system(s) for a given context.
As defined earlier in (R.Rajugan, Chang &
Dillon 2005; R.Rajugan et al. 2005), a context is
more than a measure or an item that is of interest for
the organization as a whole. In classical data
warehouse models, a context is normally modelled
as an ID packed FACT and associated data
perspectives as dimensions. Usually, due to
constraints of the relational model, a FACT will be
collapsed to a single table, with IDs of its
dimension(s), thus emulating (with combination of
one or more dimension(s)) a data cube (or
dimensional data). A complex set of queries are
needed to extract information from the FACT-
Dimension model. But, in regards to XML, a context
is more than a flattened FACT (or simply referred to
as meaningless FACT) with embedded semantics
and constraints. It will also have embedded
relationships such as those featured in OO models
and semi-structured data such ordered composition,
exclusive disjunction etc. in addition to non-
relational constructs such as set, list, and bag.
Therefore, we argue that, a FACT structure similar
to a (relational) FACT table without the required
semantics does not provide semantic constructs that
are needed to accommodate an XML context.
The role of conceptual views is to provide
perspectives to the document hierarchy stored in the
xFACT repository. Since conceptual views can be
grouped into logical groups, each group is very
similar to that of a subject area (or class categories)
(Dillon & Tan 1993) in OO conceptual modelling
techniques. Each subject-area in the XDW model is
referred to as a cluster of Virtual Dimensions
(VDim) in accordance with dimensional models.
VDim is called virtual; that is, since it is modelled
using XML conceptual views (which are imaginary
XML documents) in the LVM and behaves as a
dimension for the given xFACT. In this paper we
only elaborate on VDims. A detailed discussion on
xFACT can be found in our work in (R.Rajugan,
Chang & Dillon 2005).
3.2 View-Driven Virtual Dimensions
A user requirement, which is captured and specified
in the XDW requirement model (namely UR model),
is transformed into one or more conceptual views in
the LVM, which are referred to as Virtual
Dimension/s, (VDim) in association with the
xFACT. These are typically views involving
aggregation or perspectives of the underlying
xFACT, which serves as the pre-defined context.
A valid user requirement is such that, it can be
satisfied by one or more conceptual views for a
given context (i.e. xFACT). But in the case where
for a given user requirement there is no transactional
document or data fragment to satisfy it, further
enhancements are necessary to make the
requirement feasible to model with a certain xFACT.
Therefore, modelling and specifying VDim is an
iterative process, where user requirements are
validated against the xFACT in conjunction with the
operational data and data semantics. Thus, VDim is
an additional elaboration, extraction and/or
specification of the required information from the
xFACT (thus, from the aggregated operational data).
It should be noted here that, conceptual views are
first-class citizens of the conceptual model.
Therefore, since a VDim is a conceptual view,
VDim is also a first-class citizen of the conceptual
VDim can be materialized (for data refinement
or for the purpose of performance issues such as
relational views in classical Star model) or
aggregated further by defining additional conceptual
views to refine and/or satisfy further user
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this section, we present some of the formal
semantics associated with the XDW model (without
the UR model). Since the proposed model is driven
by views of LVM, some of the concepts and
definitions are extensions and/or an elaboration of
the concepts and definitions presented in (R.Rajugan
et al. 2005).
The XDW conceptual model consists of an
xFACT repository and multiple hierarchical
dimensions. Thus, at first glance, the XDW is
analogous to the Star/Snowflake schema
(Gopalkrishnan, Li & Karlapalem 1999) of the
relational model, or the Operational Data Store
(ODS) (Inmon, Imhoff & Battas 1996) model,
except that both the xFACT and the VDims are
modelled using views in the LVM. Also, since
xFACT is more complex than a relational FACT
table, it can be considered as one context (e.g. sales)
that is of interest to the organization, with multiple
sub-contexts (such as regional-sales, sales-by-city,
sales-by-store etc.). Therefore it can be shown that
there exists a many-to-many (m:n) relationship
between one xFACT and a VDim (or a VDim
4.1 xFACT and View-Driven VDim
Let XML FACT repository (xFACT) be denoted
x and a virtual dimension (VDim) denoted as
V in the XDW model. In work with LVM for
XML, we defined a conceptual view using a context.
Since each VDim is a conceptual view, by
definition, a virtual dimension
V can be defined
Definition 1. A virtual dimension is a conceptual
V , such that
is a 4-ary tuple of
VVV ,, and
, where
V is the
name of the virtual dimension
V ,
V is a set
of objects in
V ,
is a set of object
relationships in
V , and
is a set of
constraints associated with
V and
V .
If one considers an xFACT to be a context, it can
be shown as in definition 2, below using the
definition of context presented in (R.Rajugan et al.
2005, 2006) as:
Definition 2. An XML FACT (xFACT)
xF is defined such that, xF consists of
a xFACT name
xF , a set of objects
xF ,, a set
of object relationships
xF , and a set of
constraints associated with its objects and
xF .
xFxFxFxFxF =
Similar to the definition of a valid conceptual
view (R.Rajugan et al. 2005, 2006), here we can
define a valid virtual dimension as:
Definition 3. A virtual dimension
V called a
valid virtual dimension for a given XML FACT
(xFACT) repository
, if and only if for any
Vobj , there exist objects
xFobjobjobj ,...,,
, such that
11 nm
, where
be a set of conceptual
operators. That is,
obj is a newly derived object
from existing objects
objobjobj ,....,,
a series of conceptual operators
From definition 3, it is intuitively deductible that,
xF for a given
V is actually the context for
V question.
4.2 XDW Relationships
Typically, in an XDW model, for one xFACT, there
exists one or more VDims. Let the total number of
V be n. Let
R denote the relationship
between the xFACT and a VDim and
R between
two dimensions. The relationship between xFACT
xF and VDim
V , may be denoted as:
VxFR =
0 .
Also, the hierarchical relationship (dimensional
hierarchy) between two VDims,
V and
can be shown as:
R and
R may fall into one or more of
the dimension specific relationships type (and
constraints) as: (a) aggregate dimension (minimum ,
maximum, count, average), (b) time-variant
dimension, (c) subject-variant dimension and (d)
aggregate-descriptive dimension.
These types of relationships may correspond to
one or more of the dimensional (conceptual)
operators or queries, as described in (Nassis et al.
2005b). They may be grouped into: (i) aggregate
selection, (ii) aggregate sort/order, (iii)
implicit/explicit joins and (iv) aggregate grouping.
Analogous to the views in the LVM, at the
logical level, these dimensional (conceptual)
operators or queries are transformed into W3C use
case query context algorithms (Nassis et al. 2005b)
and later at the document/instance level to language
specific query expression, such as XQuery and/or
As an illustrative case study for this paper, we intent
to gradually build a e-Sol case study described in
(Chang et al. 2003; ITEC 2002; R.Rajugan et al.
2005) as a XDW conceptual and logical model for
the purposes of archiving and analysing e-Sol data
for the purpose of business planning and
intelligence. We refer to the e-Sol XDW model as e-
Sol-W. Given below is the extended description and
requirements of the e-Sol-W for the purpose of
building a data warehouse and data marts.
For e-Sol to support DSS, EIS and MIS, it is
essential to provide a data model to support
dimensional data in the context of a data warehouse.
Due to e-Sol’s dynamic and heterogeneous nature
(both system and data), the data warehouse model
should support rapidly evolving new data formats
(from relational, XML to propriety data scripts), at a
high level of abstraction. From a local
stakeholder/partners’ perspective, the XDW model
solves some of the problems faced by e-Sol. But
from a global perspective, where multiple
stakeholders/partner systems are involved (i.e.
collaborative partners, global customers, etc.) and
there is a need to support e-Sol’s global information
demand, the role and scope of XDW has to evolve
and a new global warehouse model is inevitable and
an unfortunate reality.
To illustrate our concepts, we highlight a few,
simplified XDW user requirements. We consider a
simplified XDW model for archiving and analysing
warehouse bookings, income and capacity for the
warehouses in the e-Sol. Some of these requirements
include (Fig. 2-3):
(i) Warehouse booking: Warehouse booking
records by (a) customers, (b) companies
and (c) collaborative partners, grouped by
(i) year, (ii) month and (iii) by warehouse
location or by region (e.g. Asia-Pacific,
China etc.). This information may help to
rate customers and to plan warehouse
capacity around the world, for a given time
of the year.
(ii) Warehouse Capacity: Sort warehouse usage
(i.e. slack space and near-full capacity
measure) by year, month and quarterly and
individual Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 capacity
measure for (a) warehouse by region, and
(b) warehouse by country.
(iii) Warehouse Revenue: List warehouse
revenue by (a) year, (b) month (c) quarterly
and (d) individual Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 for
(i) individual warehouses, and (b)
warehouses by region.
In our research, we use UML as the OO
modelling language to represent XDW conceptual
level artefacts (Fig. 2-3). Here, we use of UML just
as a modelling notation as it is easily understood and
standardised. As we have stated in our work in
LVM, other OO languages may also be used instead
of UML. It should be noted here that, we do not
discuss the modelling and design of the xFACT here
and the Fig. 3 is given only for illustrative purpose.
A detailed discussion on the modelling xFACT can
be found in (R.Rajugan, Chang & Dillon 2005).
Example 1: For example, as shown in Fig. 2, in
the e-Sol-W case study, a VDim hierarchy, where
there exist inheritance relationships between the
Quarterly_WarehouseCapacity and the
individual Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 warehouse capacities.
Here, to model and represent XDW concepts, we
utilize UML stereotypes. We introduced a new UML
stereotype called
<<VDim>> to model the virtual
dimensions at the XDW conceptual level. Analogous
to conceptual views in the LVM, this stereotype is
similar to a UML class notation with a defined set of
attributes and methods. The set of methods here can
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
have either: constructors (to construct a VDim) or
manipulators (to manipulate the VDim attribute set).
Similar to conceptual views, at the XDW conceptual
level, VDims can have additional semantic
relationships such as generalization, aggregation,
association and these can be shown using standard
UML notation. In addition to this, two VDims can
also have
<<construct>> relationships with
dependencies. Similarly, an xFACT can be
represented using the
<<xFACT>>, as shown Fig. 2-
We have stated that semantically related
conceptual views could be logically grouped
together as grouping of classes into a subject area.
Further, a new view-hierarchy and/or constructs can
be added to include additional semantics for a given
user requirement. In the XDW conceptual model,
when a collection of similar or related conceptual
views are logically grouped together, we called it
grouped VDims (Fig. 2), implying that it satisfies
one or more logically related user requirement(s).
In addition, we can also construct additional
conceptual view hierarchies as shown in Fig. 2.
These hierarchies may form additional structural or
dependency relationships with existing conceptual
views or view hierarchies (grouped VDims) as
shown in Fig. 2. Thus, it is possible that a cluster of
dimensional hierarchy/ies can be used to model a
certain set of user requirement/s. Therefore we argue
that, this aggregate aspect can give us enough
abstraction and flexibility to design a user-centred
XDW model.
In order to model a hierarchy of VDim and
capture the logical grouping among them, we utilize
the package construct in UML. Thus, a grouped
VDim hierarchy as shown in Fig. 2 can be
represented using the UML package notation. This
in practice describes our logical grouping of
conceptual views and their hierarchies. Thus, we
utilize packages to model our connected dimensions
(Fig. 2).
In Fig 2, we show our case study XDW model
with xFACT and VDims connected via the
<<construct>> stereotype. Also, following the
arguments presented, we can show that, the xFACT
(shown in Fig 2-3) can be grouped into one logical
construct and can be shown in UML as one package.
Example 2: In the e-Sol-W example, as shown
in Fig. 2,
WMS_Warehouse is an xFACT (Fig. 3)
represented using a stereotyped UML package.
Example 3: Also, in Fig 2, a VDim, xFACT, and
the relationship between VDim and the xFACT are
shown using
<<VDim>>, <<xFACT>> and
<<construct>> stereotypes.
Figure 2: VDim hierarchy in e-Sol-W case study (with UML stereotypes).
Example 4: The VDim hierarchical relationships
(Fig. 2) are shown using OO part-of (composition)
relationships or using the
stereotyped (dependency) relationships (i.e. view of
a view).
Example 5: For example, as shown in Fig. 2, in
the e-Sol-W case study, a VDim hierarchy, where
there exist a part-of relationships between the VDim
Quarterly_WarehouseCapacity and the
individual Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 warehouse capacities.
Example 6: In e-Sol-W example, a conceptual
Q1_Warehouse-Revenue, Q2_
, etc. are constructed in the
given context of
Warehouse_Revenue (Fig 2). The
valid context is given by the e-Sol-W
WMS_Warehouse objects (Fig 3).
Example 7: Also in the e-Sol-W example (Fig.
2), a conceptual views
Q2_WarehouseCapacity, etc. are constructed in
the given context of
Figure 3: An xFACT example in the e-Sol-W (WMS-Warehouse).
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
WarehouseCapacity_by_Year. Again the valid
context is given by the e-Sol-W
objects. Also, it should be noted that, due to the
nature of xFACT, further dimensions may be
constructed such as;
, Warehouse-Capacity-
by-Country, etc. providing regional and/or global
Example 8: In Fig. 2, in the xFACT is stated as
a materialized at the conceptual level using OCL
like syntax (R.Rajugan 2006).
Example 9: Similar to the above example, in the
VDim hierarchy of,
WarehouseCapacity_by_Year is stated as a
materialized conceptual view (Fig. 2), implying that
it is a persistence view (or VDim) during the lifetime
of the system. VDim “
Warehouse-Revenue” is
also a materialized view.
In this paper, we presented an intuitive, a view-
driven, conceptual framework (similar to the PIMs
in MDA approach) to conceptually model, design
and implement dimensions using the XML FACT
repository in the XDW model.
For future work, some further issues deserve
investigation. First, the investigation into OLAP
support in the XDW model using such (virtual)
dimensions. Second is the providing formal
explanatory semantics to improve design and
deployment of such dimensions using formalisms
such as fuzzy sets. Finally, it is the formulation of a
valid empirical study to consider and validate
performance and quality issues using large datasets.
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