Chaiyasit Tayabovorn and Songrit Maneewongvatana
Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
126 Pracha-Uthit Road, Bangmod, Thungkru, Bangkok, 10140, Thailand
Keywords: Peer-to-peer, reputation, trust, decentralized.
Abstract: Reputation is a very sensitive and important component in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. In this type of
network, a user who has a well reputation can persuade others to do transactions with her easily. Most of
current P2P networks use centralized reputation systems which have some drawbacks such as scalability,
single point of attack and monopoly of reputation information. Another alternative is to use P2P reputation
system. But most of these P2P reputation systems do not work well in practice due to some strict
assumptions. In this paper, we propose a novel P2P reputation system that separates the entire reputation
community. This results in reputation system that is more flexible, scalable, and controllable. We also
propose a reputation assessment algorithm to evaluate the resources that have never been rated before.
The reputation system is mostly used in eCommerce
system like eBay. Its main function is to gather all
information that relates to an entity in order to assess
that entity’s reputation.
Reputation systems, regardless of their type -
centralized” or “Peer-to-Peer” (P2P), have some
weaknesses. For centralized reputation systems
(CRS), the first weakness is a single point of attack
allowing attackers to hack the system easily. To
protect all attacks aiming at a single place, security
cost is prohibitively high. Also, CRS can cause a
monopoly and a corruption by CRS’s owner. As all
reputation information (RI) control is in the hands of
a single authority, RI can be faked easily. The
validity of RI is hard to monitor. This problem often
arises in online-shopping environment. The
website’s administrator allows buyers to leave rating
on products offered on the website. However, the
corporate has absolute control of the RI and may ask
the administrator to fake new ratings or alter actual
ratings to deceive new-buyers to trust products that
have been poorly rated by previous buyers.
From weaknesses of CRS mentioned above, P2P
reputation system (P2PRS) becomes an attractive
alternative. The idea of P2PRS is to spread RI to all
peers, in order to avoid a single point of attack and a
monopoly. However, nowadays, no P2PRS has been
deployed successfully in practice. The weakness of
P2PRS is that it works in only theories and
assumptions are too restrictive in practice. For
example, the assumption that peers in P2PRS can
locate each other without central entity’s helps, but
such peers are required to be online via only public
IP addresses in order to see all each other. Another
weakness of P2PRS is that it does not allow an
entity’s RI to be referred across communities. For
example, a user has to recreate his own reputation
every time when joining new community, even if in
fact he should be able to refer his own existing
reputation created in prior acceptable communities.
In this paper, we present a novel P2PRS that
focuses on practicality issues. Our key concept is to
create a P2PRS in form of a reputation community,
which is separated from the traditional P2P general
service communities. The separation between two
types of communities will increase the reliability,
flexibility, and scalability. In addition, we propose a
novel algorithm that helps an entity’s reputation
assessment be possible even if the entity has never
been rated before.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Firstly, we describe our P2PRS overview in Section
2. We explain our P2PRS’s interaction protocol in
Section 3. All discussions are covered in Section 4.
Finally, we brief related work in Section 5.
Tayabovorn C. and Maneewongvatana S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 249-252
DOI: 10.5220/0002375502490252
Figure 1: Our P2PRS’s virtual network.
Figure 1 illustrates our P2PRS’s virtual network that
includes: “trading” and “reputation” communities.
Trading community (TC) is a general service P2P
network. One of common P2P services is filesharing
(BitTorrent, 2007), which will be the service that is
discussed throughout the paper. A separated
community, reputation community (RC) is a P2P
network that serves reputation related transaction.
Both communities are separated apart but some
peers can be part of both communities if it can
comply with each community’s roles.
In our P2PRS, the main service is to sharing
shared files. The attributes of shared files are
advertised via the advertising file. The advertising
file contains important information for downloading
files. In our system, we append information into the
advertising file so that it provides the link to the
repository of RI of the associated shared file.
In TC, roles of a peer can be uploader and
downloader or both, which are similar to roles in
general P2P filesharing networks. In RC, possible
peer roles are rep-keeper and rep-tracker. Main
function of a rep-keeper is to keep RI of resources
(shared files in our case) in TC. Rep-tracker’s
functions are to locate the right rep-keeper and to
perform bootstrapping services.
In order to persuade peers to join RC, credit
system may be used. A peer is given higher credit if
it provides more of reputation related service.
The interaction protocol of our P2PRS can be
divided into the following consecutive steps.
3.1 Reputation Installation
This is an initial step to make shared files be able to
support the reputation query, which are requested by
peers of TC, which will be referred to as clients.
Clients who want to share their own files must
update the reputation field in the associated
advertising file. This can be done by sending an
initiated version of the advertising file to rep-tracker.
Afterwards, rep-tracker updates the reputation field
in the advertising file by generating a reputation ID
<rid>, as shown in Figure 2. Rep-tracker also has to
map the rep-keepers responsible for the <rid> by
recoding such mapping information into the rep-
tracker’s database. Finally, the rep-tracker sends the
updated advertising file to the requesting client.
Figure 2: An example of tracker elements attached.
3.2 Reputation Information Access
Once the RI is installed, other clients can access to
RI repository held by the responsible rep-keepers.
Clients can issue two commands: view and update
RI of requested shared file. To locate the responsible
rep-keepers, a client sends a request message to the
rep-tracker specified in the advertising file. The
request message indicates the id of RI of the shared
file and the command from the client (view/update).
After rep-tracker finishes parsing the request
message, it replies the requesting clients with a
coupon message, which contains information to
locate the responsible rep-keepers.
Once the locations of the responsible rep-keepers
are known, the client can access RI repository. This
can be done by sending the copies of coupon
messages to all rep-keepers listed in the coupon
message. Involving rep-keepers look for the
requested RI in their own RI repository. Any rep-
keeper that has the requested RI will execute the
command in the coupon message. Finally, each rep-
keeper will send a result message to the requesting
client. The result message would be either the
requested RI or the updated result data, depending
on the command in the requesting message.
3.3 Reputation Assessment
This last step relates to the assessment of the
reputation of a shared file which a client needs. We
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
called this step reputation assessment (RA). In this
section, we propose a practical algorithm to assess
the reputation. The often-seen problem of RA in
practice is the lack of RI-like (rating) score which
can be used in during a reputation assessment. To
mitigate the problem, our RA algorithm relies on
correlation of previously mutual rating between
uploader and assessor (a client that wants to assess
the reputation of a shared file). This method allows
the assessor to assess the reputation of the uploaded
file even if that file has never been rated before.
The assumption that our algorithm relies on is
that most uploaders share their files when they are
satisfied with those files and want other to download
them. So, if such uploaders are allowed to rate those
files according to their own perspective, they are
very likely to rate their own files positively.
Based on this assumption, the main formula to
assess the reputation is given in Equation (1).
Positive rating is represented by value 1 in Equation
(1). Negative rating is set to be -1.
corrrep /)U,A(1
where rep is a reputation value; “corr(A,U
) is a
correlation function; A and U
are set of the
previously mutual rating given by an assessor and i
uploader, respectively; corr function is shown in
Equation (2).
where N is the number of mutual ratings between X
and Y;
x and y are individual rating to a shared file by X
and Y respectively
U4U1 U2 U3
Figure 3: An example’s reputation assessment.
We use Figure 3 as an example to demonstrate
our algorithm. We assume that the uploaders U
provide the same file F
, which is just released and
has never been rated before. The assessor A
to assess reputation of F
but its reputation has not
been assessed. In this case, A
computes the
coefficients of correlation, corr(A
) where 1 j
4 and finds final rep in Equation (1). All coefficients
are computed via the previously mutual ratings on
given by U
and A
The previously mutual
ratings are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Previously mutual ratings given by U
and A
F1 0 1 1 N/A 0
F2 1 1 1 N/A 1
F3 0 -1 -1 N/A -1
C 0.866 1 0.866 0
Possible rating values are -1, 0, and 1
representing negative, neutral, and positive ratings
respectively. We use Equation (2) to compute the
coefficient of the correlation (C), whose value
ranges between [-1, 1], where -1, 1, in turn stand for
a reverse and a consistent relationship in prior rating.
If there is no mutual rating between two peers, C is
set to be 0, e.g. the case of [U
, A
]. For a peer
whose ratings are all the same values, like all (1,-1
or 0), in using Equation (2), C is undefined even if
the ratings of both peers completely agree. In this
case, we set C heuristically to be 0.75.
Due to space limitation, we show only the
computation for U
and A
as an example. Here are
values to take in Equation (2) to compute the
correlations: N=3;
xy=1; x=1; y=0; x
()( )
We substitute coefficients in Equation (1) with the
values obtained from Equation (2):
4/0866.01866.0683.0 +++= .
The result rep computed from Equation (1) will
have a value in the range of [-1, 1]. A positive value
implies that the assessed file tends to satisfy the
assessor, whereas a negative value implies that it
tends to dissatisfy the assessor. In this example, rep
is 0.683, which means that F
has a rather good
reputation and tend to satisfy the client A
In this section, we will discuss our P2PRS in aspects
of the accessibility and the scalability.
4.1 Accessibility
We define accessibility to be the degree of how
accessible RI is for the clients. Accessibility is a
well gauge, which can affirm the efficiency of a
P2PRS. In this paper, we measure accessibility by
observing the probability that requested RIs are
reachable by clients.
To support our idea, we implemented a simple
simulating program imitating behaviour of peers in
both communities. We evaluate RI’s accessibility by
looking at the number of hops needed to reach peers
that are expected to contain the requested RI. We
compare the accessibility to RIs of our P2PRS and a
normal P2PRS. Normal P2PRS does not have a
separate reputation community.
We set the following parameters in our
simulation. The numbers of peers in TC and in RC
are 3000 and 500, respectively. Each TC peer can
request at most 100 files and can share at most 4
files. The total number of files in all of the peers in
TC is 650. Probabilities in serving RI of a peer in
TC and a peer in RC are 0.5 and 0.95, respectively.
Note that peers in RC have a higher probability in
serving RI since its main task is to provide RI.
Figure 4: The result after the simulation of both models.
The result is shown in Figure 4. Y-axis is the
average probability to obtain the requested RI
successfully, whereas X-axis is the iterations to
trigger all TC’s peers to download, upload, and rate
files according to the configuration given. The graph
has two lines. The higher line is measured from our
P2PRS while another lower is measured from the
normal P2PRS. Both lines in graph indicate that our
P2PRS has higher accessibility.
4.2 Scalability
Our P2PRS increases the load scalability by
separating loads between the filesharing and the RI
related tasks. This improves the efficiency of the
total loads. Also, our P2PRS lets the RI of shared
file be referred to from multiple RCs. The load of
serving RI tasks can be distributed among RCs.
The geographic scalability of a P2P network
mainly replies on helps of one or more local servers,
e.g. Trackers in BitTorrent. Our P2PRS relies on
rep-trackers which act as local servers called rep-
tracker but we can prevent a single point of failure
and monopoly by allowing a community to have
more than one rep-tracker and allowing RI to be
accessible across multiple TCs and RCs to makes RI
more diverse.
Most of previous work focuses on pure P2P’s
principle, ignoring the administration concerns. Our
P2PRS makes the administration scalable by
separating RC and allows multiple rep-trackers in a
RC. This makes it easy to update different strategies
coping with new attacks, without impacting on file
sharing loads or other main activities of TC..
EigenTrust Algorithm (Sepander, 2003) presented a
method that each peer i is assigned an approximate
unique global trust value; reflect the experience of
all peers in the network with peer i. The prominent
point of this paper is to account a global reputation
value based on EigenTrust algorithm, using the
Eigen vector matrix.
Managing Trust (Karl, 2001) proposed a method
of preventing the malicious agents with simple
method of data mining theory, using statistical data
analysis of former transactions and placement
reputation with a decentralized storage system called
Sepandar, D. K., Mario, T. S., & Hector G. 2003. The
EigenTrust algorithm for reputation management in
P2P networks, WWW2003, 640-651.
Karl, A., & Zoran D., 2001. Managing trust in a Peer-to-
Peer information system, CIKM’01, 310-317.
What is BitTorrent? Retrieved March 11, 2007, from
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems