Jeewani Anupama Ginige and Athula Ginige
AeIMS Research Group, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 179, Penrith South DC NSW 1797, Australia
Keywords: Business process, process evolution, contextual information, web-based workflows, process modelling.
Abstract: Environment that shapes a business process consists of regulations, policies, guidelines, goals, etc. referred
to as Contextual Information (CI) both external and internal to the organisation. In today’s global and
competitive business world evolution and changes in CI, forces business processes to change. When
processes are supported with web-based workflows, CI evolutions are required to be reflected in already
automated systems, via process models. Due to limitations of current modelling tools, process related
models fail to encapsulate CI that associates process elements to its environment. This creates
inconsistencies and errors when trying to change implemented systems to reflect high-level CI changes. To
address this, we propose a model, which allows tracing high-level CI changes down to the implementation
level artefacts. Such a model needs to map the complex correlation between CI, all process elements
(object, participants, actions and process flow rules), various web-based workflow artefacts (data, code and
UIs) to a types of changes (modify, add and delete). This holistic view of the proposed model makes this
research standout among other research work in process evolution area.
Organizations have processes to manage their
business, which could be automated with the help
of ICT. The paradox of automating business
processes is their desire to change (Narendra,
2000). In today’s global world, process
environment that consists of Contextual
Information – CI (policies, rules, goals etc),
changes frequently. When processes are
automated, it is required to alter implementation
level artefacts to reflect high-level CI changes
(Han, Sheth, & Bussler, 1998). At present this is
done (largely) by humans in two phases. First,
high-level CI changes are reflected into models.
Then these models introduce changes into
implemented systems. The ability to do this
flawlessly rest with; human’s capability to reflect
CI changes in models cohesively and automated
system’s ability to adapt to changes.
When processes are relatively large and
complex, the task of reflecting high-level CI
changes in models and implemented systems,
could lead to errors and inconsistencies. While
some previous workflow evolution researches
address the issue of making automated systems
adaptable, the problem of reflecting high-level CI
changes in implemented systems is not researched
adequately. Thus, work here is focused on addressing
the gap of linking CI with implementation artefacts,
via process models.
In order to understand the specific research
question and to define the scope of this research, first
the ‘big picture’ of process automation is discussed
1.1 Paradigm of Process Automation
The ‘big picture’ of paradigm of business process
automation consists of four levels; pragmatics,
semantics, syntactic and implementation (figure 1).
This model extends the ‘workflow life cycle’
introduced by (Zur Muehlen, 2004). The extensions
are; i) new level named pragmatic to record CI which
shapes a business process and ii) identification of
certain information that gets ‘leaked-out’ or ‘injected-
in’ at the transformation from one layer to another.
In figure 1, each box indicates a step towards
process automation. The downward arrows represent
the flow of information from one level to another that
helps to construct the component parts at the target
level. The dotted outward arrows represent the
Anupama Ginige J. and Ginige A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 410-415
DOI: 10.5220/0002377104100415
‘leakage’ of information. The inward arrows
illustrate the artificial ‘injection’ of information,
which does not flow from the main channel. The
upward dotted arrows from one level to another
represent the influence and certain information
flow that lower levels may have on re-shaping the
upper levels (Maus, 2001). This concept of re-
shaping upper levels as a result of lower level
changes is outside the scope of this paper.
Let us breifly explore each of these levels.
Pragmatic Level - CI is the environment that sets
the scene and need for a business process
(Ramesh, Jain, Nissen, & Xu, 2005). CI usually
contains policies, goals, strategic planes etc.; both
external and internal to the organisation.
Semantic Level – Presentes actual business
process. Here processes are not necessarily
visualised into formal models. However there is a
general understanding among participants on how
things are done in these ‘invisible processes’
(Senge, 1994). The visualisation of processes takes
place when processes are re-engineered or
automated (McCormac & Rauseo, 2005).
Syntactic Level – Presents processes getting
visualised into models such as workflow models,
object model, organisational chart, etc. Most tools
available for process element modelling are
focused on capturing information required for
implementation only. Thus result in leaking tacit
knowledge; such as experience, mental models,
culture, etc.
Implementation Level- Presents the implemented
system, web-based workflow. There are three
types of artefacts; i) to store persistence
information (database, XML, documents, etc.), ii)
to record logic (code, configuration files, etc.) and
iii) for humans to interact - user interfaces, defined
using (stylesheets, templates, etc.). To assist the use of
implemented system certain tacit knowledge may get
fed back, in the form of help points, tips for use,
FAQs, etc.
In the ‘paradigm of process automation’, we
discuss issue of reflecting changes in high-level CI to
the implementation level. To solve this problem we
propose a meta-model. This model links the complex
correlation between the following; references to CI, all
process elements (object, participants, actions, flow
rules), various web-based workflow artefacts (data
repositories, function code, UIs) and different types of
changes (modification, add, delete) that may take
A detail discussion on the meta-model is presented
in the section 3. Section 4, validates this meta-model
is by applying through an emperical strudy. Next, we
will discuss some previous work, which are closely
related to this research.
There are numerous researches that discuss handling
of process evolution through workflow evolution.
Some of the notable contributions come from
(Bachmendo & Unland, 2001; Casati, Ceri, Pernici, &
Pozzi, 1998; Chiu, Li, & Karlapalem, 2001; Ellis,
Keddara, & Rozenberg, 1995; Governatori, Rotolo, &
Sadiq, 2004). This is not an exhaustive list due to
space limitations. Most of these previous work is
concentrated at the syntactic and implementation
levels in relation to figure 1.
Though not directly related to process evolution,
there is some workflow research that attempts to link
CI with process definition such as (Dong, Chen, Yin,
& Dong, 2002; Maus, 2001; van der Aalst, Kumar, &
Verbeek, 2003).
Ramesh’s (Ramesh et al., 2005) work bares a close
resemblance to the goals that we plan to achieve in our
work, in terms of linking CI evolution as a way of
guiding changes to business processes. Their work
particularly focuses on identifying the re-design needs
of business processes according to CI changes. While
the knowledge management approach used in this
work is acknowledged, their work differs from ours
due to following reasons. Firstly it only maps CI to
the business process in the semantic level (see figure
1), where our aim is to have a mechanism to link this
information up to the lower level implementation
artefacts. Secondly the knowledge reasoning based
automated approach may give recommendations for
re-design that are not particularly practical in a certain
Figure 1: Paradigm of Business Process Automation.
organisation, for example due to budgetary
constraints. Hence it gives the need for human
intervention for process changes with all the
relevant information provided to them.
Most of the above work concentrates on
evolution of flow control aspect only. Works of
(Reichert & Dadam, 1997; Zhang & Wang, 2005)
identifies the importance of linking object data
with workflow models, but in a different
perspective to our work presented here.
According to the literature we have reviewed, it
is apparent that there is a gap in linking the CI to
workflow level artefacts, with a holistic approach.
Therefore we in the next section, present a meta-
model to address this gap.
The meta-model (figure2) consists of four parts; a)
process, b) set of registries, c) mapping of
elements and d) an evolution mapping.
a) Process Elements –
The representation of the process elements is based
on the (WfMC, 1999)’s meta-model that defines
the top level entities of a workflow. As depicted
(figure 2) the processParticipants and
processActions refer to various roles that perform
workflow actions to reach the end goal of the
process. wfRelevantData refer to various instance
level rules that the workflow should refer to in the
enactment of the process. In addition it includes
the process object (processObject) and a
mechanism to refer to other information (in the
entity otherSupportInfo), as help files, FAQ’s, etc..
b) Registries –
Our work is not aimed at automating the evolution
process by synthesising CI changes as proposed in
(Ramesh et al., 2005). This is due two reasons; firstly,
we believe that when provided with all the necessary
information human business analysts are much more
capable of making appropriate decisions according to
the domain requirements, which may not be captured
in any of the CI. Secondly, there are inherent
difficulties in modelling and capturing CI into a
formal representation, as those come from variety of
sources and formats; such as external or internal
policy statements, guidelines, goal statements, laws,
regulations, etc. Therefore, we propose only to refer to
the CI in a registry. In the proposed model there are
three types of registries to keep record of; i) CI
(contextRegistry), ii) different kinds of models used
for process automation (modelRegistry) and iii)
various web based artefacts used to implement the
process (registryOfImpleArtefefacts). The CI registry
will record references to the particular CI in the
following format;
scope (internal | external), type (law |
regulation | policy | ..), section,
location (URL | document | ..),
effectFrom, expiryDate, overidingContext
<self reference>
The overridingContext is a self-reference that
denotes any CI, which is likely to override that
particular entry.
Similarly, the registries that keep record of various
models and web-based workflow artefacts gives
relevant reference to these components.
c) Element Mapping –
Element mappings indicate the relationship between
process elements and registry elements identified in b)
above. The contextMapping entries are similar to the
format (The underline word denotes a foreign key
Figure 2: Meta-Model to Support CI Evolution.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
relationship with another entity in this models.);
this process element is introduced for
this reason in this context
The reasons for introducing various types of
process elements are three fold; for value adding to
the end goal of the process and/or as a gate
keeping function and/or for any legislative
The modelMapping denote the link between
various models created for the process automation
with various process elements. An entry in the
modelMapper reads as;
this process element may be
represented in this model
Some process related additional information
such as help files or some static pages would
usually be directly implemented without being
modelled. However, the other process related
elements such as process object elements may be
modelled in a class diagram. These models are
used to create the implementation artefacts such as
DBMS, XML files, text files, etc. Therefore, to
capture both possibilities an entry to
impleArtefactMapping reads as;
this process element OR model is
implemented in this workflow artefact
d) Evolution Mapping –
Evolution mapping is one of the outcomes of this
meta-model which was inspired by the work of
(Felici, 2003). There authors introduces a model to
keep track of requirement changes in software
applications. Similar to that the evolution mapping
not only allows the business analyst to trace the
components requires changes according to the CI
changes, but also to keep record of each change
over a period of time.
Basically there are three types of changes in, i)
CI (contextEvolutionMapping), ii) models
(modelEvolutionMapping) and iii) implementation
artefacts (webArtefactEvolutionMapping).
Entries in contextEvolutionMapping would
read as;
as a result of modify|add|delete of
this context these process elements
need to modify|add|delete
Entries in modelEvolutionMapping would read
as a result of process-element-
evolution these affected models need
to modify|add|delete
The webArtefactEvolutionMapping records the
following mapping;
As a result of model-evolution OR
process element-evolution these
affected web workflow artefacts need
to modify|add|delete
The referential information used
(taxonomyOfReasons and taxonomyOfchanges)
are not considered to be an integral part of the meta-
model. The taxonomyOfReasons capture the three
types of reasons identified in the paradigm of process
automation; for value adding purposes, for gate
keeping purposes and for legislative reasons, and link
them with appropriate process element for informing
the business analysts the reason for process elements
existence. The taxonomyOfChanges identify the three
type of schema changes that can take place; modify,
add and delete, which was inspired by the early works
of (Banerjee, Kim, & Korth, 1987) in database
evolution and requirement evolution work of (Felici,
In the next section, a practical use of this model is
presented using a process modelling automation task
carried out for a tertiary education institute in
The courses approval process in University of Western
Sydney (UWS), Australia is shaped according several
CIs. At the highest level it is affected by the Higher
Education Act 2003 of Australia. Then there are
organisational (university) and departmental (college
and school) level guidelines, goals and values, which
shapes the courses approval process.
The use of the proposed model will be
demonstrated using the following example related to
the course approval process of UWS;
Example - As indicated in the UWS mission
statement one of the values is ‘collegiality and
participatory decision-making’. To support this clause
the courses approval process elements have the
following; Process object has the facility to attach an
‘internal consultation report’. There is a process
action to ‘upload the consultation report’ by the actor
‘project manager’ and endorsement action by the
‘associate dean academic’ to ensure the ideas raised
are adequately incorporated to the course under
development by the project manager.
For the above scenario let us consider a variety of
entries that would be made in the meta-model in figure
CI registry entries
contex18, Internal, value statement,
2004, 2008, Australian Higher Education
Act 2003
Model registry entries
model67, objectmodel, classdiagram, model
documents, version4
model68, UImodel,
model documents, version3
Implementation artefacts registries entries
artefact5, database.ocasMaster,
contextMapping entries
Report is introduced for value adding
purposes in the context18
tonReport is introduced for value
adding purposes in the context18
tionReport is introduced for gate
keeping purposes in the context18
Model mapping entries
Report is represented in model67
tonReport is represented in model68
itonReport is represented in model68
Implementation artefact mapping entries
am11, mm10 is implemented in this
web-workflow artefact5
am12, mm11 is implemented in this
web-workflow artefact6
am13, mm12 is implemented in this
web-workflow artefact7
Let us assume aforesaid value statement
contex18)get removed from CI. Once this is
notified to the business analyst, he would query the
meta-model using a query similar to;
SELECT process elements FROM
contextMapping WHERE context=Context18
The results would inform him that the course
object attribute named
‘internalForumConsultationReport’ and the two-
process actions uploadInternalConsultationReport
& EndorseInternalConsultationReport are the
affected process items. Business analyst would
then make a decision (in consultation with process
owners), changes that need to happen in elements
and records them in the evolutionMapping tables
as follows;
conevo97, as a result of delete of
this context18 these
port need to delete
conevo98, as a result of delete of
this context18 these
nReport need to delete
conevo99, as a result of delete of
this context18 these
onReport need to delete
Using the following query, the models that are
affected due to above changes can be identified.
SELECT models FROM modelMapping WHERE
element=”identified process elements”
Results would indicate that the two models
model67 and model68 are affected. Hence, the
business analyst would record the changes in the
modelEvolutionMapping as follows;
modevo87, As a result of conevo97
model67 need to modify
modevo88, As a result of conevo98
model68 need to modify
modevo89, As a result of conevo98
model68 need to modify
Then the programmers would query the meta-
model as follows;
SELECT artefacts FROM
impleArtefactMapping WHERE
element=”identified process elements” or
model=”identified models”
The results would indicate that the artefact5,
artefact6 and artefact7 require changes. Hence, the
programmer would either use changed models to
generate the new artefacts or do the changes manually.
These changes are recorded in
webArtefactEvolutionMapping as follows;
artevo77, As a result of modevo87
artefact5 need to modify
Artevo78, As a result of modevo88
artefact6 need to delete
Artevo79, As a result of modevo89
artefact7 need to delete
Based on above responses ‘consultation report’
attribute of the course object can be removed and the
UIs to perform the two tasks ‘upload internal forum
consultation report’ and ‘endorse internal forum
consultation report’ can be deleted. Most importantly,
when programmers are making these changes it can be
assured that errors and inconsistencies are minimal.
This paper attempts to solve the problem of reflecting
high-level CI changes and evolutions in web-based
workflow artefacts, with minimal errors and
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
inconsistencies. The approach used here is the use
of a meta-model, which reference to all-important
component parts of each level in automation
framework; from pragmatic level down to
implementation. With an empirically validation it
was demonstrated how this meta model could be
used for the purpose of tracking impact of a high-
level CI change down to the implementation level.
Various future researches could begin based on
this work. For example, first it requires identifying
appropriate data structures to represent all types of
registries, particularly process elements and
various dependencies among them. Then an
implementation of the proposed meta-model is
required, for practical use.
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